Among the collectible cosmetic items to discover in Critter Café, you'll find backpacks, headbands, and other accessories for your avatar to wear. They're adorable, and therefore, we require more. That's where you come in!
With thanks to dianthus for the suggestion on our suggest-a-reward reward, your task is to design and depict a backpack, headband, or another cosmetic accessory for your Critter Café avatar to wear. Here are the rules:
You're free to depict your accessory however you like - digital art, pen-and-paper drawing, it's all good
Your submission must include an original image and be made through connected social media
The top prizes will go to accessories which appear plausible within the game: they should fit the Critter Café aesthetic and the rough proportions of your avatar, while also showing charm and imagination
As ever, we reserve the right to reject entries that don't meet a certain quality bar; please don't send us a photo of your own IRL backpack, and note that AI-generated images are strictly forbidden - see our AI policy for more.
To prove that your entry is not AI generated, we recommend you include an extra image showing it part-way finished. This isn't mandatory, but it'll help us be certain your image is your own creation.
This is a podium-finish reward in which submissions will only close and be judged on March 10, 2025. The most-upvoted, creative, cutest, effortful, or otherwise best pictures and accessory designs will win the top prizes. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Pot total
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