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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey everyone, I'll go first. I'm Alex - a content manager at Just About. I'll be your first port of call here at Just About Elite, as well as over at Just About EVE Online. I'll be managing our bounties and taking the lead on the day-to-day running of this exciting new community. If you have any bounty ideas, questions about Just About, or anything else, just give me a tag using: @AlexSinclairLack.

A little about me: I'm a big sci-fi nerd (Firefly, Star Wars, Dune, The Expanse) and an MMO lover. My last role before Just About was as the editor of an MMO gaming website, and I've got a specific interest in the evolution of longstanding MMOs that have resisted the genre's decline. For all those reasons, I'm stoked to be getting involved in Just About Elite Dangerous and getting to know you all better. We've done some really cool stuff over at Just About EVE, and I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do here!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Alex Sinclair

Monthly Bounty and Vote on:

Wish lists

New Emotes

Bug Fixes

Cosmetic ideas

DLC Ideas (a new big bad besides the Thargoids? yearly!)

XENO museum - What would be in such a thing (Take some pressure off the idiot Ram-TAh) Something new / old players could walk around and see things (the text codex is nice, but nobody reads anymore, add visuals)

NPC of the month to add (who do players want to see and why)

Secrets (suppressed facts / things in game) - You are new so you probably don't know how the original backers (pre-alpha) were given the promise they could control the narrative for their 300 pounds - or more. They became hostile to the 75 pound backers before the game was released and then continued to control the narrative in the slowest and most boring way for almost a decade, while attacking individuals with their whole group resulting in many community bans in forums (fdev), reddit (elite dangerous group), twitter, and even the elite :dangerous fandom (run by same fraternal-bully group as reddit. I could go on about this for another 100 pages... but yeah. You could bring back the , "Blaze your own trail," without adding the current known addition of, "but don't tell anyone."

Historical Crush

Historical simulation CMDRS would love to visit and see in person (Battle of Hell's Gate - which cost Jaques an arm and a leg!

With 1x1 Sandbox there are so many, many things you could put bounties on. Be nice if Frontier would match the bounties 10x or 100x payout - as it is few and far between content creators that are left a decade into the game. Most were banned and made fun of blazing their own trail.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Bluecrash, there are definitely some ideas we can use in there!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

I have an endless supply of ideas after really living inside the game for many years... use them up.

Boomer's avatar

Hey folks, welcome to Just About Elite! I'm Boomer, the community manager here at Just About. Alex Sinclair is taking point on Just About Elite (and Just About EVE), but you'll also see me, Rich, and Ford James here and around the rest of the platform.

Not to copy Alex's intro but I'm a big sci-fi fan as well, particularly games, films, and TV shows that play around with time travel / distortion. Also, I absolutely love games with cinematic or photo modes, so I really can't wait to see what you do with the bounties we have lined up 😁

If you ever have any questions, comments, feedback, or you just want to chat, feel free to tag me ( Boomer ), Alex Sinclair, Rich, or Ford James. Thanks for joining us and I'll see you around! 🚀

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Into time-travel? Why have you not made a bounty on a time travel story. I have just the perfect one in-game. I'll only post some teasers here though - holding back the link.

Heed the warning. Don't ever attack a Raxxla Hunter, and expect to get away with it.

Rich's avatar

Hey all, my name's Rich and I'm the content lead here at Just About. I work with our content managers Alex Sinclair and Ford James to set bounties, curate articles, and - hopefully! - ensure all the content on our platform brings you joy. You can reach out to any of us (my tag is Rich) if there's anything you'd like to see more or less of, or to our community manager Boomer for anything on the community side.

I've been playing games since the early '90s and before Just About I too was editor of a website in the games media. That led directly to seeing the beauty of Just About; I spent a lot of time in gaming communities reporting on the good, bad, and bizarre not only of what they do, but what gets done to them, and jumped at the chance to get involved in a project that aims to build something better. I hope you'll help us pull it off!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

There are a lot of you in charge here... hopefully avoiding the usual nepotism that has existed in this game for almost a decade. Thankful for what you are doing... so far.

Ford James's avatar

Hey folks, Ford here, and as Rich and Jason have both explained, I'm also a content manager alongside Alex! You can tag me using Ford James and I'll be happy to help. You'll mostly see me in a lot of our other communities, including Minecraft, Pokemon, Sport, Tech, and Film & TV, as I manage the bounties in all of those spaces (and then some)! Like Alex and Rich I also come from a games media background, having been an editor at a few sites in the past.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you, and hopefully I'll see you in some of the other areas of Just About!

Élite Dangereuse's avatar

Hey Just About Team,

Thanks for setting this up!

We are Élite Dangereuse, a team of content creators composed of two French CMDRs: OptimusKoala and ThArGosu.

We have created a website for players to enjoy narrated adventures that explore the lore of Elite Dangerous. The adventures feature puzzles and voice acting in both French and English, featuring notable voices from the community. The website is available in eight languages, and we are approaching 1,000 CMDRs enjoying our many adventures.

We hope to have the opportunity to share our future adventures here when they are released.

We wish Just About Elite Dangerous all the best for the future!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

That sounds amazing! Feel free to share it on Just About Elite (either here or in the main feed). We're all about supporting fan endeavours like that.

Thanks for introducing yourselves, and a warm JA welcome to the pair of you!

Élite Dangereuse's avatar

Thanks! The website is the following:

I will write a more comprehensive post in the main feed a bit later.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

I've just taken a quick look and the website looks great. I'm looking forward to having a deeper dive. Hopefully we can find you some new commanders for your ranks! o7

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Welcome to Just About! I'm looking forward to taking a look at your website. I installed Elite Dangerous for the first time yesterday and not going to lie it was quite overwhelming!

I think your community may be a good way to ease myself in!

Boomer's avatar

Fantastic! I'm sure the members in Content Creators would be very interested in this as well 😁

BCLV4's avatar

Your work is amazing, as I've already said so many times. Keep it up !

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Hello Just About Team,

I am streamer and YouTuber Moonshade Gaming, known within Elite as CMDR Centuris Blake.

I've been playing Elite since just before the Proteus Wave incident, and have actively focused on trade, a bit of exploration, and light combat, though the advent of the Thargoid War has seen me step into the evacuation business. Per Inara, I have over 10k confirmed rescues to date.

Outside of Elite, I am a big sci-fi nerd myself, with my favorite universes being Firefly, Dune, and BattleTech.

I'm excited to be here, and I look forward to seeing what everyone brings to the community.

Nicole's avatar

I LOVE Firefly! Welcome to Just About!

Boomer's avatar

There's so much lore to dig into! Not to spoil a potential bounty idea, but I'd love to hear members recount various major events in Elite history 😊


Will bounties only be for screenshots and art or will it be for anything exciting such as "send us a picture of your squadron taking over an enemy player faction asset".

That would get interesting :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Good question. The short answer is bounties can be for almost anything! Trivia, images, guides, in-game actions, you name it. And when I say you name it, I mean it - next week we'll run our first Elite suggest-a-bounty bounty, asking for your best ideas for Elite bounties. If they're feasible and fun, we'll run them! Over at Just About EVE, for example, we've run bounties ranging from 'write and/or perform a space shanty' all the way through to 'get a kill from every major player alliance'

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I'm primarily from the Just About EVE Online community and can confirm what Alex Sinclair has said from my own experience. There is a huge range of bounties, a lot of them suggested by members of the community.

I know very little about Elite (I'm hoping to learn) but what you've described sounds like it would fit into a bounty really well!

Banana_Phoenix's avatar

Hey Just About,

I'm a Content Creator by the Name of IsraSpheal, My Commander Name is Banana_Phoenix, and I Mainly Stream Elite Dangerous. I have gained a couple of achievements over the past few months. some of which include:

  • Being the First in my Squadron to make it to the Galactic Centre.

  • Taking part in the Cannon Research Signal Survey.

  • Made it to the Elite Ranking Via Exploring, as well as Space Billionaire.

My main role, in a Squadron I am part of, is Recruiter and Flight Leader. I help the newly assigned commanders to get comfy and make their start easier. The main in-game roles I take are Explorer, planetary Biologist and Interplanetary Photographer.

If you have any Questions Feel free to ask, o7.

Rich's avatar

Much respect for your achievements and a very warm welcome to the platform! Really hope you find it rewarding to be here. You might also be interested in our Content Creators community 😊

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Hello and welcome!

How much effort was it to make it to the Galactic Centre? That sounds like a serious undertaking!


Hi Wadd Enderas, and I hope I have correctly replied to you and not someone else - first post on this new platform.

I have been exploring in Elite for much of the eight years I've been playing the game. Getting to the Galactic Centre is not a trivial undertaking, but it is also not something that players should be afraid of attempting if they feel inclined to go wandering. To do it you would want a ship with a good jump range (I would prefer 50+ lys - less is OK too, but it will take longer). The "classic" ships to use would be the Asp Explorer, the Diamondback Explorer, or the Anaconda. The go-to budget ship would be the Hauler.

Equip (and engineer, if you like) the best FSD you can. Use an A-rated FSD and fuel scoop. Everything else should be D-rated, as those are the lightest modules which means your ship has the best possible jump range. You'll want an SRV hangar to expore planets along the way, and if you don't take a detailed surface scanner you could miss out on a lot of credits. Odyssey players will want an Artemis suit if they have any plans to do exobiology scanning along the way, which can be reasonably lucrative.

But I ramble a bit, because I wasn't really intending to write an exploration guide with my first post. Maybe later. The real point is this: do not underestimate the time it will take you. In real life, non-game time, getting to the Galactic Centre, Sag A*, could take days or weeks, depending on how much time you have available to play. One of the reasons I respect Banana_Phoenix and anyone else who has made this trip is simply the amount of time and commitment that's required.

TL;DR? Most players could make the trip, but the real-life time commitment is significant. And while you are out in the black, you can't participate in Community Goals, or the Thargoid War, or any other things that are happening in the Bubble.

So yes, it is a serious undertaking, just as you suspected.'s also rewarding.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

ODHumanity, thanks so much for the detailed response, and welcome to the platform!

It's really interesting stuff, the more I hear about specific details the more intriguing I find ED to be. I am very much looking forward to reading/watching more of your guides as you post them.

I have to say I'm excited to be part of this community as I take my first steps into the game, it makes the prospect a lot less daunting!

dragonblogger's avatar

CMDR DragonBlogger here and have been playing Elite since 1985 on the Commodore 64 and Amiga systems with Frontier (Elite 2) and Elite Dangerous since it was released in 2014. This game is the most played game in my profile and one I keep coming back to. This game just captures the experience of a space sim very well, especially from the perspective of a space ship pilot.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A true Elite veteran in our ranks. Happy to have you hear dragonblogger!


Rogue Roxy here. Part of the Elite community for a long time, mentor, wing mate, video producer at times, and owner of a Discord server mostly dedicated to ED and helping others. Still working on getting ultimate Elite status, but I suck on the On Foot combat. VERY good at ship combat, exobiology, exploration, etc.

Community volunteer for the HCS Voicepacks, but mute IRL. Nothing stops those who try! o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard, Roxy! Great to have you here! We'll be sure to put that ship combat, exobiology, and exploration knowledge to good use!


Greetings Cmdrs o7

Older Cmdr here. Loving the prospect of earning cash just by traversing "The Black ".

whilst I may suck like a Dyson when it comes to combat, I more than make up for it in Exploration, Mining, and Trade.

Not forgetting the BGS and the work our squadron put into that.

Hopefully see you out in the black sometime

Nicole's avatar

Welcome BZSm1th! We're glad to have you!

Twinmerlin's avatar

Hey BZ,

Great to see you here!😃

BCLV4's avatar

o7 CMDRs,

CMDR BCLV4, I started to play Elite in 1985 on Commodore 64, then Elite: Dangerous since 2018.
I play ED every day, with a different activity every day, because Elite: Dangerous offers that !
I'm also Elite Partner on Twitch.
It will a pleasure to discuss / exchange about this fabulous game with other passioned pilots.
See you in the black, or here.

Fly safe. Or not.


Hi, I'm passionate about mmo games in space, I love ED, exploring and getting lost on long journeys looking for things that no one else has found

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice to have you here, Darklay! We'll have to get some 'tell us about your greatest journey' bounties in the schedule

Paul's avatar

Hello new JA members!

I am contemplating getting ED so have joind this community to see what its about.

I found Just About through Plaform 32 (youtube content creator) and have loved this platorm ever since. Im on several other JA communitys such as film & tv, books & comics as well as several video game ones.

Have fun with the bounties!

Sturmer's avatar

So far, any new community at JA has brought interesting experiences to my otherwise routine life. Let’s see where this one takes me!

OneNutPunch's avatar

Hey Peeps, OneNutPunch or my name in Elite Dangerous is CMDR PunchOut. Been playing Elite Dangerous since Release after watching a buddy of mine play the game using the Imperial Clipper named Fanatics34. Been streaming and creating videos on youtube on Elite Dangerous for a years now and with Odyssey things have changed since the Days of Beta-1 Tucanae Blockades or the Days when Player groups were Rampant in Elite. I joined a long time ago in a group called EIC East India Company a trading group that branched off into some PVP.

Due to the rising influx of player groups such as Smiling Dog Crew, Times of Chaos, Adles Armada, and Diamond Frogs. If you haven't figured it out yet I'm a glorified PVPer or some would call a Griefer during the Pirate and System Blockades. Becoming the front page of Reddit was the glory we all sought. But those days are long and gone now I go back and find different things in Odyssey people don't know about. So if somebody doesn't understand how to Deep Core Mine I show them. if someone doesn't know about Naval Courier Missions I'll show them same with Odyssey and all the Footfall weapons Frontier has made.

If you want to check out a video I have here is one which i Talk about Deep Core Mining and how you do it. Nowadays I do play Elite Dangerous just not as much since Early Access games of various Genres have been popping out as of 2024. But if you're wanting to get into Elite Dangerous and Need the Cash this might help in Mining the Big Rocks with all the goodies inside.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great intro! Thanks for sharing and welcome to Just About Elite!

Spidey002's avatar

I’m CMDR Spidey “Rambo” 002 from The Fatherhood. We’re a community of dads, moms, business-people, etc… anyone who only has limited time to log-in to the galaxy or Elite Dangerous.

Our motto is: When the Kids Go to Bed, We Go to Space!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love the motto and the ethos! And hey, it's only so long until they're old enough to fly alongside you! Welcome to JA!

Twinmerlin's avatar

Hi all,

Played the original on the Atari st520 back in the early 90's. I've been playing elite dangerous horizons since the release on Ps4. I transferred to PC when Odyssey launched a coupleof years back.

I'm a founding member of the Greybeard Delta Squadron and our Player faction is the Formidine Greybeard Guild. We are a group of older cmdrs who enjoy all aspects of the game, apart feom Gankers who frustrate me to no end! We are Exploration and BGS focused.

I look forward to meeting new players who enjoy the game too.

Greeting all

CMDR Twinmerlin

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey TwinMerlin! Thanks for the intro! Please make yourself at home and do give me a tag using Alex Sinclair if you have any questions


Hi, I'm several cmdr's

milesred, Q GT70, Paladin and one more still one more new cmdr.

4 carriers and far more ships than they can hold

Also a backer so been there a long time.

After a few months of trying to not blow up I discovered the BGS aka background simulation which is the responses of all npc factions from interaction of cmdrs.

I then got my own faction , a pmf. player minor faction, also have a discord channel for this.

the game has my fav parts of building and flying many different ships then going and killing bad guys or bad machines. and so much more.

So a bounty hunter mostly but playing a game that is like chess and Risk with local factions.

Doing the above led me into the lore as my efforts became a part of it. It also led to a 2 year long war with another group of players, heavy on the immersion during this time...built sooo many ships, expanded into over 80 systems from being content with 18. Groups of other players all having fun trying to kill each other and win wars and elections in order to keep or take property.

The fun in meeting other cmdrs and never knowing if they are friendly or not.

I play both Odyssey v 4 and Legacy Horizons v3.8, that the game was split to keep a version without the on foot and without the graphic changes was /is a sad change but there are many reasons why many cmdrs still play the Legacy version.

I have helped many cmdrs. Had some pmf wars and pvp

Even though I own several of every ship, I spend most of my time in a Hammer/rail anaconda.

Partly because I use one for most things I do and partly because I only play in open and a rail conda imo is #1 deadly .

I spend some time in various cutters mostly for thargoids but also for cargo, so again similar to my condas , my non thargoid cutters sport hammers and a beam.

For those unaware Open mode is where gankers/griefers live and there is always a system in need of protection from them...oddly they seem to mostly vanish when they see all the rails.

Near the beginning I discovered if the game is minmised or if you are in the wrong menu item or panel you will miss messages sent to you. no ding or anything. So I wrote a program to detect messages from the game and ding.

As time went on I expanded it to add info to my excel sheet(nowadays a database instead). My use of excel then a database was due to the information you need for the BGS, exploration, ships and modules engineering of both as well..keeping track of systems and everything in them like stations, markets, shipyards, outfitting, etc...huge importance to the BGS which can affect changes to all the items in these systems. It quickly replaced which was a great web site built by another great cmdr.

Eventually you might remember where to buy stuff but it changes so needs tracking. As for ships and modules, in legacy it was 2 minutes to see all i own in a station and elsewhere. Still dislike the outfitting menu, i like it sortable and visible rather than a pile of icons that show module type, so an extra click to whats in the folder. So my prog shows me what and how i want as soon as get the log update from entering outfitting or shipyard. You try scrolling through an unsortable list of now over 500 ships....

I get it though, like the bgs we were not expected to play or the many many strange ship builds they did not expect us to create, we were not expected to become ship builders and actually build entire fleets like i did/ made my bgs easier to have a fleet at every station I control, very time saving in that regard. The time taken to build was enjoyed as it was part of the simple plan of always being prepared. Plus I do build a lot of ships for fun and stupid things. I average 500mil to 2 bil every week I play, have to spend the credits on something.

The menu changes that odyssey brought made it impossible for me to find my ships, each account had over 400 ships. fdev made it so the log would get a text of all your ships and all your modules so I quickly used that to have my prg make sortable lists like in Legacy. then use an ahk macro to take the ingame menu to the ship i select.

Anyway, the black is calling. 04 cmdrs.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to Just About Elite! It sounds like you've got a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise that's going to be super useful for the community. Happy to have you here!


o7 all - I'm Cmdr Alec Turner and I've been playing Elite: Dangerous (pretty much daily) since just before its launch ten years ago. I played the original Elite on a BBC micro back in 1984 and have been a huge fan of the games ever since.

I'm heavily involved in numerous aspects of the game and its wider community. I've been a major contributor to the official forums, I've been a Fuel Rat, I've written articles for Sagittarius Eye magazine and these days I'm one of the hosts of the weekly Lave Radio podcast. I'm known for my love of driving the Scarab SRV (I founded the Planetary Circumnavigation Club and have driven the thing over 0.40LS or 74,500 miles) and even more so for my involvement with the Elite Dangerous racing community, especially the Buckyball Racing Club which has been running its week long time trial races since 3301 and recently celebrated its 100th race. Here's a video I made for the club featuring a fantastic song that ToCoSo wrote for us (you can find a link the the racing club's Discord in the video description).

To see some of my other exploits in the game check out the rest of my YouTube channel. There are literally hundreds of videos in there, most of which are hopefully quite entertaining.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Awesome intro. Awesome song. Awesome video. We'd have to work out how we could verify winning entries, but it'd be great to get some racing bounties on the go at some point. We also might put together a music-making bounty. Stay tuned!

CorvenDallas's avatar

Corven Dallas reporting for duty


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard, Commander 🫡


I've been known to have an interest in the lore of the game. :) If you're interested, you can find it all here. > The Elite Dangerous Lore.



Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Drew! I came across your series while researching Elite. It's fantastic. We'll be running some Elite lore-based bounties that you'll no doubt excel at. In the meantime, please feel free to share any of your content in our feed. Welcome to Just About!

OrangePheonix's avatar

Hey Just About Team,

I would like to offer a welcome to you all to our wonderfully devoted and knowledgeable community with an o7 (FYI an o7 is a text salute used within the community).

I'm Cmdr OrangePheonix, one of the Elite Dangerous Partnered Content Creators. The content I create is video content on YouTube and regular streams on Twitch as well as promoting of our very passionate and unique community to the best of my ability.

I am very interested to see how the collaboration between "Just About" and "Elite Dangerous" develops.

Today I introduced the "Just About" site to my Twitch viewers and the reception seemed to spike some interest and will hopefully help spread the word of your processes and methods of positively spreading awareness of genres, games and events with obvious focus on Elite Dangerous.

You will soon discover (if not already) that our much loved community is very niche and full of deep seated lore, vast and specific game knowledge as well as a incredible creative imagination.

Welcome to the galaxy of Thargoid wars, Guardian archology, Overcharged Frameshift Drives, Notable Stellar Phenomenons and Galactic Exploration to name a small proportion of what our existence entails.

We playfully refer to our community as "Aggressively Helpful" due to the very much steep learning cliff that has previously been associated with of how to play Elite Dangerous. This is something that the game developers "Frontier" have very much been addressing with their latest updates and improvements of Elite. They have been addressing the accessibility of player progress with the introduction of adjustments of in-game mechanics and addition of pre-built spacecraft which will hopefully with "Just About's" help bring a new generation of Commanders to the Galaxy.

I look forward to offering what content I can to your platform to help with the success of this collaboration between "Just About" and " Elite Dangerous"

Fly safe and if you can't fly safe.... Fly Dangerous ó7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome OrangePheonix! Yours is yet another excellent intro, and it makes me excited to think about the community we can all build together. Thank you for having optimism and an open mind about the collaboration. You sound like you're going to be an excellent fit for the sort of helpful, welcoming community we want to build, and I've got faith that we can together create the sort of content, guides, and community that will attract that generation of new Commanders.

And also, thank you for mentioning us on your stream! o7


hey all, I am doomster. Space ship nerd that i come and go in ED for the past years. I have ventured to the far end of the space, being an explorer only character, even before Odissey. when i returned i started exobio research and exploration.
ive spent a few hours ingame (around 350) and still feel that have alot to offer.

Lets see where justabout is going to get us

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ace. Welcome to Just About, doomster! Happy to have you here!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

Hello Everyone.

I'm Cmdr Phoenix_Dfire from the Top Shift you tube series and the Lave Radio Podcast. Lave Radio is the original Elite Dangerous podcast that's been going longer than the game has been released (Feb 2012 was our first broadcast), and we're just coming up to our 500th Episode.

Obviously I'm a space game fanatic (played everything from Star Raiders on the old Atari VCS 2600 to the Wing Commander Games, X-wing series, Freespace and I-War to Name a few) . The Original Elite in 1984, inspired me to get into maths and computer programming when nothing else would and it's a game that's always been in my life in one way or another.

I'm triple Elite and taking out thargoid Titan's at the moment, and eventually one of my Commanders will make it to Colonia!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ah wow, it's amazing to hear how Elite has influenced and inspired your life choices. This is really cool. I guess you've got something extra special planned for episode 500? Feel free to share the episode (as well as any others) in the feed. Welcome aboard!


O7 cmdrs😁😊😁cmdr Lord Mudbutt here just saying hello add me and lets wing up!!!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome, m'lord Mudbutt! o7

Velkanos's avatar

Hey fellow CMDRs and the Just About mods,

I'm Velkanos (or CMDR Velchanos in-game)

I've played sporadically since beta and have ramped up ever since Horizons. I enjoy all forms of combat, exploration and Odyssey-related activities and insist on helping new players find their way.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to Just About Elite, Velkanos! Happy to have you here!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very nice! Welcome aboard, Commander.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

You should ask FDEV to give you ARX for cosmetics to award with the $$ you are putting up to promote this new type of message fan-board. They will likley give you unique paintjobs to award, as they do for anyone doing in-game events.


Commander Slippy Star. Exobiologist and Deep Space Explorer in my Alliance Challenger .

Hey everyone, Im Anthony. I enjoy space sims and Farming Simulator. ive been playing elite for a few years now. I started back on xbox and am finally playing on pc. Although i have space legs now i have not done much walking in settled civiliation =]. See you in the black commanders.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Cheers Anthony! Welcome to Just About! How did you find the transition from Xbox to PC?

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Since the first day of logging into this site (Sept 2, 2024) I have been getting about a dollar a day for posts... which is more than I ever got from Frontier in 9 years of promoting their game. This is an interesting site.

Gosht's avatar

All hail! I'm Gosht, leader of The Hive squadron, one of the first squads formed to fight the Goid.
Currently located near maelstrom RAIJIN farming the green in a green Krait MK2. Cya in the black!
For The Hive!
For Humanity!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome Gosht, leader of The Hive, vanquishers of the 'goid. Make yourself at home!


Hello cmdrs! I am KUMO Lord Andy Polaris and the most loyal server of Archon Delaine! I can't wait to enjoy the new power play with you all! It is going to be fun! ;)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome Andy! Glad to have you here!



I go by the screen name Clyndes, Cmdr SpaceForceBex in Elite Dangerous and I do alot of Bounty Hunt going after pirates and thargoid alike, I will like to encroach on the final two titans sometime, and I do exploration into the deep depth of the black and will like to visit the galaxy Andromeda when I final have a ship that has a good enough jump range as my Diamond back has 40 ly jump range without shielding, without any utility and internal reinforce hull and module. It just close enough the the 45 ly minimum range for that journing. I will update my clips and videos here at my free time and as regularly

as possible.

So I see you all in the black

o7 cmdrs

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome, Commander. If you're a fan of bounty hunting, you're in the right place!


I started playing Elite: Dangerous in 1985. Sure, it was only black and white visually but trying to land in a Starport with just my mouse and keyboard really brought on the stress. I would keep my market reports (all handwritten) next to me and try to make some money. Always saving for a bigger ship! Anyway, sometime later after I graduated, served in the military, got married and started a family, I found Elite again. And holy moly had it improved!! I love the vastness of space, and the unknown which Elite provides. There is too much to describe about the game now, but suffice to say as an older fella I still get a little excited firing up those engines and heading out for my next great adventure!! o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to Just About Swish! I love this intro. Sounds like that's one more vote for 10+ years in our 'how long have you played Elite' poll:

Boomer's avatar

Hey Imperial Senator Bluecrash, can you try embedding it via the purple (+) and choosing the link option?

This has been flagged by our team, but for now it should allow you to submit to the bounty.

Let me know how you get on.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

yeah... followed your directions - still having issues posting - perhaps you have something clicked as restrictions on my account?


Cmdr ZanoroO here

Hello everyone, I play Elite for quite some time but I'm far from pro player, mostly pve stuff, grind, trade, grind, powerplay for modules, gotr interested about Just About, well play a great game and maybe earn some money, isn't that cool?

the problem is, I don't have any social media, if i post the missions stuff here is enough or I'll need to create an instagran of any other social media to post it?

c ya in the void

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Greetings Commander ZanoroO! Welcome to Just About Elite! In answer to your question, it depends on the bounty type. Some bounties just require text (e.g. tell us about your favourite Elite Dangerous activity) or third-party media (e.g. share your favourite Elite Dangerous video made by someone else). For those bounties, you don't need any other external media account.

However, for original video bounties, you'll need to connect a video account like YouTube, and for image-based bounties, you'll need to connect a social media account like Twitter or Instagram. It's how we validate ownership and authenticity of the media. Original image and video bounties tend to have higher-value rewards than other bounty types, so it may be worth setting one up if you're getting involved in our community. It's also worth noting that some bounties have tiered rewards for different bounty types. For example, we might ask you to tell the story of your first solo PvP win, offering $2 for a text description and $10 for a video description.

I hope that helps. o7

Odinoji's avatar

Hello im Sam

I am from italy, Sol (pinching my fingers right now)

I have ben playing elite almost daily since 2018.

Im a racer, explorer, treasure hunter, recently joined the dark wheel out of shindez.

I enjoy doing silly stuff in game with my last endeavour being harassing gankers using a mighty keelback!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome to the community Odinoji! Great to have you here and thanks for introducing yourself!

XCezor's avatar

Hi Just About!

I've just realised I'm here for 2 months now and never posted anything in this article 😱

Ekhem, I'm Simon, better known as XCezor or CMDR XCezor. I study to become an engineer in computer science. In the free time I also learn Unreal Engine and 2 months ago I started practicing my voice to maybe join later the Polish dubbing group which is for fun translating and voice acting animations and YouTube series.

So I've started my adventure with Elite Dangerous almost 4 years ago and, like everyone, enjoyed learning new mechanics in a new game. My first home system after leaving Pilots Federation starting systems was HR 8014 (probably accidentally started a civil war there by completing missions 😅).

I quickly got involved into Polish Discord communities, such as EDPL (Main Elite Dangerous hub for Polish community) where I've found helpful Commanders that were glad to answer my questions about things I didn't understand.

But the best day was 20/09/2021, when CMDR Kwiatek invited me to a project, a new squadron, that originally had 1 simple yet very difficult goal: Oppose the Federation, 1 of the 3 Superpowers. Squadron that finally after many days of debates was called Aurora Venatores.

Something that felt like a silly idea, very quickly raised to the second most active Polish squadron, with a couple of events each month, a lot of newcomers each week and fast growing in-game faction, slowly getting closer to the Federation-allied systems, and even our own Elite news channel, Aurora News, about newest information from our squadron.

But we also had enemies, our first war with another squadron happened only few months after the formation of our faction. The war ended in a peace, and our enemy became one of the most closest friends.

The rest of the story is too long to be written here, but the first 2 years of Aurora Venatores activity was the best time I've ever had in Elite, that's why I'm referring to it so often in my replies and submissions.

At the end I'll share with you some of the pictures I have made during our events, such as SRV race or Thargoid hunting:

Elite Dangerous is amazing by itself, but what's even greater is the community and I wish all of you to find a place where you can fell great, flying with other Commanders, racing them in Scarabs and spend hours (of free time 😅) on chatting about... technically anything.

Love you guys, o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey XCezor, thanks for the introduction! I've enjoyed your posts over the last couple of months! I've done a little bit of dubbing and voice acting work myself, and I can confirm it's a lot of fun! I love that the battle with your rival squadron had a peaceful resolution. Is there a large Polish Elite community? o7

XCezor's avatar

Hi Alex Sinclair, at this moment the biggest general community I know is Elite Dangerous Polska (EDPL), main Polish hub for anything, where other squadrons can promote themselves on a dedicated channel. Afaik they don't have any squadron (yet they have a private group), it's just a community hub where you can talk with others, post pictures and check some tutorials that others have created.

If we're talking about squadrons, the biggest and most active Polish group are The Winged Hussars, with their own live streams about what's new in Elite, hosted by CMDR Rootsrat, and occasionally setting up large events, like the olympic games, which is a multi-event with a lot of competitions. For some stats, their faction is present in 173 systems and they have over 1500 people on Discord.

Second biggest is probably still Aurora Venatores, from what I see on Inara we are on the second place among the Polish squadrons and on Discord, with a faction present in 50 systems and over 350 people on Discord. We have also a coalition with 3 other squadrons but it's mostly for the defensive purpose, one of those squadrons is Polish Space Division, the same one with which we had our first war. Our relation with The Winged Hussars is rather friendly, we had some shared events like the multi-squadron SRV race, hosted by us.

I've just checked activity on other servers and in terms of most active ones, they are the same as I've already mentioned. Other groups have few messages per week or month on public channels so if someone from Poland or who knows Polish wants to join a community, I'd suggest visit Elite Dangerous Polska first where you can look for a squadron that suits your playstyle. But ofc you can join a squadron first, invite some friends and have fun from it😁 Aurora had only 4 original founders and one of the reasons it raised so quickly is because one of the founders was actively involved in inviting other people.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's awesome, thanks for sharing such a thorough response. If I meet any other Polish ED players, I'll be sure to send them in your direction.

USCSS's avatar


I see on my profile that I have been promoted to level 3.

What are the levels for? Do they offer any benefits?

(Translate in Google Translate)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey there! Right now, the short answer is 'no, they provide no benefits'. Profile levels are currently just a little touch that show how many people have enjoyed your posts and submissions. That said, as we move through our Beta period, we're hoping to return to them to see if we can transform them into something a bit more engaging and fun.


Hey everyone. I'm JC, yo. Not much to say about me, but I'm really glad that this sort of thing exists. Not just because of the rewards, but because the community seems positive.

o7 Commanders, and I'll see you in the black.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Welcome aboard ImJCyo! Hope you enjoy it here. Give me a tag (Alex Sinclair) if you have any questions


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