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Elite Dangerous
USCSS's avatar

The battle against Thor was intense. Their turrets and fleet of Thargoid ships wreaked havoc on our ranks, but thanks to a diversionary tactic, we were able to get close enough for a counterattack. I launched an AX missile directly at its reactor core. The explosion was cataclysmic, and Thor was reduced to scrap.


As you pass the cloud of toxic gas, the energy surges and endless caustic mines. There. Looms Thor the mighty titan, awaiting humanities response to THEIR invasion. It is here we need our brothers and sisters to fight against the invasion, to push them back, to remove the heat of the death flower. Glory to man kind! o7

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Very serious activity in this sector! Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5

AndyFirebladeMuza's avatar

This is CMDR Andy Fireblade Muza reporting live from the battle of Titan Thor.

At the moment of writing, Thor has 2 fully intact hearts and 1 Heart that is slightly damaged remaining.

Here is a first hand experience of my first run at Titan Thor.

I managed to navigate my way through the horrid Caustic cloud to where the Titan was located with no issues. The heat vents were all closed so I waited patiently to pounce. I selected combat mode and my weapons choice for this phase were the good old Beam Laser and Nanite Torpedoes. I positioned my ship just above the Titan surface and kept my Thermal Vent Beam Laser firing to make my Chieftain cold and keep it cold.

After what seemed like an age (30 seconds) the heat vents opened and I pounced. I targeted the vent, boosted towards it while strafing the ship right while keeping the Beam Laser firing and waited for the torps (Torpedoes) to lock on. Once they had locked on I fired and position the ship to aim at the next vent. I repeated the process until all 8 vents had been hit and were pouring out Blue Coloured Nanite glow.

Next phase was to head toward the exposed Titan core and fire at it while it was exposed. Weapons of choice for this phase were, Beam Laser, Multi Cannons and Enhanced AX Missile Racks.

I locked on to core and fired everything I had at the core, I could see a lot of enemy Thargoids approaching from all around and they included the dreaded Glaives.

A Glaive was hitting my ship with everything it had while I was hitting the Core with everything I had. The core began to close after taking a lot of damage from my self and other Commanders. I started to boost away. To my horror my hull was rapidly declining. I heard the Titan scream from all the damage it had taken.

Unfortunately my hull was now down to 15% and still the Glaive was all over me, hitting me with everything as all I could do was watch helplessly as my hull vanished and my COVAS constantly repeated "Module Malfunction" as my Canopy failed followed by an explosion as I was launched into space at the mercy of everything and everyone around.

All I could do now was hope to be rescued as the alternative would mean an anal probing from the Thargoids.

Here's hoping for the former....

Delmarfishy's avatar

Thor is pretty! and pretty much dead after those attack runs we all did- see yall in the fields commanders!

LunchAndDinner's avatar

Bombing Thor has been fun so far, but I got stuck silly inside Thor once and he wouldn't let me go 😂

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

After Action Report


Combat Operations against Titan Thor

17 August 3310, 3:31:48

The Wrath of Turtle Bay squadron pilots have returned from a series of successful forays into the heart of the maelstrom surrounding the Thargoid Titan designated Thor. Engineer Ram Tah's AGF shielding has worked wonders at protecting the Guardian-hybrid power plants, FSD boosters, and Shard Cannons that we have equipped to our Python MkII's, affording us the ability to inflict significantly more severe damage against the Titan's thermal core.

There have also been reports from squadron pilots that, while sometimes helpful, the presence of Pilot's Federation forces in the maelstrom has introduced an added level of difficulty to their missions. Due to the higher presence of human forces, the Titan is on higher alert with larger patrols of Scouts, Interceptors, and Glaive-class Hunters, and this is simply upon initial entry.

While it has been suggested that it might be best to hunt and destroy these Pilot's Federation ships to reduce the Thargoid presence, command staff in WoTB have determined that sharing CMDR Mechan's fate of being tried and convicted for crimes against humanity is not in the best interest of the squadron.

Please see the attached still-frame images provided by WoTB pilots, showcasing their endeavors against the Thargoid forces.

GraphicEqualizer's avatar

Arriving at Titan Thor outside the maelstrom cloud in a kitted-out Mamba and going in for a bombing run. No narration.

See also part two, for the rescue operations!


I heard about the Titan Thor and started watching videos about it, and it sounded so exciting! I've only been playing Elite Dangerous for less than a month and there's still a lot I haven't tried or learned, but I decided to dive right in! I spent the last two weeks just trading and gathering materials for engineering upgrades. With a lot of effort, I managed to buy an Anaconda and purchase the best internal components. Then I started looking for guides and opinions on the best modifications for my ship. I later discovered that my weapons would be ineffective against the Thargoids, as they require a different type of weapon. So after buying the correct weapons, I patiently waited for the day we would attack Thor, thinking I would be ready... but oh boy, I couldn't have been more wrong! Just reaching that corrosive cloud weakened my ship, I was thrown around uncontrollably by a pulse, chased and destroyed by Thargoids, received a missile that destroyed my cargo hatch and lost my limpets, and had some really tough moments... but once there, I saw squadrons working together, each with a specific role, and everyone doing their job perfectly. I received help from commanders to survive there, some repairing my ship and others taking out the Thargoids. I honestly couldn't contribute much, but I witnessed the great work the community is doing and the tremendous effort they're putting in. I can conclude that Thor is having a very bad time, as its health is declining very rapidly.

Spidey002's avatar

As members of The Fatherhood Wing, we know that life comes first. Me and two other pilots, Jammin411 and Crush3r, had limited time to fly together on Friday afternoon. I had to pick up my little pilots from school, and Jammin had a work call to take at 3, so they were already at the Titan when I logged in around 3:30.

We got a couple of good runs in before Jammin ran out of ammo and had to bail for his call. Then one of Crush3r's co-pawlets made a mess in the cockpit that he had to deal with (he could smell the mess in VR).

So I made 3 to 4 more solo Titan runs before I ran two of my AX missile racks dry. Escaped with just over 50% hull, and about 14 mil in bonds.

Pardon the video clipping; I fly in VR, and my computer records the UW screen mirror.


Challenging ships are being shot down, our small squadron has been decimated, ships lost, experienced combat pilots and bounty hunters have recovered emergency pods... new attack tactics have been tried, we thought we were ready for this fight. Our pilots have evolved with the engineers and ship manufacturers, we use new manufactured ship platforms, combining our experience in adapting new technologies and materials, we have managed to advance in the war... soon videos of this fight with the fearless commanders.

AndyFirebladeMuza's avatar

This is CMDR Andy Fireblade Muza reporting live from the battle of Titan Thor.

At the moment of writing, Thor has 2 fully intact hearts and 1 Heart that is slightly damaged remaining.

Here is a first hand experience of my first run at Titan Thor.

I managed to navigate my way through the horrid Caustic cloud to where the Titan was located with no issues. The heat vents were all closed so I waited patiently to pounce. I selected combat mode and my weapons choice for this phase were the good old Beam Laser and Nanite Torpedoes. I positioned my ship just above the Titan surface and kept my Thermal Vent Beam Laser firing to make my Chieftain cold and keep it cold.

After what seemed like an age (30 seconds) the heat vents opened and I pounced. I targeted the vent, boosted towards it while strafing the ship right while keeping the Beam Laser firing and waited for the torps (Torpedoes) to lock on. Once they had locked on I fired and position the ship to aim at the next vent. I repeated the process until all 8 vents had been hit and were pouring out Blue Coloured Nanite glow.

Next phase was to head toward the exposed Titan core and fire at it while it was exposed. Weapons of choice for this phase were, Beam Laser, Multi Cannons and Enhanced AX Missile Racks.

I locked on to core and fired everything I had at the core, I could see a lot of enemy Thargoids approaching from all around and they included the dreaded Glaives.

A Glaive was hitting my ship with everything it had while I was hitting the Core with everything I had. The core began to close after taking a lot of damage from my self and other Commanders. I started to boost away. To my horror my hull was rapidly declining. I heard the Titan scream from all the damage it had taken.

Unfortunately my hull was now down to 15% and still the Glaive was all over me, hitting me with everything as all I could do was watch helplessly as my hull vanished and my COVAS constantly repeated "Module Malfunction" as my Canopy failed followed by an explosion as I was launched into space at the mercy of everything and everyone around.

All I could do now was hope to be rescued as the alternative would mean an anal probing from the Thargoids.

Here's hoping for the former....

Rich's avatar

Hey AndyFirebladeMuza, thanks for the detailed report! Just letting you know though that you've submitted this as a normal reply to the thread, not as an official bounty submission. We won't be able to grant you rewards for this as is - could you please use the purple 'submit' button at the top of the thread and just copy and paste your report into a proper submission? We want you to get the rewards you deserve!

AndyFirebladeMuza's avatar

Ah, I had a brain to finger interface error.


My opinion wont be liked.

Been sitting there for days, sadly I get 14k bounty every time some cmdr damages it...I dis-like getting a bounty for watching.

I think its poor taste.

Saddens me hearing its screams.

at least deer run away.

no point explaining, But I am pro Thargoid.

Never cashed in any thargoid bounties, I bounty hunt people for free and would be very happy to shoot the PF but they dont exist.

Remember 2 things

we shot first

we stole our fsd from them by capturing and killing them.

Their either stupid(not likely) bugs or have extreme patience.


Rich's avatar

Hey Q_GT70, thanks for an intriguing angle on the Thargoid conflict! If you intended this as an official submission to this bounty, I'm afraid you've left a normal reply on the thread, and we're not able (from a technical perspective) to pay out rewards to replies. It's easily fixed though; would you please use the purple 'submit' button at the top and just copy/paste your report into an official submission? Thanks!


My Mamba is fitted only to damage the heat core and is always on silent running near the Titan. Always producing more heatsinks.

The Thargoids generally don't see me but I churn through heatsinks the whole time because my ship isnt engineered so it can cool itself off sufficently enough using lasers.

When heat core comes out I throw every AX Missile I have on it.

Most of the time Thargoids don't bother me while I do this. Eventually one notices me and starts to fight at which point I fly a bit away from the titan to get them off my tail.

Repeat until I've had enough or got shot down by one too many Thargoids that I came too close to.


Salvage Run Report: Titan Thor

Fleet Unit: ASP Exp
Ident: OWL226

Log Starts...

The titan is dead...
I wonder if there was ever a chance humanity could have become friends with these beings.

I look out over the devastation from my cockpit and a haze of green-ish particles drifts among the massive sections of the once functioning titan.

I've identified viable salvage: Meta Alloys, Titan hearts, Various misc salvage


All salvage ops interrupted by remaining hostile Thargoid ships.
Taking heavy damage.

Costs of re-cloning & replacement ship incurred.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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