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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
JHenckes's avatar

All very incredible artwork, congratulations to everyone, but a special congratulations to CMDR Henckes for his tribute to the old game kit! It was a very professional job, it's lovely to look at every detail of it, congratulations, 1st place was more than deserved!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Thanks, I really appreciate the kindness! 😊😊

CMDR Henckes's avatar

This reward was by far my favourite here in Just About! And I think a lot of the CMDR motioned here maybe share a similar feeling!

I want to congratulate Beetlejude and Rac for the 2nd and 3rd place, it was well deserved, I even thought that one of you would take the first place, your works are amazing.

And congratulate CMDR John Wick, LiquidMorkite, yan57436, MQC and Osiliran for the other amazing works and I hope to see all of you in next Rewards like this again.


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