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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Slamscape's avatar

I know I can't enter twice, but I've done 2 Cobra build videos so far I thought people might enjoy.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders.

I bring you a build for the Cobra MkV to turn it into an infiltration ship which is used to hack holoscreens in space stations, a task that Power Play 2.0 asks for.

The advantage of this ship is that it is small and very fast which is useful for stealth and also for escaping, if we are detected.

At the end of the video I show a GamePlay of how I hack holoscreens.

(Translated with Google Translate)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Cobra MkV exobiology

Everytime there's a new multi-purpose ship, I find myself firing up Edsy to make an exploration build. Experimenting to get the max jump range has been quite a passion to me. The Cobra Mk 5 is small, handles pretty well, good heat management, small footprint, and, like all the new-gen ships, has very decent SCO optimization. This makes it a candiate for exploration, and more specifically, exobiology, it is an upgraded Dolphin/Imperial Courier with extra jump range and SCO optimized.

Edsy link is attached above, feel free to slap on an 2G SRV hangar if you don't feel like flying around with your ship's tip above the ground.

RicardosGaming's avatar

The CObra MkV is a great Mutlirole all rounder - whether you outfit it as a hauler, jumper, explorer or combat ship it really has something for you - but outfitted for Jump range - how far can it jump??

#elitedangerous RicardosGaming @JustAbout__

ENDERS's avatar

You are an inspiration sir. Love it. Keep killin it!


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