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EVE Online

EVE Online
FUN INC's avatar

these are all ace in one way or another! love SKINR!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

We tried :) Thanks for the mention, however, we do love that :)

Great designs but BTH on the "ugly" one, I actually quite like Sturmer's input.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha, I said the same to Sturmer on the bounty post. I think it looks rad!

Sturmer's avatar

Boooo, my passion in creating uglyness is wasted! hahaha,

Alex Sinclair there seems an error, as you have dual Nyx pics, instead my 'Adidas' edition

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Sturmer - that's updated now!

LukaZaharin's avatar

I enjoyed the SKINR stuff a lot, but I must say I don't think the winner of the ugly one is "deserved". I really liked that skin! I don't fly the Amarr shuttle, but if I did I would have to think about getting it a new skin!

JHenckes's avatar

Third place was awesome and the bonus one is hilarious for being so creative hahaha


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