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EVE Online

EVE Online
Dydo's avatar

This question is just like asking "Who is the best super-hero?" in a comic book store - you just can1t ask it.

That said, definitely Minmatar - not only because they're a Republic, but because of their values and history.

They may not be the most technologically advanced faction, and their ships sometimes look like space junk, but they have the most adaptable kit available, giving players a wide range of options. I don’t care about advanced technology, corporations, or the idea of being ruled by an Empire. The underground, rebellious spirit of the Minmatar was one of the main reasons I chose them when I started playing EVE Online.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I am a Caldari Fanboi.

It's not about which we own Jita, this my friends is another story.
We hold our beliefs in Shields rather than Armor or , thank god,also no  Hull.
Our Missile reaches further and if this is not enough we have railguns.
In an alternative fiction universe we would be the superior class, but here in New Eden we are limited to physical rules. 

Over the past years we hold the place for the number #1 Mission Runner in Faction Warfare.
There is always something mighty if you say the name of the Ship.
Golem - Marauder Class Battleship.
But there is nothing which could harm the Gallente Ishtar in Nullsec ratting, for now.

With the Equinox Expansion rising, Caldariy fully committed to use this as their shrine.
With Honor to the Family Caldari will stay strong and shine like the sun in the darkest times.

Also we are the ones which use ECM Jammers, so we can have your full focus :P

Two of the best cruisers have Caldari DNA.
Orthrus as the ultimate frigate destroyer
Gila has the powerhouse which can run anykind of PVE Events.


In my opinion the best faction is Caldari.

When you choose caldari you spawn next to the biggest trade hub in the game; Jita. You can very easily (of course if you have already made enough isk) buy almost everything as cheap as it can be.

For me they look the coolest, i like their vibe of being "imperial' one.

I love (even if it is not practical one) the concect of tanking everything on the shields, not in the armor

I love the way that missiles work( in which caldari specializes the most), shot and forgot! They always hit ( of course you have to remember about some factors!).

Drake (Caldari battlecruiser).

Limal's avatar

While I can pilot many ships, Minmatar remains my favorite faction. The signature speed tank is the real deal, backed by devastating artillery alpha, the sweet ta-ta-ta of autocannons, and of course—space rust!

Their COSMOS storyline is the most dramatic, even their station designs have character.

Oh, and...










Despite being Caldari by origin, I call Minmatar sspace as my home.

orik Kado's avatar

For me, the best faction will always be Caldari.

I really love their ships, weapons, and corporate-driven government system. Even though I know it's not the best, using shields as the main defense is super fun for me. I feel that their ship designs are perhaps the closest to what we all imagine when we think of a future in space.

And if I had to choose a second faction, I absolutely love everything behind ORE.

Being the leader in mining ship development is something I find amazing.

I want more ORE suits!

Lumin's avatar

In rust we trust!

Minmatar is, and will always be, my favourite faction. From the moment I stepped into character creation and saw their scrappy looking ships and junkyard chic style I knew they were going be the right choice for me. Vherokior for life!

The idea of playing the underdogs is always a great fantasy to pull from, and I honestly believe that the Minmatar ships are some of the most creatively designed of the lot.

With that said the Sisters of EVE do hold a special place in my heart, too, and playing them one day would be a dream come true <3

CommanderA9's avatar

Trust in the rust of the Minmatar Republic!

Each empire specializes in a particular doctrine (Gallente utilize armor and hybrids, Caldari use missiles and shields, Amarr use lasers and armor), but it is the Minmatar that distinguish themselves with two particular aspects: flexibility and adaptability.

Minmatar ships can adopt both shields and armor defenses, allowing them a level of versatility that other empires sorely lack. Their ammunition selection can also fire all damage types. Therefore, they can adapt to any mission and any enemy, if they know their strength and weaknesses. Their weapons also do not require any capacitor usage whatsoever, allowing them to better allocate that energy to more demanding modules such as neutralizers and armor repair systems. Their speed and maneuverability are relatively unmatched.

There is also a fun factor in flying Minmatar ships that no other ship offers. I once read in a few pilot biographies a quote which read to the effect of “Flying Minmatar is like riding a wheelie chair down a flight of stairs while dual-wielding AK-47s on full-auto.” Firing 800mm Gatling Guns is reminiscent of flying the GAU-8 Avenger 30mm of an A-10 Thunderbolt II as it shreds any target, even small frigate-sized craft. A full rack of 1400mm howitzers can drop a target’s shields in a single volley. Albeit the lengthy reload time, the realization that comes with facing Minmatar battleships sporting howitzer artillery cannons is an intimidating moment for any enemy captain.

This fun factor also comes from the sensation of flying ships of an empire that is constantly trying to prove itself as legitimate, especially in the wake of achieving victory. Mainly, the allure of the iconic Rifter still follows that ship, even twenty years into EVE Online’s history. No other ship carries the sensation of flying it into combat quite life the Rifter, and quite like Minmatar ships.


In lore...

Amarr (And the related Khanid and Ammatar) are out, as they are self-righteous slavers.
Gallente are out, as they have huge crime and corruption issues
Caldari struggle with pirates, and inter-corporation strife, and are constantly losing classified documents to spies or pirate factions
Minmatar are probably the best of the empires, but they need serious help with technological advancements, structure integrity, and duct-tape production

Blood Raiders aren't even an option
Sanshas are even worse
Guristas, Angels, and Serpentis aren't bad if you don't have a moral compass
Mordus get shot by literally everyone (Every faction has the Mordus Headhunters missions)
SoCT are mysterious and militant: you'll never get in
EoM are straight terrorists
ORE wouldn't be too bad, but have concerning relationships with Mordus and Serpentis
Upwell employs grey-area slavery through use of clones
Triglavians will shoot you on sight

Thus, the best faction lore-wise would probably be one of CONCORD, EDENCOM, or Sisters of EVE. If ships they have are part of the equation, then CONCORD is the obvious best choice.

Practically speaking, the Gallente is the best first choice of ships for newbros to train into, as Gallente spaceship command skills are required for 4 of the 8 pirate factions. Additionally, half of Gallente ships are dedicated droneboats, which are very useful for Alphas and PVE. (Doubly useful for Alpha PVE)


Since this is super open ended, I'll look at the four main factions regarding their tournament capabilities across various roles.

Logistics - Amarr, the Guardian, Deacon, and Augoror are all essentially BiS ships with few downsides.

Tackle - Minmatar, range bonused webs are incredibly powerful in the meta and Minmatar has all of them, enough said.

Control - Gallente, I give the slight nod here to damps over disruption due to the overall utility across any enemy ship.

Damage - Amarr, it's hard to argue with the wide variety and power of many of the Amarr options, from their beam based BCs and cruisers, to the Mega Pulse Laser II battleships, and even their drone and rapid heavy platform in the Armageddon Navy Issue, it's hard to argue that Amarr doesn't have the edge.

Utility - Minmatar, overall they just have more spare slots than the other races allowing for more useful utility modules, though they lack the bonused neuts of the Amarr, they do have better strength paints and more midslots on armor fits than the other races.

Overall - Amarr, if I had to go single race for a whole tournament I would go with Amarr, unless I knew what race every other team was also flying in advance, then obviously I'd need to side Caldari and just stack racial ewar to match.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

As a beta player, for me it has been and always will be Amarr, so let's dive into why:

Back before mining barges , the best ship to use to mine was the Apocalypse, Amarr battleship, it was also used in fleets as well, it's sister ship the Armageddon, as also referred to as the "gankageddon" as with a full T2 Mega Pulse loadout, this ship was nuts to PvP in, they landed on you, you're done!

Now let's talk destroyers, whilst we have the wimp gankers in high sec with their T2 Cata's, the Coercer is the superior T1 destroyer in eve online, it has no equal in PvP, not even the vaunted Thrasher can stand up to it.

Assault Frigates - the Retribution is supreme when it comes to T2 frigate AF's, its DPS and tank ability are unstoppable.

HAC's - PvP - Zealot - Nuff Said - You know how to use it? People are going to get rekt

I could go on and on but for me, Amarr are supreme for both PvP and PvE

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Lusitani, Dobunni, Aetolians Is the best combination of player factions in the game because I used real earth history making it fdev. The official ghost pirates of the game! Which was predicted in the book “And Here the Wheel”. Read or listen to the book to understand me and my special factions, the factions were created in 3307 and on PlayStation Xbox and pc (Legacy) (Live)

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

(Grammar correction: making it with fdev)sorry just realized with was for eve online, I will try to bring my pirate ghost faction to eve online. Just About has inspired me to start playing! 🫡


Has to has to be Minmitar. The underdog punching up is a really cool theme in Eve. Freed from Amarr but holding Empire space with the other 3 factions. I also love artillery, shields and speed. Thrasher, Stabbers, Typhoons, and Vargurs are some of my favorite ships in game. In rust we trust!

Sturmer's avatar

I assume this question refers to creating a new character. A few years ago, I would have said it didn’t matter. However, with the Triglavian invasion and the emergence of Ahbazon, the Amarr space has become completely isolated.

Similarly, Uedama’s activity has left Rens, Hek, and Dodixie somewhat cut off, making Minmatar and Gallente regions less appealing for new players.

Meanwhile, the escalation system and loot prices heavily favor Guristas rats, leaving us with one clear factional choice: Caldari.

Here’s why:

  • You start just three jumps from Jita, the game’s largest trade hub.

  • Caldari space is rich in DED complexes and escalations that even rookie pilots can complete for excellent ISK returns.

  • Caldari characters come with missile-related skills that are right out of the box, which are fantastic for PvE. Auto-targeting missiles, in particular, make quick work of sites like Refuges and Dens.

So, in short: Caldari is the no-brainer choice for 2024.

Also... Tengu, Drake, Phoenix - no competitors.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

This is spicey! A straight simple question, that could draw a lot of attention.

I am going to vote for Minmatar. I very much enjoy the versatility of their ships, although the training is quite skillintensive as you need to train for both armor and shield tank as well as projectile turrets and missiles. I like the mix of range and dps provided by their turrets and the unpredictability of the tank bonus. In addition, they build the fastest ships of the four empires. Their high speed and good agility bring a lot of fun in my opinion.

I know I might cause a discussion here, but I like the design of many Minmatar ships as well. I think they actually look like space vessels with their rusty plates.


A bit of a complex question, no doubt. Minmatar has always had a special place for its incredible versatility. Of course, mastering their ships is not so simple and requires special attention to all the variables. You have to consider the armor, shields, turrets, etc... in short, it is a bit complex but rewarding to fly. And let's face it, Minmatar ships have their own unique style that is often underestimated. And then that industrial, slightly rough look tells the story of a thousand battles and is the representation par excellence of freedom and strategic flexibility

Boomer's avatar

Hey farrukhmubeen, thanks for submitting to this reward. Can you tell us a bit about why you chose Caldari?

The reward criteria lists some ideas to get you started:

To win a prize, simply make your case with video or text for which is the best faction. Be it their ships, their philosophy, their lore, or something else entirely, the reasons you use to justify your choice with are completely up to you. There's no formal minimal word count, but we're expecting at least a few sentences.

You can edit your submission with the extra details, or start fresh with a new submission after deleting this one.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) or Alex Sinclair if you have any questions 🙂


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