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EVE Online

EVE Online
greybill's avatar

Otro Gariushi had one of the most impressive careers in New Eden. From the son of a drug dealer to Guristas pirate to capsuleer and finally CEO of the Ishukone mega-corporation.

The Broker had to ram a Nyx, a super carrier-class vessel, into a station to end this man's run.*

*That part can be read in the novel THE EMPYREAN AGE by Tony Gonzales.
ISBN 978-07653-6390-944 - I greatly recommend it.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Book of Records from the Amarr Empire. It's like this giant fammily tree and history book roled into one for everyone in the empire. It lists everyone's name, when they were born, who their kids are, and when they died. Emperors or nobles, they get these detailed write ups. There's this huge library in Dam Torsad where they keep all these books, but there's also a digital version so you can check it out online. Being in this book means you're officially part of the Amarr scene, following their religion. But if you get kicked out, that's the worst thing that can happen, you lose everything, your status, your belongings, and any chance at a good afterlife according to their beliefs. It's worse than being enslaved in their society.

The Book of Records comes before the making of the Amarr Empire with old school scrolls. The book had problems at the start but as the lore progressed became a staple in the lore. I find this very fascinating and interesting piece of Eve Online lore! 🤓🥰


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