Time for a bit of fun, and a possibly interesting experiment. Draw the cover art for an album of your choice in a basic image editing app - Paint is ideal - then, submit your masterpiece to this bounty through a linked social media account (instructions below).
Do not say what album you've drawn! That's because - though we've no way of incentivising this yet - we'd love to see you and all members here on JAMS play a game of guessing which album each submission represents, and perhaps talking about the albums too.
We'll award $4 apiece to the six best, most-engaged, or most-upvoted submissions, which is where the possibly interesting bit happens: pick an album that's too well known, or do too good a job drawing it, and the answer will be obvious, leading to fewer replies. Do with that information what you will - let's see what happens!
already paid
$20 / 24
This reward closed to entries at 10:45am on June 24, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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