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Dom W's avatar

Savveee meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Dom W's avatar

Here's my entry. An early 00s nu-metal classic. I've left out the band title and album title, but it should be pretty easy to guess! Heavy use of the paint can 🤣

Horror and Cats's avatar

For the utmost challenge both on my part and the part of the guesser, I drew this using only my laptop track pad in basic (not 3D) MS Paint. Hit me with the album guesses!

Scrbzy's avatar

I love this, immediately I thought it looked like a Disturbed album, had to look up what one it could be.. is it Indestructible?

Scrbzy's avatar

Guess it's just testament to your drawing skills!

Horror and Cats's avatar

At first I did one of The Sickness with a stylus and was like naw, too easy 🙄

Sturmer's avatar

Do you realize that MS Paint is no longer just a colourful pencil and a paint bucket? It's now a powerful media tool with AI capabilities and layers!


Rich's avatar

Been a while since I've used it in fairness! But the beauty of this idea is Paint's new features still don't change the game: "pick an album that's too well known, or do too good a job drawing it, and the answer will be obvious, leading to fewer replies".

Sturmer's avatar

As a devoted MS Paint evangelist since 1992, I fully endorse this type of bounty.

Rich's avatar

Credit to Scrbzy for this fun idea on our latest suggest-a-bounty bounty!

Shovel's avatar

I’m gonna do you one better, I did some pottery painting and I’ve done the album on the actual plate itself, not the best angle to take a picture I know but it’d be interesting to see if anyone can guess what album art this is

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Now that is very artsy :) No idea, but its very artsy!


Released in 1991, this best selling album sold over 30 million copies worldwide.

Had to miss out drawing the band name to give it away too much ;) Simplest drawing i think I've ever done!

FUN INC's avatar

Metallica, Metallica, aka. The Black Album

Sturmer's avatar

I hope it won't be that easy, as drawing so many lines took me a while!

Dom W's avatar

That’s not Little Hell by city and colour is it??

Sturmer's avatar

I little hint, on a pic you see the original (on the left) and my hand-drawn (on the right)

The album has 4 words, the last one as a question. Released in 2005

Scrbzy's avatar

I'm sure it's the album that Dakota by Stereophonics is off of, so googling that...

Language. Sex. Violence. Other?

Dave's avatar

Paint and notepad. Still the best bundled software in windows lol.

Limal's avatar

I hope this won't be hard to guess

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was debating if I should enter with my legendary bad drawing skills or not and the only idea which I could do without smashing my keyboard and mouse to pieces was this exact cover. Glad I came here to check if someone had the same idea, and you definitely did a lot better than I would have :D

Limal's avatar

i love lines, straight lines, as my shaky hands cant draw anything either

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Here is mine! I totally did not look through my wife's CD collection for ideas...


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