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taha's avatar

Here is my new idea for a psychic type Pokémon ... Cristobolt!

I've also got the Japanese name for it, which would be Kesshoboruto, which translates to "crystal bolt", hinting at this being a psychic type as well as electric!

It would have the Levitate ability and could potentially change appearance as it moves and attacks, with more bolts coming out of it when attacking or becoming brighter when it makes a move.

It's inspired by both night lights and plasma balls, as they both remind me of crystal balls but in a more electric form. The Pokédex entry I've made for it ties it nicely into being an electric as well as a psychic type:

"Fortune tellers have used Cristobolt's electrical currents to help stimulate their brains and their cute appearance make them beautiful to look at when it gets dark."

I haven't got any evolutions for it but that could always change. I definitely think it could have a Tera form as a purely psychic type if it ever needed to be just psychic.

Cristobolt's moveset could include psychic moves like Future Sight, Zen Headbutt, Heal Pulse and Psychic, as well as electric moves like Eerie Impulse, Electro Ball, Parabolic Charge and Thunder Shock!

Ford James's avatar

Hey taha, thanks for entering this bounty and putting in that much effort! Sadly, we were unable to reward you because as mentioned in the description, we require all original images to be posted via a connected social media account so we can verify ownership. You're obviously a talented artist though, and there'll be more bounties like this one coming soon, so don't let this dissuade you from entering in future - just don't forget to connect your account! ✌

Kings Court's avatar

I Choose you, MALICIOSO !

Malicioso is a dark and mysterious pokemon, unknown to many it rarely shows itself unless threatened or startled.
Malicioso has great and terrorfying power, with the ability to control people and pokemon alike, making them do their bidding or cause themselves harm in order to protect Malicioso.
Malicioso can also cause psychic damage by attacking an enemy with attacks that only the strong of will can hope to avoid.

To gain this Pokemon you have to tread places most fear to go and wait till after dark, acting as bait, then with strong light pokemon wear down its HP !

Malicioso !

yan57436's avatar

The drawing reminded me a lot of “ojama yellow” from yu-gi-oh hahaha

Kings Court's avatar

hahahah yes !! I see it !
I also got massive "Ahhh Real Monsters" feels from it too !

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's what it was reminding me of! What a blast from the past.

Kings Court's avatar

Such a great cartoon !! I am going to go rewatch them now !

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I loved the design, would be a terrify Pokémon in the shows and in games!

Kings Court's avatar

hahaha Thank you ! its kinda what I was going for !

Shovel's avatar


My new Pokemon is an evolution from Eevee. It can be evolved by leveling up while holding a Psychic Shard during the day in a location with strong psychic energy like near a psychic type gym or at a specific mystical site.

It has the ability to synchronise so when Nysteon is affected by a status condition, the opponent is inflicted with the same condition. It also has a hidden ability with is Magic Guard. The means that Mysteon only takes damage from attach negating any damage from weather, status conditions of recoils.

Some stats for you below!

  • HP 60

  • Attack 60

  • Defense 65

  • Spc attack 130

  • Spc defence 95

  • Speed 110

Signature move

  • Name: Mind veil

  • Type: psychic

  • Category: special

  • Power: 90

  • Accuracy: 100

  • PP: 10

  • Effect: the user creates a psychic veil that protects it from status conditions for 5 turns. During this time, the users special defence is also increased by 1 stage at a time.

Some additional moves include Psychic, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Future Sight, Reflect, Light Screen, Psyshock and Moonblast.

I wanted the look of Mysteon to be sleek and elegant. A form that embodies the ethereal nature. I feel like my design combines elegance, mystery and mystical attributes that is expected of a psychic type Pokemon while also staying true to the Eeveelution design principles.

Ford James's avatar

Espeon, eat your heart out! 😄

Shovel's avatar

Espeon who?? There’s a new dude in town!!


I would definitely buy a plush of this pokemon!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Alanim is the base Pokémon with 2 evolutions, 1st is the Seragan and the 2nd is the Thronan. They are inspired in the angels described in the bible of the Christianity religion and Pokemóns like Lugia, Arceus and Unown. All the Pokemon stages are Psychic and Flying types and theirs wings allow them to flight some meters above the ground.

They mais powers are focused in healing and predictions, like the "Healing Wish" and "Forewarn". The last evolution will receive an special ability, the "clairvoyance", that will allow the Pokémon to predict the moves of the opponents, it is a move that can be used 5 times only and when used the Pokémon will, by random, get the status of this ability on 1 to 3 turns.

The Flying abilities are way less common but they will have abilities like "Air Cutter" and "Feather Dance".

But telling about the story behind the origin of the Pokémon I though like it be ancients creatures from legends like the the legends of Arceus and they were created after the birth of Arceus and worked for him to keep the balance in the universe.

JHenckes's avatar

What a wonderful piece of work, it's really cool that it was based on a representation of biblical angels!

I think what I liked most was the evolutionary line, it's very harmonious, it makes sense and it's very beautiful!

yan57436's avatar

I thought it was incredible how representative it was and how you adapted it. Incredible!


I loved it, I always love this thematic and it was a well made painting!! Congratulations!!

Kings Court's avatar

Like this ! going biblical with it and also breaking from some of the tropes of the Psychic type shapes and visuals !

Braulio Lara 's avatar


Mystic Pokémon master of the Night and mind control with the combination of his big rounded eyes and a swiveling pocket Clock

almost don’t need to fight just fly, landing quietly and if you look at him they will controlling you 😳

this is a creation made by me just using the back part of a letter and a pen 🖊️ (100% original handmade in 5 minutes 🫣)

I hope you like it my proposal of Psychic- Type Pokémon

God bless you all

Sturmer's avatar

Another family art evening, but this time we’re experimenting with a new drawing gadget – the S Pen. I know, it looks terrible, and we ran out of space to add moves and evolutions, but we’re continuing to explore new possibilities! The concept was a collaborative effort by the whole family, with the sketch done by me and the skillful colouring by my son.

This fun project inspired the creation of Psykarrot, a Psychic/Grass Pokemon, and though it’s not perfect, it’s all part of the process of bringing new ideas to life.

Pokémon Name: Psykarrot

Type: Psychic/Grass

Stats (Pokémon GO):

  • Attack: 230

  • Defense: 160

  • Stamina: 170


Fast Moves:

1. Confusion (Psychic)

2. Vine Whip (Grass)

Charged Moves:

1. Psystrike (Psychic) – Powerful and rare.

2. Leaf Storm (Grass) – Strong Grass-type move.

Strengths and Weaknesses

160% Super Effective Damage: Against Fighting, Poison, Water, Ground, and Rock types.

Resists (60% or less): Fighting and Psychic-type moves. bb Machamp ;)

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Hey, I don't know if there is time, but for the submission be eligible to be rewarded the Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or Instagram account should be linked with your just about account

You can do this through this link:

They ask this to check the authenticity of the bounty submission.

After that you'll be able to see an "ORIGINAL" sign above your Twitter post.

Sturmer's avatar

Seems like a bug, this account was linked for like 10 months.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Oh I see, strange but glad you still able to participate! Nice drawing by the way, great family work!!

Ford James's avatar

Hey folks, just want to say thanks for everyone's effort in this bounty! Every single submission was absolutely brilliant and in an ideal world, there'd have been enough rewards to go around for everyone... but I know for next time to increase the number of rewards available! Keep an eye out for another bounty to design a new Pokemon coming soon! ✌

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