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yan57436's avatar

Hades in Smite 2 is a short-range mage and his main focus is on damage and survival, you can choose to play in the solo lane or mid. I really like that his style is a mix of magic damage and resistance, much like what we know as a bruiser. I didn't play him much in smite 1, but from what I've seen in some comments, he's kept his essence.

Let's get to the skills!

Passive: “Blight” - Applies the “Blight” effect to enemies hit by skills or basic attacks, reducing their strength and intelligence, which ends up reducing their damage. Your game will run on the passive, making the god brutal in combat

Ability 1: “Death from Below” - Hades deals area damage, if the enemy is marked with blight (remember the passive? haha), he will be slowed down.

Ability 2: “Shroud of Darkness” - Hades silences enemies in a cone in front of him (if you've played lol, imagine the W of cho gath), if the affected enemy is blighted, he will be frightened (he will run in the opposite direction to you).

Ability 3: “Devour Souls” - Deals damage in an area while healing Hades and his nearby allies. Enemies affected by blighted take extra damage and deal damage to surrounding enemies, generating more healing. This ability is where the god's big boom is, try using this skill between waves and you'll see what healing is all about hahaha

Ultimate: “Pillar of Agony” - Hades' ultimate creates an area around him, becoming immune, sucking enemies closer while dealing continuous damage. While ulting, he can recast any of his abilities, such as 1 to reposition himself, or 3 to increase healing while attracting enemies.


Fight the minions nearby: As I said above, your 3, together with a good wave of minions will guarantee you good damage and great healing

Repositioning: Take advantage of the ult recast with your 1, allowing you to change plans during combat.

Build: I asked my friend JHenckes who knows the most about the doll haha, for help, and he told me that if you're just starting out with the doll, the automatic builds will be fine

Toretto 70's avatar


  • Passive Ability : Blight

    when Hades hit an enemy God,minion,camp, or boss with ability or auto attack, that enemy becomes blighted, enemy lose strength and intelligence also reducing their damage output.

  • First Ability : Death From Below

    This ability allows Hades to leap underground and emerge at target location, dealing magical damage around his exit point while applying blight, enemy become slowed upon being hit

  • Second Ability : Shroud of Darkness

    Hades silences enemies in a core in front of him while applying blight. Silenced enemies cannot cast abilities but can still auto attack.

  • Third Ability : Devour Souls

    This AOE ability deals magical damage around Hades and applies blight to enemies.

  • Ultimate Ability : Pillar of Agony

    Hades create a vortex that pulls in enemies over time while dealing magical damage.

Optimal role for Hades

  • Solo Lane : in this role, focus on sustaining through minion waves using your healing from Devour Soul while applying pressure on your oppoment.

  • Mid Lane: Utilize your AOE abilities to clear waves quickly and engage in skirmishes with enemy Gods.

JHenckes's avatar

Mid is my main lane, so this is another character I'll be able to break down for you. Even though Hades has shown more results in Solo and Support lanes, mainly due to the value of the tank build, I still enjoy playing him in Mid.

Hades is great at Area of Effect Damage and Crowd Control because of his abilities. His passive turns out to be your main asset, as it debuffs your opponent and increases the damage you deal!

He is an extremely offensive character who manages to take advantage of his life-stealing when the right items are used to strengthen his trump card.

Now let's understand each of your skills:

  • Passive (Blight): It causes the “Blight” effect, which basically lowers the enemy's strength and intelligence and strengthens their abilities. It's very important to have several characters marked in a teamfight to increase your damage

  • Ability 1 (Death from Below): Hades makes a very long move and damages the enemy (slows him down if he's Blighted). It's a great skill for running away or starting a battle

  • Ability 2 (Shroud of Darkness): Silences the enemies in front of you (causes fear in those who are marked). The skill's range isn't that great, but it's very useful for dodging melee characters

  • Ability 3 (Devour Souls): Causes magical damage in an area around you (marked enemies explode and you and your allies in the area heal).

  • Ultimate (Pillar of Agony): This one is very good, but a bit complex to explain, check it out: Hades starts dealing area damage (a very large area) by channeling the skill and then teleporting to the selected location. After teleporting, it continues to deal continuous damage in the new area, as well as pulling enemies closer. (Marked enemies have reduced physical and magical protection). Not least, Hades becomes immune during this process and gains magical and physical protection! Is that good enough for you or not? Hahaha

After the skills, I'll try to talk a bit about the builds for Hades. The auto-builds are very well done for them, but for those who are already more experienced, you can and should create the builds manually to adapt to each match. As this guide is intended to help people who don't know the character that well, I'm going to focus on talking about auto-builds:

As I said above, Hades has worked best with the Bruiser and Hybrid Tank builds, since they're the preferred builds for Solo or Support, but I'll explain each one now and whether it's worth it!

  • Burst Damage: It's the best auto-build for the mid lane, as Hades can use his skill 1 to get close to enemies and deal a lot of damage at once. It's a good way to ensure pressure in the mid lane throughout the game, but watch out for ambushes!

  • Bruiser: It's the best auto-build for the solo lane, as it guarantees greater sustain during the game while still dealing a good amount of damage. It's perfect for dominating minions in the game!

  • Hybrid Tank: This has been considered the best build for Hades after some changes to the character, where his healing has become very strong and combats perfectly with a higher maximum life build. It's the build mainly used in support Hades and it has allowed a good control of territory

Hades is a character that is not the best option for beginners. But he's an extremely entertaining character. You should try it out and draw your own conclusions

Inpunktion's avatar

Use case: Hades is best played from the Solo lane, but has his place in the Mid lane as well, these roles gives him ample space and time to farm and get to the point in the game where he is able to have a big impact with his large AOE abilities and crowd control.

Passive: Hades' passive has some things going for it behind the scenes but also allows his other abilities to become much stronger and more flexible. Whenever you hit an enemy god, minion, jungle camp, or jungle boss with an ability or auto attack as Hades that enemy becomes blighted, blighted enemies lose strength and intelligence therefore dealing less damage. Blight also changes how your other abilities interact which I will go into further detail later.

1st Ability: Hades 1 is a simple leap ability where Hades goes underground and appears at his target location dealing magical damage around his exit point and of course applying blight, enemies who are already afflicted with blight will be slowed when hit with this ability.

2nd Ability: Hades 2 silences enemies in a cone in front of him and applies blight, silence makes it so enemies cannot cast abilities, they can however auto attack. Enemies that are already afflicted with blight are feared meaning they run away from Hades unable to cast abilities or auto attack.

3rd Ability: Hades 3 is his bread and butter, a damage-dealing and healing ability all in one. At first glance, this ability simply does magical damage in an AOE around Hades and once again applies blight, enemies already afflicted with blight however are detonated receiving even more damage from Hades 3rd ability and also damaging other enemies around them, this detonation acts like a chain reaction and also heals you and nearby allies for each blight detonation.

4th Ability: Hades ultimate ability is a really big upgrade from his old Smite 1 counterpart. Hades ultimate creates a vortex around him that slowly pulls in enemies dealing magical damage over time. Hades is also able to cast any one of his other abilities during the channel of his ultimate to swing the fight in his favor. Let's say that you need more burst damage during your ultimate to finish off low targets looking to escape, you can use your 3 to do just that and heal yourself and nearby allies to boot. Did someone dash or leap out of your ultimate? Just use your 1st ability to leap while continuing the channel of Hades ultimate to both deal some extra burst damage and keep enemies inside the vortex. I am sure there are some use cases for using his 2nd ability during the ultimate but I find his 1st and 3rd abilities much more useful in most situations. Keep in mind Hades also gains protections and crowd control immunity during his ultimate making him a pain to finish off and get away from. It's also worth noting that blighted enemies in your ultimate lose protections as well.

Additional information: Hades can be a menace in team fights and is no slouch fighting into enemy minion waves due to his chain reaction heal and detonation ability. Hades does struggle in the jungle where there are fewer enemies to heal and detonate off of so try not to get caught out! Due to the nature of his ultimate ability rooting him, Hades becomes a bit of a sitting duck during the channel, however thanks to his increased protections, cc immunity, and ability to heal and burst down nearby opponents it's no easy task taking him down, and in the middle of a chaotic team fight hades can run a muck taking down back liners and causing a panic across the entire fight for the enemy team when positioned well. This god is also a prime example of a character that you will want to learn how to auto attack cancel on, this means throwing in an auto attack before and after each ability to both increase overall DPS and reapply his blight passive, this playstyle synergizes well with items like Polynomicon and to a lesser extent Hydras' lament to further increase DPS.


Hades is, as he was in Smite 1, a close ranged magical damage bruiser, designed primarily for solo lane but with some flex into the mid lane possible too. His kit is largely unchanged from Smite 1 - his passive, 1, and 2 are almost identical, with a very small tweak to the 3 and a pretty large buff to the ult.

His 3 heals teammates in a larger radius now, with healing projectiles seeking them out, similar to Baron Samedi's 2. This means your team no longer has to huddle tightly around you and the wave for the healing.

Hades ult got a huge buff comparatively though, and it now allows you to cast one other ability during the channel, regardless of the cooldown on that ability. This means that you can 1 -> 4 -> instantly 1 again, or any other combo. This unlocks a lot of cool new combos for Hades, like double healing, or dashing to keep enemies in the ult (the aoe moves with you when you dash).

Build wise, your average Hades build will look very similar to Smite 1. He scales solely off of Intelligence, so there's no reason to build any strength items at all. This means you'll be doing either a typical mage build (possibly with some lifesteal), or a typical intelligence bruiser build. The autobuilds are actually decent for these, but if you want another suggestion:

  • Full Damage: Conduit Gem (Archmage's Gem) > Book of Thoth > Blood-Bound Book > The Cosmic Horror > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti, Typhon's Fang. Alternative items: Staff of Myrddin, Soul Reaver, Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus.

  • Intelligence Bruiser: Conduit Gem (Archmage's Gem) > Book of Thoth > Breastplate of Valor > Helm of Darkness > The Cosmic Horror > Genji's Guard > Stone of Binding. Alternative items: Helm of Radiance, Triton's Conch, Polynomicon, Leviathan's Hide.

With either build, your relic options are pretty flexible, but I would suggest either Sundering Arc or Blink Rune. Sunder allows you more pressure in lane by allowing easier buff invades, and objective secure lategame, whereas Blink allows you more engage possibility in fights, and a bit more safety.

Typical ability combo:

  • 1 (Death from Below) - Dash (technically a leap, sue me) onto your target god, closing the gap and putting you in melee range.

  • Auto attack - AA cancelling is super important on 99% of the gods in Smite, and Hades is no different, especially with Polynomicon. If you are unfamiliar with the term please go look it up on youtube and practice it in your next games.

  • 2 (Shroud of Darkness) - Either your dash or the auto attack will have applied Blight on the enemy, meaning this ability will now fear the enemy away from you, making them unable to damage you or use abilities (or Blink) to escape.

  • Auto attack again

  • 3 (Devour Souls) - This is the main damage of the combo, and will heal you (and anyone around you).

  • Auto attack again

  • If still needed: 4 (Pillar of Agony) - this sucks them in, keeping them from running away from you, and does a lot of damage. You are also much tankier during this ability so they are unlikely to be able to turn around and kill you.

  • If somehow still needed: either 1 or 3 again. Channeling your ult allows you to immediately use one of these again even though you just used them. If the enemy has used Blink or their movement to get out of your ult, 1 on them again. Otherwise use the 3 for some extra damage and healing.

  • They are dead.

Some random extra tips:

  • Hades 3 also does damage around any targets hit (that have Blight applied to them), so taking a fight inside an enemy minion wave is a big advantage from you, as you can apply lots of damage to any enemies standing inside the wave.

  • You can use the ult solely to refresh the cooldown on your jump, allowing you to either chase or run away more effectively.

  • Already mentioned this, but really focus on auto attack cancelling! It's important for most gods in the game, so better to get a handle on it now than later.

Elech's avatar

Hades Smite 2 GuidePlaystyle Overview

  • Role: Mid Lane (can also flex into Solo)

  • Strengths: Lane pressure, crowd control, strong 1v1 potential, good sustain.

  • Weakness: Quite easy to read what a Hades is going to do. His healing can be shut down with Antiheal and any cc to prevent his Death from below (1) makes his initial damage much lower.

Item Build

Core Build (Mid Lane):

  1. Sands of Time - Start with this for early cooldown and mana sustain.

  2. Chronos' Pendant - Essential for cooldown reduction and additional magical power.

  3. Spear of Desolation - More cooldown reduction, magical power, and pen.

  4. Bloodbound Book - Provides lifesteal, mana, and power; great for sustain.

  5. Soul Gem - Adds more lifesteal, health, and burst damage.

  6. Typhon's Fang - Boosts lifesteal effectiveness and gives magical power.

Why this build?

  • Cooldown Reduction (CDR): Allows Hades to frequently use his crowd control and damaging abilities.

  • Lifesteal: Increases Hades' sustain in fights, letting him stay in combat longer and soak up more damage.

Ability Combo Guide

Safe Engage Combo:

  1. Blink into the enemy.

  2. Use Shroud of Darkness (2) to silence and weaken enemies.

  3. Activate Pillar of Agony (Ultimate) to pull enemies in and deal damage.

  4. Finish with Devour Souls (3) to burst and heal.

Key Notes:

  • In SMITE 2, Hades can use abilities while ulting, making his combo more versatile.

  • Use Death from Below (1) to escape after the combo if needed.

Aggressive Engage Combo:

  1. Start with Death from Below (1) to close the gap and deal damage.

  2. Follow up with the Safe Engage Combo.

  3. Use Combat Blink to escape after the full combo.

Alternative Engage:

  1. Death from Below (1) into Pillar of Agony (Ultimate).

  2. Follow enemy movement with Blink while ulting to lock them down further.

Skill Leveling Priority

  1. Ultimate (Pillar of Agony)

  2. Devour Souls (3)

  3. Death from Below (1)

  4. Shroud of Darkness (2)

  • Max out your Ultimate whenever possible.

  • Prioritize Devour Souls (3) for its damage and heal.

  • Next, focus on Death from Below (1) for mobility and damage.

  • Finally, level Shroud of Darkness (2) last, as it’s mainly for utility.

Why Pick Hades?

  • Lane Pressure: Strong wave clear and poke make him excellent at controlling the mid lane. Having this pressure lets you shove the opponent under their tower, gank other lanes or deny farm by stealing camps.

  • 1v1 Potential: Hades can duel effectively, especially with lifesteal and cooldowns.

  • Versatility: Viable in both mid and solo lanes for magical damage.

  • Crowd Control: His kit is filled with CC, making him a nightmare for enemies to deal with in team fights.


Hades is an extremely powerful god in Smite 2. He is mainly focused on crowd control and AoE damage. It is an excellent choice for players who want gods with a lot of fight control. The passive (Blight) marks enemies that receive additional effects when they are hit by Hades abilities. Devour Souls consumes the brand passive, dealing area damage and healing Hades. Shroud of Darkness releases a wave of fear in front of you that silences and panics enemies with the passive mark. A Pillar of Agony, Hades pulls enemies around, dealing damage over time and applying his passive. Lastly, Death From Below causes Hades to move to a location, dealing area damage and applying his passive.

The ideal order in which skills evolve are: Devour Souls -> Pillar of Agony -> Shroud of Darkness -> Death From Below.

Regarding items, we should start with the Shoes of the Magi, which will give us some magical power and penetration. Essential items during the match are the Warlock Staff, which increases Hades life and magical power, increasing sustain, Breastplate of Valor, reducing his ability cooldown and increasing his physical defense, increasing Hades survivability and lastly the Ethereal Staff, increasing your health and offering a greater burst to Hades. During the game we can also choose for Void Stone or Gem of Isolation, the first one is excellent against magical damage and the second increasing Hades magical power even further, adding slowing effects. Lastly, we finish with the Rod of Tahuti, maximizing Hades damage.

During the game we must use Shroud of Darkness followed by Pillar of Agony to maximize group control. We can use Death From Below to start a fight or to escape a more complicated situation.

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