Hades, the King of the Underworld, was a mainstay SMITE god who made an early return in SMITE 2, getting added in only the second alpha weekend. We figure that's given you all enough time to get to grips with him, so now's your chance to impart some knowledge!
Create a guide on how to play Hades in SMITE 2 (not the original SMITE), covering whatever relevant aspects you wish from playstyle to abilities, items, strategy, strengths and weaknesses, how to win your likely matchups and so on - obviously, the more comprehensive and useful your guide, the better your chance of an award!
There are ten $4 prizes available for the best written guides, while five of the best video guides can win $7 each. If you do submit video, remember to do so through a connected social account!
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$63 / 75
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