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Hades is an extremely powerful god in Smite 2. He is mainly focused on crowd control and AoE damage. It is an excellent choice for players who want gods with a lot of fight control. The passive (Blight) marks enemies that receive additional effects when they are hit by Hades abilities. Devour Souls consumes the brand passive, dealing area damage and healing Hades. Shroud of Darkness releases a wave of fear in front of you that silences and panics enemies with the passive mark. A Pillar of Agony, Hades pulls enemies around, dealing damage over time and applying his passive. Lastly, Death From Below causes Hades to move to a location, dealing area damage and applying his passive.

The ideal order in which skills evolve are: Devour Souls -> Pillar of Agony -> Shroud of Darkness -> Death From Below.

Regarding items, we should start with the Shoes of the Magi, which will give us some magical power and penetration. Essential items during the match are the Warlock Staff, which increases Hades life and magical power, increasing sustain, Breastplate of Valor, reducing his ability cooldown and increasing his physical defense, increasing Hades survivability and lastly the Ethereal Staff, increasing your health and offering a greater burst to Hades. During the game we can also choose for Void Stone or Gem of Isolation, the first one is excellent against magical damage and the second increasing Hades magical power even further, adding slowing effects. Lastly, we finish with the Rod of Tahuti, maximizing Hades damage.

During the game we must use Shroud of Darkness followed by Pillar of Agony to maximize group control. We can use Death From Below to start a fight or to escape a more complicated situation.

Rich's avatar

Hey NiteDark, many thanks for getting involved in so many of these guide bounties, but we need a little more detail before we can consider these entries for an award, as we're hoping to put together comprehensive guides that cover all aspects of how to play these gods. You can dive super deep on one aspect of their play (e.g. item building, skill progression, etc) or expand your general overview. Just click the 'edit' button to add to this submission.

Take your time; you've got a whole month!

Elech's avatar

Hades Smite 2 GuidePlaystyle Overview

  • Role: Mid Lane (can also flex into Solo)

  • Strengths: Lane pressure, crowd control, strong 1v1 potential, good sustain.

  • Weakness: Quite easy to read what a Hades is going to do. His healing can be shut down with Antiheal and any cc to prevent his Death from below (1) makes his initial damage much lower.

Item Build

Core Build (Mid Lane):

  1. Sands of Time - Start with this for early cooldown and mana sustain.

  2. Chronos' Pendant - Essential for cooldown reduction and additional magical power.

  3. Spear of Desolation - More cooldown reduction, magical power, and pen.

  4. Bloodbound Book - Provides lifesteal, mana, and power; great for sustain.

  5. Soul Gem - Adds more lifesteal, health, and burst damage.

  6. Typhon's Fang - Boosts lifesteal effectiveness and gives magical power.

Why this build?

  • Cooldown Reduction (CDR): Allows Hades to frequently use his crowd control and damaging abilities.

  • Lifesteal: Increases Hades' sustain in fights, letting him stay in combat longer and soak up more damage.

Ability Combo Guide

Safe Engage Combo:

  1. Blink into the enemy.

  2. Use Shroud of Darkness (2) to silence and weaken enemies.

  3. Activate Pillar of Agony (Ultimate) to pull enemies in and deal damage.

  4. Finish with Devour Souls (3) to burst and heal.

Key Notes:

  • In SMITE 2, Hades can use abilities while ulting, making his combo more versatile.

  • Use Death from Below (1) to escape after the combo if needed.

Aggressive Engage Combo:

  1. Start with Death from Below (1) to close the gap and deal damage.

  2. Follow up with the Safe Engage Combo.

  3. Use Combat Blink to escape after the full combo.

Alternative Engage:

  1. Death from Below (1) into Pillar of Agony (Ultimate).

  2. Follow enemy movement with Blink while ulting to lock them down further.

Skill Leveling Priority

  1. Ultimate (Pillar of Agony)

  2. Devour Souls (3)

  3. Death from Below (1)

  4. Shroud of Darkness (2)

  • Max out your Ultimate whenever possible.

  • Prioritize Devour Souls (3) for its damage and heal.

  • Next, focus on Death from Below (1) for mobility and damage.

  • Finally, level Shroud of Darkness (2) last, as it’s mainly for utility.

Why Pick Hades?

  • Lane Pressure: Strong wave clear and poke make him excellent at controlling the mid lane. Having this pressure lets you shove the opponent under their tower, gank other lanes or deny farm by stealing camps.

  • 1v1 Potential: Hades can duel effectively, especially with lifesteal and cooldowns.

  • Versatility: Viable in both mid and solo lanes for magical damage.

  • Crowd Control: His kit is filled with CC, making him a nightmare for enemies to deal with in team fights.

Ford James's avatar

Hi JHenckes, thanks for entering this bounty (and a few others). Just letting you know that we're rejecting many of your entries because they show signs of having been produced by generative AI. Our goal with Just About is to reward authentic, human content, passion, and expertise, and to do so in a way that respects the effort taken to produce it. Almost all low-effort use of generative AI in bounties will therefore be rejected and may be considered a violation of our code of conduct, with appropriate penalties for repeat offenders. Please read that code of conduct and our policy on AI content. Thanks!


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