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Be aggressive.
Smite 2 rewards players who don't sit back and takes the fight to the enemy team. Whether it's a 1v1 in lane or a team gank, don't be afraid to take chances and put the onus on the enemy team to play against you. And if you're down in level or gold, stay aggressive. Always be applying pressure. Is someone on their team a high level? Group up, and shut them down. Play together period. Be active and commit with your teammates and communicate on what the plan is. This current meta rewards players for playing together and working towards similar goals instead of doing individual parts to win a game.


I know everybody here comes from Smite 1, my better tip is that the items don't work like S1, take the time to read and try every one of them to get how the items works, many of them you have to take action with a special key to use it.

I'm 100% sure many people who comes from Smite 1 didn't notice this yet, my tip is: please try every item!!!.


With the change over from Smite 1 to Smite 2, it may be easy to forget that some Gods will do both Magical and Physical damages. So try to keep in mind to check the player builds throughout the game to see not only who is getting the kills and doing the most damage, but also what type of damage they are looking to bolster.


Just FYI this isn't true in the current version of the game, all gods deal one type of damage and it doesn't change depending on whether you go int or strength

Sturmer's avatar

My Top Smite 2 Tips

Smite is a MOBA, a team game where teamwork is key. Do not ruin the fun of the other 4 players, invest 60-90 minutes to do your homework, here is how:

1. Start with Practice
Before diving in, head to practice mode to familiarize yourself with different gods, and their abilities, and customize your keybindings. Choose a few gods you enjoy playing.

2. Do Your Research (outside the game)
Once you've narrowed down your favorite gods, watch videos or read guides to better understand their playstyle and strategies. Spend a few minutes learning the game objectives and map layout to get a solid grasp of what each match requires. No need to watch lengthy mix-max videos, it's ok to play with an auto-build.

3. Test in Arena vs. AI
Apply what you've learned in Arena matches against AI opponents. This is your chance to refine your skills, adjust your strategies, and ensure you enjoy the game style of your chosen gods. Sometimes the actual gameplay might not be what you expected, so simply return to #1 and check other characters. Master the basics here.

4. Advance to PvP Arena
When you feel comfortable with your chosen god and familiar with the map, step into PvP Arena. Don’t stress if your performance isn't perfect; you've done your homework and are well-prepared. Now it's about gaining experience and improving with each match.

Alucard's avatar

I have my personal procedure. I hope it works for you.

1: watch videos (it helps me to get the pace of the game )

2: read about it and its mechanics and builds

3: Ask anyone and everyone you can about the game (forums, social networks, etc)

4: choose the character that you think will be fun to use (so, you don’t get bored too soon if it gets too much difficult)

5: play (this is the hard part 😂) so you get to use all you learned and get the opportunity to apply it.

Good luck.


The default auto build for auto attackers containing crit is super good, but once you get comfortable with the items and what they do, I would manually build and do death's toll for the starter. It feels so much better in my opinion and has helped me survive so much more with the upgraded passive and health.


If you are like me and come from other various MOBAS then smite may be a bit of a change. I recommend take it slow and lean more into a passive playstyle as you try and pick up good habits from those around you. Let the game and it's community try to help through the learning process. I promise that once you catch on it's well worth it. If I had to give one great standalone tip is to focus on more than just fighting. Conquest in a game of strategy. It can be really easy to fall for the desire to constantly fight. But for newer players you might find yourself on the losing side of those battles more and more. I recommend looking for non confrontational ways to get a leg up on your opponent. Make a smooth rotate for the Queen Naga. Be on constant watch on when your buffs and jungle camps come up so you can try to fit them in between waves so you don't lose wave experience. There are so many ways to play this game besides fighting. Learn them so that when fight do happen you always have the leg up due to your extra experience, gold, and buffs.


Probably the best advice for beginning with MOBAs, and Smite 2 is no exception, is to remember that kills are not the primary objective. You don't win by having more kills, you win by destroying the opposing Titan. Kills are always a means to an end, not an end in themselves. So if you force an opponent to go back to base and steal their farm or get an objective, that can be just as valuable as a kill.

Remember, don't chase kills without a purpose.

SnowieGinja's avatar

Kill the XP camps (harpy). They give so much XP it can really help you catch up/out pace your lane even just taking one camp every other time you go back from base. If you notice your jungle just isn't do them yoink it then as well it's so much XP just sitting there.


My best tips are:

If you're new to Smite or New to MOBA's, play arena first with auto skill on and choose a pre made build. They are pretty well made. You should also pick 1-3 characters to really learn the game with, then you can move to conquest.

For conquest the easiest roles to pick up and play right off the bat are solo lane and adc in my opinion. For advice on each role watch some streamers or youtubers, this will help with items as well if you dont want to use the auto builds even though theyre good.

For more technical advice I'd say change your casting type to be quick or instant and turn off double tap to confirm an ability, it will help you be faster in general. Try not to use your jumping or 'escape' abilities to get IN to fights, save them to get out unless youre sure you will live. Play with your team and don't chase a kill. Finally and most importantly wave farm is the most important thing on the map for you, do not miss any of it if you can help it.

Good luck!


Just keep your chill and play the game. Whenever people lose their chill dumb mistakes happen. Remember guys it is a game and just have fun. The more fun you have the easier you will learn the game.

Elech's avatar

The biggest tip right now in my opinion, especially for junglers but not limited to is BUY SUNDER! The item is basically the original hand of the gods. It steals an executes farm and its so easy to get a lead. Farming rather than fighting is always overlooked in lower level Smite. Farm first fight later at a 2-3 level lead.


#1 tip for support right now - sunder is an absurdly OP relic, and you should be buying it every game in support over blink. The 1000 instant true damage on camps & jungle bosses means that any sunder vs no sunder matchup is just a full game of free camp invades, naga secures, gold fury / fire giant secures &steals. it's a massive disadvantage not having a sunder on the team.

Also bacchus is super broken so you should probably play him if he's open and you like him :)


I would honestly just utilize the auto builds and just have fun. Unlike Smite 1 all gods are role agnostic, obviously some are only good in certain roles but for the most part you can build however you want.


When you go into the grass in lane you can drop minion aggro. Canceling chaccs 1 ability will put it on a shorter cooldown if you're not going to follow up with the 2 or 3. The war horn in solo lane has a timer before you can fully capture it during that time the enemy can contest.


This one is specificly for Junglers.
- Always try to share blue and red buffs with your laners, they might need it to manage their solo/duo lane
- Always use your jungler relic as soon as possible if you dont plan on invading, the earlier the better !
- Always try to track the timers on your camp, ideally, you want to be there before they respawn to optimise gold/xp value
- Trying to help losing lane is fine, but sometime it's better to let them handle themself and snowball a winning side/lane, being selfish is not always wrong if you're trying to win

So many more stuff to say but for now, that's it !


With the recent split of gods dealing only one type of damage but the ability for many gods to fit a number of roles, my biggest 3 tips are to

  1. Don’t assume you know how an enemy is going to play or build until you’ve checked their build! Expecting a big tanky Ymir in Duo lane? WATCH OUT! Crit Ymir’s coming in swinging from the jungle, the (light) blue streak! Check your enemy’s build in your lane and adjust your positioning accordingly.

  2. Build your cooldown % early and your penetration late! Even if you’re copying a smitefire build, the order of necessity can change how fed you are and leave you OR (hopefully) your enemies playing catchup all game!

  3. Spend some time in Practice and play a few Arena vs. AI matches, even if you’re playing your smite 1 main! You may not have had the time or mental energy to check patch notes, but you may find something that may change everything you know about playing a specific god, and jumping into conquest without some comfort time is going to be your fast track to burnout or being overwhelmed!

And of course, introduce a friend to the game, try a ranked match, branch out, and play the game in a way that maximizes what you get out of it! In fact, ignore these tips if you just wanna relax after work- dive in and find your fun in the battleground of the gods!

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Having the right settings for controller players is incredibly important. Here is a full guide to get those settings as optimal as possible!

JHenckes's avatar

Some tips that come in mind:

  1. There are a ton of gods, but don't try to learn them all at once. Start with a couple of gods you like the look of or find interesting, and stick with them until you get the hang of their abilities and playstyle

  2. Arena is a great mode to start with because it’s less complicated than Conquest. You can focus on learning your god’s abilities, getting a feel for combat, and just having fun without worrying too much about objectives

  3. When you’re ready to dive into Conquest, get familiar with the map and the basic roles (like Mid, Jungle, Support). It’s a bit more strategic, but once you understand the flow, it’s super rewarding

  4. Early on, just use the recommended items or auto-buy. As you get more comfortable, you can start experimenting with builds. But at the beginning, focus on learning how to use your abilities effectively. You can search some videos and sites that have some tips of builds, but don't stress about it now

  5. Even if you’re new, try to communicate with your team. Simple stuff like calling out missing enemies (“Missing Right!”) can make a big difference

  6. If you can, play with friends. It makes the game more fun and less stressful.

  7. If you’re into mythology, read up on the gods you’re playing. It adds a cool layer to the game when you know the stories behind the characters

  8. HAVE FUN! The game is awesome!


PLAY AS A TEAM! Lol teamwork makes the dreamwork. Callouts are great. Dont auto lock and be willing to play other gods. By all means we all have are main and want to play them but we got to be the bigger person sometimes and help the team out.


If I were logging in for the first time, I would want to know that Gods do either physical or magical damage, yet can still build any item that they want. This is very important to understand, because it can help new players learn how to have flexible item builds and balanced team compositions. While recommended items are helpful, knowing the damage types of different Gods can help new players to build defensive items to help deal with their lane opponent or whatever God is currently the most dangerous on the enemy team. Knowing this may also help new players to create their own offensive item builds, such as building intelligence items on Anubis and slotting in items that give both intelligence and a defensive stat depending on their opponent, and building hybrid items on Gods like Neith that have good strength and intelligence scaling.

I would recommend watching content creators play conquest to get a flow of how the game mode plays, but the most important thing is to understand how to earn gold throughout the match. Having more gold wins games, and knowing how to kill minions and jungle camps safely can help keep you useful in the game, and looking to fight when you do have a gold and thus item advantage is the next step. Learning how to use the in game VGS is super helpful, and I would recommend learning the attack and enemy missing commands as soon as possible, which can help with communicating ganks and doing objectives.


You are going to die a lot. And I mean a lot. Especially while learning all the intricacies of a new item system, god scaling, and game mechanics, it's not feasible to improve at the game without making mistakes. Focus on what works, what doesn't, and keep it fresh.

BN_Bears's avatar

Take your time and have fun. MOBAS are not a kind of game you can master in a few hours. Take your time learn the basics of the game, worry about learning what abilities to level after that, then once you are comfortable then turn off auto buy and really start to learn how the items work and interact with the various kits. I recommend selecting a small handful of gods to learn the game with and stick to them for a while, so you don't have to learn a whole new kit every other game.
If you really want to develop at a fast pace check out some of the amazing Smite content creators that are out there and learn from them.


It can be overwhelming at first for new players to SMITE in general, but just pick a god that looks cool and jump right in. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to learn everything as soon as possible!

Once you get comfortable and feel like really diving in, I recommend looking for YouTube guides/gameplay. There are loads of great players/creators in the community who make awesome videos, so be on the lookout for those. When I wanted to get better at SMITE, I would watch hours on hours of pros playing, then jump in game after and try to emulate things.



don’t take it too seriously, it’s an alpha so have fun learn it and see what you enjoy.

if you find a bug report it to the proper channels so they can fix it. That will make the game more fun.


My biggest and better tip for new players is to have fun. All of us are learning all about the game, all of us are hoping to meet new people and help them feel safe and cool.

I really think that the Smite community it's pretty cool for y'all, feel free to ask everything you need to know, don't feel bad if you don't win, focus on learn everything about this new phase. Learn about builds, about god mechanics and enjoy your matches.

Good luck. 🙂‍↕️❤️


In Smite 2, it very important to watch mini-map all the time. It can tell you where enemies and allies are. If you see enemy missing on map (call missing plz btw), maybe they are coming to attack you or your team with a gank. Always look at map so you do not get surprise attacked.

Also when it'll be possible, move the map on thr HUD closer to the middle of the screen


For me, a very important tip is to play to have fun. Find friends in the game, create a team and have fun together. Regardless of the map (Conquest, Arena, etc.), every game played with friends will always be more fun.


In the Loadout section you can add trackers and and badges to all gods card art before the match starts to showoff what you like. You can even add any gods mastery border effect to another god even though its not theirs!!


Just view videos in yt and relax😎

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey BiQaz, welcome to Just About! We're looking for at least 50-word answers for this bounty, could you say a little more? (You can hit the edit button on your submission.)

HastyBoyX's avatar

If you haven't played Smite at all, Smite 1 should be the way to go for the moment until you get used to the basic mechanics. Smite 2 y Smite 1, but better. So you better learned first the basics on a complete game and getting into S2 will be much easier.


don’t take it too seriously, it’s an alpha so have fun learn it and see what you enjoy.

if you find a bug report it to the proper channels so they can fix it. That will make the game more fun.

Boomer's avatar

Hey NotAValveGame, I love the sentiment but unfortunately replies aren't eligible. Would you mind copy/pasting your reply and resubmitting it using the purple submit to this bounty button?

Once you've done that we'll be able to include your submission when we come to close the bounty.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions 🙂


Whoops thank you for pointing that out


Unlike Smite 1, In Smite 2 Fenrir can now use brutialise to attack invisible opponents.


go in practice and get a fill of your settings and tryout all the gods to learn what they all do


dont forget to use the active items!


spend time in the jungle practice testing your keybinds and making sure your settings are how you want them! :)

BBooy's avatar

el mejor consejo que te pueden dar de smite 2 es:

disfrutarlo, sin frustarte, perdiendo partidas tambien vas aprender y lo mas importante... juga con kukulkan porque es el mejor dios del juego!

Ford James's avatar

Hey BBooy, just a heads up, at the moment we can only accept English submissions to bounties. Could you edit your submission and translate your entry to ensure you're eligible for a prize before the bounty closes? Thank you! ✌


To me the two most important tips I can give are… First enjoy all the new things put into this game, graphics, hiding in grass, smart minions. And also always focus on teamwork, a team that is there to help out will always win in the end


For me Steam is very laggy, it would be nice to send an party invite in Smite 2 without having to use steamchat. Like the party invites in smite 1, those worked good!


Dont forget that Neith can jump walls now and not just walls made by gods like Ymir but actually big walls like from T1 to purple vuff walls!


Don't build your God the same way you used to do in Smite 1. it's very different

Ford James's avatar

Hey Infinite, just a heads up, this comment is a reply rather than a bounty submission! If you scroll up, you'll see a purple 'submit to this bounty' button below the description. Make sure you enter via that button to ensure you can win a prize! Additionally, if you could expand on how building your god in S2 is different to S1, that would increase your chances of winning a prize. Cheers! ✌


I see many people going for minions first instead of their buffs. It's generally best to go for your buffs first and then minions so you can hit level 2 faster.


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