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mypets's avatar

To begin with, we need to have a general idea of who Susano is. He is an assassin who specializes in causing intense damage, both in areas and to specific targets. He's very mobile and agile, which makes it easy for him to get in and out of combat quickly, making him one of the best options in the jungler role. But for this we need to make sure that the skills and combos are used correctly.

So here we go:

Skill 1 - Storm Kata: this is the main one. It happens in 3 actions: cone attack, area attack and a dash forward. It's an excellent skill for damage and repositioning.

Skill 2 - Wind Siphon: A pull that brings opponents closer, very useful for getting them disoriented haha. It works very well after applying some crowd control, better for a more accurate pull. I particularly do very well with this skill! But in general, this should be maximized last.

Skill 3 - Jet Stream: Launches a projectile, deals damage, and even allows you to teleport to the target and deal more damage! But be careful when using it, try to focus on weaker and easier targets or to escape.

Ultimate - Typhoon: basically a cyclone that you can cast as soon as you conjure it or wait for it to charge up a bit and increase its power. I prefer to save it to use at the right time, when I can guarantee the best knock-up.

Passive - Swift as the Summer Storm: reduces enemy damage after using skills on them.

The skills combo basically involves using a quick sequence to deal a lot of damage and repositioning yourself. That way there's no mistake:

- Jet Stream (3) gets close; Storm Kata (1) damage sequence; Wind Siphon (2) keeps enemies close. Finish with Typhoon (ultimate) to destroy at the right time. And don't forget to use auto-attack in between to increase the damage and take advantage of the passive!!!

Regarding BUILD, I like Hydra's Lament for more mana and burst. Jotunn's revenge, CDR is essential! We need Susano skills available whenever possible. Also need lifesteal to increase sustain in combat, like Blood-Forged Blade. Plus Obsidian Shredder to improve the attack on tanks.

There are also situational items that we'll use as needed, such as the Heartseeker to increase damage to tanks... The tekko-Kagi to improve strength, CDR and mobility. Among others, Pendulum Blade, Purification Beads and Archmage.

Finally, some things you get the hang of. Whoever manages to master Susano will certainly stand out in the game! I confess I'm still in the process! haha


In Smite 2, Susano is a highly mobile and versatile assassin. His abilities allow him to engage quickly, deal burst damage, and control the battlefield with crowd control. Susano excels at diving into fights, targeting vulnerable enemies, and escaping before taking too much damage. His fluidity in combat makes him a threat in both solo and team fights. With careful timing, he can weave abilities and basic attacks together, optimizing his damage output while maintaining mobility and control over enemy positions.


Passive : Gathering Storm: Susano accumulates stacks of Gathering Storm each time he damages enemy gods. Once he reaches 4 stacks, his next ability deals bonus damage.

Ability 1 : Storm Kata: A three-part attack where Susano swipes, spins, and dashes. It deals damage and can be interrupted with basic attacks for additional burst.

Ability 2 : Wind Siphon: Susano pulls enemies towards him, allowing for repositioning or setting up combos.

Ability 3 : Jet Stream: Marks a target or location. Susano can teleport to the mark, making this ideal for chasing or retreating.

Ultimate : Typhoon: Susano summons a large storm that deals damage and knocks enemies into the air. It’s best for team fights or disrupting enemies.

Ability evolution order:

Storm Kata (1st Ability) – Max this first for damage output and wave clear.

Jet Stream (3rd Ability) – Prioritize this next for increased mobility and chase potential.

Wind Siphon (2nd Ability) – Level this last as it's mainly used for utility rather than damage.

Typhoon (Ultimate) – Level up at every opportunity (Level 5, 10, 15, 20) for team fight impact.


Right now, this is the best build for him :

Some Tips:

Weave Basic Attacks: After each part of Storm Kata, use basic attacks to maximize damage.

Hit-and-Run Tactics: Use Jet Stream to engage, burst down a target, then teleport out if needed.

Ultimate Timing: Use Typhoon to disrupt team fights, aiming for grouped enemies.

Positioning with Wind Siphon: Pull enemies into dangerous spots or away from allies to create advantageous scenarios.

Map Awareness: Susano’s mobility makes him great for rotating quickly between lanes and objectives.

Ford James's avatar

Hey NiteDark, thanks for entering this bounty! Just to give you a heads up, I've awarded your submission here as most of it is accurate, but your details for Susano's passive are slightly outdated - his new passive in SMITE 2 is Storm's Edge, not Gathering Storm, which applies debuffs to enemy gods rather than the stacks followed by bonus damage in SMITE 1. Please do keep an eye out for any kit changes when entering SMITE 2 god bounties in future as I may not always be able to reward incorrect info! Thanks for understanding ✌

yan57436's avatar

Finally, we're going to talk about amaterasu's incredible brother, Susano, the God of the Summer Storm. I love everything about this God, be it his lore or his gameplay. I like to explain the lore because I think his abilities relate to the story. Susano is a rebellious spirit with an angry nature, which led to his exile to the Underworld due to horrible acts. From this, Susano seeks redemption and his own dilemma with his past self, such as when he rescues a couple from the Yamata-no-Orochi serpent, and begins to focus all his anger on those who harm good people.

Susano is simply incredible in the jungle, having high mobility, incredible damage and a block that allows him to resist in fights. Knowing his history and where we'll be playing him, let's move on to his abilities:

Storm Kata (Skill 1): You will have 3 consecutive activations, a cone attack, an area attack around you and a dash (reminds me a bit of yone, from lol). This will be your main damage ability, but you can also use it to reposition yourself.

Wind Siphon (Skill 2): You will pull enemies that are in front of you (the skill is cone-shaped, be careful not to miss too close).

Jet Stream (Ability 3): You send a hurricane in a straight line forward, managing to reactivate and teleport to that location. Allowing you to be an incredible hunter.

Typhoon (Ultimate): You generate a hurricane that goes in a straight line and knocks up enemies (This skill reminds me a lot of Janna's Q from lol, I make these comparisons so that newbies can see parallels).

Passive - Swift as the Summer Storm: When you use skills on enemies, you'll apply a debuff to their damage, and this effect is stackable, so in long, unique exchanges, you're amazing.

Skill order:

Focus on evolving your 1, it's your main skill for both damage and mobility. After 1, evolve your 3, which will increase your range. Finally your 2.


I always follow the builds that I see on tacter as the most popular, the one I've been doing at the moment is this one:

Link, in case you want to see and follow the build's creator: Smite 2 Susano Guide - Susan Jungle - CA3 for SMITE 2 (SMITE-2) by Frgotenpower | Tacter


Race against the clock here my thumbnail for some reason was slightly too large to be used on YouTube so it took 10 minutes to get it to be small enough.

Dydo's avatar

Susano is a jungler assassin that deals physical damage, has a lot of mobility and is design to get in and out of fights rapidly.

He does a LOT of AoE damage, which makes lifesteal builds one of the best choices for him.


  1. Your first ability, Storm Kata, has 3 activations: cone attack, round attack and a foward dash. It's your main hability, with a lot of ways to use it.

  2. The second ability, Wind Siphon, basically pulls enemies towards you. Have in mind that you should use 2 either before or after an enemy is under any CC, or else you cannot pull enemies as you could in SMITE.

  3. Susano's third ability, Jet Stream, is what you gonna use to get closer to an enemy god (focus on squishy ones), because it's a skill shot that when hits deals continuous damage and can be reactivated, which teleports you to the enemy and also deals damage.

  4. Susano's ultimate is Typhoon, that you can release it on cast and will knock up enemies in front of you or you can hold it for it to deal damage in an crescent area, and then release it for more knock up time. It has been reworked in SMITE 2, dealing more damage but the knock up is nerfed (so it's less useful for CC the whole enemy team), so you should use it right over an enemy god and release only when full charged. You can release it immediatly on a team fight, but the animation will be faster and the knock up will be shorter ,so you need to act quickly.

  5. Susano's passive makes your hits debuff enemie's damage after you use an ability on them. This debuff is stackable.

Get 3 first, then 1, then 2. Priorize max out 1 first (and the ultimate when avaiable, of course), followed by 3 and 2, respectivetly.

It should goes like this: 3 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2.

The basic assassination abilities combo would be: 3-3 to get close, 1, 2 (wait for a run away attempt), 1 and 1 again to get out or reposition. Don't forget to alternate each ability's usage with auto attacks so you can stack the debuff.

As the match goes on, you can stay in fights longer, as your abilities will be more manageable by your CD reduction.

When you ult is avaiable, try to use and hold it when you're close to an enemy (mainly after using 3), release it and do double 1, 2 for knock up, and 1 again to repositioning.

You can also take advantage of walls, specially when ganking, as your ult get through them so you can cast it and then get into fight with 3.


  • Start with an Axe, a mana pot and two health pots, or tree health pots instead.

  • First two items can be Brawler's Ruin (my favourite because it's cheap and gives health and mana regen) or Hydra's Lament (even more mana and damage on combos, but no health) and Jotunn's Revenge (cooldown reduction is really useful on Susano). You can change the order you buy it based on the match you're in: buy Jotunn's first if you're against many CC gods.

  • Then, go to Blood-Forged Blade (lifesteal + shield Active) or Typhon's Fange (MORE lifesteal) and then Obsidian Shredder (you can go for it at first for it's price/utility).

  • As last item use Pendulum Blade if you have enough gold and the enemy side has a ton of CC (PB is pure CDR) or Avatar's Parashu for even more Strength to increase your burst damage.

Other items you can use: Oath-Sworn Spear and The Crusher or Heartseeker (specially against tanks), Tekko-Kagi (Cheap strength, CDR and mobility) as first item instead Jotuun's (if you're more willing to gank), The Reaper instead of Blood-Forged (although I recommend you get the shield Active),

Relics: Choose Purifications Beads, specially against many CC-based gods. Other than this, you can use Blink Rune for extra mobility and easier combos.

Aspect: Use Barbarian for it's true damage (great against tanks), or Archmage for faster jungle cleaning (I personally prefer this over Spiritualist).


Finally, you wanna learn how to cancel your Auto Attack (AA) post-animation with your abilities (1-2-3), so you can deal burst damage. There's many ways to do this, and they all involve using Instant Casting on Storm Kata and Typhoon (1 and 4) and Quick Casting on Wind Siphon and Jet Stream (2 and 3), but I will only give a glimpse on one combo so you can practice and understand it:


When AA is together with a number is when you can cancel the post-animation with that ability.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Remember to play as Susano you must practice a little before since he needs a little more mastery but let’s make it a little easier! 

Great part of your abilities you need up close to the enemies so take care to not die too often but knowing how to use his abilities you can make an hell in the middle of the enemy team, you can deal high damages with the proper build and has a good ability that deal dames in your enemy over time and it will help you to make strategies to finish them fast. 


Storm Katana

I will work as a simple combo, with 3 attacks, but remember, once you use this ability you have 3 seconds to make the second attack and after that another 3 seconds to finish with the third attack. If you miss you will have to wait for the countdown.

As a tip, remember the first two attacks from this ability are simple swords attacks with relatively good range area, but the last and third one is a dash, so some time could be wise to not use the last one on purpose. with this you will avoid getting killed when entering in the enemy attack area at the wrong time.

Wind Siphon

This one brings back what I’ve said about having a little training with Susano, because the Wind Siphon can pull the enemy towards you and if you don’t know how to handle it after you will get killed easily.

This ability will show to you in the form of a cone/spiral, this area is where you can pull the enemy. And at the side of this cone are two smaller cones that will do damage to the enemy.  

Jet Stream

This one for me is the best Susano ability. It has a ability that allows you to teleport to the enemy, it’s a dangerous one, but if wisely used will make slaughter against the enemy team.

At first you will shoot a cyclone towards the enemy if you hit them it will receive damage overtime and while it has this ciclone in him you can teleport to it and start attacking him. But remember once you teleport the cyclone will disappear and will stop damaging the enemy. So try to use it in the best moments 


In my opinion it is’t the best ability for Susano, even if it is supposed to be, it can definitely help in a team fight but for Susano alone it can be even a little dangerous to use since there is a moment summoning this ability that makes the god vulnerable. 

It creates a hurricane that pulls the enemy towards its center while dealing damages over time and at the end of the summoning the hurricane is thrown in a straight line hitting anyone that is on its way. 

Storm's Edge

Susano’s passive, it needs the player a little practice but when you use an ability during an auto-attack the next auto-attack will generate debuffs to the enemy. So you will get the practice this passive will be your best friend during the match.

Elech's avatar

Susano Smite 2 Guide.

Susano is one of Smite 2s top junglers. His combination of quick farming and the ability to 100-0 in the lategame while pretty easily avoiding damage is what makes him the most strong.

SkillsPassive - Gathering Storm

Susano accumulates stacks of Gathering Storm each time he damages enemy gods. Once he reaches 4 stacks, his next ability deals bonus damage.

This passive doesn't require active attention during gameplay. Just note that it provides a small damage boost in each fight.

Ability 1 - Storm Kata

Susano strikes in three phases: a cone, a circular attack , and a forward dash. Each phase requires a separate button press.

Storm Kata is Susano’s primary damaging skill, useful for clearing waves and poking enemy Gods. Maximising damage output involves canceling the ability to use auto attacks between each strike.

Ability 2 - Wind Siphon

Susano slices in a cone, dealing damage and pulling enemies hit in the center towards him.

Wind Siphon helps pull enemies into auto attack range and can be used to better confirm his damage output on enemy targets.

Ability 3 - Jet Stream

Susano hurls a whirlwind that latches onto the first enemy it hits, dealing damage over time for 3 seconds. He can reactivate the ability to teleport to the enemy.

Teleporting reduces Jet Stream's cooldown, making it a versatile tool for engaging enemies or making a quick escape.

Ultimate - Typhoon

Susano conjures a massive hurricane at his location, gradually growing in size and pulling enemies toward its center. Reactivating the ability launches the hurricane, dealing damage and knocking up enemies if it has reached a sufficient size.


Full Damage Combo

Wind Siphon > Auto Attack

Jet Stream > Auto Attack

Reactivate Jet Stream > Auto Attack

Storm Kata > Auto Attack

Continue canceling Storm Kata with Auto Attacks

Tips for Susano Combo

When using the auto attacks between Susano's skills. It is best practice to hold left click during your casting. Doing so will auto attack between the skills without even thinking of trying to auto attack cancel between. This occasionally does have issues when ping is involved. You can always manually cancel the ability and auto attack between but this can cause a slower combo!


For Susano's build it can be your generic jungler build.

The following items for his build are as followed.

Bumbas Hammer - This is to enhance the overall farming for Susano making his early game even stronger.

Jotun's revenge - Susano is a god who is highly reliant on getting in and out. Having the passive on this item allows him to use his movement skills more safely.

Hydras Lament - Similary to Smite 1. Susano uses auto attacks between skills so having the same effect on this item is core for Him.

Oath Sworn Spear - Effective penetration on the passive and penetration as base stats is needed to finish off any power assasin build.

Titan's Bane - Another Penetration Item.

Heartseeker - As Susano combo has abilities that all do damage. He is one of the best users of this item

The Crusher - Very similar to Heartseeker. More abilities, more procs of bonus damage.

Relic- Blink an assassin is not an assasin without more forms of engage.

Have fun playing Susano :)

Ford James's avatar

Hey Elech, thanks for entering this bounty! Just to give you a heads up, I've awarded your submission here as most of it is accurate, but your details for Susano's passive are slightly outdated - his new passive in SMITE 2 is Storm's Edge, not Gathering Storm, which applies debuffs to enemy gods rather than the stacks followed by bonus damage in SMITE 1. Please do keep an eye out for any kit changes when entering SMITE 2 god bounties in future as I may not always be able to reward incorrect info! Thanks for understanding ✌

Elech's avatar

I actually did not realise Susano passive changed. Apologies there!


Guía Completa para Jugar con Susano en SMITE 2

Introducción Susano es un dios ágil y letal conocido por sus habilidades rápidas y su capacidad para infligir daño masivo y controlar a los enemigos. En esta guía, cubriremos el estilo de juego, habilidades, objetos, estrategia, fortalezas, debilidades y contrincantes de Susano.

Estilo de Juego Susano es un asesino que se especializa en entrar y salir del combate rápidamente, causando estragos en las filas enemigas. Es ideal para jugadores que disfrutan de un estilo de juego agresivo y altamente móvil.


  1. Storm Kata (Kata de Tormenta) - Susano realiza una serie de ataques rápidos. La primera fase es un corte hacia adelante, la segunda fase es un corte giratorio, y la tercera fase es un salto hacia atrás que inflige daño a los enemigos en el área.

  2. Wind Siphon (Sifón de Viento) - Susano invoca un torbellino que atrae a los enemigos hacia él, infligiendo daño. Es excelente para agrupar a los enemigos y preparar el terreno para sus ataques.

  3. Jet Stream (Corriente de Chorro) - Susano lanza un proyectil de viento que marca a los enemigos golpeados. Puede teletransportarse al objetivo marcado, infligiendo daño adicional al llegar.

  4. Typhoon (Tifón) - Susano invoca un tifón masivo que se desplaza hacia adelante, infligiendo daño y levantando a los enemigos en el aire. Es una habilidad poderosa para controlar grandes áreas y causar daño significativo en las peleas en equipo.


  1. Espada de Qins: Aumenta el daño de habilidades y proporciona velocidad de ataque.

  2. Jotunn's Wrath (Ira de Jotunn): Proporciona reducción de enfriamiento y daño físico.

  3. Hydra's Lament (Lamento de Hidra): Aumenta el daño de habilidades y proporciona regeneración de maná.

  4. Heartseeker (Buscacorazones): Aumenta el daño de habilidades y proporciona penetración física.

  5. Brawler's Beat Stick (Garrote del Peleador): Proporciona daño físico y reduce la curación del enemigo.

  6. Titan's Bane (Desprecio del Titán): Aumenta la penetración física y mejora el daño contra objetivos con alta defensa.

Estrategia Susano es un dios que se destaca en las emboscadas y el control del campo de batalla. Usa tus habilidades para entrar y salir rápidamente del combate, enfocándote en los enemigos más vulnerables. Aprovecha tus habilidades de control para desorientar y agrupar a los enemigos, y utiliza tu movilidad para esquivar ataques y reposicionarte constantemente.


  • Alta movilidad.

  • Daño explosivo.

  • Control de masas efectivo.


  • Vulnerable a controles de masas.

  • Dependiente de habilidades para infligir daño.


  • Personajes con alta durabilidad y resistencia a daños explosivos.

  • Dioses con habilidades de control de masas que pueden inmovilizarlo.

Conclusión Susano es un dios extremadamente divertido y dinámico de jugar, con un conjunto de habilidades que permiten jugadas sorprendentes y devastadoras. Con práctica y una estrategia adecuada, puedes dominar el campo de batalla con Susano y convertirte en una amenaza temible para tus enemigos.

Boomer's avatar

Hi aslan, thanks for getting involved in the community. I just want to point you towards my reply on your other bounty submission. Please read the reply and let me know if you have any questions.

Hola aslan, gracias por involucrarte en la comunidad. Solo quería indicarte mi respuesta a tu otra propuesta de recompensa. Lee la respuesta y avísame si tienes alguna pregunta.


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