The story of Medusa is infamous: anyone who meets her gaze is turned to stone for the rest of eternity. While that would be a little overpowered in SMITE 2, her ultimate does allow her to stun any enemies looking her way, and any enemies killed will create a statue in their place.
Medusa has quite a few new features compared to her SMITE 1 kit, so this is your opportunity to teach us how to play her. How do her abilities work? What roles can she play? What are the best builds to use with her? Do you have any additional tips and tricks? Teach us all this and more in a written guide to win $4, or video guides can win $10. The more useful and comprehensive your guide is, the higher chance you'll have of featuring in our collaborative Medusa guide later down the line!
It is impressive how aggressive the medusa style is, a mostly mid and long range god with some dash attacks, she isn't the god with the lowest HP but is always good to put some protection on your build, at least this has worked for me.
Thanks to the medusa passive, sidewinder, she will only have penalty of movements backpedalling and only by half, so she is a reliable god for jungle as well not only carry, that is useful to keep distance to the enemy.
Viper shot, the first active skill, will put poison i your next 4 basic attacks while gaining attack speed. Could look no so good this one, for me it isn't but this extra buff could be decisive against other god in some moments and it will help a lot farming at the begging of the match against the minions
Talking about minions , the second skill, the Acid Spray, will be very but very useful against a line of them, spitting poison against them and after hit this attack will be spread behind of them, killing the rest of the minions behind of them. And I don't need to say how that would be great against a a group of gods that approach all together.
The Lacerate could be the turn key in some combats, the dashing characteristic of this skill could be use strategically and since you passive helps you to movement it won't be hard to you flee away from the gods that you have attacked, and could be used in combo with other gods that have stuns and taunt effects in their skill, the last enemy hit by the Lacerate will receive the rooting effect.
Her ultimate is the Petrify, and does exactly that, it will stun and slow the enemies, the ones looking at you will be stunned and the others slowed, so even the Medusa in the carry lane having more advantage with that skill, the ultimate will be useful while in the Jungle position, the gank will have you effect. Every enemy affect by it will take damage as well.
So to succeed with Medusa is important to have at least a good duo with effects that will help you to combo, and for the build I recommend focus in attack increasing STR points and some time a little of defence is useful and you can adapts depending on the enemy team.
Medusa is a powerful carry/Midliner, with abilities that allow her to perform sneak attacks, good in 1 vs 1 and helping in team fights
Passive: You suffer no movement penalty when strafing and half the movement penalty when backpedaling
First ability (Viper shot): Medusa gains a good attack speed increase on her next 4 basics, plus the next basics will have charged poison which causes physical damage each 0.5 sec for 1.5 sec
Medusa can gain up to 60% attack speed and for each successful hit on an enemy the ability's cooldown is reduced by 0.5 sec.
Second ability (Acid Spray): Medusa spits acid in a straight line in front of her, dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit, then the acid spreads out in a cone Dealing physical damage to enemies in that area.
Enemies hit by this ability will have their Healing Reduction by 40% for 5 sec and acid spray will explode on statues Medusa has created
Third ability (Lacerate): Medusa dashes in a straight line dealing physical damage to normal enemies in her path, the first enemy God hit by this ability will cause Medusa to stop before damaging and rooting the god hit.
If Medusa cast this ability against the statues she will destroy them instantly
Fourth ability (Petrify): Medusa casts a power blast in front of her in a cone shape dealing physical damage and Stunned all enemies who are looking at her, enemies who are not looking at Medusa will be dealt physical damage and slow, and Medusa will be immune to CC during this ability.
This ability does not hit through map walls and player made walls that block abilities.
Enemies killed by the effects of this ability will be turned into stone statues with an indefinite duration but can be destroyed with four basic attacks or with the second ability lacerate. When a statue is destroyed, Lacerate cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, Medusa temporarily gains Strength and Intelligence buff of 10%, and permanently gains Stacks of 5 of Strength and Intelligence
Medusa can be used as a carry or midliner, below I will show a build for both cases.
Optional items
These are optional items which you can add to the previous build to change them depending on the type of game you are playing.
How to play?
Looking at Medusa's abilities you can see that the game mode is somewhat aggressive but at the same time cautious with surprise attacks, some tips I can give are:
Thanks to the abilities that generate high attack speed and healing reduction, Medusa can choose to create builds that emphasize more physical damage and Critical Damage than other ADCs or carrys
The second ability is not only useful for the healing reduction, it is also a great way to push the waves of Minions and deal damage to enemy gods in the lane at the same time, making Medusa able to be used more aggressively in the early game
The third skill can be used as an escape route for a surprise attack and save your life or also to prevent an enemy God with low health from escaping by rooting him.
Knowing how to take advantage of the fourth ability helps a lot to gain damage throughout the game by killing enemy gods with this ability and gaining stacks of strength and intelligence during the game, In addition, it can also be used to escape from enemy gods or save allied gods thanks to the stun of the ability.
What it does: Medusa’s basic attacks and abilities apply a stack of Stone Flesh. At max stacks, the enemy is slowed and takes bonus damage from Medusa.
-Key Tip: Focus on stacking Stone Flesh to maximize your damage output in fights.
1️⃣ Lacerate
- Medusa fires a cone of arrows that deal damage and apply Stone Flesh stacks.
Pro Tip:
- Use this ability to clear waves quickly and poke enemies in lane.
- Aim to hit multiple enemies in team fights to apply Stone Flesh stacks to as many targets as possible.
2️⃣ Viper Shot
- Medusa’s next basic attack becomes a powerful shot that deals bonus damage and slows the target.
Great for:
- Bursting down single targets.
Key Tip: Use Viper Shot after applying a few Stone Flesh stacks to maximize the bonus damage.
3️⃣ Acid Spray
- Medusa sprays a cone of acid that damages and slows enemies, while also reducing their physical protections.
Why it’s awesome:
- Great for zoning and controlling the battlefield.
- Reduces enemy protections, making them easier to kill.
4️⃣ Petrify (Ultimate)
- Medusa channels her ultimate Petrify which stuns and deals damage to enemies facing her when the channel completes.
- Who to target:
- High priority targets like mages and hunters.
- Enemies who are out of position or trying to escape.
- Key Tip: Use Petrify to initiate team fights or to turn the tide in a fight by stunning multiple enemies.
*🏹 Playstyle Summary*
1. Early Game:
- Focus on farming and poking with Lacerate.
- Use Viper Shot to harass and pressure your lane opponent.
2. Mid Game:
- Rotate to team fights and use Acid Spray to control the battlefield.
- Look for opportunities to use Petrify to catch enemies out of position.
3. Late Game:
- Prioritize high-value targets in team fights.
- Use your abilities to apply Stone Flesh stacks and maximize your damage output.
- Stay safe and use Petrify to secure kills or peel for your team.
4. Survive:
- Use Acid Spray to slow and weaken enemies chasing you.
- Position carefully to avoid being caught out, as Medusa is relatively squishy.
*Remember Medusa excels at controlling the battlefield and bursting down squishy targets. Use your abilities wisely to apply Stone Flesh stacks and maximize your damage output. Stay aware of your positioning and use Petrify to turn the tide in team fights.
Her main role is ADC you can play her as a mid lanner.
Medusa's abilities and passive:
Passive (Sidewinder): Medusa has no movement penalty when she moves left and right and half the movement penalty when backpedaling.
Viper Shot: this is her main ability for 1 vs 1 fights she get attack speed and augments your next 4 Basic Attacks, shooting vipers and poisoning her target, dealing physical damage, and bleeding overtime this ability gets reduced cooldown for every basic you hit with it
Acid Spray: Medusa Spits acid that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, then sprays out to enemies behind them, this ability reduces enemy healing for 5 sec.
Lacerate: medusa dashes forward dealing damage to minions and enemies first enemy she hit she roots him and deals damage.
Petrify: Medusa removes her mask, revealing her true face to deliver a powerful blast from her horrifying gorgon gaze, if enemies are looking at her they get physical damage and stun them, if enemies are not looking at her they slowed and get reduces physical damage, medusa is cc immune during her ultimate.
Builds for Medusa:
You can play her basic attack pure build or abelites damage.
This is the basic attack build ( i chose this build after trying a lot of build, this one is strong and can kill any god very fast.
A mix of attack speed penetration and crit items .
This one is an ability damage build ( not good for ADC right now but its strong for mid-lane Medusa.
This build has a high ability damage that you can 1 shot enemy (not tanks) just with your 2 and Ultimate.
when you play Medusa you should start with leveling your 2 for clear ( this is her main clear ability), then start to maxing your 1 because it's your main ability for team fights.
in 1 vs 1 scenarios start with your fight with a dash into your enemy and make sure u activate your 1 before the dash this makes it easier to hit your 1 after the dash because the enemy is rooted.
your ultimate is good to start team fights with your team because you will stun the enemy team or slow them this gives your team an advantage for winning the fights.
Medusa is a goddess of Greek mythology, she is a woman with reference to snakes, she has her face covered with a mask, do not look into her eyes and could petrify you, she is represented in the game as Adc and carries a bow, scale with strength and intelligence.
Passive: With Sidеwindеr you have no movement penalty when attacking and half as much when retreating.
First Skill: Viper Shot, Increases the damage of her next 4 basic attacks, grants her attack speed, and while she lands the hits, the cooldown of the skill is reduced.
Second Skill: Acid Spray, She throws an acid that hits the first enemy creating damage in a cone after that enemy, dealing damage and reducing healing.
Third skill: Lаcеrаtе, Is a forward dash that deals damage to the first enemy it hits also takes root.
Definitive skill: Petrify, She unmasks herself by creating a cone-shaped area where Medusa is looking. If the enemy god looks at Medusa, they will be petrified, receiving damage and being stunned. Likewise, if the enemy is not looking at Medusa, they will also receive damage but is slowed down.
If you destroy a petrification it gives you 5 points of permanent strength and intelligence, temporary increased damage and decreased cooldown on Lacerated.
She doesn't have Aspect currently.
Skills levels priority
2 > 4 > 1 > 3
To clean the minion wave we will improve our second skill Acid spray, whenever we can it will be useful to upgrade our ultimate skill Petrify in order to win many fights, thirdly we will upgrade our first skill Viper shot, this skill is very useful to win fights, finally we will upgrade skill number 3 Lacerate it is our escape skill and we will not always use it to do damage.
Role position
The correct way to play her is Adc but you can take her Mid and even Supp, because she has several CC skills.
Example of Adc builds
Attack speed:
Critical chance:
Example of Mid builds
Skill damage:
Attack speed with Int and Srt:
Full Int:
Example of Supp build
Tank with attack speed:
Good against / Bad against
She's generally good against most gods and goddesses but I'd consider her to be bad against characters who beat her at range.
She is a bad choice against: Agni, Ra and Poseidon.
She is a good choice against: Athenea, Nemesis and Nu Wa.
Combos and personal opinion
We will start by poking with our second skill (Acid spray) to weaken them, then if we know that it is not very risky for possible ganking we will use our third skill (Lacerate) on the enemy, if we hit them better so we can use our first skill (Viper shot) to melt the enemy. With the Ultimate (Petrify) it would be to use it first and do the combo that I said before.
She is currently very strong and very rewarding to play, you can kill a lot with her and easy to use.
Medusa is a late game hard carry god who specializes in dealing high damage to a single target and controlling teamfights with her ultimate. Medusa is characterized by having a very aggressive playstyle and Its main advantage is how oppressive she is in lane thanks to the ease with which it can push minions and poke enemies at the same time. Thanks to this, Medusa not only excels in the carry role but can also be used in mid.
Passive: Sidewinder
Medusa is immune to the movement penalty that exists in Smite 2 when moving laterally and takes half the penalty when moving backwards. Thanks to this passive, Medusa is very good when fighting 1vs1 against other carries since it makes it easier for her to avoid basics and abilities.
1 Skill: Viper Shot
By activating this ability, Medusa gains an increase in attack speed and improves her next 4 basic attacks, causing them to poison enemies for 1.5 seconds. Additionally, hitting enemies with these basic attacks reduces the cooldown of this ability. This is Medusa's main source of damage, especially when playing aggressively, jumping on enemies to ensure hitting with the 4 basics and causing a lot of burst damage.
2 Skill: Acid Spray
Medusa spits out a ball of acid that hits the first enemy in its path and then explodes, spreading behind it, causing physical damage in a cone-shaped area. Additionally, enemies hit by this ability have their healing reduced by 40%. The objective of this ability is to launch it into the wave of minions to push it and at the same time seek to poke the enemies with the spread
3 Skill: Lacerate
Medusa dashes forward, passing through all enemies and stopping on the first enemy god in her path, rooting them for 1 second. This ability is used to escape but it is best to use it to play aggressively against enemies, since Medusa's main combo is to launch herself against an enemy with this ability and while it is rooted, take advantage of it to hit with the basics of Viper Shot
4 Skill: Petrify
Medusa removes her mask and attacks with a flash that deals physical damage and petrifies enemies who are looking at her at that moment and slows enemies who have their back turned. If a petrified enemy dies, it will leave a statue in its place that, when destroyed, will give Medusa a temporary buff of 10% strength and intelligence and a permanent buff of 5 strength and intelligence. This ultimate is one of the ones that can impact a teamfight the most if it hits several enemies who are looking at Medusa. Hitting a carry that does not have beads at that moment with this ability is practically a guaranteed kill.
Skill order
The build is currently the same for Medusas whether it is a carry or mid, taking advantage of how good the Sharpshooter's Arrow starter is.
Medusa, the Gorgon, is a formidable hunter in SMITE 2, known for her high burst damage, mobility, and crowd control. Her abilities allow her to dominate the battlefield, making her a versatile pick for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles.
Passive – Sidewinder Medusa movement is unhindered by side strafing and she has reduced movement penalties when moving backward, enhancing her mobility in fights.
1st Ability – Viper Shot Medusa gains increased attack speed, and her basic attacks become augmented, shooting vipers that poison targets hit, dealing damage over time.
2nd Ability – Acid Spray Medusa spits out acid that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing damage and splashing acid in a cone behind them, affecting all enemies in the area.
3rd Ability – Lacerate Medusa dashes forward, dealing damage to all enemies hit. If she hits an enemy god, they are rooted, and healing is reduced on them for a short duration.
Ultimate – Petrify Medusa removes her mask, unleashing her petrifying gaze. Enemies facing her are stunned and take massive damage, while those not facing her are slowed.
Ability Leveling Order
Prioritize leveling Viper Shot first to enhance your basic attack damage and attack speed. Follow up by maxing Acid Spray for wave clear and poke damage. Lacerate can be leveled next to improve mobility and crowd control. Always upgrade Petrify whenever available to maximize its impact in fights.
High Burst Damage: Medusa's abilities, especially when combined, can quickly eliminate squishy targets.
Mobility: Sidewinder and Lacerate provide excellent tools for both engaging and disengaging from fights.
Crowd Control: Petrify can turn the tide of team fights with its stunning and slowing effects.
Vulnerability to Crowd Control: Despite her mobility, Medusa is susceptible to being locked down by heavy CC, especially when her abilities are on cooldown.
Skill Dependency: Landing her abilities, particularly Petrify and Acid Spray, requires precise aim and timing.
Positioning: Utilize Sidewinder to strafe and reposition during fights, making it harder for enemies to land skill shots.
Combo Execution: Initiate with Lacerate to apply healing reduction and root the target, follow up with Acid Spray for burst damage, and activate Viper Shot to finish off enemies with enhanced basic attacks.
Ultimate Usage: Use Petrify in team fights to stun multiple enemies facing you. Positioning is key to maximizing its effectiveness.
Mana Management: Medusa abilities have high mana costs; consider building mana items like Transcendence to sustain your ability usage.
Medusa is a highly lethal character, capable of dealing explosive damage to her enemies while also controlling the battlefield with versatile abilities. She is quite mobile, making her perfect for putting pressure on opponents. Even though she may move slowly, she doesn't suffer any movement penalties and can dodge while maintaining her position.
Among her attacks, Medusa has the ability to inflict the poisoned status on players, which deals damage over time. Once the target is hit, subsequent attacks become faster. Naturally, Medusa's main abilities revolve around poison, meaning she can also use a poisonous cloud that damages enemies on impact, hitting nearby targets as well.
But that's not all—Medusa can also launch frontal attacks, halting her opponent's movement and dealing heavy damage. As per legend, she can petrify enemies with her gaze, inflicting reduced damage over time. As mentioned, she is a devastating character, useful both for holding and defending positions as well as attacking enemies.
Medusa is a well-known figure from Greek mythology, but she is not a deity. Instead, she is one of the three monstrous Gorgons. Medusa was once a beautiful mortal woman. According to some myths, she was a priestess of Athena. Her transformation into a Gorgon came after she was either raped by or consensually involved with Poseidon in Athena's temple, leading to Athena cursing her. Medusa's story intertwines with several Greek heroes, most notably Perseus. He famously beheaded her, using a mirrored shield to avoid her gaze. From her blood, sprang the winged horse Pegasus and the giant Chrysaor.
In "Smite 2," Medusa plays as a Hunter, leveraging her abilities for ranged attacks, crowd control, and swift movement. Here's how her abilities function:
Passive - Sidewinder: Medusa can move sideways without slowing down and only half as slow when moving backward, giving her an edge in combat mobility.
Ability 1 - Viper Shot: She boosts her attack speed, sending out venomous snakes with each basic attack that poison enemies over time.
Ability 2 - Acid Spray: Medusa spits acid at her target, which then splashes to damage others behind, also reducing their healing capabilities.
Ability 3 - Lacerate: She dashes forward, dealing damage and rooting the first enemy god she contacts, allowing for tactical positioning or escapes.
Ultimate - Petrify: g uncovers her face, stunning and damaging enemies who dare to look. Those who avert their gaze receive less damage but are slowed. Any enemy killed by this ultimate turns to stone, creating temporary obstacles on the battlefield.
Her battle type is hunter/crowd control/utility
Useful tip:
Strategic Use of Petrify: Make the most out of Medusa's ultimate by timing it well. Its animation is lengthy, so deploy it when you can surprise several enemies or when you're safe to complete the animation. Position yourself cleverly, perhaps behind obstacles, or wait until enemies are deeply engaged in battle to ensure they face Medusa for the full stun effect. Keep in mind, enemies not looking at her will just get slowed, so plan your ultimate's use in team fights for maximum impact.
Medusa in Smite 2 is one of the most interesting and powerful characters because of her abilities that can do high-powered damage in combos. Not only are the damages powerful, but they are also well-balanced to favor the team on the battlefield. One of the best abilities that should definitely be maximized is "Petrify" and the name itself says a lot. In fact, with this ability Medusa, who we know for her power from mythology, stuns every enemy that crosses her by simply turning them into stone for a few seconds. If used well, this ability is devastating and not only does damage but allows the entire team to attack opponents who are helpless and unable to respond.
Medusa is also ideal in the Carry roles where she can make the most of her ability power to do long-distance damage. The advice is to maximize her build and optimize it and at the same time use objects that increase both physical damage and attack speed. Similar objects can be well distributed throughout the bulk and maximize Medusa's offensive potential.
During the game, you should focus on farming to gain advantages early on. You can also use items for defense or to slow down your opponents, but first and foremost you should focus on attacking.
Medusa is a very strong hunter and I can say she is the strongest hunter in Smite 2, she has a very strong and aggressive kit that lets her win every 1 vs 1 with any hunter in the game.
Medusa passive and abilities:
Medusa passive and abilities:
Medusa passive(Sidewinder): Medusa suffers no movement penalty when strafing and half the movement penalty when backpedaling.
Medusa abilities:
Viper Shot: Gain increased Attack Speed and augment your next 4 Basic Attacks. every basic attack from this 4 basic attacks shooting vipers that poison the targets hit makes them bleed, Each successful hit on an enemy God reduces the Cooldown of this ability.
Acid Spray: Medusa Spits acid that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, then spraying out in a cone behind them. Enemies hit have their Healing Taken reduced for 5s. Acid spray will explode on the statues Medusa has created.
Lacerate: Medusa Slither's forward Damage to all enemies she passes through, The first enemy God you encounter causes you to stop before damaging and Rooting the God hit.
Petrify: Medusa removes her mask, enemies stunned if they look at you. If they are not looking at you, they are instead dealt reduced Physical Damage and Slowed. Medusa is CC Immune while using this ability.
leveling order:
Viper Shot:
Acid Spray:
This build is a very strong one on Medusa after testing a lot of builds, you can 1 shot any god in the game and kill tanks very fast.
For lane phase, don't be afraid of fighting the enemy adc, you have a strong kit and you can win most of your team fights.
For team fight focus on dealing damage to enemy damage dealers, you can melt them, and after this turn your focus on the enemy tanks.