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In Norse mythology, Ymir is the primordial giant and the progenitor of all giants. Born from the meeting of ice from Niflheim and fire from Muspelheim, he represents the origin of life from chaos. Ymir was eventually killed by Odin and his brothers, Vili and Ve, who used his body to form the world: his flesh became the land, his blood the oceans, bones turned into mountains, his skull the sky, brains into clouds, and his eyebrows created Midgard for humans. This foundational myth illustrates the Norse concept of creation from destruction, setting the stage for the entire cosmos and the cyclical nature of existence that leads to Ragnarok, the world's end, and potentially a new beginning.

Passive - Frostbite: Boosts Ymir's basic attack damage post-ability hit.

Glacial Strike: Line attack that slows and damages, good for wave clear.

Ice Wall: Blocks paths, traps, or protects. Can be destroyed early.

Frost Breath: Cone attack that freezes, sets up for Frostbite damage.

(Ultimate) Shards of Ice: Channels then explodes ice around Ymir, slowing and damaging.

Control fights with slows and walls, maximize Frostbite for damage.


Keep distance, control with ranged abilities. Block escapes or protect, time it right. Freeze foes at critical times for advantage. Use safely, cancel if necessary. Keep debuff active for extra damage. Set up ganks, trap with allies. Dominate key areas with your kit. Go for cooldown and health.


Ymir, deity of frost, is one of the most used characters in Smite 2 precisely because of her ability to maintain a certain balance on the battlefield. She is mainly a deity who plays a support role for the team, but she is also able to inflict damage if you know how to use her well.

She therefore protects the team by creating areas of protection, but she also has the ability to create an ice bridge useful for stopping and slowing down enemies. This allows the team to organize themselves, divide into groups or escape if they are not getting the upper hand.

Another useful ability to use is the frost wave that freezes enemies allowing the team to annihilate those who have been hit and are therefore paralyzed in ice. This ability can also be used before Shards of Ice which in addition to paralyzing also inflicts damage. Also ideal for the ranged shot or to defend the team.

Another thing to know about this character is the construction of objects that increase both the team's protection and physical resistance. He may seem like a useless character because he mainly focuses on protecting the team, but in my opinion he is a fundamental character because he balances the game and leads the team to victory.


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