Ymir is known as the father of the frost giants, so it makes sense we'd run our Ymir guide reward right as winter is approaching. All of his abilities, as you'd expect, are about frost and ice and although he's mainly classed as a support god, he can deal plenty of damage.
If you're a Ymir expert, we want you to teach us how to play him! Explain how each of his abilities works, what his most suitable roles are, what his best builds are, strategies, tips, tricks, and more. Written guides can win $4 while video guides can win $10, and the more comprehensive they are, the better!
Ymir is a longtime SMITE fan favorite. Classified as a Guardian in SMITE 1, he plays a tanky defensive style where he uses his crowd control to assist his teammates in shutting down enemy gods and protecting his teammates.
Frostbite (Passive)
Ymir's damaging abilities apply frostbite when they damage or CC (Crowd Control) enemies. Frostbitten enemies take more basic attack damage from you and deal less damage to you.
Ice Wall
Ymir creates a wall at the chosen location that knocks back enemies on creation. You can reactivate the ability to destroy the ice wall early
Glacial Strike
Ymir smashes his club into the ground, creating a field of ice that deals Magical damage and slows enemies hit by 25% for 2 seconds.
Frost Breath
Ymir unleashes a freezing breath in a cone in front of him, stunning enemies hit and dealing magical damage. The stun lasts for 1second and increases by 0.15 seconds per rank up to 1.6 seconds.
Shards of Ice (Ultimate)
Ymir freezes the air in a circle around him, slowing enemies by 40% as it is channeled. After 3 seconds, the area erupts, dealing magical damage to all enemies in the area. Ymir can reactivate the ability to erupt early, dealing less damage. Ymir is also CC immune during the duration of this ability.
Ymir excels as a support, so it is where I would recommend playing him. Try to engage enemies by hitting them with frost breath first to stun them ( If you are struggling to get close enough, use Ice Wall behind the enemy to prevent them from running away) , and allow your team to move in on the enemies without threat of being attacked by them, and hit the enemy with a basic attack while they are still stunned to do extra damage with Ymir's passive. Follow this up by hitting them with glacial freeze to slow them and prevent their escape and continue to hit them with basic attacks while they are slowed. When you are ready to use your ultimate, place your wall in the way of the enemies escape to keep them in the area, and use frost breath to stun them, the activate your ultimate as they will not be able to escape while they are stunned. If the enemy god lacks a leap or dash to escape the area, allow the ult to fully charge, dealing maximum damage to your enemy.
Ymir is a powerful guardian in SMITE 2, known for his incredible crowd control, area denial, and tankiness. He excels in the Support role, where his abilities can disrupt enemy teams, protect allies, and set up kills with ease. His frost themed kit makes him a formidable presence in team fights and objective control.
Passive – Frostbite All of Ymir's abilities that affect enemies apply a Debuff to the enemy called Frostbite. All of Ymir's Basic Attacks against a target afflicted by Frostbite do 100% more damage. Enemies afflicted by Frostbite deal 10% less damage. Lasts for 6s.
1st Ability – Ice Wall Create a Wall that Displaces enemies on creation. Applies Frostbite to Displaced enemies.
2nd Ability – Glacial Strike Deal Magical Damage and Slow enemies. Applies Frostbite on successful hit.
3rd Ability – Frost Breath Deal Magical Damage and Stun enemies in front of you. Applies Frostbite on successful hit.
Ultimate – Shards of Ice Channel to Slow enemies around you. Deal a burst of Magical Damage when the Channel is complete. Applies Frostbite immediately to enemies in the area. You are CC Immune while Channeling.
Ability Leveling Order
Ice Wall (ABILITY 1): 3-15-16-18-19
Glacial Strike (ABILITY 2): 2-8-11-12-14
Frost Breath (ABILITY 3): 1-4-6-7-10
Shards of Ice (ABILITY 4): 5-9-13-17-20
Start by maxing skill 3. Important for increasing stun duration, decreasing cooldown and increasing damage.
Then increase your skill by 2. This will decrease the cooldown and greatly increase the skill's damage.
Your skill 1 doesn't change much, just the cooldown and duration of the wall, so you can leave this skill to increase last. Whenever possible, increase your ultimate.
For Ymir support I recommend this build. You can choose heroism or War Flag, but I recommend War Flag. You can also do Ruinous Ankh if there is a lot of healing on the other side. Regarding Relic, you can do Sundering Arc for extra damage or Phantom Shell for some extra shield.
Ymir’s Frost Breath freeze and Glacial Strike slow make him one of the best at disrupting enemies and setting up plays. As a Guardian, Ymir boasts impressive tankiness, allowing him to absorb substantial damage while staying in the fight. His Ice Wall can block enemy paths, control choke points, and trap targets, giving his team a positional advantage in fights. Shards of Ice deals heavy area damage, punishing grouped enemies and pressuring opponents in key objectives. Ymir’s freezing and slowing abilities make him a reliable initiator who can lead his team into engagements effectively.
Ymir lacks dashes or movement speed boosts, making it hard for him to chase down enemies or escape bad situations. Ymir’s abilities consume significant mana, especially early on, so he needs careful mana management or support items. Ymir’s effectiveness relies on landing his abilities precisely. Missing a Frost Breath or Ice Wall can waste opportunities or even hinder teammates unintentionally. While tanky, Ymir is susceptible to burst damage from characters who can exploit his lack of mobility. Ymir is a strong team player, but his low damage outside his ultimate makes him reliant on allies for kills and finishing fights.
Combo: Start with Frost Breath to stun enemies, follow up with Glacial Strike for damage and slow, and use Ice Wall to trap them or block their escape. Finish with Shards of Ice for massive burst damage.
Block: Use Ice Wall creatively to block enemy paths or protect your team. It can also be used to body block for allies.
Ultimate: Channel Shards of Ice in choke points or during team fights to maximize its damage and slow effect. Use it defensively to zone enemies away from objectives.
Ymir is one of the most famous support god in smite 1 and thanks to HIREZ to bring him early to smite 2.
his main role is support but in Smite 2 since you can build crit on any gods Ymir can be play him as a Jangler
Ymir's abilities and passive
Passive Frostbite: All of Ymir's abilities that affect enemies apply a Debuff to the enemy called Frostbite. All of Ymir's Basic Attacks against a target afflicted by Frostbite do 100% more damage. Enemies afflicted by Frostbite deal 10% less damage. This damage scale on physical which means the more physical damage you have the more damage you will apply.
Ice Wall: Ymir creates a wall that displaces all enemies that hit and applies frostbite on them, this ability can throw Ymir forward if the wall is placed behind him.
Glacial strike: Ymir hit the floor and made spikes from ice dealing damage and slow enemies that hit and applied frostbite on them.
Frost Breath: Ymir breaths ice that stuns enemies in front of you and applies frostbite in a successful hit.
Shards of Ice: Ymir charges his weapon to slow enemies around him and when the charge is over he deals a burst of damage to all enemies in that area and applies frostbite on them while in his ultimate Ymir is cc immune.
Ymir is a strong backline support that can help his team to stay alive for a long time on team fight duo to his kit with a lot of cc.
Make sure to use your passive as much as possible because you deal a ton of damage with it.
this build is good for Ymir support because it has a lot of actives that help teammates.
fro example
stampede: gives you and your teammate movement speed and cc immune.
talisman of purification: this item gives you and your teammates immune (like global beads)
screeching gargoyle; silence enemies in front of you that gives your teammate an advantage to kill them
spectral armor: reduces enemy attack speed and critical damage that hits you and your teammate.
Ymir is one of the main characters of Smite, one of the most iconic of Smite 1 and in my opinion the most fun to play as well as easy to use, without a doubt Ymir is a great character which can bring variations to the team and provide good help for victory
Ymir has 4 abilities and one passive, this god does not have an aspect.
Passive: Ymir's passive is Frostibe, which adds this effect when she damages or applies CC to an enemy and also makes her basics do more than 100% of normal damage. Ymir's basics are distributed by 175% strength and 35% intelligence, which means that the more strength the more damage their basics will do
First ability: Ymir can create a wall of ice which can push gods if it is placed in front of or under them, this ice wall can be removed at will once placed and will destroy after a few seconds
Second Skill: Ymir slams the ground and creates a straight line of ice spikes in front of him which deals damage and slows. This skill uses 70% of Intelligence and 55% of Strength.
Third skill: Ymir throws a freezing breath which Stuns enemies hit by this skill for a short time, in this skill Ymir applies CC and only uses Intelligence
Fourth skill: Ymir Freezes the ground around him while he stands still in the middle charging an explosion which lasts for 3 seconds, enemies in the circle are slowed, Ymir is immune to CC during this ability and the explosion can be detonated early if desired. This skill only uses Intelligence
How to play
Once Ymir's abilities and passives have been explained, it's time to learn how to use them correctly to win the game.
Ymir is normally a support character, however he can go Solo or Jungle due to different builds that exist which adapt perfectly to his abilities, But now I will tell you how to play it support and in a more aggressive but fun variation.
The support role consists of helping allied gods, protecting them, helping them kill other gods, covering areas on the map with wards and resisting as much damage as possible. Once this is understood Ymir is a great character for this role since with her abilities she can help a lot, For example:
during battles, Ymir's freezing is vital to catch enemies before they use their escape or freeze those who don't have it so your team can take advantage and hurt them while they can't move
The Ice Wall is a great ability as it can cover escape routes, slow down enemies or enemy attacks, propel you to escape if it is thrown under your feet or save an ally from being killed during a chase
The second ability Ymir is useful because in addition to doing damage, it slows down which is perfect for making it more difficult for enemies you want to escape from, in addition to being an ability With some distance it is perfect in case you can't hit it with your basics
The Ulty or the fourth ability is a great tool not only in battles to slow down and do massive damage to several gods, but it also serves to secure important buffs such as fire giant, the knight or any other buff that is required and even help you finish a game by killing the Titan
Ymir is fun to use and very useful for assisting, the important thing to remember is that by slowing and freezing you have many possibilities to create useful situations for your team.
Ymir's fourth ability being immune to CC can help you escape from abilities such as Ares' fourth ability, it is better to waste an ability than to die and give the enemy an advantage.
Below I will show you the build that I use for Ymir support along with the Stats that this Build gives once finished.
Show you some situational items which can help thanks to their actives for a game with certain gods
The situational items shown give actives that help you to be immune to CC for yourself and those around you, to be able to pass through structures created by other gods, to reduce healing from enemy gods and healing your allies by placing a healing area on the floor
And I will teach you a build based on criticals and attack speed which takes advantage of Ymir's passive and can cause a lot of damage quickly.
This build is mostly for fun since it doesn't carry any defense, however it doesn't mean that Ymir can never do damage, there are Solo builds for Ymir since it's a character that has several possible roles.
Ymir is a fun, versatile character and generally makes a great contribution to the team if used well. She is my favorite support and without a doubt one of the most iconic characters in Smite.
Ymir is the most iconic support in Smite, he is one of the gods most used by people who are just starting to play the game because of how fun it is to use him and because of the ease he has to generate pressure on the enemy team with a large amount of damage and crowd control. Despite being simple to use and understand, Ymir brings a lot of usefulness to games and can be a great threat if the enemy team is not careful. Ymir is mainly used as support but thanks to its damage and cc it can also be used in the jungle or in the solo lane
Passive: Frostbite
When Ymir hits enemies with his abilities, he applies a debuff that makes Ymir's basic attacks against those enemies cause 100% more damage, in addition, enemies affected by that debuff inflict 10% less damage. This passive is one of the main reasons why Ymir is so good at causing lane pressure as his early game damage is probably the highest of any support.
1 Skill: Ice Wall
Ymir creates a wall in the selected area that prevents movement, it also displaces enemies in the area where the wall was created, it also has the utility of making Ymir jump forward when creating the wall below him. This ability is especially good against gods who do not have any jumping abilities to pass through walls.
2 Skill: Glacial strike
Ymir hits the ground with his weapon generating ice spikes in an area in front of him doing magic damage and slowing down enemies, this is a useful ability to push the lane or to surprise and annoy enemies with a lot of damage by applying the passive
3 Skill: Frost Breath
Ymir launches a breeze that does damage and freezes enemies for up to 1.6 seconds depending on the level of the skill, also applying the passive, with this skill you can combo with his 1 and 2 by putting a wall behind the enemies, then you freeze them with your 3 and while they are stunned cast the 2 to guarantee the hit
4 Skill: Shards of Ice
Ymir stands and begins to channel, generating an area around him that slows down the enemies. When he finishes channeling, the area explodes, causing magic damage depending on how long Ymir has been channeling. During this time Ymir is immune to crowd control and applies his passive instantly to all enemies within the area. This ability is very good for zoning enemies in a teamfight or for ensuring kills by applying a lot of damage at once. In addition, the immunity to crowd control that the ultimate gives you serves to avoid important enemy abilities such as Ares ultimate.
Skill order
Here I will leave some useful builds to play Ymir in support, jungle and solo lane
Ymir is mostly ability-based, but he also has good basic attacks. He can be played defensively or offensively and is an amazingly versatile character, with a kit that includes a slow, a stun, damage, and a small dash (with his first ability).
An offensive build for Ymir includes intelligence items, Hydra's Lament, and Polynomicon to maximize his ability and basic attack damage, as well as his slow effects. Items like Rod of Tahuti, Chronos' Pendant, and Dreamer's Idol work very well with him.
Here is an example hybrid basic attack and ability build: link
A defensive build for Ymir should include physical and magical defense items, along with area buffs and debuffs. Items like Talisman of Purification, Pharaoh's Curse, and Ruinous Ankh are excellent for helping your team.
Note: This website contains information about all items, so it is highly recommended to read and study the active and passive effects of these items.
Offensive Build:
Approach the enemy by walking or blinking, cast your third ability to stun the enemy, follow up with a basic attack, use your second ability to deal damage and slow, basic attack again, cast the first ability to prevent the enemy from escaping, and finish with basic attacks.
Note: Before casting your ultimate, it’s better to stun nearby enemies, as each tick of the charge increases the ultimate’s damage.
Defensive Build:
Approach the enemy by walking or blinking, cast your third ability to stun the enemy, use your second ability to deal damage and slow, cast the first ability to prevent the enemy from escaping, and follow up with basic attacks.
Ymir is mostly used as a support, but his versatile ability set makes him viable for solo, jungle, or duel game modes.
Ymir is a hard-hitting, club-swinging menace. But Ymir can also be a supportive menace, setting up kills if the opponent has no way of bypassing his terrifying stun, close-range slow and ice wall. Ymir scales off of Int, Strength and Protections and can build a huge variety of items that the player may feel necessary to build!
Ymir is extremely strong in the early to mid-game, with his surprising damage from his passive that allows him to do bonus damage if he hits an enemy with any of his abilties. Do not underestimate this passive, because he HURTS!
Firstly, Ymir's first ability has a lot of potential in setting up or confirming kills. It creates an ice wall that is impassable for enemies (and allies! Don't forget it affects allies as well!). Trapping an enemy escape route is extremely valuable and can often force jumps. If they don't leap they are as good as dead with team follow up. You can also use this to propel yourself forward to catch a fleeing opponent or flee yourself! Don't forget you can recast this to immediately put away the wall if you happen to misplace it.
Ymir's second ability is a slam that slows enemies in front of him. This is a simple line ability that gives a pretty hefty slow to anyone close enough to Ymir. Use it to make sure no one can easily run from you or your team.
Ymir's third ability is a cone ability that freezes in a close range. This is his strongest point as this ability lasts a really long time and is a perfect time to unload damage to the target(s). Using this ability then the second ability is a great way to lock someone down and make it hard for them to escape.
Finally, Ymir's ultimate ability is a large, slowing radius around him that slowly charges up into a huge damage burst. This can be used to confirm kills, either with the blast or the slow. Don't forget you can cancel this early for a less damaging blast. It's important that this is not forgotten as sometimes you don't need the full damage burst for a kill confirm.
How do I build Ymir?
This depends on what role you want to play as he can fulfill as much as 3 roles in Smite 2.
Support Ymir
Ymir in the support role will have the most situation building of all the roles he can be played in. Support in general relies on knowledge of what the enemy team has and countering it. Some general good items for support and Ymir are Gauntlet of Thebes, Talisman of Purification, Circe's Hexstone, Stampede, Screeching Gargoyle, and Stone of Binding. These items are generally good and almost never bad picks but don't forget to assess what you are facing and building accordingly.
Solo Ymir
Ymir in solo lane builds similarly to support except you grab a few more selfish items instead of supportive. His laning phase can be hit or miss depending on who you go against. If you go against a mage, you most likely win that after building your first item. Against the likes of Hercules or Chaac, Ymir will struggle. It is important that you counter build your lane opponent. Here are some items that will help against physical damage dealers: Breastplate of Valor, Gladiator's shield, and Berserker's shield.
Here are items that will help against magic damage dealers: Genji's guard, Oni's Hunter Garb, and Shogun's kusari.
Jungle Ymir
Ymir in the jungle can be terrifying in the early game but he is very easy to group and kill. Playing Ymir in the jungle is not recommended unless you are grouped with people. He can be very strong in the right comp but underwhelming with no communication. You need to build mostly damage to scare off people. I would recommend the Bumba's Cudgel starter for more basic attack burst. In general, I think building Ymir with attack speed (sometimes crit) is the best way. I heavily recommend the item Hydra's Lament as it pairs extremely well with his passive. Fitting in a defense item such as Berseker's Shield or Shogun's Kusari may be necessary against some comps.
In Norse mythology, Ymir is the primordial giant and the progenitor of all giants. Born from the meeting of ice from Niflheim and fire from Muspelheim, he represents the origin of life from chaos. Ymir was eventually killed by Odin and his brothers, Vili and Ve, who used his body to form the world: his flesh became the land, his blood the oceans, bones turned into mountains, his skull the sky, brains into clouds, and his eyebrows created Midgard for humans. This foundational myth illustrates the Norse concept of creation from destruction, setting the stage for the entire cosmos and the cyclical nature of existence that leads to Ragnarok, the world's end, and potentially a new beginning.
Glacial Strike: Line attack that slows and damages, good for wave clear.
Ice Wall: Blocks paths, traps, or protects. Can be destroyed early.
Frost Breath: Cone attack that freezes, sets up for Frostbite damage.
(Ultimate) Shards of Ice: Channels then explodes ice around Ymir, slowing and damaging.
Control fights with slows and walls, maximize Frostbite for damage.
Keep distance, control with ranged abilities. Block escapes or protect, time it right. Freeze foes at critical times for advantage. Use safely, cancel if necessary. Keep debuff active for extra damage. Set up ganks, trap with allies. Dominate key areas with your kit. Go for cooldown and health.
Ymir, deity of frost, is one of the most used characters in Smite 2 precisely because of her ability to maintain a certain balance on the battlefield. She is mainly a deity who plays a support role for the team, but she is also able to inflict damage if you know how to use her well.
She therefore protects the team by creating areas of protection, but she also has the ability to create an ice bridge useful for stopping and slowing down enemies. This allows the team to organize themselves, divide into groups or escape if they are not getting the upper hand.
Another useful ability to use is the frost wave that freezes enemies allowing the team to annihilate those who have been hit and are therefore paralyzed in ice. This ability can also be used before Shards of Ice which in addition to paralyzing also inflicts damage. Also ideal for the ranged shot or to defend the team.
Another thing to know about this character is the construction of objects that increase both the team's protection and physical resistance. He may seem like a useless character because he mainly focuses on protecting the team, but in my opinion he is a fundamental character because he balances the game and leads the team to victory.