Presenting the Just About Video Games edition of a classic internet game! You probably know the format, but just in case, here are the rules:
In your bounty submission, describe the premise or the story of any video game badly. Be vague, reductive, oversimplify. Super Mario Bros might become 'unemployed plumbers commit fungicide, rescue princess'.
Do not name the video game, or any element that might identify it. Substitute reductive descriptions instead, so Sonic might become 'hyperactive mutant erinaceid'.
It's partly an ironic homage to our favourite games and partly a social guessing game. The submissions with the most reactions and replies will get the rewards!
already paid
$33 / 40
This reward closed to entries at 10:28am on August 7, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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