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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Luriant's avatar

My thargoid counter offensive was... grumpy. Before taking any action, I did some math, like always. Using only cyclops value, lot of other activities in the game, or kills with different value.

  1. The community goal have 8Trillion combat bonds as target.

  2. 1 Cyclop = 8M Combat bond, so the CG need 1Million of cyclops killed.

  3. But also, a cyclop kill give 1 less strenght in controlled systems, most of them with 5K strenght, and some populated have up to 11K.

  4. With 200 empty controlled systems, and 40 once populated, we need (2005000)+(4011000)= 1.44M in combat bonds to wing the war. This community goal need 70% of the war effort needed to win the war. This rate of progress will be enough to win the war in 2 weeks.

  • The reward dont help, modules available in the correct tech brokers, also without cost as all the preengineered modules. And easier with the new engineering rebalance.

  • And most Thargoid combat bonds can be double if you pledge to some powerplay at rank 5, but need ot be done the week BEFORE, and this CG don't give time. Its like half profit for normal AX fight.

For me, the attack on Jameson Memorial was a distraction, and only a bunch of systems were captured this week because the community goal. And I feel sad.

But then, I saw something. New players joined the war, because they got hit in the station they love. This war increase the number of pilots learning about AX mechanics. Cmdr Mechan give advice, AXI discord become on fire, and the AX scene ignited again.

The current week have minor progression, but the community moved a lot. If some of this players keep doing AX combat, we can make up the lost progress in the next weeks.

Im a technocrat, no soul, only numbers and data. I miss the part of this war about raising the spirit. So I become grumpy seeing more and more new players joining a useless today war, instead thinking in the future with all the new pilots joining the defense of humanity.

I was on a holiday trip for the whole weekend, and only helped with some reddit post and discord talk. But always follow the Galactic news ;) .

MQC's avatar

We were able to intercept a Thargoid transmission from Sinrarta Dezhra:

"Alert. Operation Sinrarta Dezhra successfully completed. Human fleet surprised, defenses neutralized. Sinrarta Dezhra under Thargoid control. Minimal losses, objectives achieved. Jamenson's vicious attack will never be forgotten or forgiven. Requesting further instructions. Alert."

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks MQC - don't forget to verify your images for media bounties. o7

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I was arming up my Python to prepare for a week of chill mining sessions when I saw the message about Shinrarta's going down, and the Thargoids are attacking Jameson Memorial. No need for more explication, I called over my Chieftain which has been my anti-xeno vessels for weeks to take back systems from Raijin Titan, and went to the front line the first night when the news was announce.

Everything was chaotic when I arrived to the station, everything's on fire, Hydras flying around, cmdrs flying back to the station or the rescue ship with holes opened on their hulls. "These suckers had the guts to threaten our world. We are the sons of Jameson and we shall them why we have the second armament." - I said this to myself and boosted up my Chieftain before joining the frontline.

As of today, 5 days later, we had claimed our victory against their invasion. Over 5.5 trillion credits were turned in by 8,709 CMDRs in a span of 4 days.

"The successful defense of the headquarters of the Pilot Federation will surely go down as one of the greatest battles of the Thargoid War. Whether you participated in direct combat, rescue operations, or were far removed from it all during a long trip in the black - savor this moment. The Thargoids took their biggest swing at humanity. And we soundly beat them back, together. GLORY, TO MANKIND!" - words from AXI staff, posted by CMDR Mechan, the face of the second Thargoid's war.

This has been a great experience (beside the shameless Thargoids sympathizers), which shows how much faith we still have in humanity, companionship and courage.

Oh and here some of the pictures I take during one of the last waves today.

Hunter's avatar

Dangerous rescue mission that almost cost 81 person's lives :

After " CMDR Hunter " heard the news from his ship's panel that the well known system called Shinrarta Dezhra is getting invaded by the Thargoids . The most dangerous creatures that a traveller can cross paths with in the vast space of Elite Dangerous . He gathered his thoughts and courage and without waiting jumped on his ASP Explorer called "The Spirit" . A ship for exploration but with large cargo capacity that can be used to transport escape pods of survivors on the Historic space station called "Jameson Memorial " .

After many jumps the CMDR made it to warzone and breakthrough enemy lines to the station into the docking station.

with few clicks he filled his ship with 80 survivors and was ready to go.

watch the video for the rest of the story .

JHenckes's avatar

The attack at Sinrarta Dezhra was an unpleasant surprise, how could the Thargoids be able to reach that point without being noticed. I’m glad I wasn't at the starport at the moment, but I had to do something about it. At the moment I’m doing the maximum or rescuing that I can with my Keelback, it isn't that big ship but it can be very fast and cold to pass through the scouts and interceptor without noticing me.

There were moments of complete terror, to get to the mailslot I’ve to cross dozens of thargoids scouts. They aren’t that strong but my Keelback has only shield to hold some fire. I can’t equip stronger ones because my temperature will get high, so I must be cautious. At least at the entrance I can repair my ship, the problem is the exiting…

I’ve lost count how many people I’ve rescued at the port but I won’t be stopping right now, there are too many people to get saved there and I hope I’m receiving a lot of help from other pilots. And I hope the pilots that are risking their lives in the front line win from those bastard bugs.

XCezor's avatar

Mission log from Commander XCezor, one of the founders of the Aurora Venatores Squadron:
"I changed my standard ship to Python Mk1, specialized for the passenger missions. This time, it has served as a rescue ship. The situation in Shinrarta Dezhra seems to stabilize a bit. But the Thargoids are still attacking and the risk of loosing one of the most important systems remains at a very high level. We need to keep fighting and rescue as much people as we can."

LunchAndDinner's avatar

For humanity, for Shinrata! It's nice to see all cmdrs team up to defend one of humanity's biggest home bases, taking down those Hydras is not easy task.

It takes the combined efforts of many cmdrs to take them down, or perhaps one extremely skilled pilot

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks LunchAndDinner - don't forget to verify your images via social media. o7

Slamscape's avatar

I hope I'm not too late, I'll let the video speak for itself.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Boomer this video is very worthy of a Member Monday shoutout!

Boomer's avatar

Oh absolutely! The music really adds to the when's the feature length film coming out? 😁

Slamscape's avatar

I'm very appreciative of all the positive feedback :) I dunno about a feature length film, but you never know.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

"You all know that I am no a fighter, I only hunt pirates! But If this mean that humanity is in risk I'll fight by I wont guarantee the I will from any help, I don't know how to hunt a Thargoid!!"

I'm just an explorer but the bubble or maybe the humanity, so I wont't hesitate from fighting. I hope I'm of any help cmdrs o7!!

Doc's avatar

This was completely unexpected to me. I moved all my stuff to Shinrarta Dezhra recently, so I was wondering how I could react to this event, so I decided to go by the humour way. Everything beyond this point is a joke, don't get it so serius.

CMDR Doc reporting from a press interview in Shinrarta Dezhra vicinity:

"What in the universe is happening in Dezhra? It's a disgrace! I saw the news on Galnet and decided to go to Jameson check the situation by myself, it's a complete nightmare. Mr. Hendrics and system security forces have briefed me on the situation, and by the way, they are really good people, it's clear now that the system is full of illegal aliens (Thargoids), you don't even need a permit to enter it anymore, that is a shame. I'm joining Shinrarta Dezhra defence council and we are going to build a wall, it will be invisible, but a beautiful wall, and then you will need a permit to enter Dezhra again. Hope things get back to normal soon or I will need to get that payment in advance of the Jameson parking lot refunded, lol."

Donut's avatar

The system is a nightmare. All outposts but Jameson are down and Jameson's not in good shape. Rescue and Evac ships are being attacked indiscriminately by the Thargoid invaders. Even with support of Aegus and Azmuth, the casualties have been staggering. The situation looks utterly hopeless.

But you can't tell the Commanders of the Pilots' Federation that.

The call went out on Thursday for the assistance of all available pilots as soon as the first of the Thargoid invasion fleet jumped in to Sinrarta Dezhra and the boys, girls and non binary commanders answered the call! Every ship from Fed Corvs, To FDLs! Anacondas to Sidewinders! If the ship can hold an antixeno weapon, they're throwing in the fight!

And its not just the Mercs and gunslingers showing up for this fight. Miners, Cargo haulers, explorers, scientists all loading their ships up for bear and heading into the thick of it.

If you can point you cannons and pull the trigger, then we need you in Sinrarta Dezhra. It might look bad, but we're the Commanders of the Pilot's Federation, and we don't like it when you come at the people who sign our paychecks!

Stormseeker's avatar

Storm Seekers Supporters are joining the fight between 6 and 12 hours a day.
"Commander Noriko Kurosawa: Usually we are not so welcome in these lands, founders and so, because we are support an anarchy faction like Storm Seekers, we really hope people stop seeing every anarchy faction or supporters as pirates or evildoers, because when times like this come, we are all humanity. And we are fighting, bleeding and trying our best to keep the thargoids away from humanity systems as any other fleet or faction. So good luck and freedom to Humanity."


"Commander Lauer has brought us some images from Shinrarta Dezhra system. On September 19th, 3310, Thargoids advanced their lines, invading the system. Several ports have been abandoned and Jameson Memorial is under attack. All available commanders, please heed the call, as fighters and rescuers are needed in the system. All refugees and bonds should be taken to the rescue ship Cornwallis, in the V886 Centauri system. This was Ari Steele, broadcasting as part of commander Lauer's crew. Fly safe, commanders!"

Ari Steele - Lauer's crew first officer and L&L Travel company Logistics Manager

"Remember commanders, fighters are important, but if you have any space available in your ship, is one more life that can be saved."

James Lauer - L&L Travel Company

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This bounty has now been turned into an article. Thanks for everyone who entered, you can find it here: The Defence of Shinrarta Dezhra


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