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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Cheers to all commanders that directly and undirectly helped Shin Dez from the Thargoids! Y'all the light in the bleakness of space! Fly hard and Fly safe! o7

Hunter's avatar

Thank you for the mention , I'm honoured to help rescue souls from human eating bugs o7 !

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Our pleasure! Thanks for your contribution!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

I've been flying as support in ViperMK3, with a 640 boost (boost engineered PP - to cut times between boosts in half) I fly hot, usually 80 to 160 heat, and without thermal vents. Fast enough to dodge the attacks, I attempt to keep aggro - tanking, and keeping the damage off other ships in the battle. I have done this for most the war, starting off in sidewinder, and then switching to ViperMk3. I call this 'Hot Orbiting'.



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