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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
CMDR Henckes's avatar

To win my first PVP kill was a hardwork cause I always was bad in player vs player combat (I still am), butafter a lot of death that I had specially arriving in some station and find some player who didn't had anything better to do to kills me instead. Then I decided to do a PVP build for a Fer-de-Lance with Rail guns and Plasmas accelerators (that was a pain for me to get in practice with those ones), and again it didn't help me a lot at the first glance, it took some time to do, I can manage PVE, but every time I had to face an unoccupied player I had a hard time, Some time I had some nice plays but I or I get killed in the end or the player flee.

After some time with this kind of encounter I finally met my first victim, that was trying to kill me in exchange from nothing, was the same ship than mine probably the same build (I just make some explorations builds normally I get some done on Internet), and after a bunch of minutes of fighting the ship tried to jump and how don't know how I manege to select the FSD and destroy it in time and finally get my first and hard kill!

After this I had just two more kills in similar situations, another Fer-de-Lance and a Mamba, but I always try to avoid combat and don't use so much my Fer-de-Lace (and some times I play in Solo for my mental health sake)!

Dydo's avatar

I was still new in the game, and was trading with my Keelback, which was almost fully shield boosted (with the better shield possible), apart for a chaff, and with beam lasers, as I was still afraid of the IA interdictions and etc, when a Commander scanned me in my way to the Starport to sell my goods. Didn't even noticed it wasn't the system's authorities when the first lasers hit me. He was in an Imperial Eagle, so running wasn't an option, but I boosted towards the no fire zone and activated chaff.

That saved my life, because my shield was at 50% with 5s of shooting, and it gave me time to turn at him and fire back, and an Anaconda or another big ship to start shooting at him - melting him even faster than he was getting me. My beloved cargo was saved by the police... but I remember being the next target, maybe because I also fired at him. Well, my lucky didn't last long, and I got not only killed and lost my cargo, but a fine for that too.

I played on solo for the next 2 weeks lol


Greetings commander,

My first kill in elite was a door that opened for me, Now im more of a Cargo pilot my self, a space trucker if you will but when you come under attack you need to put those big boy pants on and get ready, so i did....

Star wars Rebel pilot helmet - Wearing

Joystick and Thusters - Working

Saftey swtich - Disengaged

Nothing more thrilling when you hear WARNING and your shields are low but nether the less this space trucker had a few evasive moves to pull, Increase power to shields and put distance from the attacking pirate, Now shields at 100 percent, Adrenaline buzzing, Feeling like Han solo in the falcon smuggling, it was time to get cheeky, Little did they know i was packing with missiles, Reduced power from the shields to weapons, Engaged the enemy rendering their shields useless,

Now it was time.... On my joystick i flicked up the saftey cover, Locked on to the enemy ship whilst taking damage and shields dropping rappidly, Spammed that fire button and missles let rip

How can i describe the view? Magnicent

What happened next? well had to apologies to the wife and kids for the loud outburts of YAhoooooo


Greetings pilots and not only.

My first PvP kill was quite accidental, it happened in the first hours of my elite activity, I did not know a lot of mechanics and features of the game. The PvP itself happened while hunting pirates on Sidewinder, I then equipped it with something that would be more powerful (explored how much will be interesting PvE).

While flying to the pirates I started to be intercepted, usually I left the interception, but that time I decided to find out what would happen if I was intercepted. In general I was intercepted by Sidewinder, at the beginning I thought it was an AI, but as it turned out it was also a player.

Then it seemed to me that our battle with him will be LEGENDARY. Dodges from shells, leaving on afterburner and trying to net on six to the enemy, while having time to look at the reserves of shield and hull, as well as fixing attention on the ladar, in case someone else comes to our battle.

I was able to win our battle even though the hull was about 6-9%.

Even after dozens of hours in the game, this PVP is the only and most exciting for me.


(Translated with

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

My first PvP kill was back on my old PS4 account.

This is 5-6 years ago, I had an Alliance Challenger, engineered, but not over-engineered. I was flying in system somewhere and was interdicted, I assumed it was an AI, so anyway I started blasting. I noticed it wasn't shooting back, stripped off the shields, then saw messages from a commander along the lines of, "I was trying to inderdict an AI, and got you by accident"

I stopped shooting and sent "Okay Ill stop", he came to a hover in front of me, and I boost rammed him and finished him off.

XCezor's avatar

I'm not that type of player who seeks encounters with other Commanders. In my early game, every time I've decided to fight other players, I was loosing. Unprepared, non-engineered ship and lack of skill against professionals. So I've just kept killing NPCs in conflict zones and collect bounties.

But it doesn't mean I cannot defend myself while someone is offending me. You see, 3 years ago in our squadron history, Aurora Venatores, I had a conflict with one of our members (it was more for fun and roleplay rather actual conflict but it was getting pretty serious). So to prove who's better and deserves to command the squadron (yes we had a fight for a position in squadrons management), we have set up a duel in stock Sidewinders. 1v1 with spectators, near the Lander Station as I remember correctly, our squadron's first conquered large starport.

My lack of skill wasn't giving me great chance for win, I'd tell more, I was loosing that duel. After couple of minutes my opponent scored 2 kills, where my score was... 0. I was getting pretty mad because my shield was going down way faster than my opponents. So I've asked him to show his ships modules again. And then one of the spectators told me 1 simple thing that I had completely no idea about earlier, something that turned this duel by 180 degrees.

You probably know about pip management, those 3 bars named with SYS, ENG and WEP. I knew how to use them, but there's 1 thing I didn't know. Putting more pips into SYS makes ships shield actually stronger!

With this 1 change, that 1 hint I've managed to win my first ever duel that I recognize. Turned out I am able to win, just didn't know the full potential of my ship. I've scored my first point, then another one, making a draw, 2:2. The final duel begin and this time, I was also victorious.

With 1 simple change I've learned more about combat than ever before and this is something I will not forget for a long time.

Use your pips wisely, fly safe, and don't gank trading ships!


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Congrats XCezor - first place and $14 is yours!


During the Thargoid offensive, we had some gankers come after me and my friends pretty consistently while we were trying to kill the titan. 4 of us vs a dude in a fer de lance which in retrospect was really good but no quite good enough vs thargoids. we kept forcing him into thargoid area and though not really trying to kill him ourselves... we wanted the thargoids to kill him but he kept coming back to eventually we all just fired our lasers at him and to this day we dont know which one of us killed him. I hope he learned his lesson.

Dont be a a rat.


O7 Commanders...

My first pvp was on accident in a haz rez zone when i first started out in Elite.

I was trying to get a feel for my brand new federal corvette and i mounted beam lasers and cannons all over it based on dps. I got lucky when i came into the area since there was already a group of guys fighting and i pretty much stole a kill from an elite combatant. Im lucky to be alive to this day, he couldve broke my bank with that rebuy. Instead he O7'd me and they left after dispatching system security and the other player group. Later on i realized this guy actually had the same home starbase as me and we saw each other for a good while before he invited me to a wing to do haz rez for my first couple thousand merits when the old powerplay was still live.

Since then we have become friends and have done one v one matches and he still kills me with ease in his supped up alliance challenger. I strive to be like him one day and if he sees this, hey man hope to see you in the black soon. WE HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS!

Block9's avatar

Greetings, Commanders!

I remember my first PvP death like it was yesterday. I was searching for a planet with Thargoid structures, as a group of friends was there, and since I needed some credits, I decided to look for it on my own. Everyone else was too busy to share the planet's exact location in the chat, and no signal sources were showing up on my scanner yet. The system was packed with players since it was about to lose its "Thargoid Control" status.

Finally, when I managed to locate the Thargoid Pinnacle on my scanner, a red Mamba ship came in to interdict me. I usually manage to escape interdictions, but somehow, this CMDR managed to pull me out of supercruise. He didn’t speak English or any language I could understand, but he said something mysterious. I replied, "Sorry, I didn’t understand. What do you want?" Suddenly, he started firing at me. While I activated my Frame Shift Drive, he began stripping my shields completely with what looked like a pulse weapon or something similar.

As usual, my FSD decided to load painfully slowly due to mass lock (because, of course, that happens whenever I need a quick emergency jump). While the FSD was throwing a fit, the Mamba was tearing through my hull. When I finally decided to fight back, some of my Guardian weapons were damaged, leaving only two functioning. I barely managed to scratch half of his shields. Long story short, I was destroyed, and I soon remembered that my last docking was 20 jumps away from the Thargoid planet.

I couldn't help but wonder what he actually wanted because it seemed like he was trying to ask me something, but I couldn’t understand it. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Was he just trying to confuse me? Or does he just enjoy taking down other CMDRs?

I have so many questions, and I really hope this doesn’t happen again. This was my first PvP death, mainly because I tried to escape initially. By the time I realized my FSD wouldn't jump in time, it was too late to fight back—my modules, hull, and weapons were already trashed.

This story is 100% true, and I feel a bit embarrassed sharing it because I feel like an idiot for not being able to take on a Mamba. Note: I was flying a Federal Corvette with Grade 5 engineered military hull.

Anyone else have a similar story? Best to all!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Block9 we've awarded you a prize here, because it's an effortful entry. But please read the reward descriptions carefully - we're looking for first PvP kill stories, not first PvP death stories.

MQC's avatar

Well, I apologise in advance for telling all this, but it's the ugly reality that I have no choice but to admit: my first PvP kill was completely accidental...

It was my early days in ED, many many many many years ago. I still had no idea how to play Elite Dangerous, it all felt strangely familiar to someone who had always played the other games in the series, but at the same time so very very different... Sadly I didn't get the chance to play any of the alpha/beta/gamma releases prior to the initial release in late 2014.

And there I was, in the middle of space, with what ‘little’ information we had at the beginning, and I admit I hadn't watched any of the video tutorials.

When I left and got far enough away from the Coriolis station but without activating the supercruise, I saw that there was a ship like mine, another Sidewinder, and I directly thought it was an AI... I decided to practice the combat since it was the first time I took out the weapons, and I thought it was the game's way of ‘explaining the mechanics’...


I didn't know anything about notoriety, crime, rewards... I thought the game wasn't as complex as all that. So... come on, let's practice, that's how you learn...

The 2 ships intermingled in a combat as intense as pathetic... with uncontrolled movements and without any coordination... I remember thinking: puffff, what a basic AI ED has... I guess the other player was thinking exactly the same thing as me...

Finally, after barely destroying my opponent and receiving my fine, I realised that what I had been seeing all along on the radar was a hollow icon... Later, looking at information, I discovered that it meant my opponent was not an AI but another player... OMG...

Dear unexpected opponent, if you ever read this; I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders..

About my first PVP win, it wasn't intentional, meaning it wasn't something I was looking for.

I was simply heading to a "community achievement" that was about killing pirates (npc's).

I left my Fleet Carrier (in open mode) to head to the location where the pirates were and I was intercepted by a real player with a Krait mk2. I had a very well engineered Federal Corvette.

I slowed down to submit to the interdiction. Once the interdiction stopped, I turned around to look at my opponent's ship waiting for him to start shooting, because if he didn't shoot me I wasn't going to shoot him either and I was going to leave because it wasn't my goal to attack real players.

My opponent started attacking me. I quickly took out his shields with my three lasers. Then I quickly took out his armor with my multi-cannons ending the fight with me being the winner. My opponent couldn't even take out my shield. I think I got the shield at about 50%.

And that's how my first PVP win went.

The feeling I had was very rewarding as I had always been killed, but this time I was the one who killed another real player. And at that moment I felt that I wouldn't always have to be the prey, but I could be the predator.

(Translated with Google Translate)


First solo PvP kill!

Elite Dangerous,

Howdy Commanders, o7.

I remember it well. I was practicing my combat skills for a while with pirates at RES site but hadn't had a chance to really test against another player in a  dogfight.

I was flying a well equipped Krait MK2 best for its maneuverability and decent firepower, and I was just hunting in open play when I stumbled on a Commander who was wanted. I quickly scanned his ship he was flying, Vulture.

Fight began with him boosting toward me, weapons blazing. I used my gimballed pulse lasers to strip down his shields while trying to evade his weapons and stayed on his tail. The whole fight was a mixture of strategic power management, alternating between weapons, engines, and shields to maintain my position.

When his shields finally went down, I switched to multi-cannons and started wearing down his hull.  He tried to escape and I had to follow him closely and carefully aim to get his thrusters before he could boost away. After a few more rounds of fire, his hull reached 0% and his ship exploded.

After this first PvP kill I was so satisfied and shocked that I actually pulled it off first time solo. It was a very intense moment, a serious confidence boost, and it made me to be more interested in improving my PvP skills in the game.


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