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Titan Cocijo made a few noises after its destruction that I feel may be calling for reinforcements.

DeeCajunGuy's avatar

No matter the threat, humanity will prevail. Time to hoist the black, the white wale became purfume, the kraken became a delecacy, now these thargoids are about to become an afterthought. For Sol, For Humanity!!!!


As I write these words the people of Earth are holding their breath.

At approximately 06:48 UTC today the last remaining heart of the last remaining Titan ("Cocijo") was destroyed and the Titan has now entered a meltdown state. It's expected to explode 24hrs later.

As one of the numerous pilots battling the Titan today and therefore responsible for its ultimate fate the question I'm now asking myself is, will its cataclysmic detonation take the Earth with it?

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Cocijo Final Report

After an intense battle for the Sun, we managed to make a successful attack on Cocijo, the last titan. As the front lines of the battle are dangerous, taking a photo was difficult, this photo is from inside the Titan after a bombing battery.

But believe me, the war never ends!

GraphicEqualizer's avatar

Just a view on the outskirts of the caustic cloud of Cocijo as the battles rage above the siege of Earth.

Often the reports come in from the hectic war zones, close ups of the Titan, the surface battles and mayhem, but sometimes just the near silent, almost still and ominous is even more unnerving...

Donut's avatar

I was one of the last Evac ships to leave Sol.

I had just landed on the Cornwallis when the report came through: The Titan Had Arrived.

At the same time all the emergency channels out of Sol lit up like a Yule tree. Everyone was just screaming. No messages, no evac orders. Just screaming. And I would say it was the most terrifying thing I'd ever heard, but the scary thing was when all the channels went silent. That sudden quiet chilled me to the bone.

After which, the Cmdrs of the Pilots Federation headed to Sol Pissed off and loaded for bear.

It was absolutely amazing to see the all the cmdrs chewing up the Thargoid forces like they were made of tissue paper. System after system coming back under human control.

And now, the Titan is vulnerable and will most likely fall soon. Sol will be liberated.

But I can't help but think... The Thargoids have done already done what they came to do.

And what will be left of Earth? What about the Titan wreckage that seems to just destroy the other systems that we've killed titans in?

It seems like whether or not we win this war, the galaxy as we knew it is gone forever.

Donut Idaho, Signing out.

Lambda's avatar

Having never made an attack on a Titan, I was definitely nervous entering the caustic cloud surrounding Cocijo. But my caustic sinks did their job, and I successfully avoided the pulse wave attack of the massive Thargoid. Then, as I was approaching for my fist bombing run, a bright light hit my eyes. It wasn't a Thargoid attack, nor was it weapons fire from a fellow Commander. It was Sol, the sun itself. That humble G-type main sequence star has warmed & protected humanity for thousands of years. I was reminded of why I was here; to protect our precious cradle Earth and to save as many lives as possible. The sooner Cocijo feel, the sooner we could start recovering & rebuiliding.

LunchAndDinner's avatar

One. Final. Titan.

We are locked in, everyone is contributing to taking down Titan Cojico! Like the other Titans, it's going down pretty fast as of right now. Many commanders are rallying together especially in the AXCI discord to coordinate attacks, we are doing our part in defending Sol!


Greetings pilots

Attack on Sol!

I have two roles in the battle for the solar system, namely taking out refugees on the Python from the systems the Targoids are in. The second role is to join the anti-Xeno squadrons on my Krait Phantom and repel Targoid attacks on stations and settlements.

I'm currently preparing a ship to attack the titan.

JHenckes's avatar

Reporting back from the assault on Sol!

I've never been good at combat in Elite Dangerous, I never got the hang of the stick, I use it because I find it more comfortable and immersive hahaha. However, I've really enjoyed following the Thargoid war, and seeing this event with them attacking our most important space (Solar System) generates a rage and despair that goes beyond the NPCs and reaches the players very strongly!

So I spoke to my brother and we went to help in these battles. I found myself in complicated battles, but I was able to take down enemies like Cyclops and Basilisk (with help, of course, but I realized that I was able to help a lot!).

The battle is far from over, and the proof is that while we thought we were winning this war, they are literally in our backyard threatening to steal our house...

I've been using two ships in these battles: the Python MK II and the Federal Assault Ship, which have been great ships for these battles!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Section of a log made in a live transmission!

I was already in days fighting against Thargs and rescuing victims, this is just one of the many fights I engage after the the Titan Cocijo has moved!

This is the battle in the system Ez Aquarii and it was though, I was rescued because my ship was destroyed by a Interceptors like the Basilisk that almost killed me and unfortunately by traitors, humans that has the mission to help the Thargoids.

It is almost impossible to understand why they would help in the annihilation of humanity, for god's sake this is almost impossible now, but for some how they prefer the enemy that their own kind... Yes I know that was us humans that started the war, but we never made such attacks, we don't even know in which system they live, there is no justification from the Thargoids to invade the Bubble like this, kidnap citizens and start to make experiments with our people.


I never want to kill a single life been, but I want more to live and see the humanity prosper. I dreamed about a future that we could coexist with the Thargs... But it looks each day more distant... But now I must defend our lives to at least he have the minimal chance of this future.

The Ez Aquarii won't be my last fight but I hope that the end is near... this war must end, we started this mess and unfortunately we must finish what we have started and this will be a sad day, not only Thargoids will be in gaves, our brave brothers and sisters that didn't make will be among this great statistic, and I promise I will honour their name!


so... to finish this log to all my friends and family... I'm well, just a feel scratches and light bruises... and I will be fine at the end of this, I know I am not that great help, but is you were here you would understand that we needed a lot of more of the Elite combatants here, but though hard work we are making victory after victory. First Procyon now Ez Aquarii... until we reach Sol and free the birthplace of humanity of the Thargoid presence!! Wish all commanders a great combat and kill each one of those aliens, don't feel guilty. It is them or us!

Odinoji's avatar

Greetings, this is Commander Odinoji reporting for Vox Galactica:

The fight is almost over—or so we thought. With the sixth Thargoid Titan destroyed, humanity dared to believe we were winning this war. How wrong we were. The final Titan, Cocijo, has suddenly moved to none other than Sol. The cradle of humanity, Earth itself, is under threat.

As I stare at Cocijo, a vast and alien presence orbiting Earth above the Pacific, I am reminded of a speech by an ancient American president, Ronald Reagan, addressing the United Nations:

"Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

Two millennia later, Reagan's words seem more relevant than ever. Humanity remains divided by trivial matters, divided by religion divided by ideologies. One might hope that this war with the Thargoids would be the catalyst for uniting us once and for all, But thats not the case: among us, there are those who do not share this vision of unity or survival. I witnessed first hand dozens of commanders that have chosen to side with the Thargoids, the so-called "gankers."
As I reported last month, these scoundrels target the weakest among us: damaged vessels, refugee transports, and mostly harmless commanders. Their motives remain a mystery, their leadership silent. Who are they?

My investigation into this shadowy faction has yielded more questions than answers. Are they Thargoid fanatics? Madmen sowing chaos for their own twisted amusement? Or is something even more sinister at play? Could these be Thargoid-controlled humans, their minds enslaved by the hive? And what role does the enigmatic Club play in all this? What secrets are hidden behind Polaris permit?

One thing is certain: as we approach the new year, something monumental is on the horizon and im not talking about the titan.

Billions have perished, and countless more are in grave danger.
Whether it is rescuing refugees or fighting on the front lines, every contribution matters. Do your part!

Stay vigilant, and stay tuned.


Slamscape's avatar

Here is a long play of me soloing a surface installation at Wolf 359 in a DBX, the footage was running too long so I didn't capture the end. I completed it but skipped the Hydras at the end.

AndyRice's avatar

The situation is, honestly speaking, not promising. The Pilot's Federation released an announcement, appealing for all commanders to get involved in the current evacuation and anti-xeno activities. In this announcement, the Pilot's Federation wrote, "There's no hope of evacuating all 22.8 billion inhabitants." I've never seen an announcement like this; I've never seen them this desperate in the past 7 years.

I've transferred half of my fleet to the Solar System, including an AX combat ship, a stealth Titan bomber, a battlefield maintenance vessel, and a refugee ship. I'll be the shield and sword of our beloved home.

As an explorer and rescuer, I've never been good at combat, and I've never tried anti-xeno combat before, but today I've killed my first Cyclops in my life, then the first Basilisk, and then the first Medusa (of course, with the help of other AX NPC pilots). I admire the Thargoids as a highly advanced intelligent lifeform, but I’ll never tolerate them rampaging through our beautiful home.

The enemy has arrived, and the battle has begun. During the past few days, we have sustained severe casualties. Most of the rescue ships have been mercilessly destroyed, while billions of people are still stranded on the burning spaceports.

I don't know how this will end, but no matter how it ends, we’ll fight to the last moment of this war.

We'll fight at the burning space stations,

We'll fight over the glaciers of Europa,

We'll fight above the azure sea of our mother Earth,

We'll fight while the ruins are still burning,

We'll never fade gently into that good night,

We shall never surrender.

CMDR_M's avatar

Here’s the first part of our video coverage from the battle to defend Procyon… :]

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!

So the Thargoids in the act of desperate have attacked the Solar System and nearly 16 other in its region. Many people have already fought in this war but not everyone (like me) is good at fighting with the Thargoids 😅

But even with that, I thought that I've already seen everything in this game. This war showed me that there are still some funny things I didn't know that could happen...

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

I bring you a video I made today about the situation in the Sol system and visiting the Titan Cocijo.

The video is in Spanish but I assume that YouTube can subtitle it in English. If not, please let me know so I can leave the video script written and translated into English.


(Translated with Google Translate)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

December 6th, 3310

Though I would consider myself a "newer" pilot on Elite (having been around for a couple of months), I've found anti-xeno activities quite a thrill for me, all started on that day when a buddy of mine put me on his second pilot seat, assigning the AX missiles racks to my trigger and headed out for Titan Indra.

Since then I have invested a lot of time learning how to fly, and fight, against those Thargoids bastards, with a little fleet of all engineered ships with different activities - port defense, space CZ, titan bombing, spire assaulting - but with one purpose: to push our enemies away from our spaces.

I know these aliens well enough that the moment Cocijo started moving toward Sol, I knew they're onto something, it's gonna be a big fight, I don't know what is their ultimate purposes, but I knew the systems were gonna be taken, and the last "boss fight" gonna be in our own ancestral system and planet.

Shortly after invasion was confirmed, almost all rescue megaships were ordered to systems close to Sol to help with the defense, and shortly after their arrival, they couldn't survive the overflown waves of thargoids. According to GalNet, eight of eleven active megaships are reported as destroyed. The thargoids are not holding it back this time.

As we're fighting relentlessly to hold the lines and take back our systems, I'll keep coming back here and report with latest information.

December 13th 3310 update

So it has started. After one week of relentless fights, all the systems are back in our hands. Titan Cocijo is now completely vulnerable, and by the time I'm updating this post, it has one and a half heart down.

Rich's avatar

Cocijo is defeated! We're extending the deadline on this reward one last time to give CMDRs some extra time to get their reports in. All submissions welcome - let's build the definitive account of what it was like on the front lines of humanity's most desperate battle!


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