We have a sneaking suspicion that our Just About EVE Online community won't be short of ideas for new game features. This is your chance to share the genius idea that's been rattling around your brain like a penny in a washing machine. While practical suggestions are more likely to get spotted and implemented, we're also very much open to wild-but-glorious ideas.
Describe your suggested feature as clearly as you can, including how it would work, why it would be fun, and what the benefits would be. Aim for two paragraphs, unless your idea justifies a longer explanation.
We'll send the winning entries to CCP for consideration, but of course this comes with no guarantee that your feature will be introduced to the game. One important consideration for this bounty is that we're not looking for old features that could be reintroduced to the game. We have a separate bounty scheduled for that.
already paid
$60 / 60
This reward closed to entries at 1:02pm on January 30, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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