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EVE Online

EVE Online
yan57436's avatar

DDD (Drone Bunny): We use “DDD” when raiding groups want to refer to the “Drone Bunny”.

Krabbing: We use it to talk about PvE activities to gain ISK.

Logi (Logistics): The term “Logi” refers to logistics ships specializing in repping (repair)

SISI: This is what we call the EVE test server, where changes are tried out.

Reds: Refers to players (or groups) who are marked as red, indicating that they are hostile towards you or your corporation.

Kaiser Friedlich's avatar

3. *Blue Donut (noun)*: A humorous or critical term describing a situation where many alliances and coalitions in nullsec space form non-aggression pacts, creating a large “donut” of blue (friendly) entities. This results in fewer wars and conflicts, making space feel “safe” and less dynamic.

4. *Blops (noun)*: Short for "Black Ops." Refers to a class of specialized battleships that can use covert cynosural fields to jump behind enemy lines and deploy stealthy fleets. Also used as a verb, e.g., "Let's blops that miner" — meaning to use Black Ops ships to engage a target covertly.

5. *ISK Faucet (noun)*: Any in-game activity or mechanic that introduces new ISK (Interstellar Kredits, the in-game currency) into the economy. Common ISK faucets include mission rewards, ratting bounties, and NPC buy orders.

6. *ISK Sink (noun)*: Any in-game activity or mechanic that removes ISK from the economy, balancing the effects of ISK Faucets. Examples include skill book purchases, station trading taxes, and market transaction fees.

7. *Carebear (noun)*: A (sometimes pejorative) term for players who prefer non-combat activities, such as mining, trading, or mission-running, and who generally avoid PvP engagements. It can also refer to those who prioritize safety and stability over conflict.

8. *Burner Mission (noun)*: High-risk, high-reward PvE missions designed for advanced players. These missions feature powerful NPCs that behave more like player-controlled ships, requiring specialized fits and tactics to complete.

9. *Bumping (verb)*: The act of using one ship to collide with another in order to move or disrupt it. Most commonly used to prevent a target (often a large, slow-moving ship like a freighter) from warping away, usually as part of a ganking setup or ransom attempt.

10. *Bubble (noun)*: Short for “Warp Disruption Bubble.” A spherical area of space created by deploying Interdictor or Heavy Interdictor bubbles that prevents ships from warping within or through it. Bubbles are primarily used to catch or trap enemies in nullsec and wormhole space.

11. *JF (noun)*: Abbreviation for Jump Freighter. A type of capital ship used for hauling large volumes of goods across long distances using jump drive technology. JFs are highly sought-after for logistics in nullsec and wormhole space, thanks to their ability to bypass dangerous gates.

12. *Nano (adjective)*: Refers to ships that are designed to be agile and fast, often using nanofiber structures and other modules to increase speed and maneuverability. “Nano fits” are typically used for kiting and hit-and-run tactics.

13. *Kiting (verb)*: A combat tactic where a ship uses its speed and range to stay out of the enemy’s effective firing range while dealing damage from a distance. Kiting relies on maintaining the right distance and agility to avoid taking significant damage.

14. *Boosh (verb)*: Derived from the sound effect of Micro Jump Field Generators, “booshing” refers to using this specialized module to teleport ships in a small radius a fixed distance (100 km) away. Often used for repositioning fleets or scattering enemies.

15. *Awoxing (verb)*: The act of betraying your own corporation or alliance by attacking or sabotaging members from within. The term originates from a notorious player named Awox, who specialized in such tactics.

16. *Hotdrop (noun/verb)*: The act of jumping a large fleet, often capital ships, directly onto an unsuspecting target using a cynosural field. Hotdrops can be devastating surprise attacks and are a signature tactic of Black Ops and capital ship warfare.

17. *Supercap (noun)*: Short for “Supercapital.” Refers to the largest and most powerful ships in the game, including Supercarriers and Titans. Supercapitals are major strategic assets and are used primarily in large-scale nullsec warfare.

18. *Logi (noun)*: Short for “Logistics.” Refers to support ships and roles responsible for repairing friendly ships’ shields, armor, or hulls during combat. Logi ships are essential in organized fleets, enabling them to survive engagements longer.

19. *Wormholer (noun)*: A player who primarily operates in wormhole space, a unique type of space in EVE characterized by shifting connections, hidden dangers, and the absence of local chat. Wormholers often have distinct playstyles and strategies compared to players in other regions.

20. *Doomsday (noun)*: Refers to the ultra-powerful, single-use weapon modules fitted on Titans, capable of destroying or heavily damaging most ships in a single shot. Doomsdays have a cooldown timer and are usually used to annihilate high-value targets.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm just editing these definitions to update our EVE glossary with, and want to give you a belated thanks for submitting such excellent definitions Kaiser Friedlich!

JHenckes's avatar

Frigates (noun): The smallest and fastest ships in EVE. New pilots begin by flying frigates;

AF / Assault Frigate (noun): A ship class that are no-nonsense combat frigates that offer either high durability, high damage, or both;

Metagaming (verb): Taking actions beyond the confines of the game universe to gain an advantage.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

Here are just few more of the words you can find in EVEnglisch:

PoS-trash (noun, derogatory): Ships that are inside the forcefield of a PoS (see above). They show up on scan, but have no active pilots and offer no content.

Jam (noun): ECM module, chance-based E-war that can disrupt a ships sensors, allowing it to only lock the ship that has activated the module on it. (A jams B, B can only lock A)

Jamgu (noun): A Tengu-class T3 cruiser fitted with ECM modules.

I feel like I should add these too xD:

Sov (noun): Sovereignty, large player groups can hold sov in nullsec, effectively owning these systems. It brings a set of unique boni and responsibilities.

Multibox, to (verb): Control several pilots and therefore ships at the same time. legal in Eve Online, but only on Omega (premium) accounts.

Sovnull (noun): Nullsec that can be owned by player groups. Only location where supercapital ships can be build. The opposite of NPC-null which has NPC stations and can not be claimed by players.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

When re-reading this, I noticed Kshal Aideron had already explained what ECM is. Maybe there is a way these two definitions can complement eachother. Otherwise please disregard mine. Kshal was first!


RHML (proper noun): Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher, large missile weapon system that fires heavy missiles with great rate of fire but long reload times.

AT Comps:

Kingslayer (proper noun): Any bs based damage core (primarily using RHMLs) with primary focus on killing the enemy logistics cruiser. (an alternative definition to Kane's below)

Minrush (proper noun): A comp using autocannon based minmatar ships with very high speed and exceptional close range damage, while still retaining projection out of Barrage.

BWar (proper noun): A heavy control based comp revolving primarily around a single often flagship battleship supported with ecm based cruisers and additional disruption from either cruiser or frigate weapon/sensor disruption.

Providence (proper noun): A comp popularized in the Alliance open with full Abaddon/Oracle damage output and some tanky tackle and logistics to supplement.

Tinker (proper noun): A comp set up to sustain via repairs and turtle heavily through the use of cap transfer powered local and remote repairs from external ships allowing for sustained repairs well in excess of what would conventionally be possible.

Flykiller (proper noun): A fast ranged comp designed to pick off smaller fast tackle (flies) and use damps to outrange the bigger enemy damage core.

Shrapnel (proper noun): A rapid light version of Flykiller that often relies on Orthrus and Drake Navy/Cyclone Fleets as the core damage.

Shotgun (proper noun): A sentry drone damage comp built around long range sentry assign to clear off logistics then volley through additional targets. Every 4s the sentries should all simultaneously fire due to assign mechanics, leading to significant vollies into smaller hulls.

Drone Control (proper noun): A drone based core often revolving around Eos and Armageddon (navy) hulls allowing for heavy neut pressure and weapon disruption that wears through the capacitors of the enemy logistics before breaking down the core while keeping their own reps safe through disruption.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

AT Slang

King-Slayer (Comp Name): In AT this is considdered a comp with 3 Battleship, therefore the Support wing will be light weighted. On the otherhand you have most of you DPS on 3 Ships :)

pseudodad (Comp Name): Also called back in the days Octodad cause of the Usage of 8 or 4 Battlecruiser.

Limal's avatar

Alpha'ed (verb): Slang for when a ship is destroyed by an Alpha strike, where massive damage is dealt in a single moment, leaving the victim with no time to react. This tactic is commonly used by gankers flying Tornado-class ships fitted with 1400mm artillery.

Kshal Aideron's avatar

Staging - (noun or verb) is either the location that a fleet meets at for a fleet, or the act of flying to a location where the fleet is meeting at.

Tags - (noun) the targets, in order, that the fleet should be shooting.

JFC - (noun) a junior fleet commander. The JFC is generally training for a type of fleet so they can take them out on their own.

Backseat - (noun) a FC or trainer who helps train a JFC and make sure that community or corp policy is followed and individuals on the fleet are being taken care of under the JFC.

Jam - (noun or verb) jam can refer to ECM (electronic countermeasures) modules or the act of applying ECM to targets.

Blops - (noun) black ops battleships

GC - (verb) used in incursions, it means "good contest".

Contest - (verb) to contest a site means to try to win the reward. Most often used when competing for the payout in an incursion site, it can also happen in event sites in high sec.

Dropper - (noun) a player who volunteers to drop 255 pieces of lyavite in a can for a certain Vanguard Incursion site.

Logi - (noun) the pilots who fly a logistics ship and repairs damage to other ships in a fleet.

Skill Injector - (noun) item used to inject skill points into a character. Can be bought on the market from other players and has diminishing returns based on how many skill points a character already has.

LSI - (noun) large skill injector.

SSI - (noun) small skill injector.

Skill Extractor - (noun) item used to extract skill points from an Omega character with over 5 million skill points.

Accelerator - (noun) consumable that allows the character to train skills faster. Accelerators come in different strengths and lengths. It's advised to have biology V.

greybill's avatar

Combat Timer (proper noun): A timer of one minute that prevents a player from jumping a stargate or docking at a station. The timer sets in when another player is attacked with any form of damage, command links are activated, or E-War is applied. Smart Bombs also start this timer. Note: Other than gates, wormholes do not care about a combat timer.

Amoni P's avatar

Aggress (verb): to engage DPS, tackle, and other EWAR modules on a target

Aggro (noun): usually referring to incoming damage from hostiles, often times in PVE situations where the NPCs all focus fire one character on grid.

De-aggress (verb): to disengage all DPS, tackle, and other EWAR modules on a target

Heat (verb): refers to overloading modules for the increased performance

Heat damage (noun): the damage incurred by overloading modules for any extended period of time

StratOp (noun): short for "Strategic Operation" is corporation or alliance-wide fleet to achieve an objective

Split guns (verb): to group guns into two or more distinct groups so they can be fired separately, usually for managing heat or harassing multiple targets at once

Waterboard (verb): to tackle, bubble, or otherwise hold a target in place without any intention of killing them or not killing them any time soon

I'd like to correct one definition.

CTA (noun): short for "Call to Arms" is an all-hands-on-deck mandatory fleet action for an alliance to accomplish an objective. These rare fleet actions are often used in dire circumstances where key structures at risk.

Rixx Javix's avatar

How about this as a compromise on CTA:

CTA (noun, acronym): Call To Action or Call To Arms. A scheduled and often mandatory fleet action for an alliance and/or corporation which requires members to log in at a designated time and place. While these fleet actions are often used in dire circumstances where key infrastructure may be at risk, they can also often be used for other purposes as well; such as mining fleets, etc.

I originally tried to make it more generic because not all CTAs are based on PvP or war situations. I think this is a solid compromise.

Amoni P's avatar

Who uses CTAs for non-PVP situations? I've never been in an alliance that doesn't reserve CTAs for the most dire situations.

Rixx Javix's avatar

While I've never participated in them, I have seen plenty of large scale mining ops be CTAs in certain Alliances. Mostly due to the sheer amount of prep and support needed to coordinate links, ships, and protection.

Sturmer's avatar

A few times, I took on level 4 combat missions for a CTA. Sure, this was 20 years ago, but a group of us noobs in Thoraxes decided to "give it a try" with a level 4 agent. Surprisingly, it was fun, so for the next few evenings, our corp made CTAs to "run missions". Then I got a Raven and started facerolling those missions solo – and all the fun disappeared. A few weeks later, I got killed in lowsec while running a blockade mission near a 0.4 gate. Frustrated, I joined a 'PvP academy corp' under the Curse Alliance... but that’s a whole different story!

Amoni P's avatar

Thank you both for showing me a part of the game I haven't had experience with. I had no idea that there were groups that use CTAs for PVE.

FUN INC's avatar

Skirmisher : a capsuleer adept in the art of hunting for targets. A skirmisher travels ahead of the fleet looking for fights and hunting for targets by using their directional scanner. Usually (but not always) in a fleet interceptor, fitted with a microwarpdrive, a warp disruptor, and often nullified.

NSP : Newbie Space Programme - public service started by FUN INC & Eve Rookies to teach new pilots, more details can be found here > FUNxER newbie space programme | Just About EVE Online

Sturmer's avatar

SeBo (noun): Short for Sensor Booster, a mid-slot ship module that enhances a ship’s targeting range and scan resolution. It can also be loaded with ECCM scripts to improve the ship's sensor.

will add more at the end, if no one claims the terms I have in my mind.

Rixx Javix's avatar

BM - (Also called a Tac - short for Tactical) (noun) BM is short for Bookmark, a designated and enduring position in space saved as a warp-in or perch. Accessed from the Location menu or by right-clicking in space, bookmarks are usually made around star gates, stations, citadels, and other points of interest.

D-Scan (noun or verb) - Short for Directional Scan, the act of using the Directional Scanner to search for enemy ships, or other objects of interest in local within 11AU of your own position. Can be used in multiple ways to describe the action of scanning.

Slide - (verb) - (Sliding, slid) Used to describe the action of entering an acceleration gate either to a Factional Warfare Plex, Mission, or other sites using acceleration gates.

Jump - (verb) -Used to describe the action of using a Star Gate to move from one system to another. 

Dive - (verb) - Used to describe the action of entering a Worm Hole.

Burn - (verb) - Used to describe the action of turning on your Propulsion Module to accelerate your ship in a specific direction, “Burn towards the Sun”

Burn to Gate, or Burn Back (verb) - Used to describe the action of immediately activating your prop module to return to the Star Gate you just entered to avoid being potentially caught by the enemy. Often when appearing in local within a Warp Disruption Bubble, or gate camp.


Defang (verb): Target and destroy enemy drones and/or fighters.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Subcap (noun): Ship with the sub-capital size

Reds (noun): Unfriendly player, aliance or corporation

Blues (noun): Friendly player, aliance or corporation

Rookie player speech (noun): Used inside the fleet for newbies or players who are doing something or activity for the first time. Used for explain their function, what to do and how to take care for themselves and the fleet .

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Alex Sinclair I think it happen some kind of bug. I remember very well that I submit this bounty in the proper way, the exemple even showed up in the text box, which I replaced with my text and now I'm seeing that it was sent as a reply.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey CMDR Henckes - sorry to hear that you're having trouble. That's the first I've heard of that bug, but it could well be a new one. Can I request that you submit a bug report here. If it does turn out to be a tech issue on our end, please tag me again when you hear back; I'll arrange for a manual reward to be transferred to your wallet to compensate for your lack of reward here.


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