Behold: the unofficial glossary of EVE Online. We know that other EVE Online dictionaries, glossaries, and lexicon compendiums exist, but we're determined - with the help of expert players - to make the most thorough and useful one on the internet. Through the submissions of the Just About EVE Online community, we’ve compiled a list of need-to-know EVE Online terminology, jargon, slang, and acronyms, so that you can know the difference between your bots and your Bobs. We’ll update this article on the completion of further rewards, so stay tuned for your next chance to contribute!

+1 (noun or prepositional phrase): shorthand for ‘plus one’. Used when a new pilot joins local or when a pilot moves ahead of their fleet by one system. Submitted by FUN INC
AAR (noun, acronym): For disambiguation, see ‘after action report’ and ‘ancillary armour repairer’.
AB (noun, acronym): Afterburner; a propulsion module which imparts a velocity bonus to a ship. Submitted by EVEIL
Accelerator (noun): a consumable item which speeds up the pace at which characters can train skills; comes in different strengths and lengths. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
AF (noun, acronym): Assault Frigate; an advanced class of combat frigate designed for high durability and/or damage output. Submitted by JHenckes
After action report [AAR] (noun): a battle report analysing the success or failure of a conflict or engagement. Submitted by FUN INC
AG (noun, acronym): Anti-ganker; a player who prevents or deters gankers. Anti-ganking tactics include bumping gankers on a station, destroying their looter ships, and buying kill rights from their victims. Submitted by MacGybo
Aggress (verb): to engage DPS, tackle, and other EWAR (electronic warfare) modules aimed at a target. See also: de-aggress. Submitted by Amoni P
Aggro (noun): incoming damage from hostiles, often in PvE situations in which NPCs focus their fire on one character on-grid. Submitted by Amoni P
Alpha (proper noun/verb, slang): most commonly used in its proper noun form to refer to a player with a free ‘Alpha’ EVE Online account. Also used in a slang verb form to refer to the act of a ship being destroyed in an Alpha strike, in which massive damage is dealt in a single moment, leaving the victim with no time to react - a tactic commonly used by gankers flying Tornado-class ships fitted with 1,400mm artillery, e.g. ‘I’ve been Alpha’ed.’ Submitted by Limal
Anchor (noun): a designated pilot that all other fleet members keep at range or approach. Useful in fleet manoeuvres for which coordination is key, such as nano fleets. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Ancillary armour repairer [AAR] (noun): a module that uses nano-assemblers to repair damage to a ship’s armour. Can be combined with nanite repair paste to increase repair effectiveness. Submitted by FUN INC
Awox (verb): to betray one’s own corporation or alliance by attacking or sabotaging members from within. The term originates from a player named Awox who specialised in such surreptitious tactics. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Backseat (noun): a fleet commander (FC) who oversees a Junior Fleet Commander (JFC) to ensure that community and corporate policy is followed and that fleet members are being taken care of. See also: JFC and FC. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Batphone (noun): a metaphorical device with which to call reinforcements. Often used in the context of threatening to bring in friends or frenemies to an escalating quarrel. E.g. ‘Think you can camp that wormhole, do you? Someone fetch me the batphone.’ Submitted by FUN INC
Bitter vet (noun): a player who has either optimised the fun out of the game or made decisions that have led them to burnout. Having lost the ‘new and exciting’ feeling for EVE, typically hangs out in places like r/eve with others that no longer play lamenting how the game was more fun in the state closer to when they started. In most cases their own decisions took the fun out of the game and they are generally unaware of this (though exceptions do exist). Submitted by Rushlock
Bling (noun): rarer modules with improved stats and a price tag to match. Submitted by EVEIL
BLOP (noun/verb): Black Ops battleship. A special type of Tech 2 battleship specialised in covert and smuggling operations. It can open covert ops portal generators for any ship capable of fitting a Covert Ops Cloaking device thanks to its integrated jump drive. Also used as a verb, e.g., "Let's blops that miner" — meaning to use Black Ops ships to engage a target covertly. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich and Swagger Olacar
Blue (noun): a friendly ship. Players or groups of players will be marked in blue if they’re friendly towards you or your corporation. Submitted by CMDR Henckes
Blue donut (noun): a humorous and often critical term describing a situation in which many Nullsec alliances and coalitions form non-aggression pacts, creating a large ‘donut’ of friendly (blue) entities. This results in fewer wars and conflicts, which some players argue detracts from the dynamism of the game. See also: blue. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
BM (noun, acronym): Bookmark, also known as a Tac or Tactical; a designated and enduring position in space saved as a warp-in or perch. Accessed via the ‘Location’ menu or by right-clicking in space, bookmarks are usually placed around stargates, stations, citadels, and other points of interest. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Bob (proper noun): Bob presides over the game’s wormholes - unstable space anomalies connecting two disparate star systems. A fickle god, he yeet with one hand and yoink with the other. Appease him with gifts and good fights, and may the static ever roll in your favour. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Boosh (noun/verb, slang): a micro jump field generator or the use of one, a module unique to command destroyers. It can jump up to 25 players’ subcapital ships 100km in the direction the ship is facing. Often used for repositioning fleets or scattering enemies. Derived from the sound the micro jump field generator makes. Submitted by EVEIL and Kaiser Friedlich
Bot (noun): the term used to describe players - not NPCs - whose gameplay is automated in whole or in part. Against the EULA. Submitted by MacGybo
Brawler (noun): a player or ship specialised in dealing damage and holding targets at short ranges. Brawler ships tend to have a lot of tank in order to resist equal or superior damage dealing. See brawler fits guide for more detail. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Bubble (noun): warp disruption bubble; a spherical area of space created from the deployment of interdictor or heavy interdictor bubbles; prevents ships from warping within or through. Bubbles are primarily used to catch or trap enemies in Nullsec and Wormhole Space. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich and EVEIL
Bump (verb): to intentionally collide one ship into another in order to move or disrupt it. Chiefly used to prevent larger, slow-moving ships from warping away, usually as part of a ganking setup or ransom attempt. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Burn (verb): to turn on your propulsion module in order to accelerate your ship in a specific direction, e.g. ‘burn towards the sun.’ Submitted by Rixx Javix
Burn to gate / burn back (phrasal verb): to immediately activate your propulsion module to return to the stargate by which you entered in order to avoid being caught by an enemy. Often used when appearing in local within a warp disruption bubble or gatecamp. See also: burn. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Burner mission (noun): high-risk, high-reward PvE missions designed for advanced players. These missions - which require specialised fits and tactics to complete - tend to feature powerful NPCs which behave more like player-controlled ships. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
BWar (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a heavy control-based team composition often revolving around a single flagship battleship supported by ECM-based cruisers as well as additional cruisers or frigates capable of weapon or sensor disruption. Submitted by ShoMenao
Calm down, miner (phrase): a phrase used in response to any angry, recently ganked pilot regardless of whether or not they were mining. Submitted by MacGybo
Capsuleer (noun): players controlling powerful immortal pilots inside capsules, capable of piloting various spaceships. Submitted by James
Carebear (noun): a risk-averse player. Typically lives in Highsec. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Cargo scanner (noun): a non-aggressive module used to scan the cargo of its target ship. Used by gankers to gauge potential targets. Some ships are immune to being scanned. Submitted by MacGybo
Cherry pick / cherrypick (verb): cargo scanning a container on a relic or data site to preview its contents before deciding whether or not to hack it, then only hacking cans containing valuable loot. Submitted by Rushlock
Chipper vet (noun): a player who still enjoys the game after many years and is optimistic about the developers and the future of the game. They face ridicule and scorn everywhere because of the miasma perpetuated by the bitter vet. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Combat Timer (proper noun): a one-minute timer which prevents players from jumping a stargate or docking at a station. The timer is triggered by command links being activated, electronic warfare being initiated, or by players being attacked or taking any other form of damage. See also: jump. Submitted by greybill
Concordokken (verb): to be destroyed by CONCORD law enforcement, usually as a result of accidental aggression against another player or their property. ‘I've been concordokkened in Highsec for shooting someone's jetcan!’ There’s also a special-edition in-game commodity with the same name. Submitted by Sturmer
Contest (verb): to attempt to win the reward or payout of an in-game site, most commonly in incursion sites though also in Highsec event sites. See also: GC. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Corporation (noun): player-run organisations, similar to guilds or clans in other MMOs, offering shared goals and resources. Submitted by James
CSPA (noun, acronym): CONCORD Spam Prevention Act; shorthand for a censure enabled by that act: an ISK charge that can be placed on conversations and email, acting as a deterrent to spam. Only non-blocked characters in your corp or contact list can then message you without paying a fee to CONCORD. Submitted by Salartarium
CTA (phrasal noun, acronym): Call To Action or Call To Arms; a scheduled and often mandatory fleet action for an alliance and/or corporation which requires members to log in at a designated time and place. While these fleet actions are often used in dire circumstances in which key infrastructure may be at risk, they can also be used for other purposes; such as mining fleets, etc. Submitted to Rixx Javix
Cyno (noun): cynosural field generator. A module which allows the item or ship activating it to work as a beacon, to which capital ships and black ops can jump. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Daytripper (noun): a pilot that does not live in wormhole space but ventures into wormholes casually in search of profit. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
DDD (noun, acronym): refers to a drone bunny. Origins of the acronym are unknown, but it’s suspected to mean ‘Deltole, Deltole, Deltole’. See also: drone bunny. Submitted by yan57436
De-aggress (verb): to disengage all DPS, tackle, and other EWAR modules aimed a target. See also: aggress. Submitted by Amoni P
Defang (verb): to target and destroy enemy drones and/or fighters. Submitted by Angel lineman
Delay bubble (noun): a tactic whereby an interdictor delays launching their interdiction sphere until a target decloaks after entering a system through a gate. The intent is to cause the target to avoid deploying their own countermeasures, such as nullifiers. Submitted by EVEIL
Dictor (noun): short for interdictor, a type of ship capable of launching warp disruption spheres, which prevent other ships from warping inside. See also ‘bubble’. Submitted by FUN INC
Dive (verb): to enter a wormhole. See also: splash. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Doomsday (noun): an ultra-powerful single-use weapon module that can be fitted onto titan-class ships. They’re capable of destroying or heavily damaging most ships in a single shot. Doomsday weapons have a cooldown timer and are usually used to annihilate high-value targets. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Drag bubble (noun): a warp-disruption sphere typically placed behind and within 500km of a gate. Ships warping to the gate will instead be dragged to the edge of the bubble. Not to be confused with a stop bubble. Submitted by EVEIL
Drone bunny (noun): a player to whom fleet members assign drones. Their job is to direct said drones to the enemy. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Drone Control (noun/proper noun): 1) In its common noun form, ‘drone control’ simply refers to the commanding of drones through the Drone Control window. 2) In its proper noun form, it either refers to that window itself, or to an Alliance Tournament drone-based core team composition revolving around Eos or Armageddon NI hulls. The composition allows for heavy neut pressure and weapon disruption, which wears through the capacitors of enemy logistics before breaking down the core, while keeping friendly ships reps safe through disruption. Submitted by ShoMenao
D-Scan (noun/verb): Directional Scanner, or the use of it to search for other enemy ships or other objects of interest within 11AU of your position. Submitted by Rixx Javix
DT (noun, acronym): downtime. Scheduled or unscheduled times when the Tranquility server is down for maintenance or technical issues. Typically occurs once per day, but it can also be “frustratingly” unpredictable, according to Rixx Javix
Dualpropped (adjective): describes a ship fitted with multiple types of propulsion module, such as an afterburner and a microwarpdrive. Submitted by EVEIL
Dualrepped (adjective): describes a ship fitted with two repair modules. Submitted by EVEIL
EHP (noun, acronym): Effective Hit Point(s); the health of a ship after resistances are taken into account. See also: HP. Submitted by EVEIL
o/: wave. Submitted by FUN INC
\o: wave back. Submitted by FUN INC
o7: salute. Submitted by FUN INC
\o/: hurrah! Submitted by FUN INC
\o/ : cheerleader. Submitted by FUN INC
\o/: double pom-pommed cheerleader. Submitted by FUN INC
\o// : cheerleader and highkick. Submitted by FUN INC
Exceladin+ (noun): short for EVE Online Excel Add-in. A pun reference to Quafe+, which is as tasy and addictive as Exceladin+. Submitted by Elinore en Divalone
Faction Warfare (proper noun): conflicts between competing factions in designated regions, allowing players to engage in faction-based combat. Submitted by James
FC (noun, acronym): Fleet Commander; the man, woman, or person with the plan! Submitted by Rdog
Flykiller (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a team composition designed to pick off small, fast tackle (flies) while using remote sensor dampening to outrange the larger damage-dealing ships on the opposing team. Submitted by ShoMenao
FoF (compound adjective, acronym): Friend-or-Foe; used to describe auto-targeting missiles, a missile group which does not require the lock action and will instead fire on the nearest legal target. ‘I’m too lazy to krab today, I’m going to undock my FoF Caracal.’ Submitted by Sturmer
Frigate (noun): the smallest and fastest class of ship in EVE Online. Submitted by JHenckes
Gatecamp (verb/noun): a tactic whereby players wait or set traps near stargates to catch unsuspecting travellers as they pass through. Submitted by James
GC (exclamation, acronym): Good Contest; often declared after incursions to acknowledge the skill of one’s friends and foes. See also: contest and GF. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
GF (exclamation): Goof Fight; a polite message to type in local chat after engaging in PvP, whether you win or lose. See also: GC. Submitted by MacGybo
Glorification (noun): ascendance through Proving along the Flow Of Vyraj. Mysterious Triglavian syntax. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
HAC (noun): Heavy Assault Cruiser. A special category of Tech 2 cruiser with the ability to fit assault damage controls. Characterised by their ability to deal and receive significant amounts of damage in comparison to their Tech 1 variants. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Heat (verb): to overload modules to increase their performance. Submitted by Amoni P
Heat damage (noun): the damage accrued by overloading modules for an extended period of time. Submitted by Amoni P
HIC (noun): Heavy Interdiction Cruiser. A special category of Tech 2 cruiser that can fit a warp disruption field generator. These are able to disable micro jump drives by deploying a warp-disrupting ‘bubble’, and have enough points of scram to hold any super capital ship. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
HK (noun): Hunter-killer. A hunter for a Black Ops party. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Hotdrop (noun/verb): The act of jumping a large fleet - often including capital ships - directly onto an unsuspecting target using a cynosural field. Hotdrops can be devastating surprise attacks and are a signature tactic of Black Ops and capital ship warfare. See also: jump. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich and Swagger Olacar
HP (noun): Hit Point(s). The ‘health’ of a ship; the units that measure how much damage a ship can take before it’s destroyed, before resistances are taken into account. See also: EHP. Submitted by EVEIL
Instadock (noun): a station bookmark that can be warped to rather than warping directly to the station. Submitted by MacGybo
Instalock (verb): having a high enough scan resolution to lock a target in under two seconds. A ship that can align to warp in under two seconds is safe from instalocking ships. Submitted by EVEIL
Instaundock (noun): a bookmark to warp to in line with the undock area of the station. Useful for reducing the amount of time on the undock in which one could receive unwanted attention. Submitted by MacGybo
Instawarp (verb): the ability to align to warp in under two seconds. EVEIL
ISD (noun): acronym: Interstellar Services Department. A team of volunteers who give their free time to help with various tasks around CCP and EVE, such as moderating the forums, help channels, and Twitch during livestreams, and assising with various translations. Submitted by Digan
ISK (noun): acronym: InsterStellar Kredit. EVE’s primary in-game currency. Used for trading, purchasing ships, modules, and services. Submitted by James
ISK faucet (noun): any in-game activity or mechanic which injects new ISK (Interstellar Kredits) into the economy. Common ISK faucets include mission rewards, ratting bounties, and NPC buy orders. See also: ISK sink. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
ISK sink (noun): any in-game activity or mechanic that extracts ISK from the economy, balancing out ISK faucets. Common ISK sinks include skill book purchases, station trading taxes, and market transaction fees. See also: ISK faucet. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Jam (noun/verb): the collective term for electronic countermeasure modules or the deployment of them. These modules disrupt ships’ sensors, altering their ability to target other ships. Submitted by LukaZaharin
Jamgu (proper noun): a Tengu-class T3 cruiser fitted with electronic countermeasure (ECM) modules. Submitted by LukaZaharin
Jedi huffing (verb): to extract high-value gas from a J-space site with enemy NPCs on grid. Usually performed by Prospects as well as Ventures in some cases, this technique allows one to avoid the NPCs who normally force miners to leave until destroyed by combat craft. Essentially a form of speedtanking NPCs so that one can mine freely. Named for the idea of being ‘at peace’ with the enemy, as Jedi are. Submitted by Joshua Hicks
Jetcan mine (verb): a form of mining whereby the miner fills their cargo hold and then jettisons the contents into space to be collected later in a hauling ship. While convenient, jetcan contents may be taken by any player in space, and will dematerialise if left for too long. Submitted by Matt Jones
JF (noun, acronym): Jump Freighter; a type of capital ship used for hauling large quantities of goods across long distances using jump-drive technology. Jump freighters are highly sought after in Nullsec and Wormhole Space thanks to their ability to bypass dangerous gates. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
JFC (noun, acronym): Junior Fleet Commander; a trainee FC. See also: FC. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Jump (verb): to use a stargate to move from one system to another. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Jump clone (noun): technology found in stations in which players can store copies of their consciousness, enabling rapid movement between different parts of space. Submitted by James
J-space (noun): an alternate name for wormhole space, the parts of New Eden only accessible through wormhole travel. Every star system in wormhole space has a name beginning with the letter ‘J’. Submitted by Joshua Hicks
Killmail (noun): a report of a ship’s destruction or a pilot’s pod automatically produced in-game. It displays the ship destroyed, its cargo, rigs and fitted modules. Also provides details of who was involved in the kill as well as the value of all items involved. Can be posted with an out-of-game link into external killboards. Submitted by MacGybo
King Slayer (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a top-weighted DPS-focused team composition built around a core of battleships (usually three). The primary tactic of these builds is defeating enemy logistics cruisers. King Slayer comps will often use RHMLs. See also: RHML. Submitted by Kane Carnifex and ShoMenao
Kite (verb): a combat tactic in which a ship uses its speed and range to stay out of enemies’ effective firing range while dealing damage from a distance. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Krab (noun/verb): a player who earns ISK through activities seen as less prestigious, such as ratting or mining, or a catch-all verb for these activities. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Links (noun, archaic): short for warfare links, a set of modules renamed to command burst modules in November 2016. ‘Invite me to the fleet to get link bonuses.’ Not to be confused with burst projectors or ECM burst jammers. Submitted by Sturmer
Local chat (noun): an in-game chat channel restricted to all those in the same solar system. Can be used for intel due to the showing of all pilots’ details. Does not display pilot details in either Pochven or Wormholes. Submitted by MacGybo
Logi (noun): logistics ships or the combat role of the pilots who fly them, which entails remotely repairing damage to friendly ships’ shields, armour, and hulls. Logis are essential in organised fleets, enabling them to survive for longer. Submitted by Kshal Aideron and Kaiser Friedlich
Login trap (noun): a tactic in which game login mechanics are used to hide ships and local presence from an enemy; e.g. when said enemy is waiting for a certain event or command to enter the game. Often used to catch carebears on supercapitals. Submitted by Limal
Longpoint (noun): a warp disruptor when fitted to certain ships that enhance its range. Submitted by EVEIL
Longweb (noun/verb): a stasis webifier when fitted to a ship which enhances its range, or the act of using one. Submitted by EVEIL
Loot Fairy (proper noun): a mythical entity who decides which loot (items) ‘drops’ (survives) from a destroyed ship into its wreck. Submitted by MacGybo
LSI (noun, acronym): Large Skill Injector. See: skill injector. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Mining permit (noun): the protection fee paid to a local power in exchange for not being ganked while mining. Does not transfer to other local powers. Does not grant anything other than a promise and hope. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Minrush (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a team composition made up of Minmatar ships with autocannons. These comps tend to have high speed and the capability to deal exceptional close-range damage. Submitted by ShoMenao
MJD (noun, acronym): Micro Jump Drive; a propulsion module which jumps the ship forward 100km in the direction it is facing. Submitted by EVEIL
Mortification (noun): the opposite of Poshlost, functionally. Infinite loserdom. Mysterious Triglavian syntax. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Multibox (verb): to control multiple pilots/ships simultaneously. Legal in EVE Online, but only on Omega accounts. Frowned upon by some and applauded by others. Submitted by LukaZaharin
MWD (noun, acronym): Microwarpdrive; a propulsion module which imparts a significant velocity bonus to a ship at the expense of a reduced capacitor and increased signature radius. Submitted by EVEIL
Nano (adjective/prefix): Derived from the shorthand of the speed- and agility-enhancing module: nanofiber internal structure. ‘Nano’ can be applied to various nouns as an adjective or prefix, denoting the use of said module or other speed-focused enhancements, e.g. ‘nanofleet’ or ‘nano cruiser’. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Neut: 1) (noun, slang): neutral pilot. “+1 Neut in system, guess I’d better dock.” 2) (noun/verb): Energy Neutraliser. “The Pilgrim is neuting me.” Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Nullbear (noun): a risk-averse player who lives in Nullsec. Most commonly seen warping away from a Haven when a neut enters the system. Submitted by Brother Grimoire
Nullifier (noun): an interdiction nullifier, a module which temporarily cancels the effects of warp-disruption spheres. Submitted by EVEIL
NPC Null (proper noun): areas of Nullsec that contain NPC stations; cannot be claimed by players. See also: Sovnull. Submitted by LukaZaharin
NPSI (phrase, acronym): Not Purple Shoot It; anyone in your fleet appears in purple on your overview and brackets by default. Thus this phrase means anyone in your fleet is a friend, and everything else is a valid target. Quite simply, this is ‘fleeting up’ with the mentality that ‘if you’re not with me, you’re against me’. Submitted by FUN INC
NSP (proper noun, acronym): Newbie Space Programme, a public-service initiative started by FUN INC and Eve Rookies to teach new pilots. Submitted by FUN INC
NV (phrase): No Visual. Commonly heard on intel chat when enemies are suspected to be in the area but not in sight. Submitted by Kane Carnifex
Octodad (proper noun, archaic): Alliance Tournament terminology. See: Pseudodad. Submitted by Kane Carnifex
Overpropped (adjective): describes a ship fitted with afterburners or microwarpdrives larger than those it is designed for. Submitted by EVEIL
Perch (noun): a bookmarked spot in space within warp range of a celestial, gate, or structure. Depending on its purpose, one might choose a perch inside or outside of directional scanning range. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Pimp a ship (phrase): Also known as ‘blinging a fit’, to pimp a ship is to enhance its capabilities by fitting it with high-end, often expensive modules. These modifications significantly boost the ship's performance. While these upgrades can offer substantial improvements, they also increase the financial risk. See also: bling. Submitted by Sturmer
Pochven Express (proper noun): the process of activating a ‘Pochven’ filament, transporting a player to the Pochven Region. The player then activates an ‘extraction’ filament, returning the player to high security space. Often used by explorers wishing to extract their loot from null security space, circumventing the need to travel through commonly camped systems and risk losing their ship and cargo. Submitted by EVEIL
POCO (noun): acronym: Player-Owned Customs Office. All planets across New Eden (there are probably exceptions) have customs offices in orbit which allow you to transfer your PI materials from the planet’s surface into space. Originally, these were all NPC-run but it is possible for players to take them down, replace them with their own and then control the taxes on materials going on- and off-planet. Submitted by Wadd Enderas
Point (noun/verb): denotes the use of warp disruption or the warp disruption module itself. Named after the module’s strength, which has a single point of warp disruption. It prevents a target from warping, providing no warp core stabilisers have been fitted to the targeted ship. Unlike a scram, a point does not have the ability to shut off a microwarpdrive. See also: ‘longpoint’. Submitted by FUN INC
PoS (noun): acronym: Player-Owned Structure or Starbase. Constructible buildings that require the addition of further modules to reach full utility. Technically, 'Structures' are the modules, but some players use 'Player-Owned Structure' to refer to the initial central building (the Control Tower) on its own, and/or to the entire group. 'Player-Owned Starbase' refers to the group. Starbases may be anchored in the orbits of moons and are often used for mining and industry. Not to be confused with stations or Citadels. Submitted by Justin Santana
PoS trash (noun, derogatory): ships inside a forcefield of a PoS (Player-owned Structure). They will show up in scans, but have no active pilots and “offer no content”. Submitted by LukaZaharin
Poshlost (noun): what you intentionally don’t want in your community, yucky, bad. Mysterious Triglavian syntax. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Pod express (noun): the journey taken upon destruction of a pod in order to return to one’s home station. A pilot who asks if you wish to take ‘the pod express’ in local chat is offering to blow your capsule up. Submitted by MacGybo
Prop mod (noun): a propulsion module such as an afterburner, microwarpdrive, or micro jump drive. Submitted by EVEIL
Providence (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a team composition popularised in the Alliance Open Tournament. It features full Abaddon or Oracle damage output coupled with tanky tackle and supporting logistics. Submitted by ShoMenao
Pseudodad (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a team composition usually featuring four battlecruisers and two to four cruisers with long-range turret projection. This is an updated version of the eight-battlecruiser Octodad build that was permitted in past tournaments. Submitted by Kane Carnifex
PvE (noun/adjective): ‘Player versus Environment’ activities, including missions, exploration, and combat against computer-controlled entities. Submitted by James
PvP (noun/adjective): ‘Player versus Player’ combat, in which players engage in battles against other players’ ships. Submitted by James
Rat (noun): a killable NPC. Killing rats, or 'ratting’, generally provides a payable bounty while also increasing the killer’s security status. The bigger the rat’s ship and rank, the higher the bounty and security status increase. Submitted by MacGybo
Red (noun): an enemy ship. Players or groups of players will be marked in red if they’re hostile towards you or your corporation. Submitted by yan57436
RHML (noun): Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher, a large weapon system which fires heavy missiles at a rapid rate of fire, but suffers from long reload times. Submitted by ShoMenao
Roam (verb/noun): to travel through space with the aim of finding PvP content. Submitted by EVEIL
RR (verb): Remote Repair or Remote Reps. The use of a remote shield booster or remote armour repairer to heal allies. Submitted by EVEIL
Salt (noun): rage or distress, especially if vocal and impotent. Capsuleers who exhibit salty tendencies may be called ‘saltmines’. Common sources of salt include the loss of one’s ship, especially to ‘ganking’ or PvP. Salt may be formed in excess when people skew the boundary of the game and real life. Submitted by Kane Carnifex
Scram (noun/verb): a warp scrambler or the use of one. A warp scrambler has a shorter range than a warp disruptor, but has a strength of at least two, potentially preventing a target from warping. It also shuts off a target’s microwarpdrive. Submitted by EVEIL
SeBo (noun): Sensor Booster; a mid-slot ship module which enhances a ship’s targeting range and scan resolution. It can also be loaded with ECCM scripts to improve the ship’s sensor. Submitted by Sturmer
Shrapnel (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a rapid, light version of the Flykiller team composition. It usually relies on Orthrus and Drake Navy/Cyclone ships for core damage. See also: Flykiller. Submitted by ShoMenao
Shotgun (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a sentry drone damage team composition. It uses long-range sentry assignment to tackle enemy logistics ships then volleys additional damage. Every four seconds, the sentries should simultaneously fire, leading to shotgun-like volleys into smaller hulls. Submitted by ShoMenao
Siege (verb): to apply or ('sieged') be under the effect of a ship module - specifically, siege/bastion modules and industrial cores - that, while cycling, prevents a ship from moving or warping away. E.g. "the Roqual is still sieged!" See also 'de-sieged': to have recently deactivated such a module and no longer be under its effects. Submitted by Swagger Olacar
Sisi (proper noun): Singularity; EVE Online’s public test server, open to all players during testing. Submitted by yan57436
Skill extractor (noun): an item used to extract Skill Points from an Omega character with over five million Skill Points. See also: skill injector. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Skill injector (noun): an item used to inject Skill Points into a character. Can be bought on the market from other players and has diminishing returns based on the number of Skill Points already possessed by said character. See also: LSI, SSI, Skill Point, and skill extractor. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Skill Point (proper noun): the currency used to train character skills, allowing players to specialise and improve in different areas. Submitted by James
Skirmisher (noun): a capsuleer who specialises in travelling ahead of the fleet, looking for fights and hunting for targets with their directional scanner. Two parts scout, one part vanguard. Skirmishers usually, though not always, fly a nullified fleet interceptor equipped with a microwarpdrive and a warp disruptor. Submitted by FUN INC
Slide (verb): to enter an acceleration gate to access a Factional Warfare Plex, mission, or other site. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Slingshot (verb): In ship-to-ship combat, slingshotting is a manual piloting skill in which pilots use their enemies’ trajectory and/or orbit against them in order to create a point in space where ships will either meet to ‘get point’ or, conversely, be far enough apart to break lock and escape. See also: point. Submitted by Rixx Javix
Sobornost (noun): Intentional community. Mysterious Triglavian syntax. Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Sov (noun): Sovereignty; the effective player ownership of Nullsec systems by large player groups. Submitted by LukaZaharin
Sovnull (proper noun): areas of Nullsec that can be owned by player groups; locations in which supercapital ships can be built. See also: NPC Null. Submitted by LukaZaharin
Speedtanking (verb): otherwise known as ‘sig tanking’ or ‘signature tanking’, a method of avoiding incoming fire with a combination of high speed, low signature radius, and high transversal/angular velocity from the enemy ships. Submitted by Joshua Hicks
Splash (verb): to enter or exit a wormhole. Submitted by Rushlock
Split guns (verb, phrase): to group weapons into two or more distinct groups so that they can be fired separately. Usually used to manage heat or harass multiple targets simultaneously. See also: heat. Submitted by Amoni P
SSI (noun, acronym): Small Skill Injector. See: skill injector. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Staging (noun/verb): the location at which a fleet meets to assemble, or the act of flying to said location to join a fleet. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Standing order (noun): a military order that’s maintained irrespective of changing conditions; something you should do every time without the need for instruction. For example: ‘Standing orders on gates are to orbit gate at 500m; standing orders on entry are to hold cloak.’ Submitted by FUN INC
Stop bubble (noun): a warp-disruption sphere typically placed in front of and within 500km of a gate. Ships warping to the gate will instead be stopped short, landing at the edge of the bubble. Not to be confused with a drag bubble. Submitted by EVEIL
StratOp (noun): Strategic Operation; a corporation- or alliance-wide action aimed at achieving an objective, often involving one or more large fleets. Submitted by Amoni P
Supercap (noun): Supercapital; the largest and most powerful class of ship in EVE Online, including both supercarriers and titans. Supercapitals are major strategic assets and are primarily used in large-scale Nullsec warfare. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Tag (noun/verb): a target marked for destruction, or the act of marking one. Submitted by Kshal Aideron
Tank: 1) (noun) any ship with high defences; 2) (adjective) describes a ship with high defences; 3) (verb) to intentionally receive damage, knowing that you are a less effective target than others for various reasons, e.g. your ship has high defences and can endure. There are many forms of ‘tank’ and ‘tanking’:
Active tank: a ship using modules that require activation in order to ‘heal’, such as Shield Boosters or Armour Repairers.
Armour tank: a ship with high armour defences, either active or buffer.
Buffer tank: a ship opting for high HP at the expense of repair modules.
Brick tank: a form of buffer tank with high structure HP instead of shields or armour.
Shield tank: a ship with high shield defences, either active, passive, or buffer.
Passive shield tank: a ship using its natural shield recharge in order to ‘tank’ incoming damage.
Submitted by EVEIL
Tinker (proper noun): Alliance Tournament terminology referring to a team composition designed to sustain ships via repairs and turtling far beyond what would conventionally be possible. It’s chiefly achieved through the use of cap transfer powered local and remote repairs from external ships. Submitted by ShoMenao
Ultralock (verb): being able to lock targets in under one second. This technique requires high scan resolution, low ping, and high server priority. A ship that can align to warp in under one second is safe from ultralockers, though only a select few ships with the right fittings can achieve this. Submitted by EVEIL
Vouch (verb): to endorse another player’s trustworthiness or reliability, often in the context of joining corps and other elite groups. Remember: spies are everywhere. Submitted by Kane Carnifex
Waterboard (verb): to tackle, bubble, or otherwise hold a target in place without any intention of killing them (or indeed not killing them) any time soon. Submitted by Amoni P
Web (noun/verb): a stasis webifier - an offensive module that can reduce a target’s maximum velocity - or the act of using one. Submitted by EVEIL
Winning (verb): Because EVE has no victory condition, ‘winning’ is instead used wryly to mean quitting the game. Submitted by Sturmer
Whale (noun): a player who spends an extraordinary amount of money in a game. In EVE, whales are the best prey. ‘Man the harpoons, we’re going whale hunting.’ Submitted by Melicien Tetro
Wormhole (noun): hidden cosmic anomalies providing access to remote regions of space and valuable resources. Exploring wormholes for these resources is a playstyle unto itself; a ‘wormholer’ is one who pursues it. Submitted by James
Wormholer (noun): a player who primarily operates in Wormhole Space - a unique region of space in New Eden characterised by shifting connections, hidden dangers, and the absence of local chat. Wormholers often have distinct playstyles and strategies. Submitted by Kaiser Friedlich
Wubble (noun): a stasis webification probe which can be launched by Interdictors. Lowers the maximum velocity of ships in its area of effect. Submitted by EVEIL
Yellow boxed (phrasal adjective): describes the notification that appears on the ship overview UI when another pilot has locked onto your ship. If that pilot attacks, the yellow box changes to red. This notification does not appear if the targeting pilot has fitted a passive targeting module. Submitted by MacGybo
We'll continue to run rewards and add new terminology until this EVE Online glossary is unrivalled. If you have any additional EVE terminology to add before then, add a reply to this article! Some text has been slightly amended for grammar, clarity and brevity. The original posts can be found here, here, here, here, here, and here. Image credit: Razorien
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