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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

Taking time to really enjoy the scenery in this stunning farming simulator world is hugely rewarding.

It is a game of the most beautiful grind, every step feels horrendously manual and laboursome, hours pass and you feel like you've not acheived anything... but the smile on your face gives the game away.

It's relaxing just cutting grass, stacking boxes, loading a truck.. if you are a sadist.. plant a field of trees and wait the 4 to 5 years game time for them to reach maturity before setting about them with your trusty chainsaw... trying desperately hard to keep them the right weight to make loading them into your trailer easier.

This game eats hours, it is delicously slow and paced. The multiplayer adds so much more when a tractor honks as it passes you in your field. Rushing to assist a toppled truck as your friends hit a tight corner when delivering their huge haul of finished produce.

Helping push your friends tractor when it gets stuck, or delivering your waste grass to feed your neighbours animals. Its just so chill..

The reassuring hum of the tractor engine as you drive for the multiple time to the shop to pick up a new bit of equipment or grabbing more fertiliser or seed, its so lovely.

The new traffic and npc's walking around seem more immersive in FS25 than it was in FS22, it adds to the sense that you are in a little town and really makes it feel more alive.

Farming Sim is not a game, it's a way to destress, to relax and when you chill with friends it can be really magical, unless they keep flipping your vehicles and hiding your seedlings....

I think i need new friends...

Rich's avatar

This is a fantastic explanation; thorough and thoughtful. Thank you!

projectazone's avatar

Those who don't play this game can't understand the commitment of those who are part of it. Planning everything, you have to plan according to the resources available, choose the right things to be able to start a good collection... well you really become an entrepreneur. And even though it's a game, it captures your mind and time :D

And then there are also the relaxing days in which you collect everything you've worked for. This type of game relaxes me.

AustriaFarmer's avatar

In my opinion, anyone who doesn't know the Farming Simulator is missing out on a lot.

I would like to introduce you to the two different perspectives here:

1. Variant: Player

As a player, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of virtual farming with the base game and try out the complex processes of real farming. Who has the opportunity to do that in real life?

You can either play the game just for fun to relax after a hard day at work, or as an ultra-realistic player you can seek the challenge of building your own empire. There are also many different mods available to players. And here we come to variant 2.

2. Variant: Modder / Mapper

As a modder or mapper, you can let off steam creatively and create new maps, vehicles or functions that expand the base game and enhance the gaming experience.

Whether you are a player, mapper or modder, there is one thing you should definitely keep in mind. Once you have immersed yourself in the world of gaming, you won't be able to let it go so quickly. You will accumulate several hours of playing time. I don't regret a second of it so far.


It's a shame for people who don't play farming simulators, they can't feel the excitement of farming when they can't farm live. That is very fun! How can we know how to take care of plants well and with great patience. That's something you can learn from this game!


In my opinion a lot of new players of farming Simulator 25 don't know nothink about a diffrent od price in summer and winter. This is really easy because we can get too much money when we go sell our soybeans in winter.

USCSS's avatar

Many people don't know that Farming Simulator is a relaxing and immersive game.

But it's all a matter of taste, as there are many players who prefer a frenetic video game with lots of action, i.e. aiming and shooting.

But for lovers of the open world, survival and simulation, this is a game that will be worth trying.

Limal's avatar

Farming Simulator is all about the process, not the results. That's why It offers flexible control over time, letting you decide the depth and focus of your simulation experience.

Vivisector's avatar

I'm a sim fan and but for some pople the simulator games are only boring. When i talk about that someone can respond "i got bored" but who really don't understand is when they say thing like "yeah try to find a real job, stop playing videogames". They really don't know the comfortable space of playing a game like farming simulator in your room and farms with friends is the best feel you can catch.


People who don't play FS25 don't understand how enjoyable it is to harvest, plow etc your own fields. They don't get how you can lose a whole day in IRL to the game because it is so addictive, and just that good. There is just something so satisfying seeing your products from start to finish and profiting from that. They also, believe the game to be hard to learn but it is relatively easy and not complicated at all.


People who don't play farming simulator don't understand how fun it really can be and how addictive it can be. They think going up and down a field is boring yet that couldn't be further from the truth. You can easily loose hours playing farming simulator. There's so much to do, from crops to productions, animals to logging. Farming simulator is a big learning curve for new players but there's no right or wrong way and it's a fun game to learn.

LeoMo's avatar

People who don't play Farming Simulator often find the game to be very repetitive, that you create a farm by planting a certain type of crop and the progression of the game is just about planting larger areas and doing the same things over and over again. I wanted the progression of the game to be more broad for the audience and for people to have patience with the game.


My wife asks me some interesting questions about most simulators (powerwash simulator in particular), but this one, she really struggles to understand how harvesting crops in a tractor that's doing about 1mph is enjoyable and remotely fun. She just doesn't understand the satisfaction of those perfectly harvested fields!


Farming Simulator isn't just a simulator about farming. It's a simulator about a way of life that most people never have, and probably never will, experience. People see this game as driving up and down fields doing the same thing over and over... but when you play it, you realise farming is so much more than that. The long hours, the challenges, everything us real world farmers face, but in such a way that makes it fun to enjoy. And no other game matches that.

Rich's avatar

Love this, txbyy; it's as if games like this can be generators of empathy, giving people an insight into whole communities.


The part of the game that I love is the strategic aspect of the game, and the gratification you get when you take a "start from scratch" game save to being a multi-million dollar success. It allows for me to flex my strategic muscles while also enjoying the relaxing and enjoyable activity of farming that I have loved since I was a kid.


That building a farm require a lot of capital. Gaining a lot of capital requires a lot of patience and creativity. This game is very good at opening your eyes to what farmers have to do in real life. Here where i live a farmer has about 5 other jobs they do to keep the farm afloat. That's exactly what this game teaches too. You need money? Invest wisely.

mypets's avatar

I don't think many people understand that Farming Simulator goes far beyond being a "little farm game". The game is a learning process, where we develop our creativity, planning skills and patience. It's not the kind of game where there's a goal or victory at the end, it's a process to enjoy while you play, and each player will decide what their goal is. Some want to build their own organic farm, others want to manage a super industrial operation, and there are others who just want to relax and drive a tractor, feeling like a farmer haha

I like it a lot because I see this in real life, and the game brings out this essence of how to manage a farm, balance finances, deal with seasonality and optimize harvests. The game gives you a sense of peace when you see the results of your work. I think it's excellent for taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the day. We get so involved with the game that each achievement, such as a new piece of equipment or the birth of an animal, brings a lot of joy!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

They just don't get the pleasure of progress in the game with hard work and care. One of the things that I love in Farming Simulator is the possibility of start little and over time with all the work and attention to you farm you progress to become a great farmer!


One thing people who don't play Farming Simulator are missing is the relaxation that the fieldwork offers. It can be almost therapeutic in a way. Don't believe me? Try it.

It also gives people some opportunities to learn how a farm actually works. I have seen a lot of streamers who play this that have aha moments because of the game. It ends up being a teaching tool for some.


People often say "why would you play this? It's boring!" - a lot of people don't understand that a lot of the fun in Farming Simulator comes from the fact that it is a low stress video game. It is easy to have fun when you are relaxed and hanging out with your friends in multiplayer, or even working toward your own sandbox goal in single player.


I think one of the things people that do not play Farming Simulator do not get, is how relaxing yet satisfying this game can feel. Nothing better than after a long day coming home to a cold beverage and playing some farming simulator, building a farm that becomes an empire. Unlike other games I have played that just seem to add to post work frustration and stress, farming simulator calms the soul.


The people who don't play Farming Sim might just think that it's just plowing fields, repeat, repeat etc... but it's so much more than that, it can be growing spinach or rice, harvesting olives, buing cows, driving a forklift around the map with 4 pallets of seeds etc.


Something that people who don't play Farming Simulator do not get about Farming Simulator is that in the game there is no Win or Lose and that people usually relate the game with only driving around harvesting crops, when especially in FS22 and FS25 now with a lot of features (productions mostly) and new crops the game shows better how the farming in real life works and even explains what processes or to what places the crops or milk for example since my father is a Dairy Farmer goes before everybody could buy it in the supermarket or on your local farmer market.


The title of the game doesn’t mean what it says all the time. Between the community mods the competetive modes and the standard singleplayer/multiplayer gameplay there is something for anyone. You don’t have to sit and farm all the time, you can have animals, you can race, you can do forestry, you can play realisticly, you can buy insane equipment and do whatever you want. The ends are truly infinite but people get turned off by the name.

yan57436's avatar

I think the great difficulty for people is to understand that a game can be your mental resting place, where you relax and disconnect from the outside world. I'm a real lover of this style of game, but the farming simulator still sparked an interest in a pleasure that seemed unimaginable to me, such as plants, agriculture, tractors and equipment in the field.


Allows us who are within the farming community to express ourselves in a safe digital space without the financial burden & connect with other passionate farmers from across the world.

Hunter's avatar

Many say that Sim Games are boring, but they need only to look close at this pretty little cuties in farming Simulator 25 :


People that dont play farming often think its a game for someone that dont know that you dont have to be a tryhard or good at it. But the fact is that you make it something you want. You have very many paths you can walk if it is just to have fun or be the greates its ony you that decide

PandaTime's avatar

People who don’t play Farming Simulator often underestimate just how deep and engaging the game truly is. To outsiders, it may seem like a slow-paced, niche game where you just drive tractors and harvest crops, but the reality is far richer. What they don't realize is the game captures the complexity and strategy of running a farm, from carefully managing finances, optimizing crop yields, and responding to changing market prices, to balancing the timing of each harvest season. It's not just about virtual farming; it's about planning, problem-solving, and creating a sense of accomplishment when you turn a struggling farm into a thriving business. The game rewards patience and long-term thinking, which are qualities often overlooked by those who assume it’s just about playing in the dirt.

ADigitalFarmer's avatar

The game is relaxing. Nothing better than cranking up Farming Simulator and doing a little fieldwork or animal husbandry at the end of a stressful day.


For me its the most realaxing time in my day to play farm sim at home with my friends or even singelplayer. In farming simulator 25 there are things ingame that you just cant put into words you just have to experience it yourself. So if you have a very little interest in farming then i recommend it to you 100%

Cant imagin the life without the farming sim, i have been playing farming sim since 2008.


How rewarding it is to maintain your own farm taking it in any number of directions that you please, from building small grain farms to large scale bakery businesses or an ever expanding animal empire the sky is the limit! Not to meantion how therapeutic it is jumping in the tractor and driving up and down the fields from sun up to sunset!

JHenckes's avatar

People don't understand the function of simulator games, specifically in farming simulator, people don't understand how good a game planting and managing a farm is! They don't understand how good the game is when you have free time to start a new crop, when your animals have a baby or when you buy that machine you've been saving money on for so long! They just don't understand...


People who don't play Farming Simulator don't understand that people who play Farming Simulator are not playing a game where you can "Win" or that there is an "End". The game is driven by the mind and imagination of the player, and no two game saves will ever be the same, even if played on the same map. There's always new content to enjoy thanks to the Modding Community, whether that be full blown maps or a single vehicle or piece of equipment. No matter how many hours you have in Farming Simulator you can always find and experience something new.

Sturmer's avatar

People who’ve never played Farming Simulator often assume it’s just about driving a John Deere across a field, planting and harvesting crops. But the game is actually an economic simulator, too. You earn money from your activities and make decisions on how to reinvest it to grow your business. While it may not be as complex as specialized economy games, it has all the essential elements. If you’re new to these concepts, you’ll gain valuable experience that can be useful for making real-life buying or investment decisions.

Eaglefirefly's avatar

We play EVE Online. But maybe we should farm crops aswell as farming kills! I suppose this relates to miners too ;)


That the game teaches people without any connection to the farm life what we do, and why we are important players in the national and international market

Rich's avatar

Great answer. I take it you're a farmer, then - respect and welcome to Just About! How accurate do you find the games are as sims?


Farming, even though it is a video game, makes you understand how much effort is needed in this job, the difficulty in managing a farm and its problems, but above all it teaches that without agriculture there would be nothing


People who don’t play farming simulator 25 don’t understand about the game is how relaxing it is and just how fast time go

OMG_its_Breide's avatar

I think thats a lot of people in this world don't know how good this game is. But we can show them what they miss. It's my favorite game. They should harvest or cut trees for more happiness in their life. It's very nice to sit 4 or 5 hours on the PC/Console to play this game.


People who don't play Farming Simulator can't understand how incredibly relaxing this game can be. Like any simulation game, it's satisfying to plan how to plant properly and then harvest later. It might seem repetitive, but I find it extremely calming. It feels like I'm a landowner, fully responsible for my crops, and if I don't do things right, I won't get the proper reward for my hard work.

The best part of this game is how realistic it is—you have to consider every detail or any change could make everything go wrong.

Is it addictive? A little bit XD

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

maybe some people like challenges and don't know that all farming simulators are very fun and very relaxing games even though some people underestimate the fun, but people will definitely get bored too when trying games that are challenging and will play farming simulaor games.


They don’t see that it is a very Finn and relaxing game


Those who don't play Farming Simulator often fail to understand the charm of the game's slowness and calmness, mistaking it for boredom. They don’t grasp the strategic and managerial complexity that goes far beyond simply driving tractors, nor the satisfaction of seeing the results of patient and methodical work. Furthermore, they underestimate the level of realism and the opportunity to learn technical aspects of agriculture and economics, which make the game an immersive and rewarding experience for those who engage with it.


Ah, what people don’t understand about Farming Simulator if they don’t play it is just how engaging and relaxing it can be. To outsiders, it might seem like “just driving tractors” or “doing chores,” but for players, it’s so much more.

First, there’s the satisfaction of progress. Starting with a small plot of land and building it into a thriving farm is incredibly rewarding. Planning your crops, expanding your equipment, and watching your fields grow feels like accomplishing something tangible, even if it’s virtual.

Then, there’s the strategy and depth. It’s not just planting and harvesting—you’re managing finances, planning crop rotations, and even navigating market prices to maximize profits. It’s like running a business, but with tractors instead of spreadsheets.

Also, Farming Simulator can be surprisingly relaxing. The hum of the machinery, the wide-open fields, and the rhythm of the gameplay have this calming effect that’s perfect for unwinding. It’s a world where you can slow down, focus, and escape from the chaos of real life.

And let’s not forget the community aspect. Multiplayer farming with friends turns it into a cooperative experience, where you share the workload, have a laugh, and build something together.

So no, it’s not just “farming.” It’s about the joy of creation, the satisfaction of hard work paying off, and the calm it brings in a hectic world. Until you’ve cultivated your first field or driven your first harvest to market, it’s hard to truly get it


People who don’t play Farming Simulator often underestimate the depth, strategy, and satisfaction the game provides. Here are a few key aspects they might not fully understand:

1. The Relaxing and Rewarding Gameplay Loop

To outsiders, Farming Sim might look like a monotonous chore simulator. However, players experience a meditative flow in tending to crops, managing livestock, and watching their farm evolve. It’s not just work; it’s about the reward of building something from scratch and seeing the tangible results of effort over time.

2. The Complexity of Farming

Many don’t realize how deep the mechanics are. The game involves soil management, weather planning, crop rotation, machinery upgrades, and even economic strategy for maximizing profits. It's far from a simple, casual game—it’s a robust simulator that mirrors the challenges of real-world farming.

3. The Joy of Machinery

For non-players, tractors and harvesters might seem boring. For fans, though, they are treasures. The game features meticulously detailed recreations of farming equipment from brands like John Deere, Case IH, and CLAAS. Mastering these machines and learning how to use them efficiently is an incredibly satisfying aspect of the game.

4. Community and Mods

The Farming Sim community is vibrant and creative. Mods add everything from custom vehicles to entirely new crops and maps, turning the game into an endlessly customizable experience. This modding culture keeps the game fresh and exciting for long-time players.

5. It’s Not Just About Farming

Beyond crops and livestock, players manage logistics, forestry, construction, and even multiplayer co-op farming. The game has a broad scope that offers something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of business simulation, nature, or heavy machinery.

For many players, Farming Simulator is more than a game—it’s a way to unwind, explore a passion for agriculture, and immerse themselves in a peaceful yet challenging world that non-players often overlook.

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