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Limal's avatar

Recently, we were discussing a similar topic with the kids. There absolutely has to be something related to lava. Why? Every seasoned Minecrafter knows you should never dig under yourself, yet so many fail.

Shovel's avatar

My prediction is I feel like they may do a little sly dig at Roblox or soemthing! Or maybe it’ll be like Wreck it Ralph and we may just see like an Easter egg or cameo from another game? I mean Jack black was in the Mario Film not to long ago??

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I think this movie is simply about kids who have become stuck in Minecraft and Steve is there to save the day!

I don't think it will be a storyline that is complicated because the target audience is kids. So will be a simple Jumanji-type deal which is my opinion.


They will probably enter a desert temple and end up having the escape the explosions when they step on the pressure plate.

Sturmer's avatar

I'm pretty sure that when all the characters finally meet, nightfall will come, and everyone will need to build some sort of shelter. Most will create solid and beautiful 3x3 homes on trees or the surface. Meanwhile, Jack Black’s character will dig an ugly pit in the dirt, sealing himself inside without a light source, and shouting a muffled "Good night!" from his underground hideout.


Sadly, I predict an absolute atrocity 😂 the impressive cast isn't going to save a movie that appears to have been made without being true to the game itself and we could see a movie that makes Borderlands look like a potential Oscar winner!

Jack black can't save this one I'm afraid, fans will be massively disappointed.

avrona's avatar

I think there will be quite a bit relying on referencing older versions of Minecraft, or how the world changes with each update. I'm expecting to hear things such as the Farlands namedropped, as well referencing other famous elements of the early days of the game. And there will be absolutely no mention of Notch, just watch.

XCezor's avatar

In general, to leave the End without dying you need to kill the Ender Dragon. I think they'll change that and instead of killing Ender Dragon they will make her a new friend and then she will use her purple fire to activate a portal. Not very much Minecraft style but from what we saw in the trailer, the movie will not strictly follow all the Minecraft laws of "physics" or logic so it might even have sense.

Elech's avatar

Surely we get a Herobrine jumpscare somewhere in the movie. Or will we get the iconic plop noise whenever something is dropped on the floor?

yan57436's avatar

I believe that Jack Black will attract a lot of people to the cinema, but I can't believe in the possible success of this movie, even more so imagining that there will be a musical at some point (just a preference of mine) and possible too many inventions due to the lack of lore of the game's protagonist. However, I expect a very interesting comedy, especially given the rich world of Minecraft. I'm really looking forward to seeing the nether and the mobs (creeper, blow everything up!). So, don't expect a cult movie, but those classic fun movies.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Definitely someone in the movie will lost their itens along the way. It's a cannon moment for every minecraft player when they fall in lava, or take so long to find their itens that everything is gone forever. You'll have to start again to craft everything or some friend will have to help you with some equips and armours already crafted. And I believe that something similar will happen, probably in the nether with someone falling in the lava, the classic!

JHenckes's avatar

Scenes we've all experienced at least once 😂

mar1gold 's avatar

They're making a minecraft movie?

My prediction (this is a bit left field but I will gloat about this FOREVER of I'm right) that it will get a bit Truman show.

What if the movie is aware that the characters are in a game but the characters aren't? Maybe things lag or there is a bug or something... or maybe another random player joins the game and burns down their house cos they're feeling evil heheh.

It would be cool if the characters slowly became aware of this and started to question why they were even trying to kill the dragon.

Also the credits better be in the minecraft text heheh

JHenckes's avatar

I imagine that the young protagonist will discover that she has a special connection with the Ender Dragon. Perhaps she realizes that she can communicate with the dragon in a way that no one else can, or she discovers that she is a descendant of an ancient civilization that, in the past, lived in peace with the Ender creatures (I know, I sound crazy, but it would be cool haha).

This discovery could lead to a crucial moment where, instead of simply fighting the dragon, she tries to find a way to talk to it or even control it in order to save the Overworld. This would make the outcome more exciting and profound, making her face a difficult choice: destroy the Ender Dragon or try to find a way to coexist peacefully.

AlvarZ4's avatar

I think we will see 2 thing surely: Frist of all I think we will see a scene of Steve discovering the Nether bein so amazed and confused probably discovering a nether portal (same for The End, in fact I think probably wat i just wrote will happen with the end portal)and repairing it and second one we will se probably at the end an epic battle agaist the ender dragon.

Creo que seguramente veremos 2 cosas: primero creo que veremos una escena de Steve descubriendo el Nether y estando tan sorprendido y confundido probablemente descubriendo un portal al Nether (lo mismo para el End, de hecho creo que probablemente lo que acabo de escribir sucederá con el portal del End) y reparándolo y segundo probablemente al final tendremos una batalla épica contra el dragón del Ender.

TrialByStory's avatar

This is a complete longshot, I'd say, but I think at some point in the film there should be a gag involving a chunk of the world failing to load. Either as the Ender Dragon carves through the land it comes across a square of landscape that is just missing and expresses confusion over it. Or while the heroes are fleeing from a creeper or other hostile mob they run directly into a missing chunk and they do the old Looney Tunes gag where you're just running in place and don't fall until you look down, then just as they look down and start to fall the chunk loads in.

AbyKwon117's avatar

I think that maybe there will be a bit of comedy in situations that usually happen to us in the game, such as seeing the creepers that appear in your face and starting to run, falls, emotional reactions when we find wolves/cats and the villages in locations randoms haha

Yo pienso que quiza tendra un poco de comedia en situaciones que nos suele pasar en el juego, como al ver los creepers que te salen en la cara y empezar a correr, caídas, reacciones de emocion al encontrarnos lobos/gatos y las aldeas en ubicaciones randoms jaja

PedroPato's avatar

Text in my native language: Brazilian Portuguese

Olá a todos, venho aqui fazer uma previsão deste filme, que com certeza absoluta Jack Black vai cantar em algum momento do filme, e eu espero muito que seja "Fallen Kingdom", por mais que o contexto para essa música acontecer seja meio específico já que é sobre a queda de um reino. Bem, essa é minha previsão para o filme. :]

Text in English:

Hello everyone, I'm here to make a prediction about this film, which with absolute certainty Jack Black will sing at some point in the film, and I really hope it's "Fallen Kingdom", even though the context for this song to happen is kind of specific already which is about the fall of a kingdom. Well, that's my prediction for the film. :]

TNTpenguin's avatar

my prediction is that it will suck. real bad.

Toretto 70's avatar

I think it will be amazing movie, we would see everything from the game that maybe little different from the original


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