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yan57436's avatar

The hecate is a very strong god, but it requires a little more positioning, which ends up not being so friendly for new players. Most of the times I've played it I've seen it used in the mid, but it can also be a support, abusing its poke and abilities that amplify allies. Let's talk a bit more about her abilities:

  • Passive: “Mythic Ritual” - Her passive has a good interaction with structures, as it allows you to regenerate mana and life for your team, as well as increasing damage (after killing enemies).

  • Ability 1: “Triplicate Form” - This is your main damage ability, so you need to understand that it has two forms: Direct damage, you end up marking and amplifying allied damage (which is why she can perform as support) or damage that mesmerizes enemies.

  • Ability 2: “Spell Eater” - The goddess creates a growing circle of energy, in this area every ability cast (including by her allies) will deal extra damage with a recast at the end that deals damage.

  • Ability 3: “Repel Magic” - Basically a shield that can be cast on yourself or allies, protecting from magic damage, providing movement speed and dealing damage to those nearby (again, which allows her to be a support hahaha).

  • Ultimate: “Open the Gates” - Her ult is very versatile, as you create two portals on the ground, dealing damage and stunning all enemies. These portals can teleport, giving you incredible mobility to try and outrun your opponents.

Gameplay: Positioning is the most important thing with her, as you need to be behind the team, poke and buff allied skills, as well as getting a good fit for your ult.


Hecate is one of my favourite gods in Smite 2, she's amazing. I made this guide with care! :D


1.Use her 2 before the fight quickly to fill it up and then use it at the end of the combo when it's filled up for maximum damage

2.Don't forget to buff allies and towers when possible (Default key on PC: Space)

3.You can use your ultimate to pull enemies into unfavorable positions, including your tower and fountain! It's very useful in Arena. If they're pushing towards your base just hop back in and pull them into your fountain for a funny kill.

4.You can actually build Hecate as a support or half-support. Keep an eye out for HP items.

5.Keep an eye out for low health teammates, your 3 can sometimes really save them in a pinch.

JHenckes's avatar

I haven't tested Hecate as much as I'd like, but I think I've learned enough to give you a basic guide, especially for those who haven't tried it yet.

Hecate is a mage focused on playing alone in the mid-lane. She is an offensive goddess because of her abilities, she is able to put pressure on gods like Zeus and Hades, mainly because her main ability is to ignore troops and walls.

She's a character where all her damage will be focused on magic damage, so it's important that her build is built around this (apart from other factors that I'll talk about later)

First, let's talk about hers skills...

  • Passive (Mythic Ritual): His passive is very good for protecting structures and pressuring opponents. It creates a buff area that gives mana and life regeneration, as well as being able to increase their power and intelligence.

  • Ability 1 (Triplicate Form): It's your main skill, the one that will deal damage to your opponents! The skill shoots a projectile that deals magic damage and can be of two types. The type is chosen alternately and is not decided by the player.

  • Ability 2 (Spell Eater): This skill buffers the 1st one! Hegate creates a ball of energy that has a marked area where with each skill cast, the ball of energy deals extra damage based on magic damage (combining these first 2 skills is essential to win the mid-lane from the start of the game).

  • Ability 3 (Repel Magic): Another buff, this time in an active skill. Hecate grants a magical shield to herself or an ally. This shield protects from magical damage and deals damage to nearby enemies when the skill is activated. It also increases movement speed.

  • Ultimate (Open the Gates): This one is really cool, and so is the name. Hecate creates two portals in the ground, dealing damage and stunning the enemies above. In addition, these portals can be used for teleporting (it's bizarrely strong in a team fight if used at the right time).

As for Hecate builds, I recommend using the autobuilds present in the game. I haven't had enough practice to create better builds from scratch.

However, I can recommend items that I think are essential for this character. Items focused on mana, intelligence and cooldown time are the best for her, such as “Archmages Gen” and “Rod of Tahuti”


A written Hecate (mid lol sorry supp dreamers) Guide: First and foremost going through the abilities

The 1 is a straight line damaging ability which will swap between either mezing the enemys hit or applying a Mark for them to take bonus damage from all additional hits after being marked for a short time. In particular for the Mark ability text reads that “other friendly gods deal additional damage” but this does include yourself. This is usually the ability you max first, and is your standard wave clear. The most important to keep in mind when managing your 1 is making sure you know which effect is going to be with your next cast. The Mez in particular can help with pressure when being chased, allowing you to gain distance even without a Dash/Leap in your arsenal. It’s also great to use to disrupt channeling abilities, as currently none are Mez immune.

The 2 is a large circle damaging area which will start with you casting the ability (which will also show you a large area which plays into your Charges) then having the option to recast to lay out the damaging circle. This works similar to Heimdallr’s 1 from Smite 1 where you can recast the ability anywhere, not just based on the initial area your shown. Before you recast, the ability can gain Charges based on how many other abilities are used (including allies and emenies abulities) aforementioned area indicated when you first casted the 2. As a special synergy, using your 3 will gain 3 Charges (ha). Now all this said, the Charges honestly do not matter much. They give your 2 extra damage based on the amount you gained (with a max of 12 Charges). However due to the fact that it relies on ability casts, you yourself can only attribute 4 Charges normally thru your 1 and 3, and will have to charge the rest either by waiting for more of your own casts or the gods around you. Just off of that, you should tell this ability seldom reaches full charges especially in 1v1 situations, doing best in late game team fights to build charge, but then you have to balance the fact that your holding damage and waiting rather then sending out. Not sure if my own opinion should bleed into a guide, but I do feel like this part of Hecate’s kit should be improved, the Charges simply providing more damage is not good enough in opinion to let the ability build up rather then quick casting it. I think the trade off she currently has is that the area where abilities need to be cast to gain Charges never actually expires until you cast the 2. I would actually change it to have it maybe expire after a certain amount of time (and maybe change her Charge amount and scaling, ie instead of max dmg with 12, make it 8) but give one the following effects: Either the area of damage also increases with more Charges or gains a CC effect with enough Charges - either or would be great buffs for this aspect of the 2.

The 3 which was mentioned earlier is a HP Shield that Hecate can cast either onto herself or an ally near her. The shield only blocks Magical Damage, meaning if you are using it for the HP you’ll want to keep to keep in mind who’s attacking you. When cast, a Damage Burst will also occur around the shield. When you cast the 3, you’ll also gain movement speed, but this is tied to the cast and not the shield (You will gain the movement when you use your 3, wether you used it on an ally or yourself, and your ally won’t gain the movement)

The 4 is a massive area both around you and in front of you (with the area in front being able to be moved closer or further, the area around you is unchangeable). Once cast, enemies in each area take massive damage and teleport to the other area. A side aspect as well is that after cast, two smaller portals are left on the ground where your two larger areas went off, which you can interact with to teleport to the other portal. So there’s two prime ideas with the 4. Hit the enemy with the area you cast out to bring them closer to you, and then cast everything else on them (1, 2, and 3) and they should blow up. The other senecio is your getting dived, so you cast your 4 so that those around you get teleported away to the area you cast out. Big thing to remember when using the ult in this way is that you want to make sure if your not in a situation where you want to continue fighting after getting the diver off of you, that no one is in the other teleporting area, as they will be brought to you while the diver is teleported away. The last thing to really think about is the smaller portals that get left - you can definitely make some plays with these but senerios which this will be beneficial will be fewer.

Left the Passive for last. It allows her to interact with a structure to give that structure a healing/mana restoration area when standing by the structure. Or you can interact with an ally who has recently slain an enemy to give them and yourself extra Strgenth and Intelligence. You always want to be giving the buff out to allies, as it also benefits yourself and ya know them lol. It’s definitely better than the Structure buff, but the passive has no cooldown so you can give both out freely.

So all that said, how does Hecate actually play out? She is no doubt weak early and has a weak laning phase for quite a while. Keep pressure down with the 1 Mez while using the 3 to reduce damage if laning against a magical. She farms the map OK, with the bonus damage on the 1 being nice at times to help efficiently clear. As the game progresses, you can get more and more aggressive with your 4, until eventually late game where you hit the whole enemy team with it, bring them right up to you and delete them in less then a second lol. Build wise pure INT with some CD and PEN is the way to go in some form, with potentially maybe 1 defense depending on how hard your being dived.

Toretto 70's avatar

Hecate has damage dealer with unique abilities understand the lore and role

  • Passive Ability : Hecate's Passive enhance her spellcasting capabilities, allowing her to deal additional damage or apply effects based on her spell usage.

  • Ability 1 : this ability typically ivolves casting damaging spell that may also have crowd control effect such as slowing or stunning enemy

  • Ability 2 : often focuses on area of effect damage or debuff that can affect multiple enemies at once

  • Ultimate Ability : Hecate's ultimate usually for significant brust damage or a game changing effect that can turn the ride of battle

When playing Hecate stay at safe distance from enemies while dealing damage. utilize your abilities from range to avoid beign get caught in dangerous situation, look for opportunities to engage when enemies are vulnearble or when you have allies ready to assist you, and keep eyes on the map


Hecate is a midlane mage. She has teleports and utility for her team to set up big plays.


Her passive lets her interact with turrets to regen health and mana for her and her team.
It also increases the damage of her and her teammates if she interacts with them after they kill an enemy.

1. She has 2 different abilities on her 1, the first one, power form deals damage in mark the enemy to also take extra damage from your teammates, the second one does damage and mesmerizes the enemy, which is basically a stun.

2. It creates a circle in the air that does more damage based on how many abilities were used by gods nearby, then you can send it crashing down on top of them.

  1. She can give her teammate a shield that absorbs magic damage, she can also use it on herself, it grants movement speed and does damage around it.

  2. Her ult is her big playmaker ability, it makes 2 giant circles that if you are caught inside one when it goes off it will send you to the opposite circle and does damage to enemies. You can grab entire teams and pull them into your turrets to make them easy kills for your team.

    She's very strong being the strongest mage in the game until now Nu Wa is the new best midlaner.

    You can combo things together like pulling the entire enemy team with your ult then mesmerizing them to set up your team and also dropping your 2 on their heads.

    She just builds full damage items like any normal mage, she doesn't really have any special build differences.


    She sits at the back of the team and tries to use her ult to pull in a couple of enemies and nuke them with her team, or she can use her ult to teleport herself away to escape. She pokes at the enemies with her basic abilities and tries to fish for big plays with her ult.

    She also empowers her teammates and sets them up for success with her teleports and shields, or stat increases.
    She is squishy so you need to watch where you're positioned and always play on the edge of danger balancing between being close enough to help and far enough away to not die.

    This should be enough to get you started on her, she is fairly simple to play and her abilities work together intuitively.


Hecate tips :

Build :
Mid lane:
- Starters : Conduit or Bluestone. DoT (Damage over Time) just feels too nice!
- Core items: Book of Thoth, Spear of Desolation / Gem of Focus , Soul Reaver and Rod of Tahuti.
- Situational items: Divine Ruin, Cosmic Horror and Necromicon (the last isn't recommended)
- Relics : Beads, and Blink.

- Starters: Selflessness or War Flag.
- Core items: Thebes, Amanita Charm (mushroom), Spirit Robe, Soul Reaver.
- Situational items: Oni Hunter, Yogi's Necklace, Phoenix Feather, Ruinous Ankh and Divine Ruin.
- Relics : Blink, Sunder or Shell.

Levelling abilities:
Starting ability : 1. no other option has a better or similar value at level 1.
Levelling order : 2 * -> 1 -> 4 - > 3
* the 2 and the one leveled together but the 2 is maxed out first.

- Always start by casting the 2, you want to get as many charges as you can.
- Use the 3 to inside the circle range to get more charges or in combat to get out of / help allies.
- Try to hit the 2 after getting good amount of stacks on the passive and while the enemies are under mez.
- You don't have to aim the ult just to pull enemies to you, but also to create a portal in/out of combat for yourself and allies .
- Buff allies as much as you can while near them, if you have the indicator for it . (visual indicator around the ally and press space to charge it).

its not a face on God even as a support but an amazing engager and poke.
Positioning right could make huge difference in every fight regardless if you're on the Mid lane, Support or others.


Hecate is the first ever Smite 2 exclusive god - she'd be considered a mage by the Smite 1 class system - ranged magical damage with high damage low defenses, and so is most often/best played in mid lane in conquest. She has a good mix of solid damage along with some supportive capabilities like some CC and a shield, so you could also try flexing her into support (although she's definitely better in mid)

A quick overview of her abilities:

  1. Her 1 is a ranged, medium damaging line attack that alternates between also applying a short mez, or a debuff which allows your allies to do more damage to the enemy you hit. It does some decent poke damage, but it's not very flashy overall.

  2. Her 2 is a little bit more complicated - you deploy an area that charges up every time an ability is used inside of it, and then you can target an area to do damage based on the total charges. This area has no time limit, and you can target the damage anywhere on the map, not just inside the charging area.

  3. The 3 is a shield that can be applied either to allies or to Hecate herself. When applied it does solid damage around the shielded ally. The main caveat to this shield is it only blocks magical damage, so don't expect it to help against most ADCs and Junglers. Her 2 also gets extra stacks if you use this ability in it's charging area.

  4. Hecate ult targets the area around her, and a pretty big circle where she aims, and after a second or so, damages all enemies in either area and moves them to the other. The damage on this ability is surprisingly high, and the ability to teleport an entire enemy team into your own team, or away from you, is immensely strong. The areas also leave small interactable circles on the ground that you or your allies can interact with to teleport between them.

  5. Her passive is a pretty minor part of her kit honestly, you can interact with a teammate after they get a kill to give them a small power buff, or interact with a tower to get some extra healing while standing next to it. Kinda nice to have, and you should use it, but largely unimportant.

Hecate doesn't really have a set "combo" to speak of, but try to place the 2 down before you use your other abilities so that it charges up during the fight, and you can use it for a big chunk of damage at the end.

Example Build: Conduit Gem (Archmage's Gem), Book of Thoth, Chronos Pendant, Gem of Focus, Soul Reaver, Staff of Myrddin, Rod of Tahuti (Relic options: Beads or Blink)

Some other miscellaneous tips for Hecate:

  • Start with your 2 level 1 - place it in fountain and ask your teammates to use their abilities a few times before they leave base. This will let you one shot the first wave as soon as it arrives with a fully charged 2.

  • You can use your ult to provide a teammate with a teleporter out of trouble if needed, instead of always looking to use it on a group of enemies.

  • Generally you want to be applying your 3 to your frontliners when they dive the enemy backline, as it gives them shields for the enemy magicals, and also does a lot of damage to the backliners around them.

  • Staff of Myrddin is a super useful item on Hecate, since it can allow you to quickly apply two shields to allies, doing double damage too.


I'll write down a few important tips on utilizing Hecate:

  1. Use her 2 before the fight quickly to fill it up and then use it at the end of the combo when it's filled up for maximum damage

  2. Don't forget to buff allies and towers when possible (Default key on PC: Space)

  3. You can use your ultimate to pull enemies into unfavorable positions, including your tower and fountain! It's very useful in Arena. If they're pushing towards your base just hop back in and pull them into your fountain for a funny kill.

  4. You can actually build Hecate as a support or half-support. Keep an eye out for HP items.

  5. Keep an eye out for low health teammates, your 3 can sometimes really save them in a pinch.


Hecate is a powerful mage in Smite 2 with a versatile kit that allows her to poke, crowd control, and deal massive burst damage. Her abilities focus on area damage and debuffs, making her a strong force in team fights and excellent at controlling space in the mid lane.


  1. Passive: Mythic Ritual - Interact with allied Structures to channel and create a buff area that provides Health and Mana regeneration to Gods in the area. Interact with allied Gods only if they have recently earned a kill to channel and increase their Strength and Intelligence

  2. 1st Ability: Triplicate Form - Fire a projectile that alternates between Power Form and Hex Form on each activation. Power Form deals Magical Damage and Marks enemies hit. Marked enemies take bonus Magical Damage damage when they are damaged by gods. Hex Form deals Magical Damage and Mesmerizes enemies hit.

  3. 2nd Ability: Spell Eater- Create a Sigil that charges up when Gods activate abilities in a large area. Reactivate to deal Magical Damage to enemies in the targeted area. Damage can increase by up to 120% at full Charges.

  4. 3rd Ability: Repel Magic - Lock on to yourself or an allied god to grant them a Magical Shield and deal Magical Damage to enemies around them. Activating this ability increases your Movement Speed and provides Spell Eater with 3 charges instead of 1.

  5. Ultimate: Open the Gates- Create two portals that deal Magical Damage to enemies after a delay. Gods who are hit are Stunned, and then Displaced to the opposite portal. You and allied gods can interact with the portals to Teleport between them.

Ability leveling order

Triplicate Form (1st Ability) -> Open the Gates (Ultimate) -> Spell Eater (2nd Ability) -> Repel Magic (3rd Ability).

Item build

Starting Items:

Conduit Gem (Standard starter for mages, providing mana and intelligence.) and health/mana potes.

Core Items:

Book of Thoth (provides intelligence and mana), Soul Gem (Provides power, lifesteal, synergizing with Hecate aggressive playstyle.) and Spear of Desolation (Offers cooldown reduction and penetration, plus it refunds cooldowns when you get a kill or assist, making it excellent for snowballing in fights.).

Mid to late game items:

Rod of Tahuti (Huge power spike and bonus damage on low-health enemies, perfect for finishing off targets.), Soul Reaver (Extra damage based on enemy health, great for shredding tankier opponents.) and Obsidian Shard (Provides magical penetration, essential for dealing with enemy tanks or high protections.).

Situational items:

Gem of Isolation (Slows enemies hit by your abilities, making it harder for them to escape .), Polynomicon (Works well with Hecate passive and enhances burst damage with empowered basic attacks.) and Chronos Pendant (If you need more cooldown reduction for consistent poke and spellcasting.).

Strategys with Hecate:

On early game, focus on wave clearing using Triplicate Form and keeping pressure on the enemy mid laner. Try to hit both the minions and the enemy god with your poke and farm efficiently and look for opportunities to roam or assist your jungler if a kill is likely.

On mid game, rotate to side lanes and assist in securing objectives like Gold Fury. Hecate crowd control and ultimate are game changing in skirmishes. In team fights, cast Spell Eater on clustered enemies .

Finally, on late game, In team fights, position safely but close enough to land your abilities. Keep an eye on enemy carries and hit them with Triplicate Form and Spell Eater and Use Repel Magic to protect the team.

Dont forget, keep good positioning at all times. Hecate can dish out a lot of damage, but she’s vulnerable to being bursted down.

Rich's avatar

Hey NiteDark, many thanks for getting involved in so many of these guide bounties, but we need quite a bit more detail before we can consider this submission for an award, as we're hoping to put together comprehensive guides that cover all aspects of how to play these gods. You can dive super deep on one aspect of Hecate's play (e.g. item building, skill progression, etc) or expand your general overview. Just click the 'edit' button to add to this submission.

Take your time; you've got a whole month!

Sturmer's avatar

This character is just a blast for moba! I'm still exploring it, but man... she can be salvation or a bane, depending on which side you are hehe


I oullday th best way to play Hecate is to build more of a pure power/penetration based build. How i like to play Hecate is by going Conduit gem - book of thoth - Chronos Pendant - Neccronomicon - Rod of Tahuti - Spear of desolation and World stone.


Hecate hmm I've played her twice and she's not just a midlaner/INT she can also be played as a support (full tank) it's weird that it's possible but it is I tested it out and did well in team fights.

For me I max the her ability 3 just for the shield then the 1 then ult and finally 2.

My build for support-Chronos' Pendant, Gauntlet of Thebes, Oni Hunter's Garb, Spectral Armor, Spirit Robe, Prophetic Cloak. Your starter item can be anything depending on your carry.


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