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mypets's avatar

I really enjoyed the Closed Alpha 7 update, as it brought a very good balance between new content and improvements to the game experience.

With regard to the new gods, such as Thor, I think he's a little weaker than the other new ones. I think he deals little damage but has a good ability for group control. His wall ability I even found quite effective. Poseidon came with excellent mobility and attack speed, but I think he has a longer learning curve than the others. Cupid, on the other hand, is a very balanced God, more so than the others; he's a very solid addition and I think he came with some good proposals.

With regard to buffs and nerfs, Baron Samedi continues to receive much-needed nerfs!!! Morrigan has also received well-deserved buffs.

The update has made the bots smarter and the game a lot more interesting... and the interface updates have made it look a lot nicer!

It wasn't anything too drastic but the changes were welcome and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

JHenckes's avatar

I really like new technologies, so the addition of DLSS is great! It allows for a much better quality of the game, many players will feel the difference!

In addition, I've noticed that the interface continues to improve, and that's something that's been much needed! Smite 2's interface is still very simple, so these small additions really help to flesh out the game (the gods' screen has been improved, it looks much better visually)

As for the new gods, I'll tell you a bit about each one:

Thor: I've always liked his mythology (not Marvel's) and he proved to be a very strong warrior in the games I played with him, a definite berserker!

Poseidon: It was playing Hares that I started to like him more and wanted to play him in Smite 2 hahaha. The God is a very versatile character. I liked how he put pressure on with his abilities and increased attack speed, while also having a lot of presence in the game with his increased movement speed!

Cupid: I've only tested him once, but he's an interesting character, I have no idea of his potential, but I had a good match with him and I can see that the community really likes him!

Other than that, we had some necessary buffs and nerfs, such as the Morrigan and Thanatos buff and the Anubis and Baron Samedi nerf

It wasn't as big a patch as the others, but it was an accurate patch, the game is still evolving little by little, so updates are always welcome!

Cloggedbean's avatar

I'm glad to see 3 gods being added. Nerfing Baron Ra and Anubis was very much needed. in general the buffs and nerfs were all pretty goo in my opinion. Added in the Berserker controller layout I know was a big win for people that play on controller.
After playing and facing cupid I feel like he is the most balanced out of the 3 gods. hes okay early on but really scales up in the late game.
Pos could probably use a buff he doesnt seem that strong, but i could just not be very good with him yet, didnt play him alot in smite 1. however facing his cripple is honestly really annoying lol
Thor also seems a little weak. I actually havnt played him yet but facing him, his damage seems on the lower side but his CC combo seems to last an eternity to make up for it. i have found his wall to be super obnoxious, but that could just be becuase I was facing every game after release.
over all pretty good update

LeoMo's avatar

The new update, the closed Alpha 7 of SMITE 2 brought 3 new gods, with the arrival of the 3 new gods, being Thor, Poseidon and Cupid. The latter wasn't so cool for me because it didn't make much difference on the battlefield and from what I saw in the community they agree with me, the first two were very desired by the community. Thor and Poseidon, they knew they couldn't change characters that much that were already good, that's why they almost got "Ctrl + V" to their versions from the first game. Thank goodness they have been a lot of fun to play since the first game, with only a few small updates that improved some things about these gods. Poseidon is my favorite, he is my favorite god and he is very strong in team battles. When the enemy team sees that someone has this god, they should be suspicious. Thor came as a very good character. He is very strong, but I didn't find him as broken as Poseidon. Cupid is far from that, he went through a complete kit change that tried to improve the character, trying to make him a little cooler and more playable than he was before, but I think it wasn't very effective so I wanted a little more of this god. Also, the game helped the weaker PCs, improving the game's performance on them. The bots are much smarter, this has made it much harder to fight and a little more competitive when we want to train with them or test gods against others, before, they were very dumb. I hope the next updates are as exciting as this one, especially the January one, I have high expectations.

yan57436's avatar

Let's start with the new gods:

1 - Cupid: I think it was a GOOD release, it seems balanced, I think I still need to get the hang of it, I found it a bit sluggish.

2 - Poseidon: The king of the seas arrived like a king haha, extremely strong. But I think this “flaw” is normal, since it's already been corrected (No one beats Baron's launch).

3 - Thor: I liked the fact that his classic style was preserved, but he seemed a little below the other gods.

Balance Adjustments (I've only selected the ones I thought had the most impact on the game):

Anubis: Nerfed his ult, increasing the cd and reducing the scale. I believe this is an important change aimed at weakening this god's direct confrontations.

Baron: I believe they will nerf him until the god dies, he came extremely unbalanced, so usually developers nerf too much and then buff, I can't judge at what point he will be balanced.

Neith: Gained a lot more scaling in Unravel, with the aim of making him a god with a greater impact on the game. I can't give my opinion, but I think it's a good attempt.

Ra: He's been nerfed on two points but buffed on another. Ra is a very dominant champion, especially in ranked, and this hasn't been changed, let's see how the developer solves it

Note: I missed an alligator in the list of buffs haha


I've seen A LOT of reports complaining about the game on ps5 on reddit, even after the change, although they have decreased, I hope this can improve, I've seen people describing the game as “unplayable”.

Opinion: The game is developing well, I still have a few moments to find a queue, but in the end I find it. I like to see how the developer is trying to do something about balancing, I think Sobek is missing a nerf, he's very dominant in the roles he plays.


New Gods: Thor: A swift warrior with excellent crowd-control potential, particularly through his ultimate ability, where he slams into the battlefield from the sky, capable of turning fights around.

Poseidon: Dominates the battlefield with water-based abilities, culminating in a powerful Kraken ultimate. However, community feedback suggests he may be overpowered in his current state.

Cupid: Enhanced utility makes him a hybrid between support and damage, praised for his versatility and potential in different roles.

Visual and Technical Upgrades: Revamped god selection screen, offering more immersive environments. Introduction of DLSS technology to improve graphical performance while reducing strain on lower-end hardware, a highly appreciated addition by players. Improvements to bot behavior, making AI matches more challenging and engaging.

Balancing Updates: Adjustments to various existing gods for improved gameplay. Poseidon was criticized for being too strong, while Cupid’s changes received positive feedback for enhancing his hybrid playstyle.

Additional Features: Enhancements to the combat log, enabling better tracking of in-game stats and events.

I think it was a very positive patch. The inclusion of 3 new gods is always positive, especially with Thor and Poseidon, perhaps the most beloved gods in Smite. The balancing of items and gods were also very positive, improving the game's balance, nerfing some gods that were quite strong and buffing others that weren't very good in the meta.


CA 7 is another welcome addition to the growth of Smite 2.

  1. 3 New gods: Cupid, Thor, and Poseidon

  2. God Nerfs

    1. Anubis - sad to see, already feeling weaker in combat.

    2. Baron, needs more nerfs ( just from people complaining in game about him)

  3. Glad they finally fixed the Ra tech, hitting towers through walls. He's still strong but not complaining.

  4. Khrepri bugs out in some animations with his pluck if near walls. Be aware

  5. Lots of God buffs to underperforming gods in their 'classes'.

    Over all, i think CA 7 is another good drop of new Gods to test and play with, I think there will be certain ones that dominate the meta like Sobek and Ra in Ranked. I don't think Pos, Cupid, and Thor entered the game overtuned. I for one am really tired of content creators saying, 'this god is so broken on release and this god should get nerfed', but I am happy to say I think the Devs really worked hard on this release. These 3 new gods don't feel too weak nor too strong, I thought the buffs to poseidon would be a welcome addition without making him feel OP. Cupid is quite balanced for a hunter with strong intelligence tech if you choose to build that route. Thor for his kit being relatively the same still performs as Thor does and I don't think he's OP. Most of the time it just comes down to the skill of the person piloting the God.

    If you haven't picked up Smite 2 yet, now is a good time to join.

    Also I think we're almost to the point where we can start adding 1-2 more ban options to ranked. So hopefully that's coming soon.


Closed Alpha 7 was a mixed bag.

Releasing 3 new gods as the primary features of the update- Poseidon, Cupid, and Thor, the balancing was a bit all over the place. Poseidon launched far too strong- he was unbeatable, one shotting everything and anything in his path and quickly becoming easily the most dominant character in all of Smite 2 overnight. Thor released a bit too weak, unable to properly one shot people in most situations, and his tank build wasn't all that much more impressive. Finally, Cupid released in near a perfectly balanced state, though his kit changes made him feel a little more clunky than he should have.

These errors were quickly fixed in a follow-up hotfix, buffing Thor and significantly nerfing Poseidon. While Poseidon is still very strong, the hotfixes were sufficient enough to make him less oppressive.

Importantly, one of the most overlooked features of this update is DLSS and FSR support. These are awesome! It really helps lower power computers run the game at a slightly higher framerate without giving up on visuals, and althought the implementation of DLSS and FSR has been a bit wonky and weird- maybe a big buggy- it's still a great addition and I hope they continue to improve on it.

Some notable buffs and nerfs are also coming this patch- one of the big ones is Neith! Neith is one of my favourite characters, and they fully added an addition 55% scaling to her second ability, Unravel. This is very big! It's hitting very hard now, and really makes it feel like you're not wasting stats when you buy into any STR items.

Aside from that, things are mostly fine! Small balance changes are trying to tune characters up and down depending on where they lie, though most of the changes are unexciting at best, which is fine.

An interesting change is removing health from Berserker's Shield, but changing its identity somewhat to be a sort of a catch-all defensive item, providing both physical and magical defense, which is certainly making it a more interesting option!

CA7 is another step in the right direction, though it itself is a small patch, it's surrounded on both sides by tens of hotfixes adding features, fixing bugs, and providing balance, so CA7 doesn't have to be huge.

I'm excited to see what's in store for us for January. Things are looking up!


The extra gods being released quickly is really doing wonders for replayability - Poseidon and Thor in particular this patch are great additions, even if they only had very minor adjustments from their Smite 1 versions (not sorry Cupid, you're still boring). Balance doesn't feel massively different if i'm being honest, the same gods feel strong and weak as a few weeks ago.

My main issue this patch has been performance, i've been getting far more hitches and frame drops since patch day, so i'm now playing both on lower settings and with DLSS (which is a good addition in itself at least!)

Sturmer's avatar

The SMITE 2 Closed Alpha 7 update dropped with quite a buzz, especially due to the arrival of three new gods: Thor, Poseidon, and Cupid. The community's reception on forums has been divided, like aways ;P

While players have praised Poseidon's unique feel and “fluid” gameplay (hah, ironically). However, opinions on Cupid have been mixed. People feel that his kit is underwhelming in the current meta and his abilities seem less impactful compared to Thor and Poseidon (and this trend seems solid with all new gods release, which I explicitly explained in my God Tier list a few weeks ago).

Thor, seems generally satisfying, both abilities and utility on a battlefield, although I have concerns about his burst damage, so expect potential changes there.

Beyond the new gods, the update brought in an overhaul to bot behavior. The bots now present a more dynamic challenge, at least I cant faceroll them like I used to. This posivi change can help to forge more prepared players before they enter the PVP zone.

There are mayor issues with a game client stability, some people unable to play due to game crashes, and I’m pretty sure it’s a current Highest priority for developers.

Overall, I’m still optimistic and it seems the game heading in the right direction.



Cooldown Rate is really strong and honestly is to strong and needs to be looked at. The Morrigan buff was pretty unnecessary, and Fatalis still hasn't been removed so that is a bit negative.

CA7 Cool new gods. Cupid and Pos seem strong but Thor seems very underwhelming.

I like the adjustment to beserkers shield and I like the dates on the new gods in the game adding more hype to it. I want more skill added. Thor's hammer is a start to it but I want more. There is a ton of big circles in the game and I want more skill shots. lol

AbyKwon117's avatar

I feel very excited to try the new changes of these gods when they come out in the next update, I feel that Poseidon's ability when splitting activating the trident is very good, Thor's stun when using Berserker's waterspout ability would be good to see in combat and being able to disable the tectonic rift on your own I see it as very good so that it doesn't stay there for a while alone and the Cupid's new appearance looks like he's a whole new god! And about his ability to "share love" I see him very good in that now he can do damage and now by having accumulated you can have one more advantage not counting the ultimate that will now heal allies! This will be very good. I can't wait to try all of this already when I get home, very well made smite team!


Closed Alpha 7 is a smaller patch, likely holding back on some features for a big January update but it brings some awesome new things to SMITE 2!

There are 3 new Gods in Thor, Poseidon and Cupid who are all very highly requested and loved by the community. Thor and Poseidon come into SMITE 2 mostly unchanged with small updates but Cupid gets a complete remodel and huge kit changes that make him exciting and fresh to play in SMITE 2 compared to SMITE 1.

An underappreciated feature of this update was the inclusion of support for DLSS and FSR which are upscaling technologies that allow you to render the game at a lower resolution, then upscale it to a desired size. This will result in slightly degraded visual performance but drastically improved framerates which will help out players with lower end PCs to run the game smoothly!

There was also a tonne of balance changes made after the Founder's Series playoffs showcased what the best players are using right now in SMITE 2. We're yet to see the full impact of these balance changes but they should shake up the meta dramatically!

Overall a solid update but a little on the smaller side likely due to some features being reserved for a big January update!


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