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How to play Agni in SMITE 2!

Agni is a good magical god for mid lane with high abilities damage and great ultimate for melting enemies.

Her main role is mid laner.

Passive Combustion: each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, you get a stack, after 4 stacks Agni's next Flame Wave or Rain Fire ability cast will ignite all enemies hit, dealing Magical Damage over time. When Agni kills an enemy God


Noxious Fumes: Agni summons a cloud of noxious fumes which deals Magical Damage every second. Hitting the fumes with any of your other abilities detonates the gas, Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies in the area.

Flame Wave: Agni summons a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage.

Path of Flames: Agni dashes forward leaving a trail of fire behind him. Enemies that enter the area take Magical Damage over time. Agni becomes Displacement Immune while Dashing. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Rain Fire: Agni Summons a meteor to fall on a target location, dealing magical damage. He can have up to 3 charges of this ability. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

build for AGNI:

This build is a mix of damage and pen with a lot of cooldown, it will let you spam abilities so fast.

Tips for agni

  • You are a strong lane god, don't be afraid of fighting the enemy mid god.

  • For mid game, start rotating to solo or duo lane and help them to get kills and XP to get stronger.

  • For late game, you can kill any god with full build, so stay behind your team so you can spam abilities and get kills for your team and win the game.


Agni, the God of Fire, is a versatile and powerful mage in SMITE 2, known for his consistent area damage, crowd control, and ability to dominate team fights. With abilitys that revolves around fire and explosions, agni play in the mid lane role, where his long range abilities and burst potential can control the pace of the game.


Passive – Combustion

Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack provides 1 stack of Combustion. Hitting an enemy God provides 2. At 4 stacks, Agni's next Flame Wave or Rain Fire ability cast will ignite all enemies hit, dealing Magical Damage over time. When Agni kills an enemy God, he goes on a Hot Streak. When on a Hot Streak, Combustion is fully charged and using Flame Wave or Rain Fire does not consume Combustion.

1st Ability – Noxious Fumes

Agni summons a cloud of noxious fumes which deals Magical Damage every second. Hitting the fumes with any of your other abilities detonates the gas, Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies in the area.

2nd Ability – Flame Wave

Agni summons a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

3rd Ability – Path of Flames

Agni dashes forward leaving a trail of fire behind him. Enemies that enter the area take Magical Damage over time.

Agni becomes Displacement Immune while Dashing. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Ultimate – Rain Fire

Agni Summons a meteor to fall on a target location, dealing magical damage. He can have up to 3 charges of this ability. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Ability Leveling Order

In my opinion this is the best ability leveling order for agni.

Start by evolving Path of Flames, making it possible to escape at level 1 and have good damage to be able to clear the first waves. Then increase Flame Wave. With it, it is possible to deal good damage to the enemy or to be able to clear the waves even more easily. At level 3 increase Noxious Fumes.


In my opinion this is clearly the best build for agnis in this patch.

For the starting item I recommend making Conduit Gem. Sands of Time is also good, but the Conduit gem's passive is extremely strong for agni.

As the first item I always make Soul Gem. The lifesteal that the item offers can be very useful for the early or mid game and the passive is extremely strong for agni.

Book Of Thoth is good for agni too, as it offers a lot of mana, something important for agni.

Then you can do Totem of Death, offering more intelligence and a higher cooldown rate. Rod of Tahuti offers a large amount of intelligence along with 5% penetration. As the last 2 items you can make Soul Reaver and Obsidian Shard. You can get Divine Ruin if the opposing team has a lot of healing or Staff of Myrdin.


Agni abilities allow him to deal damage from a safe distance, making him a constant threat. With his Noxious Fumes, Agni can stun multiple enemies, setting up kills for his team. Rain Fire and Noxious Fumes can control large areas, forcing enemies to reposition or take heavy damage.


Agni relies heavily on mana, especially in the early game. Proper mana management is crucial. Like most mages, Agni is vulnerable to assassins and burst damage. Positioning is key to survival. All of Agni abilities require precise aiming, making him less effective in the hands of inexperienced players.

Combos and Tips

Agni doesn't have many combos. The basic combo is as follows: Use Noxious Fumes to slow enemies, then follow up with Flame Wave or Rain Fire to trigger the stun and deal massive damage.

Regarding tips, stay at the backline during team fights, using your range to poke and control enemies without putting yourself in danger. In early game, focus on last hitting minions with Flame Wave to conserve mana. Build mana items like Book of Thoth to sustain your abilities. Use Path of Flames defensively to escape ganks or reposition during fights.


Agni God of fire

Agni is a Midliner character who, thanks to his ranged abilities, can be a bothersome character for enemy gods, taking advantage of his ranged attacks or the burning he causes, Agni It can be a good character for 1 vs 1 or team fights


Passive (Combustión): Agni gains combustion stacks on hitting an enemy or enemy god, per normal enemy hit 1 stack and per enemy god he gains 2 stacks with a maximum of 4 stacks as cap

If Agni has his passive charged, Fire Wave or Rain Fire abilities will deal burning damage to enemies hit by expending the burning stacks, but if Agni kills an enemy god will gain hot streak which allows him to have the passive at full power for 10 seconds without being spent when using abilities

  1. First ability (Noxious Fumes): Agni creates a circle of Noxious fume which deals magic damage to enemies within it for every second of the 10 seconds that the ability lasts.

    If Agni hits the circle with any ability, the gas will explode, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies within the gas circle.

  2. Second ability (Fire Wave): Agni summons a wave of fire in a straight line that deals magic damage to all enemies hit and if the passive is charged, it will deal burning damage.

  3. Third ability (Path of flames): Agni dashes forward leaving behind a trail of fire on the floor that lasts 3 seconds dealing magic damage to enemies that pass over the trail, during the dash Agni is immune to displacement.

  4. Fourth ability (Rain Fire): Agni summons a meteorite from the sky that falls in the area selected by the player dealing magic damage, he can have a maximum of 3 meteorites and when he is casting the ability he is 50% slower.


I will show a Midliner Build and optional items that can be added to the build.


Optional items

How to play?

I will give you some tips to play with this character:

  • Always try to have the passive charged taking advantage of the fact that it can be charged by hitting normal enemies or jungle monsters.

  • The first ability is a great way to deal extra magic damage during the game, by exploiting the use of the other abilities which can be used at a distance like the fourth ability.

  • The dash is a great way to escape a battle or a surprise attack, however do not forget that it can be used to fight together with the first ability and thus do more damage.

  • The fourth ability is constantly charged and can be used constantly, so always take advantage of that ranged damage that you can use with meteorites and annoy enemy gods or steal a jungle buff without much risk


How to Play Agni in Smite 2

Agni is a powerful mage who shines in mid to late game with low cooldowns ans the ability to poke over walls .he's my main mid lane god and here’s a simple breakdown of how to play him effectively:

Key Tips for Playing Agni:

1. Abilities and Combos:

- Main Combo : Use your 2 (Flame Wave) followed by your 1 (Noxious Fumes) to stun enemies and to hit them immediately with ultimate once the try to predict their next position to hit them with another ultimate.

- Ultimate (Rain Fire): Use it often! You have 3 charges, and it’s great for clearing waves or poking enemies.

- Escape Ability: Your 3 (Flame Wave) has long range and can help you escape.

2. Positioning:

- Stay in the backline. Agni’s abilities have great range, making him annoying for enemies to deal with stay behind walls and keep poking as much as you can.

Recommended Build

Here’s a simple and effective build for Agni:

1. Conduit Gem : helps with early wave clear and ability damage. although i like sands of time more because it i a better late game item but you need it early.

2. Book of Thoth: Provides alot of power, mana and flat penetration, which is lacking in smite 2 and this item synergizes well with the rest of the build.

3. Chronos Pendant: Reduces cooldowns and boosts ability spam you need this on agni and it is a core item in my opinion.

4. Rod of Tahuti: A massive power spike , i like it as a 4th item to help boost the mid game.

5.Obsidian Shard : Your main % penetration item its a must buy on any mage to help you deal with tanks.

6.Soul Reaver : this item just got buffed making it the most powerful item in any mage youre losing half of your damage if you don't build it.

7.Soulgem : this item boosts your damage and help u with sustain and provide some more cooldown reduction to help you with spamming abilities.


Situational Items:

- Divine Ruin: Build this if the enemy has strong healers

Agni is all about positioning, timing, and maximizing your burst potential. Stick to the backline, use your combos wisely, and you’ll be a nightmare for the enemy team!


How to play Agni in SMITE 2!

Agni personally by far is the most fun mage to play in Smite 1 and thanks to HIREZ for bringing him to Smite 2 early.

His main role is mid-laner.

Agni's abilities and passive

Passive Combustion: every time you hit enemy minions you get 1 stack hitting enemy gods gives you 2 stacks, At 4 stacks, Agni's next Flame Wave or Rain Fire ability cast will ignite all enemies hit dealing magical damage, when Agni kills an enemy God, he goes on a Hot Streak. When on a Hot Streak, Combustion is fully charged and using Flame Wave or Rain Fire does not consume Combustion.


  1. Noxious Fumes: Agni summons a cloud of noxious fumes dealing magical damage to all enemies inside it using any ability over it detonates the gas Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies

  2. Flame Wave: Agni summons a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage.

  3. Path of Flames: Agni dashes forward leaving a trail of flames behind him enemies enter this ability and take magical damage over time, Agni becomes Displacement Immune while Dashing. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

  4. Rain Fire: Agni Summons a meteor to fall on a target location, dealing magical damage. He can have up to 3 charges of this ability. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Build for AGNI:

This is my main build for AGNNI which is mix of magical damage, penetration, and cooldown.

  1. Pendulum of the ages: a good starter with mix of damage and cooldown and mana regen.

  2. Book of tooth: very strong magical item that works for almost every mage god.

  3. soul gem: gives intelligence and lifestyle which is good for sustainability.

  4. gem of focus: a cooldown item with a good amount of intelligence and a movement speed passive

  5. spear of desolation: in my opinion, this is the best magical item since Smite 1 because of its passive that reduces your non-ultimate abilities for 2 seconds and ultimate for 6 seconds every enemy kill or assist.

  6. rod of tahuti: penetration and intelligence item.

  7. obsidian shrad: intelligence good penetration item.

When you play Agni there is a specific combo you have to learn to make sure you can kill anyone vs you.

starting with your 2 ( flame wave or your ultimate) when you are about to hit the enemy with one of these abelites use your noxious fumes you will stun your enemy god and help you to continue your combo on him.

for team fights make sure you are behind your teammates and spam your ability because you are dealing a lot of damage from mid to late game.


Agni is one of the most iconic midlaners from the original smite being a god that is easy to understand but in the right hands becomes a character with great depth and usefulness, providing an incredible amount of damage in teamfights, poke, and crowd control from afar. Currently in smite 2 it is not as good as it was but a person who knows how to master agni can carry all games


Passive: Combustion

Agni gets stacks when hitting enemies with his basic attacks, 2 if he hits a god. When you get 4 stacks, Agni's next ability will burn the enemies, doing damage over time for 3 seconds. In addition, when you get kills, Agni automatically charges the passive to 4 stacks and prevents them from being consumed when using the 3 or the ultimate bombs. making it possible to apply the burning effect on several skills at the same time

1 Skill: Noxious Fumes

Agni places a cloud of gas on the ground that deals tick damage to enemies that pass over it, although the main use of this ability is to set the gas on fire with any of Agni's other abilities to stun enemies.

2 Skill: Flame Wave

This is a fairly simple skill. Agni shoots a wave of fire in a rectangular area in front of him doing damage. A trick with this ability is to be able to launch it and before it reaches the maximum range use Noxious Fumes to explode it instantly

3 Skill: Path of Flames

Agni rushes forward, leaving a trail of fire behind him that lasts 3 seconds. Enemies who cross that trail will be burned and take damage over time for 2 seconds. This ability can also explode Noxious Fumes. This is an escape ability that can be used quite well offensively to push minions in the early game or ensure kills.

4 Skill: Rain Fire

This is the main ability to deal large amounts of damage from a safe distance. Agni launches a meteorite that after a brief moment hits the ground doing magic damage and being able to explode Noxious Fumes. Agni can have up to 3 charges of this ability allowing him to launch meteorites one after another. Similar to the trick of using Flame Wave + Noxius Fumes, you can throw a meteorite and while it finishes falling, throw Noxius Fumes on the ground to surprise enemies with a stun and a lot of damage

Skill order


Here I will leave the main Agni build for medium and another one that can be fun to use when you want to try something different which surprisingly works fairly well if you know how to use your stuns

Mid (Normal)

Mid (Fun crits)


First Considerations:

Agni is a magical ability-based character with low cooldowns, high damage, and strong lane pressure. In addition, he has a stun and a dash, making him a versatile and powerful choice.


The best items for Agni focus on intelligence, penetration, and life steal. The following items are highly recommended: Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard, and Doom Orb. While his damage is already strong, you can further enhance it by purchasing the Book of Thoth.

Example build: link


Offensive Version:

Use your third ability on your enemy, cast your first ability, follow up with your second ability and finish with your ultimate.

Defensive Version:

Cast your second ability, use your first ability to stun your enemy, follow up with your ultimate and save your third ability for escaping if necessary.

The combo of using your third ability to create distance and stunning the enemy with your first ability is also effective for escaping.


Agni is primarily played as a mid-laner but can also be used effectively in the solo lane. Additionally, he is very good in duel game mode due to his strong lane pressure.


How to play Agni in Smite 2!

Agni is a mage that excels in the early to mid-game with his threatening burst damage and damage-over-time. You want to build mostly high int items and penetration int items so you can guarantee kills without going too far in.

Agni's main combo is 2-1. That's right, the 1 will stun even if you do the 2 first. This also applies to his other abilities such as his 3 and 4. You should almost never cast the 1 first as the stun is too valuable and the 1 by itself does next to no damage.

Don't be afraid to use your 4 liberally as you have 3 charges of it the moment you get it and it has a relatively low cd for an ultimate ability. Using it to clear the wave quickly to go grab a side camp or likewise is usually a good play but be aware where the jungler may be.

Agni should be positioning in the backline. His abilities have great range and it makes him real annoying to deal with for the enemies. If you get caught out, your 3 has a ton of range and usually you can get out of most situations.. Unless a player made wall comes up. Be extra cautious if they have a Ymir, Odin or Thor!

While Agni is good early and mid-game, He does unfortunately fall off a bit in the late game due to his lackluster damage to tanks. You will still destroy squishies but you become so much easier to just force out of the battle or collapse on with a bunch of Crowd Control. You aren't useless though; you can poke out enemy squishies quite easily with your 4 as well as stun the tanks for the ADC to deal with.

My general Agni build goes as follows:

Conduit Gem: This item helps with his early wave clear a lot and makes his abilities just hit that much harder. The upgrade for this item is also hugely helpful for Agni later because of just how much int we will be building.

Book of Thoth: I know, stacking items can feel bad sometimes but the pen from this item is so nice and Agni does have issue with mana earlier without sands of time starter.

Chronos Pendant: A super reliable item for CD, the passive is very strong, and it gives a good amount of CD and int.

Polynomicon: It may sound weird but I feel like this item has gotten me a lot of kills I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. We're building a lot of int anyways so that basic attack will really hurt the enemy squishies.

Doom Orb: The penetration and movement speed this item gives is valuable for Agni. It makes him that much harder to catch and really makes him start hurting as he gets them stacks.

Rod of Tahuti: A huge int item with mana on it. Not much else to say for this one, just a really nice item.

Dreamer's Idol: An active item can be difficult to use, but if you can time this item's use well, you will even scare off tanks with your burst. The amount of int this item gives as well just pairs well with Rod of Tahuti. Be careful though to not waste the active.

Other situational items: Divine ruin is good if the enemy team has a lot of strong healing, such as Ra, Aphrodite, and Anubis.

Obsidian Shard is an item you build if the opposing team has a lot of tanky characters such as Sobek, Geb and Hercules.

Soul Reaver fills the same niche as Obsidian shard and usually you'll pair the two together.


Agni is an effective character for ranged combat, as he has abilities that allow him to damage enemies in the distance, with explosive damage, his presence in battle could change the fate.


  • Can damage groups of enemies from a distance

  • It is possible to use Agni's abilities with each other, combining them for better effect.

  • Agni can escape from fights thanks to his rapid movements

  • He remains a major threat throughout the entire fight if equipped with the right items


  • Using skills requires precision, missing your target means having to wait for your skills to cool down to launch another powerful attack

  • Agni has low health and is vulnerable to explosive damage

  • It requires good Mana management, so it must be studied carefully before use

  • Interrupting Agni's action will lead him to take time to attack again

Agni can deal damage from a distance, however its range is limited, so make sure to position it correctly. However, you can always take advantage of his movement speed to escape from the most challenging battles. He is not a character who can act alone, he needs teammates to exploit his full potential.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Agni Hindu fire God!

(Passive) Combustion: Basic attacks stack, boosting next ability damage.

Noxious Fumes: Damaging cloud; explodes for stun when hit by other abilities.

Flame Wave: Damages and can ignite Fumes for stun.

Path of Flames: Dashes, leaving damaging fire; ignites Fumes.

Rain Fire (Ultimate): Summons meteors for heavy damage, can stun with Fumes.


Flame Wave or Path into Fumes for stuns. Use ultimate for big damage or control. Time Fumes for maximum effect. Fight often to keep combustion stacks for extra damage. Keeping a level head in game and don’t “tilt” is key to success! His speed is key to dominating in the game. You gotta be smart with where you stand though, cause he's not the toughest and needs to keep his distance. But if you play him right, you're basically controlling the arena with flames! Agni excells in area control and team fight battles, using his abilities for both damage output and crowd control. His ultimate offers high burst damage or sustained pressure, making him adept at long range battles or chasing down the enemy!

Agni role in smite 2 is mage.

Agni's lane is mid.

Agni excels in area control and team fight dynamics, using his abilities for both damage output and crowd control. His ultimate offers high burst damage or sustained pressure, making him adept at long-range engagements or chasing down foes.


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