Only a few games hold a candle to the Grand Theft Auto series when it comes to excellent licensed - or, heck, even original - soundtracks. From Vice City's V Rock to GTA 5's Rebel Radio, the radio stations cover nearly every genre and have introduced countless artists to players. If you're anything like us, you'll hear many a song in your daily life and think 'Grand Theft Auto!'
For this bounty, we want you to share a song you love that you've discovered via any GTA game's radio station. If you can find the YouTube link, share it (ideally from the original rights holder). Otherwise, just tell us the name and artist.
To maximise your chances of winning a prize, tell us if it reminds you of a specific car, place, or activity in GTA.
🎵"Now Amos Moses was a Cajun..." 🎵
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$30 / 30
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