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Video Games

the most proud thing while I was playing the game was successfully completing GTA sa andreas, maybe some of you think "it's very easy" but not for me who was still a child, trying to complete this game is very difficult, every time I try to complete the mission I always fail and what I do is cry and can't finish the game until I'm 17, maybe you hear it crazy, but yes that's what happened, so I never touched gta sa andreas again since I was little until I was 17 years old, and in the end I was able to finish this game, it feels very happy, where I imagine back then I always cried because I always failed to complete the mission

I hope you don't laugh reading this!!

Nathan09's avatar

I play dota 2 for a few years , and it took more than 1k+ hour to reach ancient , im not good at this game but i keep playing it, until now (2.5k hour)

Luka Zaharin's avatar

That's an easy task! For me it was clearly the moment we managed to tackle and destroy the first of the new Battlecruiser-Class Myrmidon Navy Issues ever build. The expensive ship was brand new and flying around in our area when a good friend spotted it. Luckily, I managed to record the end of the fight and we even ended up in the community beat with the video. This was one of the best moments I ever had in Eve and I must admit, it also provided us with some bragging rights.

The original video is no longer online, but I re-uploaded it on a different channel back then. Looking at it today, I cringe at my nearly non-existent editing skills, feel nostalgia when looking at the good old overview and realize I myself am slowly turning into a bittervet talking about the good old times too...

It was a quiet evening in militia, when Misaru spotted a Myrmidon Navy Issue. The new ship type was only a few days old and soon Duvalyxon formed a fleet to catch it.

After a long hunt and many lost ships, it escaped and docked up. The entire fleet docked at the same player owned station and we decided to send Tian out to tackle him as he would undock.

He got point and everybody undocked. After a little while, I activated the recording program and got this footage.

A few minutes into the fight, the Myrmidon's friend in a Drekavac started to be a problem and Slava brought his guys to destroy it. (update on 11.08.23 the Drekavac was his alt, nice piloting!)

This was a great moment and a good memory of teamwork and succes. Thank you to everybody who helped that evening!

Thank you too, to the Myrmidon pilot, without you undocking, we would have had no good fight.


Probably my favourite racing/driving game ever. Fun, crazy and super arcade (it is not "like driving a real Lamborghini in real life"). It is not the toughest that I got on my profile, but I enjoyed every second of it, since I played the game for the first time on Xbox 360 (and got the platinum on PS5).

MagmaMelon's avatar

Call of Duty: World at War. Veteran difficulty. Grenades, grenades, and more grenades! You can never have enough! This game is one of the best in the series, but this challenge just makes it a bit of a pain... I have posted a picture of the Veteran difficulty icon, and the hardest mission in the entire game, which is Downfall.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

World of Warcraft - Copper Farming

Now back when I was playing World of Warcraft, the most effective way to make Gold was farming copper, for me, this is my brag because it's the longest I have ever played a game without stopping.

I was short on Gold and was getting very frustrated with not having enough gold to buy potions and boosts for raids, this was back in WOTLK. So I decided right, enough, I booked two days off work and arranged with my wife that I needed time to farm gold, she was playing at the time so she understood.

I literally spent nearly 48 hours straight, farming Copper and selling it on the Auction House, Silvermoon Alliance being a VERY busy server, it sold stupid fast to the point I was one of the few putting it on, so I was able to up the price slightly.

I literally made around 8k Gold from that farming exercise. So I'd say that is my biggest brag on gaming, making that much gold in that short amount of time on WoW. I literally just went round the Barrens in a circle, around the edges, over and over again, ofc I found time and Mithril up near Ashenvale as well, so that helped.

schlumberger's avatar

Winning on hard level in Counter-Strike isn’t just luck. Every shot, every strategy, all calculated with precision. The enemies came in strong, but I stood my ground until the end. It feels insanely satisfying to watch them fall one by one, knowing that all the practice and experience finally paid off. This isn’t just a win—it’s proof that I belong at this level. GG, well played!

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I remembered when my uncle gave me this game and pranked me with the hardest difficulty. Yups, Dante Must D*e, first once all enemies i can take em down but when come to boss, oh my God i cry over and over again even Its the first boss Cerberus. So i decided to not touch that game until i 18 yo . I decided to comeback to play this game, and Thanks to all tips and trick i got in few videos i finally got what i deserved to ended the game Yups a super Sparda outfit which is kinda badass with that outfit tho

projectazone's avatar

My biggest boast has been about the game Call of Duty Cold War (my favorite among the series). Even though my level has risen to high levels, what has given me the most pride, compared to my circle of friends, is that of having brought every single weapon to the max... and I mean every single weapon, including knives, sticks, various pliers... even the most absurd weapons to use, I have brought them to the max!

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

becoming a Jedi in VR 😏🥰💯🤓

On hard difficulty! I play all my games on the hardest difficulties! 🔥🥶

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I think the biggest boast I can remember off of the top of my head is completing Heisenberg’s boss battle in Resident Evil Village with one hand because I was eating 😂 one of my finer moments of the playthrough 🙌

Schadsquatch's avatar

I have never tried speedrunning before, but MADiSON had an achievement for beating the game in under 3 hours. I thought I'd give it a whirl and had an absolute blast! I got to know a few other people who were speedrunning the game and was able to get into the top 5 (at the time) for the any% speedrunning leaderboards! I was really proud of my achievement and have tried to speed run other games afterward!


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