Odyssey Ace
I platinumed this game way back in 2019 on PS3 a couple of months before getting my PC. And it was a truly monstrous feat, because the game was platinumed at the time I had only gotten it from 1000 people worldwide, now in 2025 we have reached 1800 platinumers and it's also nice to see people still playing it.
the game is a Korean-style JRPG based on Ragnarok Online in which the player can choose different roles, which can change once chapter 3 is completed, as well as customizing your character, the entire adventure can be played both alone with a team composed of AI and in cooperative with PS3 or PS VITA users since the game is both Cross Save and Crossplay between the 2 platforms mentioned, furthermore the version available on the PS store is the ACE one which includes both the base game + the expansion called Ace which makes obtaining the platinum very very difficult.
the game gives the player to decide the role he wants to play , among the 6 available Warrior, Assassin -Hammer-Cleric -Archer and mage and it is possible to change roles at the fort farthest in your own room where it is possible to switch the role type, but the type of weapons that can be used will also change, for example if you choose the wizard you can only use sticks, the warrior the sword and so on, each class and its combos that are done by pressing specific keys and not only. before each mission the player can buy weapons and weapons in the center of the fort Farthest while in the mission room he can buy potions and skills. the difficulty of the game however is given by the fact that as the player advances in the game the missions will be more difficult also because all the missions of the game are timed and the difficulty is marked by the number of stars. in the game there are 2 types of stars, the normal yellow ones that go from 1 to 12 and the Golden ones (Ace Expansion) that go from 12 to 15+ which increase the difficulty (Enemies and bosses will have double health and double damage). To platinum the game, however, it is sufficient to complete the base game by doing all the chapters and secondary missions, complete the Yggdrasil tower and all its 200 Lower Floors and 200 High Floors (for a total of 400 Floors), complete the ACE story + all the secondary missions and collect all the cards that are dropped by the enemies randomly, in addition there is also a card with a very low rarity that can only be dropped by a specific enemy that spawns rarely in the upper floors 150-200 of the tower with an apple on its head the % that appears is 1% called Domovoi Ranger.
it is also possible to find legendary weapons dropped by some bosses with a low % or craft legendary weapons by completing the blacksmith's missions, which can take over 20 hours to get a weapon since it requires you to do very specific actions, for example to get the weapon Ishikirimaru<Reugoku> and it is necessary to complete all the missions of the branch b of the warrior that the blacksmith will offer you, but the time to do them all can even exceed 70 hours given the difficulty of some.
but the game doesn't end here, the Ace expansion not only introduces a new story but also the enemies and bosses will have doubled life, the Yggdrasil tower is also added, a mode in which you can choose the number of rooms to do, starting from a minimum of 5 rooms at a time up to a maximum of 25 rooms in which you will have to face enemies and bosses randomly with checkpoints to buy potions and various consumable items every 5 rooms.
and finally the prison of the Gods is added, a mode where you can find legendary equipment such as cards and not only but under a particular condition, in this mode players will have to decide how many bosses to face in a row from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 7 random bosses to do in a row and the difficulty, and to get the best possible equipment it is necessary to complete this mode several times at the ACE Rank or without the use of consumables such as healing potions, potion that give buff (in fact, to select this difficulty it is necessary to remove every potion and consumable from the inventory) , etc. with the bosses with double HP and Damage multiplied x3 and within a set time that you decide, in fact this mode is designed to be played online with friends and a well-coordinated team. only by doing the prison of the Gods at the Ace Rank will it be possible to reduce the farming of both legendary weapons and some cards to collect.
apart from the difficulty, the game has a truly amazing and very catchy soundtrack, especially some Boss Fights, you can search for it on YT as well as a myriad of contents including additional DLC, mostly aesthetic.
I have attached images of my platinum with the date I got it from both the PlayStation App and PSNPROFILES
Time spent for Platinum: 2 Years and 2 months actual ( It is possible to import saves for those who played the version without the ACE expansion, available only for PS VITA, into the Odyssey Ace version available for PS3 and PS VITA in order to unlock most of the trophies and reduce the time to obtain the platinum.)
for platinum and necessary :
Complete the Main Story And Side Quest ( Base Game)
Complete the all ACE Chapter and all Side Quest ( Expansion)
Complete all Lower and Upper Floor in the Tower of Yggdrasil ( 400 in total)
Obtain all Monster Cards
peformer all combos moves of every role
play 100 co-op games and 100 Solo Mode
Defeat 10.000 Enemy
complete 100 mission with blacksmisth
obtain a Gold rank Weapon
accumulate and spend a lot of Zeny
obtain all ace skill
and various trophies such as healing for a certain amount of time, killing a certain amount of enemies after stunning them etc.