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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

I had to think about this for a while as I've completed some harder content since then but this is still my biggest personal improvement as a player:


I have no proof, but I swear on anything that I beat Dead Space on Impossible mode. Back then, I didn’t watch much YouTube, so I had no idea about guides or tips to get through it. I just remember seeing somewhere that you had to beat the story on Impossible to get the Hand Cannon, and my 13-year-old self said, "Noted."

FUN INC's avatar

I was pretty darn pleased with this one! - an in game notification in EVE online when i was streaming about FCing and fleets!


My Inara rank is probably one of my biggest successes as I've even made it into the top 100, but I've neglected it a bit recently.

But I still think 200th place out of almost 263,000 registered Inara users is great.

The squadron commander position.

After we left our old squadron and wanted to found a new one, it was decided without further ado that I should take over this position for the time being and have held it for 113 days so far, I'm still very happy that my friends have the confidence to do this and we just have fun together!


I've also beaten Honour mode and made a series of videos on it. I really enjoyed doing it but I think my 3rd and final one was the best. I felt my script writing was good and ultimately I did very well with it.

Limal's avatar

Screen from my old archives. A day befove we downed his, a large raid of 80 people got brutally wiped by him. Fight smart, not hard!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Lineage II my beloved! Which server were you playing on?

JHenckes's avatar

One of my greatest achievements was certainly “finishing” a point-clicker game. After almost 300 hours in the most random game I've ever played, I reached the main achievements in the game's sequence of stages. The ones that were left only consisted of “farming”. There were no more skills to evolve, new enemies to discover, new functions to unlock, I had simply finished a game that was meant to be infinite hahaha. I swear I was extremely happy at the time, but I will NEVER do anything like that again 😅

Note: Sorry about the Portuguese words, I couldn't change the language to make it easier to see on Just! I hope it's still understandable!

Sturmer's avatar

Watching iconic scenes through the lens of a caveman was both hilarious and a nightmare. I even used a Chat-o-Matic to drop my INT to 1, just to fully commit to the role.

It’s fantastic that the developers actually anticipated this kind of playthrough, and packed it with hidden surprises and clever details.

Rich's avatar

Nice! Definitely bragworthy 👍

remedyroses's avatar

As mentioned in my post, my group and I spent 97-100 hours progging Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) to completion back in 2024! While it wasn't some of my group's first time doing an ultimate, it was mine, and I realized how large the gap was between doing Savage content and Ultimate content!! I recognized my strengths and weaknesses doing this fight, went through some frustrations with myself, but in the end- my group and I prevailed!!!

We had a lot of members come and go, but I'm glad I managed to do this raid with some of my bestest friends in this game, and I'm still with them today!! I always look forward to raiding with them because it's always a good time. ❤️

AbyKwon117's avatar

My biggest achievement in a video game is with the game Sea Of Thieves, the achievement is called "Legend of Glitterbeard" you need 8 players to tap on the tree at sunset precisely, the complicated thing is that the maximum number of allies on a ship is 4 people and you would need 4 more to participate and since it is a game that is about attacking everything that moves it was almost impossible to achieve, until that day there was a community event and when we finished it there were too many ships together (more than 12 people) and a crew told us to follow him and we all went to a tree... I understood what they wanted to do and I gladly joined the achievement, the sunset was so wonderful, the tree lighting up, the song in the background and above all that server full of pirates joining for the first time for that great achievement! For me, it's one of the best achievements I've ever had, and then there's finishing Dark Souls, haha.

(I'll share a bit of the video; I couldn't upload the whole thing because it's over 3 minutes long.)

Caroline's avatar

I know it's not a big achievement like any other submission we have here. but, i can say that this is my biggest achievement in gaming yet.

Making a Mansion in just a day in survival difficulty Hard. I have always made a small house for a quick survival. but this one is different, i made this for all of my friends who want to survive every night in this game.

I'm trying to achieve many achievements in Minecraft, but building is the one i can do. Building in Hard Survival is pretty hard because of the monster spawning, especially since I can't just sleep because there are so many players in this survival multiplayer that don't want to sleep.

It's quite challenging.


I remember how much time it took me in Albion Online to master plate helmet craftmanship! It's definitely one of my biggest gaming achievement!

Borrrrr's avatar

As a game enthusiast, finishing a game is something that must be done because for me when we have started then we must finish it. One piece is an anime that I love at the moment and when there was information that the game OPPW4 was coming out. I was very enthusiastic in playing it and finally finished it by getting the achievement of “The Fifth Emperor of The Sea”. Apparently only 9.5% globally got it today, 20 March 2025.

NarratorID's avatar

I played PUBG before, and because of my friends asked me to play Call Of Duty Mobile, i keep playing this game until suddenly i reached Grand Master in a ranked, and I'm so happy with this achievement, especially this is my first time playing this game, the mechanism is really different than PUBG.


For me, having completed The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth with all DLCS. (I know it's not 100% now, 3 new achievements came out and I haven't had time to finish them yet). I've been playing The Binding of Isaac since 2014, since the release of Rebirth. I've completed Isaac several times. Whenever a new update or new DLC came out, I would play again from zero with the goal of finishing it again. During 2024 I decided to try something new. I tried to finish Isaac's last DLC (Repentance) again but using several mods that made the game much more difficult. I spent hours and hours, but after several months, I was able to finish the game again.

Sutaware Shu's avatar

I've never played a simulator game so intense before. yet i able to do so.
I also unlock every achievement.

Cant wait for the game to be fixed and make it Real 100%


psykit's avatar

As someone who's hands don't cooperate 100% of the time, I don't do a lot of achievement hunting in video games, however the Mass Effect trilogy is my love, and you're damn right I'm going to get insanity 3 (complete all three games on the hardest difficulty). I'm so proud of this, and I definitely cried.

Rich's avatar

Congratulations, an amazing achievement! That last fight in Mass Effect 3 is rough.

0ffworld's avatar

Driver: San Francisco

This game features various missions with points and timed races. Sometimes you had to accumulate points, sometimes you had to hold out as long as possible, sometimes you had to be as quick as possible.

Across various challenges, I once held six world records in this game. A few users would battle me after Ubisoft shared my screenshots on Twitter but they didn't last. It was a very exciting time. Apparently, the game sold a lot better than expected, so I wasn't just battling a small number of users either.

Sadly, the franchise seems dead at the moment, which is a real shame. I'll always have these memories though! 💪

Rich's avatar

Six world records - that's amazing!

0ffworld's avatar

It was incredibly exciting!

This is what happens when the first video game you buy for your kid is a racing game. Thanks mom and dad, haha!

DimensionVG's avatar

How I got an entire weapon nerfed in a game's sequel. (2003)

2003 RTCW Story about how I changed an entire game, by being a jerk with a rocket launcher.

How I got the Wolf:ET Panzer (a rocket launcher) nerfed (as compared to the Return to Castle Wolfenstein version) Back when Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory (RTCW sequel) was being worked on there was a powerful server browser for games. It was called "All  Seeing Eye". All Seeing Eye (ASE) would scan all quake servers for the basic things. ping/score what mods if any were playing. So those of us who were playing the original Return To Castle Wolfenstein noticed we could see the Splash Damage developers playing the new Wolf:ET game. WOLF:ET used the same modified Quake 3 engine as the original RTCW. So if you set it up properly, you could watch in realtime the developers playing the game and see their scores, etc Obviously the game hadn't been released yet, so nobody could actually join the server.

ASE also had a new function introduced in 2001, called a "friends list" while they are common today it wasn't a very common thing then so generally when you joined a game you felt pretty anonymous. The quake naming system was unique, ^1D^3imension was different than ^0Dimension so while it wasn't account specific, you could tell the same people by how they formatted their name. With the paid version of All Seeing Eye you could save these unique names to a rudimentary friends list. And since it followed the format of their name, it didn't give any information to the persons you were stalking .ahem. FRIENDS with.

So of course I added all the Splash Damage employees ingame name to my friends list. ASE would scan all the servers and whenever a friend would join a server it would let you know.

So time went on and the first ET test was announced.  Fuel Dump was the map where you pushed a tank along a path and then Blew up the fuel dump. The 2nd half of the map  after the gate was blown up the allies would spawn in the basement of the previous Axis spawn. This became my personal playground. I was an accomplished RTCW player so I was a lot better than people new to the game. The trap was set. I was going to teach these developers, what they get for making such an unbalanced abomination map mp_tram in my beloved RTCW game.

I followed them, using All Seeing Eye to the public server the developers played on. I built up my experience and level with the panzer weapon. A notoriously difficult, but rewarding weapon from RTCW. You could kill 6 men at once if they were close enough together.  I followed them to the server in which they thought they were anonymously playing on. They had no idea I knew who they were. I then preceeded to spawncamp the hell out of them with the Panzer weapon. I would sit above their spawn and panzer their entire team wave after wave.  Obviously people would quit and my team would join in and spawn camp the crap out of them. So I thought this was hilarious so I followed them around. They had no idea I was stalking them. I just proceeded to make their public gaming experience as poor as possible.

Thus between Wolf:ET test 1 and Wolf:ET  release he panzer weapon was significantly nerfed from its more punishing Return to Castle Wolfenstein version. I swear this story is true, and if you found the  patch notes you would find the panzer weapon nerf. And I probably had most to do with that.

but then again Splash Damager made mp_marketgarden so I'll call it even.

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (Survival)

If you think defeat Shao Kahn is very hard, you need try the survival mode. To enter you need to pick up the Big Axe and turn back to foundry come into cave to the right save point and destroy the barrel beside round lever, and then come to over the tunnel and destroy barrel beside dual axe and come to left corner after the stairs until to the end and then press hard attack ( B on Xbox and round/O in PS) until appear a green light.

First stage we will face Baraka, Stage 2 Demon Army (believe me you will hate this stage), Stage 3 we will face 2 Oni Warlord, Stage 4 Reptile (is not really hard) Stage 5 Scorpion and Orochi Hellbeast 3 time (It's make me upset) Stage 6 we face Clay soldier or rock soldier and Brother of shadow (you need many Multality to quick finish) , Stage 7 is really I hate Kano, I die 2 times because of Kano's rolling skill (I guaranteed you also) you need to patient to finish this stage, Stage 8 is Goro and Kintaro you just need to stay away and do fire attack to stay safe, and the Stage 9 (Final) most hard stage you will face 4 Ninja Sub-Zero, Scorpions, Reptile, and Ermac. You need to run attack until one by one they fall they will attack you at same time and make you have no chance to win this is best strategy.

So I really proud to finish this challenge because it's really hard to finish on first try not much person can finish this challenge and your percentage games will 100%

Vivisector's avatar

I love the half-life saga and the gnome achievements in them is fun but truly challenging. Here you can see a screenshots from my last finished game of the saga Alyx chapter. This is also the video where i finally reach the achievements. But if you want, in the info, you can see all the gameplays where the gnome across with me almost all the game :D

Vivisector's avatar

Yeah in the half-life 2 chapter is truly hellish bring the gnome for all the game, especially in the driving part AAAAAA


Ragnarok Odyssey Ace

I platinumed this game way back in 2019 on PS3 a couple of months before getting my PC. And it was a truly monstrous feat, because the game was platinumed at the time I had only gotten it from 1000 people worldwide, now in 2025 we have reached 1800 platinumers and it's also nice to see people still playing it.

the game is a Korean-style JRPG based on Ragnarok Online in which the player can choose different roles, which can change once chapter 3 is completed, as well as customizing your character, the entire adventure can be played both alone with a team composed of AI and in cooperative with PS3 or PS VITA users since the game is both Cross Save and Crossplay between the 2 platforms mentioned, furthermore the version available on the PS store is the ACE one which includes both the base game + the expansion called Ace which makes obtaining the platinum very very difficult.

the game gives the player to decide the role he wants to play , among the 6 available Warrior, Assassin -Hammer-Cleric -Archer and mage and it is possible to change roles at the fort farthest in your own room where it is possible to switch the role type, but the type of weapons that can be used will also change, for example if you choose the wizard you can only use sticks, the warrior the sword and so on, each class and its combos that are done by pressing specific keys and not only. before each mission the player can buy weapons and weapons in the center of the fort Farthest while in the mission room he can buy potions and skills. the difficulty of the game however is given by the fact that as the player advances in the game the missions will be more difficult also because all the missions of the game are timed and the difficulty is marked by the number of stars. in the game there are 2 types of stars, the normal yellow ones that go from 1 to 12 and the Golden ones (Ace Expansion) that go from 12 to 15+ which increase the difficulty (Enemies and bosses will have double health and double damage). To platinum the game, however, it is sufficient to complete the base game by doing all the chapters and secondary missions, complete the Yggdrasil tower and all its 200 Lower Floors and 200 High Floors (for a total of 400 Floors), complete the ACE story + all the secondary missions and collect all the cards that are dropped by the enemies randomly, in addition there is also a card with a very low rarity that can only be dropped by a specific enemy that spawns rarely in the upper floors 150-200 of the tower with an apple on its head the % that appears is 1% called Domovoi Ranger.

it is also possible to find legendary weapons dropped by some bosses with a low % or craft legendary weapons by completing the blacksmith's missions, which can take over 20 hours to get a weapon since it requires you to do very specific actions, for example to get the weapon Ishikirimaru<Reugoku> and it is necessary to complete all the missions of the branch b of the warrior that the blacksmith will offer you, but the time to do them all can even exceed 70 hours given the difficulty of some.

but the game doesn't end here, the Ace expansion not only introduces a new story but also the enemies and bosses will have doubled life, the Yggdrasil tower is also added, a mode in which you can choose the number of rooms to do, starting from a minimum of 5 rooms at a time up to a maximum of 25 rooms in which you will have to face enemies and bosses randomly with checkpoints to buy potions and various consumable items every 5 rooms.

and finally the prison of the Gods is added, a mode where you can find legendary equipment such as cards and not only but under a particular condition, in this mode players will have to decide how many bosses to face in a row from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 7 random bosses to do in a row and the difficulty, and to get the best possible equipment it is necessary to complete this mode several times at the ACE Rank or without the use of consumables such as healing potions, potion that give buff (in fact, to select this difficulty it is necessary to remove every potion and consumable from the inventory) , etc. with the bosses with double HP and Damage multiplied x3 and within a set time that you decide, in fact this mode is designed to be played online with friends and a well-coordinated team. only by doing the prison of the Gods at the Ace Rank will it be possible to reduce the farming of both legendary weapons and some cards to collect.

apart from the difficulty, the game has a truly amazing and very catchy soundtrack, especially some Boss Fights, you can search for it on YT as well as a myriad of contents including additional DLC, mostly aesthetic.

I have attached images of my platinum with the date I got it from both the PlayStation App and PSNPROFILES

Time spent for Platinum: 2 Years and 2 months actual ( It is possible to import saves for those who played the version without the ACE expansion, available only for PS VITA, into the Odyssey Ace version available for PS3 and PS VITA in order to unlock most of the trophies and reduce the time to obtain the platinum.)

for platinum and necessary :

  • Complete the Main Story And Side Quest ( Base Game)

  • Complete the all ACE Chapter and all Side Quest ( Expansion)

  • Complete all Lower and Upper Floor in the Tower of Yggdrasil ( 400 in total)

  • Obtain all Monster Cards

  • peformer all combos moves of every role

  • play 100 co-op games and 100 Solo Mode

  • Defeat 10.000 Enemy

  • complete 100 mission with blacksmisth

  • obtain a Gold rank Weapon

  • accumulate and spend a lot of Zeny

  • obtain all ace skill

  • and various trophies such as healing for a certain amount of time, killing a certain amount of enemies after stunning them etc.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Do you remeber Jagged Alliance 2?

If not let me refresh one of the iconic scence :P

This about JA3

They made a homage with Jagged Alliance 3, which was fun to play and definitly on the list of replays if we should be short on good games.

Anyway if you go through the story line you hear from the green diamond.. bla bla, old, museum.. bla bla the usal things with old stuff.

In my playthrough an NPC showed me the Diamond and didn´t want to give it to me.
So i killed him, he dropped the Green Gem and appreantly only 7% did this.

Jeah sorry, would play Tic Tac Toe or Thermonuclear War against the NPC.. but it was his choice!

NO NPC ever will keep me from stuff i want to have!
not if the DEV make him immortal or so.... can handle this a little.
Gave it than back to the museum, because deeply inside i am still good.

GoJapan's avatar

As I said, once I played a lot in Guitar Hero 2, and there was the song Throught Fire and Flames, I remember a goal that asked to play it at an expert level, activating the star power with the guitar 3 times, a nightmare! The goal was called stars dust if I'm not mistaken

projectazone's avatar

My biggest boast has been about the game Call of Duty Cold War (my favorite among the series). Even though my level has risen to high levels, what has given me the most pride, compared to my circle of friends, is that of having brought every single weapon to the max... and I mean every single weapon, including knives, sticks, various pliers... even the most absurd weapons to use, I have brought them to the max!


I remembered when my uncle gave me this game and pranked me with the hardest difficulty. Yups, Dante Must D*e, first once all enemies i can take em down but when come to boss, oh my God i cry over and over again even Its the first boss Cerberus. So i decided to not touch that game until i 18 yo . I decided to comeback to play this game, and Thanks to all tips and trick i got in few videos i finally got what i deserved to ended the game Yups a super Sparda outfit which is kinda badass with that outfit tho

schlumberger's avatar

Winning on hard level in Counter-Strike isn’t just luck. Every shot, every strategy, all calculated with precision. The enemies came in strong, but I stood my ground until the end. It feels insanely satisfying to watch them fall one by one, knowing that all the practice and experience finally paid off. This isn’t just a win—it’s proof that I belong at this level. GG, well played!

#JustAbout #Just.

■ @justaboutcommunity


the most proud thing while I was playing the game was successfully completing GTA sa andreas, maybe some of you think "it's very easy" but not for me who was still a child, trying to complete this game is very difficult, every time I try to complete the mission I always fail and what I do is cry and can't finish the game until I'm 17, maybe you hear it crazy, but yes that's what happened, so I never touched gta sa andreas again since I was little until I was 17 years old, and in the end I was able to finish this game, it feels very happy, where I imagine back then I always cried because I always failed to complete the mission

I hope you don't laugh reading this!!

Nathan09's avatar

I play dota 2 for a few years , and it took more than 1k+ hour to reach ancient , im not good at this game but i keep playing it, until now (2.5k hour)

Luka Zaharin's avatar

That's an easy task! For me it was clearly the moment we managed to tackle and destroy the first of the new Battlecruiser-Class Myrmidon Navy Issues ever build. The expensive ship was brand new and flying around in our area when a good friend spotted it. Luckily, I managed to record the end of the fight and we even ended up in the community beat with the video. This was one of the best moments I ever had in Eve and I must admit, it also provided us with some bragging rights.

The original video is no longer online, but I re-uploaded it on a different channel back then. Looking at it today, I cringe at my nearly non-existent editing skills, feel nostalgia when looking at the good old overview and realize I myself am slowly turning into a bittervet talking about the good old times too...

It was a quiet evening in militia, when Misaru spotted a Myrmidon Navy Issue. The new ship type was only a few days old and soon Duvalyxon formed a fleet to catch it.

After a long hunt and many lost ships, it escaped and docked up. The entire fleet docked at the same player owned station and we decided to send Tian out to tackle him as he would undock.

He got point and everybody undocked. After a little while, I activated the recording program and got this footage.

A few minutes into the fight, the Myrmidon's friend in a Drekavac started to be a problem and Slava brought his guys to destroy it. (update on 11.08.23 the Drekavac was his alt, nice piloting!)

This was a great moment and a good memory of teamwork and succes. Thank you to everybody who helped that evening!

Thank you too, to the Myrmidon pilot, without you undocking, we would have had no good fight.


Probably my favourite racing/driving game ever. Fun, crazy and super arcade (it is not "like driving a real Lamborghini in real life"). It is not the toughest that I got on my profile, but I enjoyed every second of it, since I played the game for the first time on Xbox 360 (and got the platinum on PS5).

MagmaMelon's avatar

Call of Duty: World at War. Veteran difficulty. Grenades, grenades, and more grenades! You can never have enough! This game is one of the best in the series, but this challenge just makes it a bit of a pain... I have posted a picture of the Veteran difficulty icon, and the hardest mission in the entire game, which is Downfall.

Rich's avatar

MagmaMelon I have horrible memories of Downfall on Hardened, and all those grenades. I've completed a couple of other CoDs on Veteran but they were all easier than World at War. Impressive!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

World of Warcraft - Copper Farming

Now back when I was playing World of Warcraft, the most effective way to make Gold was farming copper, for me, this is my brag because it's the longest I have ever played a game without stopping.

I was short on Gold and was getting very frustrated with not having enough gold to buy potions and boosts for raids, this was back in WOTLK. So I decided right, enough, I booked two days off work and arranged with my wife that I needed time to farm gold, she was playing at the time so she understood.

I literally spent nearly 48 hours straight, farming Copper and selling it on the Auction House, Silvermoon Alliance being a VERY busy server, it sold stupid fast to the point I was one of the few putting it on, so I was able to up the price slightly.

I literally made around 8k Gold from that farming exercise. So I'd say that is my biggest brag on gaming, making that much gold in that short amount of time on WoW. I literally just went round the Barrens in a circle, around the edges, over and over again, ofc I found time and Mithril up near Ashenvale as well, so that helped.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

becoming a Jedi in VR 😏🥰💯🤓

On hard difficulty! I play all my games on the hardest difficulties! 🔥🥶

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I think the biggest boast I can remember off of the top of my head is completing Heisenberg’s boss battle in Resident Evil Village with one hand because I was eating 😂 one of my finer moments of the playthrough 🙌

Schadsquatch's avatar

I have never tried speedrunning before, but MADiSON had an achievement for beating the game in under 3 hours. I thought I'd give it a whirl and had an absolute blast! I got to know a few other people who were speedrunning the game and was able to get into the top 5 (at the time) for the any% speedrunning leaderboards! I was really proud of my achievement and have tried to speed run other games afterward!


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