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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hmm, this is a hard one!

So from growing up in the care system from the age of 2 to being adopted at 14 and the abuse I suffered at the hands of people who were supposed to be taking care of me.

So my title would be..

Being Dropped, Ending Up on Top

Shovel's avatar

My autobiography would be called

Tales from a brown girl NOT DOCTOR

The book will basically follow my life, I’ve not grown up in the most conventional way being from a Pakistani household so I would mention all of my tough times and challenges. Things like being at an arena terrorist attack, marrying someone who I’ve chosen and is mixed race, choosing to be a graphic designer, getting kicked out of home at 21 and so much more.

The reason why I’ve crossed out girl and written “not doctor” is because, in Asain culture there is a massive pressure to become doctors and lawyers mostly just to brag to other families. And it’s still soemthing that I think bothers my parents that I didn’t do it haha

Sturmer's avatar

Honestly, I’m too young to write a full biography, and the title would likely change over time as my perspective on what’s important evolves. But at this point in my life, I’d title it "Don’t Delay Building Something Meaningful."

If you have the desire to create something beautiful for others or solve a problem that impacts many - do it. Don't wait. Start now. <- This is a book into ;)

Stormseeker's avatar

Las Cosas del Espacio Van Despacio.
It's spanish for: space things go slow, and it's the name of my streaming in twitch and my motto... take things as they come... something like don't rush and live your life XD

Limal's avatar

It escalated quickly.

I still remember watching cartoons. Now I'm watching them again, but with my kids.

Gosht's avatar

I've written a Gonzo autobiography called 'Journey to Everywhere'. It is is a non-fictional account of my travels and meetings with some of the leading psychedelic thinkers of our time, like Terence and Dennis McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham and other extraordinary characters. The book documents the evolution of cyber-consciousness via social networking from a uniquely South African viewpoint. It's a look-see into a world of psychedelics, an experiential romp with sacred madness through a desert of corporate zombification to an oasis beyond insanity. Join my alter-ego, Schwann the cybershaman, at a night on Ibiza, the LSD Symposium in Basel, covering solar eclipses or hanging out with the animals in South Africa's Kruger National Park. You could read this journal backwards; it's a cyberpunk time machine covering two decades and the making of the world's first 'smart' movie, Cognition Factor. Intro by Dennis J. Mckenna - Author - 'Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss'.
It is available on Amazon here -

JHenckes's avatar

I'd probably call it “Talking My Way Through Life”. It has to do with the words and conversations present in my life, they shape everything I do and how I navigate situations by figuring things out from a conversation, without which I would have no shape, certainly not. Besides, it seems like a relaxed way of summing up my whole vibe - just trying to understand things through dialogue. (Some might call me a gossip, but I preferred to speak in a nice way hahaha)


The Disassociation of Words

I'm currently aspiring to be an academic researcher and realised just how many essays, coursework, tasks, modules and research I have accumulated at this point in my life (and have yet to do a PHD!) For the past 10 years, I have been surrounded by words and have slowly become numb to them, not really appreciating the simple words in an effort to replace them with a rather obnoxious 'academically approved' jargon. I guess I am at this point in my life where I am trying to find the beauty in what makes writing a beautiful emulation of the human spirit rather than be dogged down by the amount of words needed as a means to an end.

Toretto 70's avatar

Everything has been writen

it's because my life is very difficult and full of drama players who ready betray at any moment, and I belive everything is alright because the God has written it all

Ladylush's avatar

Book tilted : Through A child’s eyes

This book is base on true events storytelling through the eyes of a young girl growing up in 80s with heroine addicted parents who’s sisters tragically died & being on tvs ten o’clock news! Coverage for everyone to see, getting run out of town growing up in foster care & how I found my way up from a rough life to now how it’s effected my mental health & how I got through that & not completely lost it,

I think myself as some what normal lol

it’s my autobiography of my up bringing there very sad & very awarding moments there so much I could write about given half a chance I would love writing a book one day!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

For Educational Purposes Only

Anything else might get people excited about making new cases.


The title of my autobiography would be -Escaping to Engage- This title captures the essence of my journey through both the virtual and real worlds. It reflects how video games have served as a vital escape from the pressures and stressors of daily life, providing a sanctuary where I can unwind and find respite. At the same time, it acknowledges the role of gaming in maintaining and enriching my social life. Through online interactions and shared gaming experiences, I've been able to forge meaningful connections and friendships that might otherwise be challenging to cultivate. The title embodies the balance I've strived to achieve between immersing myself in digital adventures and staying engaged with the real-world responsibilities, such as parenting three children. By blending these two facets of my life, the title highlights how gaming has not only offered an avenue for relaxation and escapism but also a way to stay socially connected and engaged with others.

yan57436's avatar

I'd say “Yan's quiet life”

I definitely have a quiet life, I have my problems and difficulties, but I manage to survive with the support of a present mother and an amazing girlfriend. I can only be grateful for everything I have

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The family we choose

I always found a closer bond with friends than with my family by blood. Especially since meeting more people online I found father figures, sisters, soul mates, people I would do anything for and people I could count on when my own family turned their back on me.

I haven't spoken to any of my blood relatives in 10 years, and there's nothing which can change that. But I have a family I have chosen, and I would probably write about how this family came to be, who were the important people in my life, and to give people like me hope, that they will find a place where they belong.


well, i'd said iTs a Bizzare way to go about lIfe

The letters capitalized are like that for a reason. Recent events in my life have shifted my whole world so. You can look deeper if you want to with those capitalizations, 1 event can change everything and I was forced to learn that lesson.

okayameji's avatar

Chasing dreams

I think this title can describe me, where I always do various things to achieve my goals, and this is what always makes me enthusiastic in doing it, and i always feel this way, it makes me happy when i can get it

Alucard's avatar

The title? “If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it!”

The secuel? “I told you!!!”

at this point in my life, letting things be, feels more like a privilege than a duty.


I think this would probably sum up some of my life so far and would be a suitable title: Just blagging it through life.

Effectively i know and at times kind of know what i want in life, and ill try to figure out how to achieve my goald without fully knowing what im doing.


Change of Plans, primarily because nothing in my life went the way I expected, from college major to spouse to career.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


A Biography about Me could run about how a Caribean men like me (Dominican 🇩🇴) live a long road life from 70’s till today

living in a little town in the Caribean country land to live in Santo Domingo to

Working in Punta Cana Bavaro resort complex and Finnish in Augsburg Baviera that give / Explain the Tittle to a tentative Biography

God Bless you all 🤗

PedroPato's avatar

Eu gostei da ideia do @AbyKwon117, de colocar a versão da minha lingua natal (Português do Brasil), e a versão em inglês em baixo, então, obrigado pela ideia. :]

As desventuras e aventuras de Pedro (O Pato)

Eu acredito que é um título legal e condizente com minha vida, ou a de qualquer outra pessoa, afinal todo mundo tem seus momentos bons e ruins, mas pra mim foi e está sendo uma aventura e desventura ao mesmo tempo.

Ah, caso se pergunte "porque Pedro o Pato?" bem, nem eu sei ao certo, sempre fui uma pessoa atrapalhada e então meio que o apelido pato meio que pegou, é isso mesmo.

I liked @AbyKwon117's idea of ​​putting the version in my native language (Brazilian Portuguese), and the English version at the bottom, so thanks for the idea. :]

The misadventures and adventures of Pedro (The Duck)

I believe it's a cool title and befits my life, or anyone else's, after all everyone has their good and bad moments, but for me it was and continues to be an adventure and misadventure at the same time. Oh, if you ask yourself "why Pedro The Duck?" Well, I don't even know for sure, I've always been a clumsy person and so the nickname duck kind of stuck, that's right.


My Darkness and I

Life is neither a bed of roses nor of thorns. Life is not only light; it is also darkness and shades of gray. Life, in general, is about balance. Making peace with our darkness is essential to staying afloat in the turbulent waters of our existence.

AbyKwon117's avatar

Mi titulo seria

"¿Brillara el sol otra vez?"

He estado bajo una fuerte depresion y ansiedad generalizada desde que tengo 12 años (actualmente 25) y es muy dificil el dia a dia sin poder ir a algun psicologo por falta economica, hace que me pregunte todos los dias si algun dia esto pasara, pero no pierdo la esperanza y para los que pasan por lo mismo.. no pierdan la esperanza amigos, sigan en este mundo 🤍

My title would be

"Will the sun shine again?"

I have been under severe depression and general anxiety since I was 12 years old (currently 25) and it is very difficult day to day without being able to go to a psychologist due to lack of money, it makes me wonder every day if this will ever happen, but I do not lose hope and for those who go through the same thing... do not lose hope friends, continue in this world 🤍

Philip's avatar

Karate Dad - my life as a teacher, nerd and a proud father.

Paul's avatar

"All the models I'v had!"

My autobiography on my miniature painting hobby and what lead me back to the hobby after 10 years

Horror and Cats's avatar

To paraphrase Nelly, “why you at the bar if you ain’t poppin’ the bottles, what good is disposable income if you ain’t painting the models”

Makster's avatar

Manifest Digi-Destiny: The Digital Native Goes West

After my parents got broadband I feel like I've spent most of my life online thus becoming a citizen of the internet or a digital native.
I've found communities, jobs, and love online so the title is apt in showing how most of my major life milestones have a digital footrpint.

CMDR Henckes's avatar


This would be the title of my book and I will explain. Do you remember when you were young, just a child, and your parents were exhausted of answer you "whys?" and "hows?"? Now imagine you have grownup but that curiosity didn't vanished, maybe worse, it increased, that's me, someone that can't see something new and are searching how it works, how to use or asking what is the purpose of something or why it was create in such way.

Now I'm an adult not so young anymore and I deal so much well with my job as architect because I have this much of curiosity, I won't just draw o model some project copying things I've already seen, I'm always trying to understand how the things fit in another thing and why it had to fit in such way. This way of think could looks that demands more time and it does, but the correction of those thins in near future will be ridiculous fast because I already understand how to do it and the next works will easier as well.

Sometimes I can be a little annoying as well and this is important to tell in a book of myself. I would be lying if I tell that I only have good points in my personality. Normally I am always make corrections of small things such illogical things in movies and tv shows, sometimes correcting people that don't like to be correct with small things. But something I don't have regret that is to correct incorrect information or ridiculously conspiracies such as the flat earth and people that believe that we never went to the moon.

SIRCAM's avatar

I love science, and a book of my autobiography would have influence of it, starting from the title.

Book title:
Observability: my briefly spacetime existence



👀👀👀 I like this bounty, I wonder where you came up with the idea!

“Everyone is Entitled to My Opinion”

I’ve had this one locked in for a long time and anyone who has met me or read any of my bounty submissions would know why 😂

I’ve just got to do something to deserve to write an autobiography!

TrialByStory's avatar

Opus In Progress. The story of my life would be a story of creative aspirations. In high school when I got more seriously into writing I picked up Opus In Progress as a kind of personal motto, to reflect the idea of striving to make each new story the best thing I've created. I've tried to bring that same attitude into all my endeavors rather than just writing, so it's only fitting that the motto that inspired it would be the title of my autobiography.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Covered In Cat Hair

The Cat Distribution System has chosen me as a super surrogate. I would say cats stumbling across me and finding a home for it is probably the defining feature of my life.

I've done a bunch of different things and had many different phases, but the one consistency has been cats just showing up in my life and subsequently becoming part of my family.


I say the title will be My Life in full.

Because how my life is been a roller-coaster and full of joy and heartbreak.

Sneaky_Prawn's avatar

It is what it is.

Basically e reflection on how much that phrase has been relevant through certain events in my life.

Rich's avatar

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the swing,

The things in my life all come and go.

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mypets's avatar

“Daniela is like onions. Onions have layers!” For Shrek fans lol

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