Without a doubt it was 2 moments I can’t separate them as they are both needed in my journey, but the first one was getting into the YouTube later programme with my channel, it seemed impossible at the start to get 1000 subs and 4000 hours of watch time but when I did it and applied I got the acceptance email a few days before Xmas so it was like an early Xmas present and just felt incredible. This then lead me onto my next point which was handing my notice in at my job. I was really lucky I had a really really good job and worked with really exceptional people but something was missing as it just wasn’t something I wanted to do, like how you kind of fall into careers after university or whatever but I’d decided it was time to bail out from the comfy life, get into the mud and chase my dream, so after working like a maniac for about 3 years in full time job I was so mentally done with and working till all hours in the morning each night I was getting to the point of crazy burnout and impacting my health, never seeing my wife (girlfriend at the time) and generally just not doing good it was time to hand in my notice.
Also over the course of that time my friends were all buying bigger houses, I wasn’t, I stayed in my wee place, my friends were all buying nice new fancy cars, I didn’t I sold my fancy car and downsized then sold that too, all just to save up as much money as I could so I could leave my job and make a good go of being a full time content creator. It was really tough when you’ve been brought up just to try and do well at school and get a good job blah blah so it feels really wrong and like difficult to do such a thing as leave it all behind and basically start from scratch. I would not have been happy with my self if for the rest of my life I thought what if, it was now or never.
I handed in my notice and the feeling of a weight being lifted I can’t begin to explain how euphoric it felt, it was absolute magic, then I had to work my 3 months notice and the world shut down for the pandemic lol and hear I am still chasing it, learning everyday, getting a little bit better everyday until I crack it.
Only different is I not have 2 channels in the YouTube lartner programme with plans to get a 3rd in there soon too so it’s back to having not enough time to do everything I want to do so decision making it key to try and maximise my content output / value!
Its been the toughest thing I’ve ever done, but damn I’ve learned so much, had a blast and there is nothing like making progress on something that’s what you really want to do 💪
These are my 2 biggest moments that meant to the most to me as without doing these two things I wouldn’t be as happy, as healthy or have had all the other awesome experiences I have had since those 2 things! ❤️