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CMDR Henckes's avatar


For my idea i decide to go with something simple that would make the people share even their culture, and they would have to say a specif phrase, in my opinion should be "Works of the world unite" and the fight should be against bad work condition and modern slavery that has so much cases around the world. And say that phrase by some one in most languages that they can speak will help this challenge tho spread in all other language and make the campaign be more international.

The person who participates in this challenge would have to make it in vido format and explain the challenge in the begin and after that start and chose the many languages they can say that phrase, and after that could even nominate another person to do the same thing! It would work even better if the person could call more people and make this as an competition to be more exciting and go viral!

JHenckes's avatar

Challenge Name: #ShareYourSpark

Idea: I thought this #ShareYourSpark challenge could aims to encourage people to appreciate and share the little things that give them happiness, be it a certain passion, hobby, or idea. Participants post a video of a maximum duration of 30 seconds or a photograph illustrating something that delights them, when it is baking, painting, dance, video games, computer programming, or even collections of odd things. They state in one sentence why it brings them joy, and proceed to challenge three other people to do so.

The aspiration is to create a wave of positivity that encourages other people to look for their spark and create a positive community on the web. It is very simple to understand, inviting and allows expression hence it is virally the best!

AbyKwon117's avatar

My challenge would be called "Challenge of the World"

A new "challenge" that I would put would be to plant native trees depending on where each person lives, in which people teach new and creative ways to recycle garbage and take care of water and replicate those "trends" for the benefit of all.

We must accept that we are having many crises around the world with climate change among them due to so much garbage left in the streets, there are even locations where there are water leaks due to the terrible heat that arrives, floods due to the accumulation of garbage clogging drains. . and even contaminating the mares, I feel that this challenge went viral, many would like to be in a "trend" replicating what was said to be "fashionable" and in this way we would be doing something good for the planet and if they show various creative ways many would be encouraged to do it .

Sturmer's avatar


We all know that social networks can sometimes replace real-life meetups with photos and likes, creating more distance than connection. My idea aims to change that, using social media to encourage people to reconnect with friends (or even meet new ones) in a fun, creative way, all while supporting local flea markets.

The challenge is simple:

  1. Pick a friend and meet at a local flea market.

  2. Share your clothing sizes and agree on a budget (e.g., $15 or whatever you prefer).

  3. Split up and spend 60 minutes shopping within the budget - but here’s the twist: you’re not buying for yourself, you’re buying for your friend. Their job will be to wear whatever you pick!

  4. You can set extra rules, like avoiding underwear, sticking to opposite-gender clothes, or coming up with quirky themes - be creative and have fun!

  5. Once the timer runs out, meet up, exchange shopping bags, get dressed, and take a photo together to share online!

It’s a great way to explore your local community, support second-hand sellers, have a unique experience, and laugh with your friends. Who knows, maybe you invent a new fashion trend?!



This challenge is about asking people to replicate a photo taken 20 years ago, judging the growth and development we have experienced in time. Besides showing your photo, motivate them to donate to organizations that help with mental health awareness. The purpose is to show that life is a journey through which one celebrates the different course of life while the health of the mind is one valuable property that is to be emphasized through all ages.

Personal note

Mental health has been such a big deal for me in the last three years and it was not easy at all. It was hard and sometimes I felt like I was being sucked under by it, but eventually I found my way out. Breaking through the stigma, both the one imposed by society and the one we sometimes carry within ourselves, was one of the hardest.

That is why I admire the #20YearPhotoRewind challenge. Recreating a photo from 20 years ago and looking back at all we have been through feels like we are honoring all those struggles, changes, and growths that we have lived through. For me, it is also a good reminder of how important it is to talk about mental health openly and how people should support each other during their journeys. Let us keep pushing to make these conversations normal and give healing space.

Original text in Spanish, translated with AI software

mypets's avatar

I really like challenges with pets, they're the ones I stop to watch to the end and I'd definitely take part with mine!

One thing that everyone who has a pet knows is that over time, our pets end up picking up some personality traits and quirks that they seem to be learning from us haha

So I'd launch a challenge for people to show some of their own characteristics that their pet also has, it would be really cool to see! I'd launch a hashtag with something like #MyPetMyClone

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think the world needs a lot more compassion and people to stop and think from the other person's point of view before throwing insults at them. We all get angry at the service we get at McDonalds or our parcels arriving broken and yell at the delivery guy, throw away rubbish on the street and don't think about the poor person who has to clean it up.

So the challenge would be #tellmehowtodomyjob

Pick a service job you feel like you had a bad experience with and tell us how you would do it better. Then hopefully someone who is actually doing that job as a profession will tell you if your idea actually works or not, share some insight into their job. This way we could learn more about each other and hopefully make each other's jobs in the service industry a little better.

Dydo's avatar

You're challenged to spend the next weekend doing something retro. For example, visit a vintage arcade, go to a drive-in movie theater, play board games, or listen to vinyl records. Do something you didn’t did for a long time or ask someone older and redo an activity they used to do. Then, share a photo or video about it and make it also look vintage, as wearing a retro-style clothes, using an old tech to record it and/or using a vintage edit on your media.

Participants should share their retro weekend experiences on social media using #RetroWeekend. Let's bring the past to life!

TrialByStory's avatar

The Broader Horizons Challenge. You spend a month engaging with a medium or genre you usually avoid, giving at least semi-regular updates on how the experience is going. The idea is, obviously, to try and broaden your horizons, so there'd be an emphasis on the positive aspects of whatever your looking at, or at least the parts that are interesting/unexpected. Think of someone who's favorite band is Rush spending the month listening to Top 40 Pop Hits and realizing 'Actually, Hot To Go has some pretty cool instrumental parts,' Or a gamer who spends some time each day of the month reading and discovers that they like Romance or Mystery more than they'd expected.

The goal wouldn't be to 'convert' anyone to full-on fans of whatever they dabbled with (though that's not necessarily unlikely) but to give them a new perspective on why they like their normal choice of music/shows/entertainment/etc. and give them something they can use as a barometer for stuff outside their normal fare to determine if its something they might like despite that.

yan57436's avatar

I imagined #AdoptorEmbrace, a challenge where people would have to go out into their street, you don't have to go far, and help 3 homeless animals in any way possible, a pot of water and food, adopting them or simply hugging them and giving them a bit of affection that that innocent creature may never have experienced. All people had to do was share a video helping the first three animals and nominate other participants, leaving a charity that cares for animals at the end of all the videos so that they could receive donations. For the more famous, in addition to everything that has already been said, a more elaborate idea could be developed, such as a mass castration of animals, or taking several with problems that are already “doomed to death” to their rescue, in addition to a good donation to an NGO in the area. We don't need a superman in real life, but only good people can change the world.


Perhaps for those willing to get ahead of a new year's resolution this month, there could be a #RevampNovember (Revamber? Revampvember??) where people set goals and share progress revamping something in their everyday life, be it a renovation in their home, or even a daily/weekly routine that could use some spicing up. This could be a challenge that breaks from the norm of waiting till the start of a new year to commit to a goal. One that encourages people to go for what they want now--we've all got something we wouldn't mind revamping in our lives after all.

Borrrrr's avatar

Setup Showcase


Participating in this challenge is simple: show off your workshop setup on your social media, explain the theme you've chosen, and share one enjoyable and one challenging aspect related to your setup.

The reason I created this challenge is because I love managing and designing workshop setups. With this challenge, I can see various setups worldwide and learn about the themes and stories behind each one. This challenge also aims to provide setup references for everyone in the future, while encouraging people to support one another.

Thank You :)

Makster's avatar

One Minute Moments
Challenge - take a picture of something that you have to stare at for a minute+ your face after the minute (selfie).
In the description, tell us why you picked it, did you feelings change after staring at it for a minute, and do you have any future actions.

I picked this as I wanted something that anyone could do regardless of physical limitations or if you didn't own something like a pet, computer, etc.
I feel a minute is enough time that you can start to feel uncomfortable in a world where our eyeballs are drawn to something more interesting in seconds so taking a minute out to really focus on something - can you really do it?

I wanted the challenge to be open-ended too. It could be staring at a departure board waiting for your flight either for a holiday, or staring at your monitor waiting for someone to join your Teams call (and your feelings for anticipation or dread), or even staring at your coffee in the morning and contemplating the rest of your day.

I've done an example of my partner's plant that we are struggling to keep alive as winter slowly creeps up

Block9's avatar

My challenge would be something cool but with an important purpose of helping a cause or organization...

Invite people to donate 1 essential item (food, clothing, book, toy) to a charity or to a person in need and then challenge 1 friend to do the same. The idea is to create a chain of goodness, with each participant inspiring another person.

The participant challenges three friends to participate, mentioning them in the post and tagging the institution or cause that was benefited.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I really like those pet challenges, like the leash drop, disappearing behind a blanket or towel, bark at your dog and see their reaction. I think a fun one to do would be the "homophone command challenge."

My dog Archer knows when I say "I love you," it means to give me a lick on the face, but lately I've been replacing "love" with other words and he looks at me like I'm crazy lol. My favorite one to use is "I loathe you" and the face he makes is really funny.

So my challenge would be take a command your dog knows, then use words that KINDA sound like it, but isn't the actual command and see what your dog does. Like instead of saying "walk" you say "wonk" and see what they do.

Marukosu's avatar

The challenge is to choose a famous and recognizable scene from a movie or TV show that you like and try to recreate it using everyday objects and filming in a home environment, while aiming to be both faithful and funny. The person taking on the challenge can use practical effects such as makeup and special effects to enhance the scenes. You need to be creative while working with a low-budget production. After posting the video, use a hashtag for the challenge, such as #HomemadeRecreationChallenge.

Marukosu's avatar

I don't know, I am new here.

LeoMo's avatar

The name of the challenge would be #creativeclothes

It's an easy challenge to do that uses a lot of creativity.

You'll look for things in your house like pillows, towels, cutlery and other objects to dress yourself and look pretty. You can create different styles, combinations from cute to futuristic! To make it more challenging, there could be a countdown so that the participant could look for what they would wear. It would be even more fun if there were an adult and a child participating.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Mine would be a nice simple one.

The Obsquere System...

Essentially people would go through their house to find the weirdest object they own, and what the quick backstory is as to why they own it and where it came from. But it has to be unique, so mine would be an Andrex Teddy Dog which I got free with a 12-pack of toilet tissue. I mean it's tiny and serves no purpose other than it's weird how I got the teddy

So yeh,


Tell the story of an item in your house that outside looking in, doesn't seem to have one. It could be something simple like a t-shirt or something that is a meaningless as a rock. I wanna hear the story behind, why is that rock something you clean when you clean you room. Why is it on display next to a picture of your friends, family, etc. There is always more to something small then it seems and I would love to know what that is.


New social media challenge, Share one thing or person you're grateful for in your life!

Share one thing or person you're grateful for in your life. It can be as simple as appreciating a good cup of coffee or thanking a friend who's always there for you.

I love this! Because gratitude challenges are such a great way to reflect and spread positivity.

If I were to share, I'd say I'm grateful for my morning coffee ritual. It’s not just about the coffee; it’s the few quiet minutes I get to myself before the day begins. That little moment of calm helps me feel centered and ready for whatever the day has in store.

What about you? What’s something or someone you’re grateful for?


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