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CasTheLilGhostie's avatar

Fairly new to streaming myself but long time lurker, mod and general nuisance on social media.

1) Don't try to force lurkers into chatting.
Some of us just want to be there, I'm cool with you saying hi or a thank you for the follow etc. But please don't do what a streamer did recently and start doing things like <NAME> "You can use the chat feature you know"
Lurkers want to lurk, it's nothing you're doing wrong or something you need to fix. Let lurkers be. We'll sometimes start chatting eventually but it'll be because we hear something we want to chat about, not be pressured in. Pressuring usually means I go find another channel to lurk in.

2) Get friends to support you.
Some streamers' discords let you promote if you're an active member, in my first few weeks streaming my 'work time' has been 70% networking & promo, 20% assets & support content creation, 10% streaming. Getting people who will come sit on your stream and chat a little is a huge help and breaks the silence.

3) Indie devs often love even small streamers, network!
I only had 30 followers on Twitch and ~500 on Bluesky when I started getting indie devs reaching out. Be friendly, let them know when you're streaming (a few of their devs came to join a few of my streams) and our interactions on Bluesky gained us both followers. Plus I found some awesome games I otherwise would have missed! Go like indie dev's posts, repost them, announce you're planning to play their game on stream and @ them (don't spam though). You might find you get a repost.

4) Stream what you love
Avoid getting and playing games you don't enjoy just because they're popular. One of my biggest early streams (6 viewers rather than 1!) was a very niche game but because I was just having fun and that came across in stream it was one of my most engaging ones. Viewers can tell when you're doing something for the views vs. sharing something you like.


Here are some of my own personal tips:

• Engage with your audience! You can build a rapport with the people watching you, which is more likely to make them wanna watch your stuff again! It’s an easy way to gain engagement and it makes your viewers feel like they know you better.

• Similar to the last point, but try to not be too silent. People are watching you for a reason and you won’t necessarily keep them watching if you’re just playing a game or something else without actually chatting along with it!

• Be yourself! Again, there is a reason people want to watch you specifically and if you are fully yourself, it will show people the real you & that you are being genuine!

JHenckes's avatar

From the little experience I have with streaming, my main tips would be:

Engage with your chat, many people (really many) watch content creators because they feel alone and when they see their messages being answered, an interaction takes place even if it's not direct, this attracts and holds your audience!

Be consistent, having fixed days helps a lot, it allows your audience to organize themselves to watch you.

If you stream games, play what you like, obviously looking for the latest news is important for engagement, but don't pretend to like something. You simply won't have any authenticity.

Finally, remember to switch social networks. It's important to fill in the gaps by using other social networks, both to interact with your audience and to promote your content!

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


I'm going to give you some ideas that have always worked for me.


First of all, you have to have an opening line that becomes your personal brand. That way, people get used to hearing your personal brand from you too.


Give the audience participation, so they can express themselves, so they can be part of the live broadcast. the right question can make everything more animated ask for peoples names and remember it give you extra points


take advantage of having background elements that, although they don't distract, have a certain relationship with what you're talking about could be a movie poster , games box , mechanic element or somes screens TVs , pc Monitor or IPads


Apart from that, always remember to modulate and adjust your voice, try to be soft or energetic depending of the situation but the voice could be trained and modified to be almost like your favorite radio broadcaster…. Mmmm not really but you can practice and go to the right level


When the money can make you able to buy a professional or semi professional microphone DO IT because a good sound can keep more connected your audience and somes Handynummer microphone with some wind or distance don’t catch your voice so clear a a good hardware

use a good microphone,


And of course, in the same way that you started with an introduction that is recognizable to everyone, you can also end with a farewell phrase that makes you different.

Apart from that, you can end with an open question that encourages people to give their opinion and participate in that live broadcast.

That trick work on my Live Streaming

Let’s participate it 💪🏼

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


  1. Be Yourself - Do not present a false face because should you hit it big, it will be found out.

  2. Stay away from politics, race and gender arguments, keep these out of your streams. It's about your content. Not your views.

  3. Play the games you want, don't follow trends

  4. Be careful who you aline with partner-wise

Just a few pieces of advice I would offer.

FocusedSloth's avatar

Want to stream? want to jump that "streaming to 0 viewers" phase?

then I have you covered with some tips to help you out

  1. Don't even think about streaming until you have a community ready for live content

    I don't mean 100's of people waiting for your live, do you have a discord with friends? part of a discord about the games you play?

    make sure everyone knows you plan on starting streaming and you will be surprised how many people will turn up for your first stream to support you

  2. Focus on discoverable content

    I have had more viewers find my twitch channel through tiktok and youtube than just streaming on twitch, the sad truth is twitch is not a discoverable platform, look at making content for tiktok, youtube, reddit etc

  3. Plan your streams around recorded content

    Make your streams have a purpose, use your time wisely and record youtube videos while you stream.

    some of my best performing youtube videos (10k views+) have come from a question a chatter has asked on stream, instead of just answering them, hit record while your streaming, explain the question they asked and go as in depth as you can answering them, especially if they are asking about something in the game you are playing, the chances are if one person is asking you a question in chat, 100 people are searching youtube for an answer, and if you can answer that question and show your knowledge of the game, people will be more interested in seeing you live

  4. Multistream as much as possible

    Why limit yourself to just one platform, the aitum vertical and streamelements plugins for OBS make it super easy to stream to multiple platforms at the same time, I stream to twitch, youtube, youtube vertical and tiktok at the same time, and using the streamelements multichat makes it super easy to keep an eye on everything

    so thats a few general tips, I'm always up for talking about all aspects of content creation, so if you have any questions or want to discuss things hit me up

deboborah's avatar
  1. Be yourself! No one can keep up an act for too long. It might take time, but people who like you exactly as you are will eventually come along.

  2. Ensure good audio quality.

  3. Avoid having too many people in a call. For example, on Discord, it can get chaotic, and no one understands anything.

  4. Don’t focus on numbers at the beginning. If there’s only 1 person in the chat, talk to them.

  5. No one in the chat? Talk about what you’re doing in the game or share ideas for developing the gameplay.

Sutaware Shu's avatar

My suggestion is so simple but is really needed for your confidence.
1. If you insecure for your appearance, don't use any mirror in front of you while streaming.
2. Ignore the bad comments, it's a must do.
3. Be the Main Character, take everything you got even the bad one as a Character Building.
4. If you still down even with those tips? just remember, you are Main Character. you will got that Plot Armor some day.


Tips from me for beginner streamers only on 2 points.

1. Focus on “What do you want to bring while you stream?”

Usually this can be forgotten by beginner streamers who get used to streaming after 1-2 months. They will start to forget that their goal of streaming at the beginning of starting to become a streamer is to become a person who is seen by everyone.

2. Don't give up even though your audience may be small at first.

It's true in reality, at the beginning of streaming there will definitely be such a thing as “how come my viewers are so few” “ih my viewers don't watch at all”. But believe me, with all the craft and patience, there must be results.

TeaLeaf's avatar

My biggest tip is to make sure your microphone sounds good! You don't need to have a good camera, or even a camera at all, but the microphone is the most important part.

Another advice is to just try to stream whatever you think is fun, if you're enjoying what you're doing it will show and it might be more likely to make viewers enjoy your content too! And besides, it's more fun for you to do that as well.

I recommend recording yourself in OBS for a couple of minutes before you hit live for the first time, and watch the recording back. Just to make sure your audio sounds good, and that everything looks right. Technical difficulties are bound to happen every now and then, especially in the beginning, but just be kind to yourself and patient, you will learn and get the hang of it with time!

AbyKwon117's avatar

Hello, my advice for those who are just starting or want to start streaming would be:

1- Try to have a fixed schedule to dedicate your time only to streaming at that time, I do not recommend being there all day... try to do your daily/pending activities first and don't stop eating or sleeping because you are there.

2- Be yourself and play or do what you like most without shame or fear, if people come with bad comments just ignore them or block them, believe me there will be many more people who share your same taste and humor. (Likewise, do not criticize or make fun of anyone's tastes)

3- Don't be discouraged if you don't see results quickly, we all start like this and we can last a long time like this, but the best thing in that case is not to stop doing what you like and don't give up, share your channel on your social networks or there are even groups where the same people introduce themselves and make themselves known.

4- Do exercise or stretch if you spend a lot of time sitting without moving because you spend so much time streaming, it is important for your body and your health.

5- Have fun and drink water!

Sinclair's avatar

Keep Grind bro, trust me.
the key is consistency, even your rig doesn't that good or maybe its just mobile phone nobody really care about that. keep grind until you found the "momentum", cz i think being a streamer its just not a pure grind, but a several of luck as well
but trust me to keep moving and trust the process.

projectazone's avatar

I have been streaming for a long time, now much less but consistency is essential if you want to do it. Some important things to take into account, before the equipment, is the time available and what you want to broadcast. There are many streamers and what you need is not the content of the moment but what you are passionate about. Broadcasting something that you don't really feel is already a mistake. Once you have your "Strategy" then you can think about the equipment. Microphone, headphones, a good computer or console if you want to broadcast from there. Then a good camera (if you want to be seen), lights and decorative elements to insert into the shot. A relaxing environment is the most ideal. I broadcast music so a simple sofa, lights and excellent audio was enough. For gamers, colored lights, a nerd scenario is essential! They must identify with the person broadcasting.


Choose a niche that you love, because if you don't love what you do, there is a high possibility that you will drop your project.

As a beginner, you will need to get yourself known, so it is very helpful to multistream to different platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, Kick, and TikTok. I use this extension on OBS to multistream.

It is useful to share highlights of the best moments of your stream on YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram.

Searching for different extensions and program integrations, such as Streamlabs, can increase your interactions with viewers.

Try out different editing programs to see which one suits your workflow and requirements better.

GoJapan's avatar

Life as a Streamer is very beautiful, however it is not enough to go online to monetize or attract an audience, but certain requirements must be respected. First of all I believe that it is important to choose a target of people you want to reach, I mean, if you only stream Pokemon games, it is not possible to attract those who only play Fortnite. So you must first of all choose which audience you want to reach, then commit to creating original content for that type of audience. Showing yourself on cam is important but not obligatory, you can always rely on the use of your voice to interact with the public, the important thing is not to remain silent and ignore those who write in chat and come to visit the channel.

Another important thing, beyond the quality of the live broadcast and the interaction with the public, trying to always bring the same content, instead of bringing 1000 things and confusing the public, is to offer rewards to viewers who decide to follow the channel or rather to subscribe, when it is possible to do so naturally. Finally, I think consistency is important, you need to set days and times and respect them, in this way the public will always know when to follow you and what you bring, creating a calendar with games and times, I think it's the best thing. As for the equipment it depends, if you play on a console you just need a pair of headphones, if you play on a PC you can always use tools like Streamlabs OBS, although personally I would add Streamlabs ChatBot even when playing on a console, because you can enable commands in chat or automatic messages.

Nine's avatar

after more than 3 years I became a content creator, maybe I can share a few tips for those of you who are new to the world of streamers / content creators.

1. before live streaming make sure everything is OK, I sometimes rush to start streaming and when I start streaming a new game is opened and often an error occurs which makes the live stream long to start.

2. choose a game according to your nice / liking, indeed you have to catch up with viral game algorithms but you also have to see first whether this game suits you or not. once I played a game that was viral, and when I played ny several times samil live streaming it made me feel bad.

3. diligently upload content min 1 week 1x

4. choose 1 genre / theme for your content, don't mix it with other themes / genres it will also help you to algorithmically find viewers that are suitable for you.

5. don't give up easily, maybe you will often see your viewers smaller than friends / other people who have just started. but believe me someday you will also be like them.

  1. If you stream for money, I guarantee you will have a hard time

  2. Enjoy every process you face

  3. Always look for game updates or the latest trending content

  4. Try to do things that other people don't do without hurting yourself.

  5. Form your personality as best as possible, because the audience will like your consistent personality

  6. Stay away from drama, even though drama will make you develop faster, you will get the negative side.

You can do something new, but I suggest not to cause drama or hurt yourself, and continue to be consistent to entertain people

AtomicMoonchild's avatar

The best tips I could give to new streamers is:
1) Ensure you enjoy what you are streaming - it will be clear to your viewers if you aren't enjoying it

2) Always be engaging regardless of your audience size! If someone new tunes in, you want to have an appeal that will keep them there and hopefully follow you

3) schedules are handy and great for letting your current viewers know when you are going live

4) Be patient and kind to yourself, celebrate your successes of any size because you did that!

5) Try to take things at your own pace to avoid burn out!

6) MOST OF ALL - Remember that everyone's path is different, don't compare yourself to others or measure your achievement against theres! We all grow at our own rates, have compassion towards yourself as much as you would to others.

LegendaryJL's avatar

Think of content creation/streaming like painting a canvas. The blank canvas is the foundation you work on, the colours are your ideas and the paintbrush is how you compose the picture and make it yours on this journey - This creativity mindset is what I've stuck with for years and I can't express how important it is to base off that.

  1. Remember to have fun on this journey because you are showcasing the game that you enjoy to viewers which are there for YOU and not just the game.

  2. Play the games that you like is so important because it gives you the directive flow of how to demonstrate it on your livestreams and content.

  3. it's important to do some trial streams to make sure OBS is working right before committing to doing it fully for your first time. I know technical difficulties can't be helpful on your first few streams as that's okay as it is part of the process.

  4. Make sure you have an idea of how you want to come as a streamer to newcomers and become unique to find your own niche.

  5. Make sure to promote each time you are going live to let people know what you're doing.

  6. Hardware is essential, even the basics of having a webcam and mic goes a long way.

There is many other tips I could state but streaming is a learning journey for us all.

  1. Choose the main platform on which you want to start live streaming.

  2. Use what you already have, don't be too tempted to buy equipment that you don't necessarily need

  3. Set a regular streaming schedule so viewers know when to watch you.

  4. Promote your streams to those closest to you and also on social media.

  5. Never forget to interact with your audience via live chat and respond to their comments.

  6. Keep thinking positively in going through the process, and always learn to improve your skills

Shovel's avatar

One of the best tips I've come across for new streamers is that one must always start small when it comes to equipment setup. You don't need that super expensive microphone, camera, or PC to start your stream. Just make use of what you currently have: a gaming console, a good headset, and free streaming software like OBS are more than sufficient to begin. As you grow, figure out what works for your content, and you can upgrade your gear bit by bit. This way, you're not spending a fortune upfront, and you can focus on building your skills and audience first.

I’m looking forward to hearing other people’s advice, as streaming is something I’m trying to get into myself with gaming. It’s such an exciting world to dive into, and I’m keen to learn what’s worked for others!


The number 1 tip from my experience is have fun.

if its not fun dont do it, streaming is a minefield of risks vs rewards. If you go chasing numbers you will drive yourself mad and burn out unsatisfied. If you focus on doing what you enjoy and having fun with it, people will come to you and stay for the fun. Also it will never be a chore, you wont have stress about what you're doing also content ideas will come organically to you. Forcing something always feels false and people would rather watch someone having a laugh than looking bored. Though there are exceptions to that where people love watching streamers having an awful time too.. but thats a different story.

There are so many streamers out there happy to help you, and finding streamer groups with streamers doing similar content to you will help you make friends, get you recognition and also make it even more fun. Watch what they do, ask advice and tailor your stream to your own personality..

The next thing is to do it... dont buy major equipment, try using the kit you have or looking at all the free modular options out there... obs studio is a real good place to look. Don't subscribe to anything until you are sure its what you want.

And Good luck and make sure you enjoy it...

Shovel's avatar

Love this, i am trying to get in to streaming myself but have been taking pauses when I feel like it gets stressful for me!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Maybe your tips when you first started to become a streamer were that consistency was a mandatory requirement to become a streamer, but here I will make some tips for you to become a streamer.

1. Prepare your Live with your best hardware

2. Use social media and use the promotion feature or share your live live to other platforms

3. live games that are on the rise in order to get a name in the search.

4. the same thing as number 3 multiply content or live streams so that your stream or your content enters the youtube recommendation homepage.

5. create a platform group so you can interact with your viewers such as Discord or other social media.

6. don't forget to make a poll to find out what your viewers like

Kethervir's avatar

1 - Use what you have.

don't buy usless stuff, sometime what you have is enough and less you have, more you mastered.

2 - Be yourself.

Sometime you'll discover that your personal inner is better than other character you have tried to build. Discover who are you. Know Yourself.

3 - Have fun doing what you love.

is a lot more stressful and most of the time a bad choice try to do just only popular content. the risk is to attract people that you don't like and you appear like a puppet and a ripetitor, an emulator of other better than you, instead to be the real and proud you, your content and your Art, and at least also the community and friends that you love.

4 - Be carefull to not fall burnout, is very common to believe that you have to stream every day your whole life.. even 1 day per week is good aswell.

5 - Be prepared for bad moods and haters, even in real life.

6 - Don't push you out trying to have all the properly condition to start. You will improve with time and you never reach the perfection, is all about always improve something.

avrona's avatar

The best thing to do is know how to act when you have no audience to engage with and how to keep the show going. Viewer interactions of course make up a large portion of most bigger streams, however it's important to learn how to improvise or use that time for other things. If there is no one watching, or maybe just one person if you are lucky, don't do anything that would require that interaction, or even say things like "what do you think chat?" as the silence will just lead to this dissonance in the stream.

Also invest in good gear from the start, a good mic, camera, and stream in as high quality as you can. Twitch is obviously the worst when it comes to quality as it maxes out at 5kbps, but on YouTube you can go as far as your internet connection allows really, so you can streaming in 1440p or even 4k. That will go a long way in differentiating your streams.


Lets keep it simple with 3 quick tips!

For streaming if its say twitch or even YouTube, id focus on other platforms so they content can do the work when you are not live to help grow your audience, so get some short form and long form content out there on whichever platform you use.

Secondly I'd say set a consistent schedule and stick to it so your audience knows when to expect you online and can tune in, make it a destination for your community. This is way harder than it sounds.

lastly, ignore the haters and negative people, you will get them in your chat or people that think they know better then you, you will even encounter some idiots like this on Just About so its good practise just to completely ignore them or block them as they are not worth your energy and usually they are struggling themselves hence the need to talk negatively of others.

Oh lastly, a bonus tip, when starting out, don't focus on popular games as you will get drowned out by the whales, get a nice niche for you where you can grow with say some less popular or smaller games before looking at bigger shinier things!

Good luck in 2025, I will you all the best, and as a fellow content creator happy to help any good people out there!

All the best!


Shovel's avatar

my first gaming stream was a game called "this bed we made" and I think it helped me so much that it wasn't a mainstream game.

Makster's avatar

Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

Creating content is fundamental but if you don't advertise it then you're only thriving on organic growth and that can be slow and sometimes you'll age out of streaming.
So please get on socials, put as much time if not more into building a brand, networking, connecting with your audience outside of your streams, and letting companies you like know that you're streaming their games.

I've seen so many streamers get consistent viewers and yet don't utilise the wide reach the internet has to other people through social media.

If you're not good at socials then hire someone to do it for you. There are a lot of budding social media managers and marketeers needing experience and you can help each other out

Shovel's avatar

It's frustrating that with good promotion it comes with a cost, I hate how everything is so money-driven but unfortunately, you can't see success without parting ways with money.

Vivisector's avatar

Use a good microphone - the sound of the voice is one of two important things for make the audience comfortable hear your voice.

Use a webcam - being present in person is the key for make the audience like your friends. They can see you doing your stuff rise the bond with future followers and subscribers.

With these 2 accessories you can do everything you want, even if you haven't a super performance pc. Ah of course, a good connection is fundamental like 19mb in upload is the minimum for effort the streaming.

Use obs studio - I seriously suggest to use obs studio software for doing stream. Yeah sometimes can crash, but its the mostful stable software in my long road on twitch (about 7 years). Also is complete of feature and easy to use after a bit of practice.

If you want ez money, ez followers, ez live audience, don't do streaming. Is a long road and should be filfull of passion about that. Money and audience cannot never come or just be slowly, depends on your luck and content, but with passion you can persist or you perish fast.

Don't be toxic in IRL even you can get a good audience number. Its the most stupid thing to do.

Irenkovsk's avatar

What I feel really helps a streamer is creating content on different social media platforms, such as TikTok or YouTube Reels. You can extract parts of your stream to create content, always keeping in mind that the first 3–5 seconds of the reels must hook the audience

Also you should also consider that before becoming a casual game streamer, you need to build a community, which happens if you manage to get people to follow your content. One recommendation I would give is to have your streaming time planned out, rather than just going live and hoping something entertaining happens. They say luck is random, but if you seek luck, the chances increase.

GoodLuck :)

FUN INC's avatar

I would say the following are the cornerstones:

  • consistency - keep to a schedule

  • quality - in terms of stream visuals, voice, camera and so on - never underestimate the benefit of a good mic!

  • approachability - ability to answer questions and....

  • engagement - with your audience - see above!

  • variety - it's ok to stream one game, but try different content within the game - also sometimes stream different games to capture differeing audeiences too

NarratorID's avatar
  • Stream consistently, because if you already mastered the consistency, everything will flow better and better without you feeling it.

  • Don't ever let your viewers or fans fully taking a control of your content, you have to add / do your own favorite games/things that you will do in your stream.

  • Take a rest day or vacation and don't forget to do some exercises to maintain your health.

  • One more, Pray before you do the stream.

mypets's avatar

Interaction with the audience: one of the things I like most is to feel a connection between the streamer and the people who follow him. It's always nice to respond to chat comments, ask questions and encourage people to respond, thank followers, make donations...

I think regularity is also essential. Having a fixed schedule, so that the viewer knows when they can find you. It's very good to remember and think “today there's a live from such and such a person”. It's also very important to do it at times when your audience is available.

Another essential point is to be authentic. The best part is showing your personality and being yourself. Don't try to imitate other streamers, because if it's someone you know, people will notice and it won't look good. Being yourself creates a genuine connection with your followers.

Among other tips, invest in quality content, promote your lives, keep up the pace, be patient!!!


I speak from personal experience. I have been streaming for many years now, but for someone who is just starting out, I recommend first of all choosing a game to dedicate yourself to, especially multiplayer, and concentrating on that, such as Fortnite, entertaining the public, giving them advice, talking with them and maybe even playing, offering rewards to those who decide to follow the channel, given that subscriptions are activated later. In my opinion, broadcasting many different games is counterproductive, because those who love Fortnite will never see, for example, a live broadcast of Call of Duty. This is my personal opinion after several years of testing.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Stream something together with your friends and let others have fun watching it.
You may make good jokes around and others will like these as well.
Others not but this how like and not liking works.

Also if you do it like this it is less of work, any if it works out you can slightly swap the focus to the audience.

Also take you time and a job has max hours.. same comes for living and streaming.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I like to recommend a few steps to maintain organisation, it is not because it is a live where most of things during the live is improvised that you won't have to organize a lot of things before.

  1. Set day and time where the streams will happen, and try to always maintain the periodicity, you public will always know when and where to find you

  2. Start preparation few minutes before starting a live, if you always need more time change the stream start time like 30 minutes after

  3. Make a schedule to what will happen in the stream each da. If it will be a gameplay, how many game you will gonna play, if it is one two or three, if it is a talk a reaction. Always make it even you change it during the live sometimes

  4. Knows when you have to read the chat and when doesn't, some games is hard to maintain focuses and read the chat so it will be better if you read it while you give a break in gameplay or waiting to find a match!

Borrrrr's avatar

I’m not an expert in streaming, but in my opinion, tips for new streamers are:

  1. Do what you love while streaming.

  2. If you’re only focused on money, at some point, if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you’ll stop streaming.

  3. Be consistent—it might sound cliché, but I think it’s worth it.

  4. Enjoy it!

Thank you :)

Block9's avatar
  • Be Yourself, Come on, nobody wants to see an imitation of a popular streamer. Individuals will feel good about what makes you different, whether that means your humor, your tone of voice, or even that weird thing you think is dumb. Authenticity is everything!

  • Don’t Stress Over Gear You don't need a 4k camera or pro mic from day 1 All you need is a clean audio and OK lighting (not steven spielberg but some really simple light like table lamp) to get going. Simple to begin with and you can upgrade as you develop.

  • Know What You Will Do Having a plan for your streams can help quite a bit. Make your schedule known, select the games or subjects beforehand and whenever you can, promote on social media when you are going live. We all love a solid routine since consistency is what build trust.

  • Join the Community Weigh in on other creators streams, get in there and chat. Networking is not just formal collaborations but instead finding a close circle of people who are doing the same things as you.

  • Reminder, Growth is a Slow Burn Streaming is not fast food, it’s more of a slow cooked meal! Even the smallest milestones are things to celebrate — your first follower, someone commenting on your chat, that moment where you go, “I am actually doing this!”

  • Have a Plan Planning your streams goes a long way. Inform people of your schedule, choose games or topics in advance, and announce on social media when you go live to drive the right audience whenever possible. Creating a sense of routine helps to build trust, and people appreciate that sort of thing.

  • Get involved in the community Get into other creators streams, be active in chats and let your presence felt. Networking doesn't only mean doing collab deals; it also means making genuine contact with people you share interests and passions with.

  • Takeaway, It Takes Time To Grow Streaming is not a race, it’s a marathon. Make a big deal of every single milestone that comes along: You got another follower! You chatted for the first time in your stream! You had that quick moment where you thought, “Holy crap, I feel like I’m actually doing this!”

Every big streamer started small, just like you. It’s not about perfection—it’s about showing up, having fun, and being yourself. Celebrate every step, no matter how tiny, because growth takes time. Stay consistent, connect with your audience, and remember: you’re building something amazing.

This text was translated using AI software

Horror and Cats's avatar

Test Your Bitrate First.

Regardless of what you're streaming, the one universal thing you will have to choose is the bitrate you send to your platform of choice. Prior to streaming, do periodic upload speed tests, note whatever the low-end is and set for HALF of that.

If you don't and your bitrate drops mid-stream, it'll cause frame drops and chugging which is always a bad viewing experience.

Sturmer's avatar

Be consistent on schedule, but not regular.

Instead of spamming four times for two hours a week, it's better to plan and make one hour of quality, well-prepared content. If you overwhelm your viewers with too much content, they might drop you as they are unable to catch up. This typically means you will burn out too. So keep your schedule low, but always show up on time and try not to cancel.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Switch off viewer count. Seriously.

This might be a hard one to do, as we all like to track our progress and know that we have an audience, but seeing it being 0 when you are still starting out can be very discouraging. The platform of your choice will send you analytics anyway once your stream has ended, so you can have a look exactly how many people were watching you and when, analyse it what can you change for next time. But during the stream you don't need that number. Switch it off and imagine you have an audience. Talk to your chat even if there is no one replying. Don't wait for people to show up and then give them a performance. Start performing and then people will come.

yan57436's avatar

I think of two things as the most important:

1. Regularity: What I like most, as a viewer, is knowing when I'll be able to count on the streammer, so that I can plan ahead and keep an eye out, since the notifications aren't always effective. In addition to establishing a good audience at that time, it also establishes a loyal audience.

2. Focus: Define what kind of streamer you're going to be, whether it's RPG games, ASMR, COD, you name it. If you want to please everyone, you'll end up pleasing no one. Only the giants of the industry are able to maintain a large audience in various niches; there's nothing to stop you from growing with one audience and then moving on to another focus.

  1. Consistency is key, no matter where you are streaming, if you wanna do something with streaming you got to do it consistently people will come to you with time.

  2. Do yourself a favor and don't post the fact that you are live on X. You will be flooded by bots/people trying to sell you things in your chat.

  3. Be yourself, don't try to be a different person, unless you are playing a character when you stream

  4. Try to stay active, even if chat is dead you have to still be talking about what's going on on screen. No one wants to come into a stream of silence.

  1. No matter which platform you are streaming to, make sure your channel looks the part. People will be more likely to click on your channel if you arent a blank channel with no images or info

  2. There are alot of websites out there to get free or cheap graphics to brighten your channel up. Dont fall for the fake graphics artists that will message you on social media.

  3. When live streaming, make sure to always stay active. People will understand if you are quiet and focused during certain moments but if you are quiet all the time then they wont stick around. I practiced talking to myself alot in the car by narrating to myself what was happening as i was driving

PandaTime's avatar

The key to success lies in consistency, authenticity, and engagement. Start by setting a regular streaming schedule to build anticipation and reliability with your audience. Focus on a niche or game you’re passionate about to attract like-minded viewers, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine, it’s what sets you apart. Invest in decent equipment, like a good microphone and webcam, for clear audio and video quality, as these can significantly enhance viewer experience. Actively engage with your audience by reading and responding to chat, as building a community is more important than viewer count. Promote your streams on social media and collaborate with other creators to grow your visibility. Most importantly, be patient and persistent growth takes time, so focus on enjoying the process and improving along the way.

FEBRIAN_574H's avatar

complete with good quality equipment, because with good quality and useful content you will definitely get lots of fans


When I started streaming I was nervous, I didn't know what to do... everything seemed complex to me, but then as time goes by everything becomes simple. However, to start well it is right to adopt some precautions... before thinking about high numbers that often may not arrive so soon.

1) Think about what you want to broadcast, learn from the best by watching other people's streams. Create compelling content and dedicate yourself to it without touching on too many topics. Choose one

2) Start setting a calendar for when you have to broadcast. Random is never appropriate. Make an appointment with those who will watch you, even if it is once a week, the important thing is that they can tune in to you easily.

3) Be consistent, if you start... you have to continue, even if you don't see the results you expect at first.

4) If you have the means, invest in equipment. Good audio and good video encourage people to watch you more. Lighting is also important, with poor lighting the video quality could be disappointing.

5) If they follow you, interact with kind, accept their advice. Don't see it as criticism, but as an incentive to improve.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

I've figured out a few things that help me as a streamer. I stick to a regular schedule so my viewers know when to catch me live, and I've learned the importance of a good mic for clear audio. Engaging with my chat is key; I always try to respond to comments because it makes streaming feel more like hanging out with friends. I watch other streams to keep learning new tricks, and I keep my stream layout simple so it's not distracting. Mixing up my content keeps things interesting, and I promote my streams on social media to reach more folks. I also collaborate with other streamers, which not only grows my audience but keeps streaming fun. Lastly, I make sure to take breaks because streaming can be draining, and keeping my health in check means I can keep doing what I love.


1. Have a Consistent Schedule – Viewers are more likely to return if they know when to expect your streams. Stick to a schedule and communicate any changes.

2. Engage with Your Audience– Talk to your chat, respond to comments, and make your viewers feel involved. Engagement builds a loyal community.

3. Invest in Good Audio – A clear microphone is more important than a high-end camera. Poor audio can turn viewers away quickly.

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

Tips for Streamers (In My Opinion):

  1. Show a likable personality. Some audiences seek entertainment, and having a cool and engaging personality makes your content more interesting.

  2. Stay updated on social media trends. Keeping up with trends helps you stay relevant and attract more viewers.

  3. Avoid discussing politics unless necessary. If your audience finds it interesting, you can talk about it, but don’t overdo it.

  4. Practice your voice and use a well-balanced microphone. Clear and soothing audio makes for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

  5. Create a content plan and schedule. Review your progress every month to see how well you're doing and make improvements.


Starting a streaming career can be exciting! Here's a breakdown of tips for new streamers, combining essential technical advice with strategies for building an audience:

1. Foundational Steps:

* Define Your Niche:

* What are you passionate about? Gaming, art, music, cooking, or something else? Focusing on a specific area helps you attract a dedicated audience.

* Consider what makes you unique. What can you offer that other streamers don't?

* Technical Setup:

* Reliable Internet: A stable internet connection is crucial for smooth streaming.

* Quality Audio: Invest in a decent microphone. Clear audio is more important than perfect video.

* Decent Video: A good webcam or camera will enhance your stream. Lighting is also very important.

* Streaming Software: Familiarize yourself with streaming software like OBS Studio.

* Choose Your Platform:

* Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Gaming, etc. Each platform has its own audience and features. Choose the one that best suits your content.

2. Content and Engagement:

* Consistency is Key:

* Establish a regular streaming schedule. This helps viewers know when to expect your content.

* Engage with Your Audience:

* Interact with viewers in the chat. Respond to comments and questions.

* Create a sense of community.

* Be Authentic:

* Let your personality shine through. Viewers connect with genuine streamers.

* Play games or create content that you truly enjoy.

* Promote Your Stream:

* Use social media to announce your streams and share highlights.

* Engage with other streamers and communities.

* Learn and Adapt:

* Pay attention to your analytics. See what content performs well.

* Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things.

3. Mindset and Growth:

* Be Patient:

* Building a streaming audience takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

* Have Fun!

* Streaming should be enjoyable. If you're not having fun, it will show in your content.

* Manage Toxicity:

* Set ground rules for your chat. Have moderators to help enforce them.

* Don't tolerate toxic behavior.

* Set Goals:

* Having goals, such as number of followers, or average viewers, will help you track your progress.

By focusing on these tips, you'll be well on your way to building a successful streaming career.

Sassy's avatar

5 Years of Streaming: What I've Learned and What You Should Know

Streaming is an exciting, ever-evolving space, but after five years in the game, I’ve learned a few hard truths and valuable lessons. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your approach, these insights will help you navigate the world of streaming.

1. Choose Your Content Wisely

It’s tempting to jump into the latest trending game or follow what the biggest streamers are doing, but that’s not always the best strategy. Play a game or engage in content you genuinely enjoy. Why? Because passion is contagious. However, be mindful of the audience size for that content on Twitch.

  • If a game has too few viewers, it will be tough to grow.

  • If a game is oversaturated, your stream may get buried beneath thousands of others.

  • Find the sweet spot—use Twitch tracker sites to analyze the most viewed games over the past 30-90 days and choose something you love that also has a solid audience.

2. Have Fun—Seriously

If you’re not enjoying yourself, why should your viewers? Whether you're gaming, making music, creating art, or just chatting, your enthusiasm is what draws people in. Two things to keep in mind:

  • If no one is watching, at least you’re still doing something you love.

  • If you’re genuinely engaged, people will naturally want to stick around.

3. Engage with Your Chat

Your chat is the heart of your community. Whether you have three viewers or three hundred, take the time to acknowledge them. A simple “Hey [username], welcome in!” can make all the difference. People come to Twitch not just to watch, but to connect. Share your thoughts on the game you’re playing, your art techniques, or just what’s going on in your day.

4. Be Yourself—Not a Copy of Someone Else

Trying to mimic top streamers by using their catchphrases, alerts, or style won’t make you stand out—it’ll just make you blend in. What makes your stream unique is YOU.

  • Develop your own intro and outro.

  • Show off your personality.

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own groove.

5. Don’t Feed the Trolls

Unfortunately, trolls are part of the streaming landscape. They might target your appearance, your skills, or anything else to get a reaction. The key? Don’t engage.

Twitch provides great moderation tools:

  • Delete offensive messages

  • Time out or warn disruptive users

  • Ban repeat offenders

Your stream is your space—keep it safe and positive. The viewers who truly support you will always treat you with kindness and respect.

6. Be Realistic About Money

Let’s be clear: streaming won’t make you rich in 2025. During the pandemic, many streamers saw massive growth and revenue spikes, but that was an anomaly. Disposable income and ad revenue have decreased significantly.

If you're streaming solely to make money, you’ll likely be disappointed. Instead, do it for fun, for the connections, and for the experience. If you happen to make some money along the way? Great! But don’t bank on it replacing your job.

Streaming is a journey, and like any journey, it comes with highs and lows. Stay authentic, engage with your audience, and most importantly—enjoy the process. Success, whether measured in followers, friendships, or financial gains, comes from consistency, passion, and patience. Happy streaming you got this!

Syaraaa's avatar

Umm i think there are many tips for a new streamers. Among them, the first is that you must know the trends in the world. You must update your content every day. And the most important of all is to be consistent. And you have to create character that many people like. If possible, don't create content that is offensive or perhaps satirical.

Finding fellow content creator who are beginners or maybe seniors is also important. You can do Collaborator or maybe work together to exchange throughs or ideas each other.


Here’s a shorter version of tips for new streamers:

  1. Stay Consistent – Stream regularly to build an audience.

  2. Engage Your Audience – Interact with viewers, even if there are only a few.

  3. Use Good Equipment – Prioritize clear audio and stable internet over fancy visuals.

  4. Stream What You Love – Your passion will attract like-minded viewers.

  5. Build a Brand – Create a memorable username, logo, and aesthetic.

  6. Network Genuinely – Collaborate with other streamers to grow and learn.

  7. Be Patient – Focus on improving and having fun, not just on metrics.

  8. Keep Learning – Study successful streamers and improve your skills.

Enjoy the process, and happy streaming!

  • Start simple: Don’t splash loads of cash straight away; use a decent mic and a reliable connection.

  • Engage with viewers: Chat regularly, ask questions, and build that friendly vibe.

  • Keep a schedule: Let everyone know when you’ll be live, so they know when to pop by.

  • Stream what you love: Your passion will shine through, and folks will stick around for genuine enthusiasm.

  • Network wisely: Collaborate with other streamers, join online communities, and share tips—teamwork really can boost your audience.


La clave para un buen stream es interactuar con tu audiencia, hacerlos sentir parte de la experiencia con preguntas, encuestas y partidas juntos. Mantén una buena calidad de producción con un overlay atractivo, buen audio y una iluminación decente si usas cámara. Crece subiendo clips en TikTok y YouTube Shorts, además de colaborar con otros streamers para compartir audiencias. Usa títulos llamativos y analiza qué funciona mejor en cada directo. Si ves que el chat está frío, rompe la rutina con algo inesperado para reactivar la energía. Y lo más importante, no te frustres si un stream tiene menos vistas, la clave es la consistencia y la mejora constante. ¡Sigue dándole con todo!

Boomer's avatar

Hey EDYGAMER28, thanks for the submission. This is just a friendly reminder that we're currently an English-language platform, so I recommend using a free translation tool before posting.

We'd love to add more language support as we grow, but for now we need to ensure our moderation team and other members can engage with content shared on our platform.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions 🙂


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