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To me the best glow up has to be Sol the amount of detail the character model has in smite 2 is incredible from character model and ability animation i think Sol is the winner.


Hades! The extra casts he can do during his ult are awesome. I hope they can add a lot more changes like this. Keep up these bangers!! Also maybe Sol comes close to this, her new one feels great.


Anhur! In UE5 his fur actually looks like... well, fur - not spikey clay like in smite 1. The new ultimate FX kicking up sand particles also stands out, as well as the swirling pillar floor.

Elech's avatar

Kukulkan comes to mind with a glow up. Not just because of his new shiny model and appearance. Just his kit alone. He now has a way to keep himself safe with his new dash and that to me is Self improvement


Its the zeus changes for me! He does damages, has a stun and has a chance against assasins!


Kukulakahn looks fantastic. His colors really pop in Smite 2. His spells and abilities also look so muuh more crisp. Especially his tornadoes. The way the sform forms before hitting the ground is muuch nicer tha the original.

Neyamavu's avatar

Imo, Sol. Hair physics have done her well! I am in love with flow-ey fabrics and hairs!


Neith have a really good changes


I think Sol has had the biggest glow up (pun intended). She already had a good look in Smite 1 and now the Unreal Engine 5 has definitely enhanced the aesthetic of her character model auto attacks and abilities in Smite 2.

AbyKwon117's avatar

I like all the characters at the moment but I feel that the god Chac stands out much more, due to his skill effects, performance and design.

(I hope I have answered in the correct way to participate, the application is a little confusing, sorry)


From a purely visual perspective I'd have to give it to Jing Wei. Her wings are definitely the best part of her especially with the light blue colour, compared to the more dull blue and green in smite 1. Her wing movements seems much smoother and reactive to her abilities!


For now on, Jing wei has the Best glow up from Smite 1, with new mechanics on all his abilites it's feels more powerful and smooth with the new system in his 3 to go wherever u want to go, and not locked in one direction like in Smite 1


Odin has received a fantastic glow-up compared to his appearance in the first game. His updated design is much more imposing, featuring modernized armor, a more battle-hardened and rugged look, and a more detailed, flowing cloak that emphasizes his warrior king persona. His one-eyed, wise yet fierce appearance has been significantly enhanced, making him look more like the all-powerful Norse Allfather. The new visual effects, including his glowing spear and raven companions, add to his commanding presence, giving Odin a fresh and much more intimidating appearance.


In my opinion the new god Hacate is incredible. She has a a great set of support abilities mixed with a cool support passive. Plus she looks very cool with her wizard skin, my favorite god so far in Smite 2. I will always Love Neith and Chac as well


For me it's Ares !
Already loved him in the first game but his new detailed model with that shining armor is just gorgeous. I love spike and gold
NOW that look like the God of War


For me, it has to be Hades. I really like the improvements they made to his kit. He is a real threat now. I'm not a Hades player, but my friends who play Hades really like the changes made.


In my opinion it is Neith, she looks better than ever and she can now backflip through walls so she might actually be viable

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Ymir's abilities all got huge quality of life changes, and the animations of these abilities also look much better with SMITE 2 on the UE5 engine

yan57436's avatar

Anhur definitely got the biggest upgrade—he looked pretty rough in Smite 1, but now with the reworked fur and revamped animations, he feels powerful and godly.

BlaiseMcBaine's avatar

From a purely cosemtic standpoint I think Ymir just looks good especially the skins that came over from Cross Gen.

From the standpoint of updates to abilities it has to be Jing Wei or Ares!

JHenckes's avatar

Thor! For sure! Initially, Thor had a more basic and somewhat generic design, but over time, he received a substantial visual overhaul, giving him a more dynamic and powerful appearance that better reflects his status as the Norse God of Thunder.
The animations, the visual, the ability effects and the voice line and audio too are better than ever. It has become my favorite caracter!


Ymir has never looked better. Being able to launch himself with his wall is so fun. The light blue that his effects have gotten makes his abilities look more like ice. Also his body looks more icey.


Loki in SMITE 2 looks better due to improved graphics and design elements that take advantage of enhanced engine capabilities, allowing for higher-resolution models, better textures, and more dynamic animations. Additionally, the updated art style may incorporate modern visuals trends and design philosophies, making the character more visually appealing and aligned with contemporary gaming aesthetics. This evolution reflects the overall advancements in game design and technology since the original version.


Ymir! But only so far. Can’t wait to see the rest.


For me it has to go to Zeus. I love the possibility that Zeus could be run as an ADC. The change of his second ability from Aegis shield to Thunder Clap really sets up him to be flexible.

It also feels awesome that Zeus could turn into a gatling gun lightning gunner, a sneaky jungler, or stay traditional in the mid lane.


Definitely Ares, I like how brightness his armor is, also the fire effect is much better than S1.


Neith with the new skin everyone had to play it i like it too


Jing! Was scared that her kit would get changed drastically but happy to her that she remains relatively the same. Being able to queue up to 12 bolts is rad and her ult change is also fun. (RESUBMITTED CAUSE OOPS)


Ymir has definitely gotten a glow-up. His wall and being able to be one punch Ymir!


Hades. His reworks are amazing with his ult being able to press his first 3 buttons. Reworks that add depth are incredible!


Jing Wei, I love to play that God! So I choose her <3

Ford James's avatar

Hey Belce, welcome to JA and thanks for entering this bounty! Is there anything specific about Jing Wei that makes you think she's had the best glow up? When it comes to bounty entries, the more detail, the better to increase your chances of winning a reward! ✌


I'd say Bellona has to be up there. The added effects and deep colors to each of her abilities (especially bludgeon) are so satisfying to hit; beautifully deadly.

BN_Bears's avatar

Chaac 100% Lost that slight dad bod shape and is lookin like a true Mayan beast. My man didn't skip the gym this time around.
EDIT: The new lightning VFX make him look amazing in battle too

Deacon's avatar

Has to be Ymir for me, his skins have always been amazing, but much better with the new engine! Apart from looks, his little changes to his kit, like having more mobility during abilities really helps him to keep up with other gods!


Hacate has the most potential i believe.


I think Anhur cuz he haven't change much from the beginning of Smite, and I love all the changes made for Smite 2


Zeus I believe had the best glow up. Coming with a new skill that changes completely the gameplay


The "best glow up" tittle have to be for Sól, I really think that she looks stunning in Smite 2. The effects of her flames can be described as amazing as well as her basics.

I love that her 3 now leaves a new trace behind her, maybe for somebody else it can be a simple upgrade, but I think that it really looks cool. Y'all are doing a great job. 🙂‍↕️


I think it has to be either Anubis or Ymir. These two are some of the older models in Smite 2 and they really benefited from the quality of Smite 2. I think I'll give it to Anubis though, his ultimate animation is quite eye-catching.


Ymir definitely has one of the best aesthetic changes. The physics make it more organic and fluid, and its skins look great


Definitely Jing Wei. She looks so much crisper and smoother. I also like the new card art.


Fenrir, I think the effects on his abilities look very nice in Smite 2, such as his glowing hands after his 2 and especially the slash and bite effects on his 3 and ultimate.


Id have to say Ares. Animation/FX wise.


Anhur, I get that true godly feel when playing him


I think that Sol had the best glow up. She looks incredible


I believe Jing Wei got the biggest glow up. Her Smite 2 model looks great and her changed abilities feel completely fresh and new!


I’d have to say Athena. Her new art in and out of game has given her a breath of fresh air.


Probably Anhur with all the rework to his fur! Looks so good and wild


Anhur, I think his appearance is refreshed, giving him a stronger look, and he seems more 'powerful.' Not to mention the animations, which have been completely revamped, with extra attention given to the ultimate, which now seems more fluid


Biggest glow up for a character has to be Ymir since he has the biggest animation update and move set


Definitely Jing Wei the new engine with her clothing seems like she its into the Chinese pantheon a lot more clearly.

HastyBoyX's avatar

Probably Anhur, poor guy looked pretty rough in Smite 1 hahah. Still gonna wait for my boy CuChulainn looking better than ever.


Kukulkán, i've always been in love with Kukulkán in Smite 1 and with the new changes, not only in items but also in skill 2, I think he will be a very strong god.


Ares new ability 2 feels really nice to me


As a chaac main, his kit is much more interesting with int scaling on his 3. His passive got heal and his 1 can be cancelled wich is necessary imo. With smite 2 chaac only got better.


Aphrodite! She has so many skins and they’ve shown how much she’s changed over the years


Jing Wei, The passive for her 2 is insane!


YMIR!! definitely, ymir! He is now more imposing and his barrier can take all the attention!

Boomer's avatar

Hi TvSerious, welcome to Just About and congrats on making the first bounty submission in the Just About SMITE 2 community!😊

Ymir is an absolute unit! I love how his skins are like a comparison of wisdom vs kindness 😆

  • Top left: Wise but mean

  • Top right: Wise and kind

  • Bottom left: Mindless and mean

  • Bottom right: Mindless and kind

Boomer's avatar

Hi inkagnedo, great choice! What is it you like about the new Jing Wei?

Ford James's avatar

Hey Dae, welcome to Just About and thanks for entering this bounty! To increase your chances of winning a reward, can you tell us a little more about why you think Anhur has had the best glow up? ✌

Ford James's avatar

Hey BiQaz, welcome to Just About and thanks for entering this bounty! To increase your chances of winning a reward, can you tell us a little more about why you think Jing Wei has had the best glow up? ✌

Rich's avatar

Loving the surge of bounty submissions here, but please check the submission instructions! We're looking for a little detail on why you think your pick has done so well coming into SMITE 2:

"explain why you rank their glow up at the top of the list"

If you've already submitted, you can edit your submission to expand on it a little.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Vingamer, welcome to Just About! Just a heads up, you've submitted a comment rather than a bounty entry, so to ensure you're eligible for a reward, make sure you click "submit to this bounty" below the description rather than just replying to the thread. Also, to increase your chances of winning a reward, can you tell us a little more about why you think Neith has had the best glow up? ✌

Rich's avatar

Hey ELGuapo7u7, welcome to Just About and thanks for entering this bounty! Would you be able to expand on this a little, though? As per the bounty description we're also looking for a little detail on why you think Hades's glow up in SMITE 2 has been so good.


Jing! Was scared that her kit would get changed drastically but happy to her that she remains relatively the same. Being able to queue up to 12 bolts is rad and her ult change is also fun.

Rich's avatar

Hey jinxed, welcome to Just About and thanks for getting involved in this bounty! This is a good answer, appreciate the extra details, but you've added a reply to this thread rather than a bounty submission. Could you please copy/paste this into a submission using the purple 'submit to this bounty' button above? Otherwise we won't be able to award you. Thanks!


Anhur looks stunning right now

Ford James's avatar

Hey Stephent, welcome to Just About and thanks for entering this bounty! Just a heads up that it’d be great if you could expand on your entry a little as we’re looking for a bit more detail as to why you reckon Anhur has had the biggest glow up, but also, you’ve accidentally submitted a comment rather than a bounty entry. Scroll up, click “submit to this bounty”, and type your entry there to ensure you’re eligible for a prize! ✌️


Jing Weir hands down!! My girl got the glow up we all meeded

Ford James's avatar

Hey Larrix43, welcome to Just About and thanks for entering this bounty! Just a heads up, you've replied to this bounty with a comment rather than a bounty submission. To ensure you're eligible for a prize, make sure you click "submit to this bounty" below the description! And to increase your chances of winning a reward, can you tell us a little more about why you think Jing Wei has had the best glow up? ✌

AbyKwon117's avatar

Me agradan todos los personajes que hay de momento pero siento que destaca mucho mas el dios chac, por sus efectos de habilidad, rendimiento y diseño

Ford James's avatar

Hey AbyKwon117, welcome to Just About! Unfortunately, in our current version, we can only accept English language bounty entries, but you're more than welcome to use a translation tool if you're not fluent in English!

Additionally, just as a heads up, you've replied to this thread with a comment rather than a bounty entry. To be eligible for a prize, make sure you click the 'submit to this bounty' button below the description and submit your entry in English. Apologies for the inconvenience but thank you for understanding! ✌

Ford James's avatar

Hey Pnut8989, thanks for entering this bounty! Can you give us a little more detail on why you think Ymir has had the best glow up? The more detail, the better as it'll increase your chance of winning a prize!


Artemis, her basic appeareance is much more striking and defined than the older version.

Also Eset. She had previously been defined a "foot". Looking much better now


The best is Chac!!!


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