There are 21 gods in SMITE 2 that are returning from the first game, including some iconic names such as Hades, Odin, Zeus, and Loki, and they've all had a few visual tweaks. Some are subtle, some less so, but sometimes it's the smallest touches that just bring a look together. Our question to you is: who's found the perfect belt/total wardrobe change? Who's had the best glow up?
All you need to do for this bounty is tell us which of SMITE 2's returning gods is most improved, in a purely cosmetic sense, from the first game to the second and why! Include screenshots or link to trailers if you want, but that's optional; main thing is to explain why you rank their glow up at the top of the list. Compare standard/default skins only please (but feel free to mention your favourite alternates).
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$58 / 100
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