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Cloggedbean's avatar

The first thing I noticed when playing smite 2 was the visuals. They are looking great. Chaac was the first god i played in smite 2 and with his new lightening affects you can really see the improvements from smite 1


The changes from the first alpha weekend to now are night and day. In addition to game feel getting better, the game looks significantly better and seems reasonably well optimized, at least for an alpha.

I'm a big fan of Smite 2 and really am more-or-less transitioning to just playing this instead of Smite, at this point. There are lots of balance problems right now (including how impactful autos are vs mages who don't rely on autos), but the game is just super fun and expressive so far.

Right now the biggest criticisms I can see are about the shop (still kind of unintuitive), lack of tutorials and ways to learn, and matchmaking (which is something that will improve with more players, of course).


Smite 2 is very good!!

It faithfully adapts Smite 1 into a modern engine, and while in its alpha state (many bugs), the actual gameplay of the game is pretty well without bugs and is overwhelmingly really well made, and has surprisingly improved in a rapid pace. At the start of Closed Alpha 1 I thought the game was gonna be something I'd never like, but after 4 closed alpha, a graphics overhaul, and many changes directly requested from the community in a short time, HiRez has done amazing work making Smite 2 a fantastic and deserved sequel, even in the earliest stage of the full 24/7 alpha. Amazing work, and as a player with over 5000 hours in Smite 1, I feel like it's a worthy sequel to the godly game of Smite!

Characters control correct- they feel right- and heck, they almost always feel better than Smite 1. I have no idea what kinda magic they used to do that, but it's very true.

My friends, who hated Smite 1, are playing Smite 2- and loving it! It's impressive, considering they're die-hard league of legends players who are fully committed to League, but after Smite 2 came out- they've played like 50 hours! It's an awesome time to be a Smite player, and somehow it being only the first patch of the 24/7 alpha is insane to me. HiRez, you've made insane progress, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

I'm also very excited for the LAN! Having some form of e-sports be available again is such a blast. It's electric!


As someone who came from the original SMITE since its first season, SMITE 2 has a lot of potential. I think the overall foundation of SMITE 2 is better than the original, but as it stands with the first closed alpha build, it has its problems like any early alpha. My one main fear is balancing, something we will see how they’ll deal with in the second closed alpha.

With some of the gods being well overtuned scaling, like Bacchus or Susano, and gods having undertuned scaling, like Odin or Zeus, I’m worried S2 will fall under the weight of balancing, similar to some of the gods in SMITE 1. With the smaller god pool, I do think they should have an easier time with balancing the over and undertuned, but they all depends on how they are listening and who they are listening to.

I love and much prefer the 1 relic system, but one thing I wish they could carry over from smite 1 is the evolving of said relics. I think it would help nerf/buff the relics in terms of early, mid, and late game (Sunder is just too good in the early game, but I can see it staying the same for mid or late game in which most abilities outside of Sunder can one shot camps.)

The performance of the game is at a consistent 60-70 FPS, which is way better than how SMITE 2 started out. There are a few hiccups here and there but overall games run smoothly.

I expected bugs to be in the alpha, but some are more annoying than others. The fact my settings can just randomly revert back after each launch is probably the most problematic one outside of god bugs.

I love the items and building in SMITE 2, but I am still not a fan of the shop. It feels much less intuitive than its SMITE 1 counterpart. The role tabs aren’t all that effective either as there are items that should be in one tab, but it is in fact in another. Purchasing from the shop just feels a lot slower compared to SMITE 1. There are definitely some item buffs that need to occur though, specifically with anti-crit and tank items.

The jungle practice needs some work. Like being able to change the god bot, sellable starter and relic, have a moving target for aim practice, etc. I personally think even adding an empty conquest map to practice role starting positions and rotations would be a nice touch, especially for the esport crowd. I’ve heard that a tutorial is on the way, so I hope that improvements on pre-game practice will also be implemented. Also it would be neat to be able to change gods without leaving and coming back to the jungle practice, though I don’t know how practical that would be.

Skin/cosmetic costs definitely need to be looked at. There aren’t a lot of legacy skins in the game yet, but the fact that Joki Loki, a skin that originally costed 400 gems, now costs 2600 legacy gems? The founder pack’s 2x legacy gems are essentially useless now since the Joki skin costs 6.5x MORE gems. Also the fact that SMITE 2 exclusive skins cost legacy gems is kind of idiotic, legacy gems should ONLY be used for cross gen and legacy skins in my opinion, but even then Legacy Gems feel kind of pointless at the moment as all the skins except Joki and Meltdown require the S2 currency (which everyone starts off with 0) Diamonds.

Lastly, I hope they don’t ONLY test balancing with the flash tests. I think what they should do is use the flash tests as a good ground to balance the pre-existing gods in the closed and use the feedback for a bonus patch and keep the new gods and features saved for the upcoming true patch.

Inpunktion's avatar

I have enjoyed Smite since its inception, during its highs and lows. This game may be considered niche to a lot of MOBA players who ignore it for other well-known games and that is fair considering how strikingly different it is from the traditional MOBA game. I would also argue it even has a steeper learning curve depending on the role and god you choose to learn but once you understand it and experience your first big game-changing play wow does it feel phenomenal. But let's talk about Smite 2 so far and my first impressions.

I first learned about and played Smite 2 through the occasional flash alpha tests that were put out before the closed alpha was released and wow the game was rough, abilities didn't match up or sometimes wouldn't even animate properly, everything felt slow, floaty, and clunky, it was a real mess but from the last few tests into now the closed alpha the game has made some incredible improvements, what is most important is... The game feels fun to play, it feels like Smite but with room to stretch and grow and become something great. The developers have been hard at work making fun new items and implementing old fan favorite Smite 1 items as well as revitalizing old god abilities, and the games have been a blast, my main gripe with the game at this point is it is even less new player friendly than its predecessor, certainly to be expected with a closed alpha however I think it is crucial to create a functional and compelling tutorial to gain new players favor and keep them coming back to learn more about gods kits and the map they will be playing on. Right now there is no such implementation and anyone trying out the alpha who hasn't set foot in the battleground of the gods before is in for some aches and pains, until that issue is worked out if you have been here before or you're willing to stick through the growing pains I guarantee you will find plenty of fun in Smite 2.


I played 2 conquest the first alpha, that made me decide to skip alpha 2, and I  played 1 arena and try testing the game in the jungle practice this alpha, that was all I needed to say that smite 2 its completely trash, Im not hating without reason, I love smite 1 and I truly believe that it is one of the best games of all time, but you are doing all the basic things wrong, even trying to auto attack a minion feels bad, I can say a lot more things about the item store, the balance but its not my job, its suppose you have “experts” working and making the best decisions for the game. Don’t justify yourself just saying that its an “alpha” it is really lame.


As someone who has played Smite 1 since early Alpha and played the Alpha of Smite 2;

Matchmaking is an issue, it needs more tuning and probably more players to make it work better. Loving the new queue system that matches premades but I don’t think 5v5 belongs in the same bracket as regular ranked lobbies. I think having a monthly « event » similar to Clash in league of legends would be a good compromise for those interested in that kind of challenge.

Playwise; the game feels phenomenal compared to the first weeks. Everything is very responsive, clear and I havn’t experienced lag or stuttering or rubberbanding. How smoothly active items incorporate between god kits and autos is smoother than expected and really allows for advanced mecanics to shine and open up builds.

The new conquest map layout feels large but manageable. Objectives are well scattered and numbrous enough to always have something to do around the map. The current “ meta” favours aggression and rewarding it with a lack of anti-snowball systems which is GOOD. The new relic system is unfortunatly unbalanced currently. Beside Combat Blink, Sunder is the only other Relic that is currently worth picking up as the others don’t lend to this aggresive meta or are too lackluster to be worth the game long investment. The new actives are fun and interesting as they add play verstality to every god. Tho I think a maximum of 2 actives would be enough instead of the current 3.

Balance wise; Susano, Jing Wei and Sol completly outshine everyone else. Susano brings too much mobility for the damage he puts out making him near impossible to deal with for inexperienced players. Sol passive interacting with her new ability to build crit makes her essentially able to double crit. By the end of the first minion wave she is easily able to bully out any lane opponent uncontested. I believe that modifying her kit to have an overheat or abilities costing her passive charge on use would help balance her out and help make her more manageable. Jing Wei being able to hold 9 auto crits aoes is her main issue. Having her not be able to hold charges would help balance her out.

As a Support main; the current sunder meta is fun. Unfortunatly it means that anyone who isn’t experienced in mobas or knows about it can cost the early game and sometimes even the midgame for everyone on the team. Wards timers being so short lived (only 60 seconds) further promotes invade meta and snowballing as vision isnt reliable enough to promote safer play and preventing invades. Towers are too easy to destroy and do not hurt enough. All the supports feel great, new gods being viable as supports thanks to the new active system is very fun and refreshing. The changes to Baccus and Ymir are great and fun but while the new passive for Ares is great the new ult feels lackluster. I believe garenteeing the stun on pulls and in melee range of him would be fine concidering the number of ways between ultimates, actives and relic as well as regular abilities that make you displacement immune would make him still feel powerful without taking him into unmanageable territories. I look forward to the team modifying other returning god kits.

UI: the shop is overwhelming and clunky at times, auto builds are great and I hope they are updated/reviewed regularly as to not fall behind and I canno’t wait for settings to stop resetting regularly.

Keep up the great work. Smite 2 feels promising and fun and I am excited to see where the near future takes it.


It clearly still needs work, there are somethings that need to be more visible during fights. For example Chaac 1, certain items are very strange but also very interesting.

The game itself is very fun. It runs well and I hope it brings in new players, I really hope they nail the esports scene for the game because that carried SMITE 1 towards its later years. Allowing orgs back in, keep regions separate so Lans are more hype, etc.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

At the first glance, the game doesn't look all that different, the main change are the visuals that looks really good now, and some little improvements (some didn't work very well) and general tweaks. In my opinion the Smite 2 has some problems like Overwatch 2, not just that bad but we can make this link.

It looks almost the same game but I think it has significant improvements in some parts specially in the flow of the gameplay it looks smoother and responsive and it make a significant difference, could not be that great for some people but we can think in a good exemple that is the CS: GO (not the CS2), the improvements of CS:GO to Source are very similar to the Smite 2 in compassion to the first Smite. So I'm really happy with the new Smite game but I think that it can improve a little more in the balance of the Gods and some systems like the auto buy in the itens store.

And the only thing I think is really bad is the development speed, for a paid Alpha the development should be a little faster at least i could be a concise roadmap and easy to read for everybody to see what is been made and planed. Like every roadmap around there it's almost impossible to keep everything accord to the plan but it gives a good idea how the game we are helping in founding are going.


Ever since I saw the announcement for Smite 2, I've been really eager to try it out. I was lucky enough to be selected to play the first alphas of the game and since that first alpha the game has been improving more and more. For me, the biggest change was the transition to Unreal Engine 5. I noticed a significant improvement in the game graphics, especially in the characters and maps. Unfortunately I don't have a very good PC and I noticed that my fps dropped a lot compared to Smite 1, something that I think will be resolved until the official launch of Smite 2. In terms of gameplay, Smite 2 is very similar to Smite 1, something that I find very positive, as Smite 1 players will feel comfortable when trying Smite 2. One change that I found very interesting was the items. There are still several items that came from Smite 1 but new items were also implemented, improving and encouraging the construction of new synergies. Another negative thing is the pace of the game, in Smite 2 the game seemed slower to me compared to Smite 1, something that sometimes makes games extremely long, reaching up to 1 hour per game. In general, I thought the Smite 2 alpha was good, still with some bugs but they will certainly be fixed by the official launch, but with a lot of potential.

yan57436's avatar

My experience with Smite 2 so far has been exciting, as I had played Smite 1 a long time ago and decided to give 2 another go. Visually, the game is good, with nice graphics. The interface still bothers me a little, but I think this is common when starting a new game, especially with MOBAS. The content on the internet is still a bit limited, especially when it comes to builds, but some sites are still helpful, as well as content creators on YouTube.

The balance of items and skills is still unbalanced, which is normal due to the stage of the game, such as characters causing damage with defensive builds. I'm looking forward to seeing how the game evolves, I see great potential. I hope that the frustrated experiences of the current live services can guide the developers. The game has everything it needs, personality, fans who like it, I think it just needs something to attract new players, I can't say for sure what that would be.

JHenckes's avatar

I played every day of the smite 2 alpha when I had free time in my routine, and I tried to make the most of it (I've played the first game a lot and I've always enjoyed playing with friends).

Now I see that this game has more positive points than negative ones, but I'll list the main ones that I think are important to comment on:

- The graphics are ABSURDLY BEAUTIFUL. It's incredible what you can do with UE5, everything is so beautiful, skills, character design, setting, fluidity... there's been a huge evolution in this area.

- The character selection screen and also the interface during battle has become something very cool, it's easy to move around, it's more intuitive, and above all, there's a lot more CLARITY, that's very important and it's been done very well here.

- On the negative side, I think Smite 2 has tried to embrace a few things from other mobas, such as active inventory items and a simplified store. This can be seen in a positive light for new players, but speaking for myself who already played the 1st game, I thought it was a bad change

- Speaking only for myself, I really liked the changes to the jungle, it made the gameplay more complex and useful, I saw it as a way of enhancing the line. I've noticed some criticism about this, hitting on the point of complexity, but I think that's something more personal to each person.

- It's not something positive or negative, but it is something I'm aware of. It's about the pay-to-win nature of the game or possible predatory monetization. I hope the game doesn't evolve into that, I liked Smite 1 too because it didn't have this anti-consumer approach, so it's something I'll be looking into when the game is released.

ChrisTDickson's avatar

My first impressions of SMITE 2 were at Worlds at the beginning of the year, where we closed out Season 10 of SMITE 1. It was a bittersweet moment, and challenging to predict my future as a SMITE content creator.

Since then working with the devs in the ambassador discord, and seeing the hard work going into the game. Im very excited where SMITE 2 is at right now compared to where it was months prior. I genuinely believe SMITE 2 has the potential to surpass any peaks SMITE 1 ever had.

Elech's avatar

So far Smite 2 seems fun. Around 8000 hours in Smite 1 it is a nice change. I do think as more Gods come in to the game it will eventually be better than Smite 1. Most of the change so far are in the right direction. Little things such as directional spacebar jumps and unique animations based on how you're standing when you throw auto attacks just makes Smite 2 that more complete and feel more polished. Once The game goes live I see this this game getting top 3 for mobas.

Downsides ofcourse the small roster but that will come with time.

I don't think ranked should have been a day one gamemode although it is there only for testing.

It is a shame there are no real changes to arena but I do hope something new is added for Joust


Here are my main thoughts about Smite 2 as Casual and Ranked player of 7 years:
Also this is just based off the closed alpha so far.

  • Aggression and Teamwork are the 2 biggest factors in deciding games. Don't wait to apply pressure, make the first move. Sun Tzu art of war, choose the battlefield. I love that Smite 2 really puts more freedom in the hands of players to decide games instead of adhering to a strict meta when playing equivalent talent/skill.

  • Visually stunning without being overly cluttered. I enjoy the move from UE3 to UE5. The abilities from each god really look as good as good they feel.

  • Item store still needs work, Clunky to find certain items, double clicking doesn't buy an item unless single clicked first even when hovering over. At this point I just auto buy so I can just run back out because it's not efficient for me to look for items. I would like the feature to build your own preset item configurations and load in to a game.


MY first impression of Smite 2 is that it's still an Alpha and it has too much to do yet, It's true that graphics are gorgeous and the game is fun but for somebody who comes from Smite 1 it is too much material to release yet and it's innevitable to compare with Smite 1.

My PC specs are Intel i7 6700K with an GTX 1070 graphics card, for Smite 1 is more than enough, I can play at 144 FPS at FHD with every graphics option to max but for Smite 2 in low graphics I can barely make 60 FPS.

Playing Smite 2 today I noticed that the graphics is still too bright my eyes hurts but I know theres a lot of adjustment to do and I'll be waiting for them.

About the gameplay what I liked most is the variety of items to interact with, teleports, cooldown, etc... definitely requires to be more skilled from the player, theres the big diference between S1 and S2.


I am fairly new to Smite as I've only played for about a year. So far I've played in every alpha test weekend and caught a few flash tests when I could. Here are my thoughts.


  • Overall, the game is a lot easier for me. I find it easier to hit autos and manage my lane. I also like the removal of the complex starts. I think it is much more beginner-friendly to simply go for one camp and then go to lane versus the dragging that we do in Smite 1.

  • I like the role descriptions and the new role queuing that has/will be added. I think being able to rank all five roles allows the player to better how often they want to receive each role. I also think the role descriptions are useful for beginners and are a good refresher for experienced players.

  • I like the return of old objectives and the addition of new ones. You are never bored in the lane and when the laning phase ends, there's always an objective to go for.

  • I think the new item system is better. It is a lot simpler in the long run and gives many more building options. You can still make familiar builds like you would in Smite 1, but now you also have extra options that weren't accessible before.

  • The new ascension passes are great and I like the ability to customize your god cards.


  • The item shop is poorly designed. The item trees are confusing and the tab system could be better. I find that the item list is nice. I like how it divides items into further categories after you select a tab (damage, hybrid, and defense). However, the tabs persist after being clicked. You have to unclick each tab to return to default which is tedious. Also, I think there should be a consumables tab so that they are easier to access.

  • I think that the skin prices are a bit steep. I know that there eventually will be chests, battle passes, and other mechanisms so that they player won't have to spend the entire upfront cost. However, transferred skins are significantly higher in S2 than they are in S1 and I think that the cost could be more reasonable.

Overall I think that this alpha is on the right track. They've made a lot of progress over this year and many issues I've had in the past I don't have anymore.


So I've played Smite 1 for a long time, and after playing Smite 2 quite a bit I find it to be very fun and refreshing! I like many of the small changes that have been added to the gods, such as the new passive Ares has and the ability to refresh Loki 1 on kill. I also very much enjoy the changes that have been made to the Conquest map, such as gold bounty that can be claimed in mid lane. Active items are also very fun to use and incorporate into builds, and works well with the 1 relic mechanic that is now present in the game.

What I think should be top priority for improvement includes the item shop, since I feel like I'm losing to the shop most of the time, spending much more time than necessary to find items and constantly clicking to buy or clear the filters, and I can only imagine what its like for a new player to navigate the shop. I also think that protection scaling on abilities should be reimagined in such a way that damage is not the main benefit gained, for I should not be able to kill enemy gods from full health as a full tank Bacchus. Perhaps the damage scaling due to protections could be changed so that the protections boost some other part of the ability, such as the heal on Bacchus 1 or boosting the effects of being drunk rather than simply adding high damage. I think a perfect example of what I'm talking about is how Hades silence and fear are extended by having more protections!

Sturmer's avatar

I've only spent a few hours playing, so it's too early to make a final judgment or review, especially since the game is still in alpha testing.

However, one key issue jumped on me - the lack of any sort of tutorials. If there is a tutorial, I somehow missed it. While the game does display most essential information, such as abilities, match stats, and even an autobuild feature, which acts like an autopilot (a nice touch), there are other crucial aspects that aren't explained. Things like shops, the roles of mobs and mini-bosses, and game objectives could really benefit from a tutorial to better prepare players befoce actual matches.

I believe this is vital for player retention and engagement, and it's something the developers should definitely consider addressing.


As a long time smite 1 player who's been playing smite 2 since the early pre alpha stages:

  • gameplay feel has improved a lot since early on, it's pretty comparable to the smoothness of smite 1 in most regards now

  • visuals are much clearer overall, it's not quite so flashy and blinding as it was initially which is great - but in all honesty it doesn't have that "new sparkly" feel that you'd probably initially expect from a brand new UE5 game

  • the item design and system is much improved from smite 1 in my opinion, the active system adds a lot more depth than items automatically activating on ult usage etc.

  • autobuilds are solid which is great for learning gameplay mechanics without needing to worry about being at a big disadvantage with a terrible autobuild

  • performance is surprisingly good in my experience, very solid 100 fps all on high on a midrange pc from 2 generations ago

    main downsides i've seen so far:

  • the ui is honestly pretty shocking still, the shop feels super unintuative (takes like three times as many clicks to get your starter, first t1, and three potions now) and the post game lobby / T screen just don't work as intended.

  • pretty sure matchmaking just doesn't exist, shouldn't be queueing into 5 stacks of people 3000 SR below you in ranked.

  • it's to be expected for an alpha, but balance - bacchus, jing wei, susano, proc item loki, sunder etc immediately stand out as being far too strong - which feeds into my biggest point

  • the patch cycle. it's early alpha, why wait 3 weeks for a patch? it could be due to console cert problems, but a "bonus balance" patch once a week would be immensely beneficial here, a quick numbers adjustment on the things mentioned above, as well as some key bugs (settings not saving!) would immediately improve the quality of games.


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