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mypets's avatar

One question I have is: how do you plan to keep the balance between old and new characters? We know that the original SMITE had a great diversity of gods with very different abilities and playstyles. How will SMITE 2 ensure that older gods are still viable compared to the new additions? I think it's very important to preserve the characteristics of the old ones, so I wonder how to keep them going.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

What are the main plans for the roadmap? It will keep focusing on adding new gods and balancing them, or there will gonna be new game modes and arenas, or some new functions and maybe events? Events are always welcomed!

  • When Zhong Kui, Tiamat, and Scylla :)?

  • No really please add Zhong Kui

Memes (unless?) aside

  • Are you planning to have matchmaking fully implemented before F2P? I feel like it's a big need for the game if it's going to succeed with the influx of F2P players!

  • When it comes to the community, things are very noisy and the pull is all over the place, people want one thing but someone always has an equally valid thought about it the other way- how are you balancing your core game design team/leads opinion's on what Smite 2 should be and what the community feels it should be? How do you chase that "Smite-ness" while influenced by the community?

  • Will skins be available through a ton of (frankly a little obnoxious) chests like in Smite 1, or are you planning on being a bit more forward with monetization and allow us to direct purchase skins for a normal cost?

Seriously though thank you HiRez, Smite 2 feels amazing and I can't wait to see what you guys do with it in a year's time. I'm along for the ride!

JHenckes's avatar

What are your plans for temporary game modes (like events) that we don't even see in other games, with maps, gameplays and items exclusive to that period?

What's your favorite mythology? Do you have a favorite god in the company?

yan57436's avatar

How do you see the learning curve of the game and do you have any plans to make it easier? I see the biggest difficulty with mobas as being their entry, and smite is no different. I'm an old player of dota, lol and even smite 1 but I admit I end up getting in the way sometimes haha

Sturmer's avatar

During my interview with Alex Cantatore, we barely touched on the topic of how the rating system works in Smite 2.

Could this be a good opportunity to explain how it evaluates roles in Smite 2 and addresses common issues with Elo systems?


A little deep but what is the long term plan with Smite 2? Aside from making the impossible sequel, what is a goal planned specifically for Smite 2 which would not have been possible for Smite 1


Are there any plans to expand or change the soundtrack and sound effects in the new game? If so, which soundtracks would they be?

Toretto 70's avatar

Will Smite 2 add a 1 vs 1 mode ?

TheMortonMan's avatar

This one has already been asked, but figured I'd throw it in again so it's known that people wanna know the answer:

How does the team go about deciding what Gods are being added early into the SMITE 2 roster?? Are we going off of popularity from SMITE, or maybe the Gods with the most simple kits that way it's easier to get that larger roster that we need??

Another one I thought of just recently:

How does the team go about getting voice actors?? Are they actively searching, or using bodies that are in house?? Curiosity coming from someone who has previous experience and would LOVE to be a part of a voice pack or something along those lines.

PS. please add Geb :


The Latam region will also have tournaments?


Do you plan on adding Assault in its current Smite 1 layout, or might there be changes planned for it in Smite 2? Same question goes for Joust and Slash, as well as if there is potential for Arena to get any new features.


Will Joust mode be added to Smite 2 ?

AbyKwon117's avatar
  1. Which god has caused you the most problems in general?

  2. How do you choose which new god will join the list?

  3. How do you decide what abilities each new god will have? And how long does it take to agree or choose them?

Regardless of the bad comments on other platforms, I think they are doing very well! keep it up.

1-¿Cual es el dios que más problemas les ha causado en general?

2-¿Como hacen para elegir que dios nuevo se unirá a la lista?

3-¿Como deciden las habilidades que tendrá cada dios nuevo? Y ¿cuanto tiempo tardan en ponerse de acuerdo o elegirlos?

Sin importar los malos comentarios en otras plataformas, yo creo que lo están haciendo muy bien! Sigan asi.

Dydo's avatar

What/how do you guys think about new game modes? I mean, how to balance between what SMITE should be (the "normal game") and what SMITE can be?

ChrisTDickson's avatar

What is one god that you've wanted to see in SMITE the most but we havent seen yet, that hasnt even hit the planned gods table.


Items have been created to add things to a god that their kit might be missing. Circe's Hexstone gives a God a dash. Screeching Gargoyle provides a God with a silence. Are there plans to add more items that give Gods more utility? I would love to see an item that gives God's a leap.


How do you decide who needs a remodel and who doesn't?

Also, will you all be remodeling Kali? She is one of my favorite junglers, but I feel like her design could be better.


My buddy loves Fafnir will you guys be adding him very late since I know other people don't care for him.

Also wondering when tsukuyomi is at on the list for myself.


Smite has been around for 11 years and Smite 2 is now live in Closed Alpha, but why is God Balance and Matchmaking still the areas where there's struggles?

I would think with all the games played and hours spent in this game there would be some north star in the data to follow in terms of matching players of similar skill and balancing gods so they're not broken on release.

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Balance isn't possible, and it will never be possible. There are so many factors at play when balancing a MOBA.

  • 130+ Gods

  • 60+ items

  • Early game/late game gods

  • Skill ceilings

  • Metas (Always evolving depending on the players developing the meta)

Often times things do not enter the game broken, often times there are BROKEN items that dont even get touched for 6 months because a Pro/Popular player hasn't limit tested enough of the options to create the new meta. The meta will always shift faster than balance can keep up. And the second you fix a problem, you create another.

If you're talking about gods. They need to be slightly overtuned at release to ensure enough people want to play it to get the most information possible to then properly balance the god. If you release an underwhelming god, and it's not played for that reason, you can't properly assess what needs to change. Then sometimes the gods kit is just very well made, to where adjusting the numbers dont always solve the problem. Some characters received 10+ straight nerfs after release. Not because their numbers were padded. But because the character just works well.


Who has been your least favorite god to work on and why?

Or What god are you dreading working on the most and why?

LeoMo's avatar

What are the main points to know if a god will be balanced or not?

How does the creative process of choosing abilities for the gods work?

How is the next god to enter the game chosen?

ElegantExcalibur's avatar

What is the most exciting changes, features, designs, items, etc. you have worked on or plan to work on in the near future for Smite 2 ?


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