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Dydo's avatar

My pet peeve is Yemoja. There’s nothing wrong with the god herself, and it’s not that I dislike her playstyle or anything - it’s just that my PC seems to hate her. Whenever she’s in a match, my FPS drops by around 20. I haven’t found anyone else with this issue, so it might be something in my settings, but the first time she ults, my screen stutters. By mid-game, everything’s back to normal, so it doesn’t prevent me from playing, but it’s soooo annoying.

Necrofantasian's avatar

same mistakes in balancing from smite 1, theyll release an overtuned god or item, then nerf it incredibly hard to the point where its unfun to play.

Also the crit icon not being the iconic blood splatter but a generic orange spiky icon.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Rage quitters, I know it is frustrating when things are not going as planned, but players that are not committed to their team is a way more frustrating, and see no efficient penalty for this kind of actions is very sad.

Other thing it the long wait to find a match, most of times take so long and I don't have so much free time and wait in the queue is not the best thing I can be doing in the two hours or less that I have for day to play.


I think easily my biggest pet peeve is when people don't play the game with "intent".

You can really tell when people aren't playing with intent- they throw out abilities that would only hit if the opponent walks into them, they'll use auto attacks without adjusting for the direction they're moving (shooting where they are, not where they're going), and they'll generally just not play with any "teeth".

Why use an ability if you know it's not gonna hit, except if the enemy plays as poorly as you? Why throw auto attacks that have no hope to hit anyone other than a CC'd target?

Lots of players play the game passively- and I don't just mean in the sense that they don't fight aggressively/look for fights, but they fight with the game "playing them" instead of them "playing the game". They don't think while playing, act purely reactively, and don't try to "push" their game state into a position that is "winning". It's a huge mentality thing, and while I get that Smite is heavier on the casual side, I really think the community could use a change in perception that would allow them to play better and enjoy the game more actively, rather than just playing reactively.

Neyamavu's avatar
  • My biggest pet peeve is time-to-kill. Hear me out on my unpopular opinion. If I were a new player and stumbled upon Smite 2 without any prior experience, I would open the game, go through the tutorial, and then try out a real match of either Arena or Conquest (depends which one it shoves towards new players) and I explode... Chances are, I don't understand why that happened. With slower health loss, that gives more time for me to react to the fact that my health is going down, gives me more time to try out my kit, and it just improves skill expression. That last point people fight on, but longer ttk=more action economy=more decisions=more skill.

  • My other gripe is the fact that the UI on the T screen (the screen that tells you how you died) is just broken. As an experienced bad player, I wanna know what pretty skill colors hit me while I was blinking irl and convinced my character to vanish. Sure the numbers are there, but I would like abilities associated with said numbers.

  • Last, this one is because I'm petty, but I hate Nu Wa minions. They always work for my opponents and never for me. Yes, this is a skill issue, and yes, I do know that there is a targeter to make them lock on. This will not get me to stop complaining about them. This is the most inconsequential pet peeve of mine because I face it alone. Screw Nu Wa minions. Where's my Tiamat minions at?

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Players who quit the game/stop playing at the first moment that something goes wrong. The intent is to win, for sure. But being unable to handle something not going your way, and wasting 9 other players time, is genuinely baffling.


this drives me up the wall, like, if you only play games that you win immediately you're never going to improve


For me, one of my biggest pet peeves in SMITE 2 is when teammates dont communicate or even give basic callouts. Whether its missing enemies or grouping up, it feels like Im shouting into the void sometimes-

Another is when players immediately surrender after one or two lost team fights. Its a multiplayer game, comebacks happen all the time, so why give up so easily?

ROZEPOP's avatar

My biggest pet peeve in Smite 2 currently is Hecate's interaction with ally gods. You press space to buff them, but if they walk away, it ends. It takes long and if you're not on VC, you can't coordinate bc there's no text chat. Hecate is so fun but I never use her passive because of that


Nu Wa and spamming her fog and minions from under tower is so annoying to play against. The fog goes almost from tower to towerand nearly does enough to finish kill the wave minions. Then the clay soldiers get summoned and distracts the wave minions from going under tower. In the mean time the fog has come off cooldown to finish off the wave. The clay soldiers last long enough watch the wave die and run you down and bite your ankles. With cooldown the fog can be ready to be used almost immediately adtter disapating and the clay soldiers can be summoned after timing outt. She can do all this without going into harms way by staying under tower. If she does get into any danger her ult just removes her from the game for a bit and lets her travel a bit. Then disappear into the fog once more and back to spamming the fog and soldiers to clear the wave without leaving tower range.

ElegantExcalibur's avatar

Not having Lono's Mask and Fighter's Mask as starters despite the extra emphasis on role flexibility. I'd love to see them return in some form to further add to the role flexibility and the item and starter options they have.


For me it’s pretty specific to just Smite 2. When the devs announced that in some cases you could get stuck in a “dead queue” basically (the time counts up, but you aren’t going to find a game). Obviously this is annoying as you don’t realize when this might be happening until your like 4-5 min in the q, then have to restart get to that time again and again question if your actually going to find a game. Not sure if this has been fixed, but I’ve certainly dealt with it a few times

yan57436's avatar

My biggest pet peeve is simply when someone quits the selection of gods 1-2s before the game starts, it's just frustrating! Another thing that really annoys me is when I try my best to communicate with the team and they just don't respond, I have no problem with them disagreeing with my idea of the game, the problem is simply their indifference to an ally who wants to win, very annoying!

TheMortonMan's avatar

Personally, I'm not a HUGE fan (or a fan at all) of players that autolock a God during the picks and bans phase AS SOON AS THEY GET THERE. Now we have to cater out team comp around that god/gods, or we don't have a valid team comp at all. Kind of annoying!! It's one thing when you're gaming with friends and can communicate stuff like this, but random players you haven't met before?? Come on!!

JHenckes's avatar

For me, it will always be when someone steals my kill after I've done the perfect combo on the enemy, just missing that last blow.... just one more.... I'm already angry just thinking about it hahaha. I know that teamwork is important, but this will drive anyone crazy!


The amount people afking, leaving the game, trolling with no punishment or at least not a good enough punishment really ruin the game right now unless you're in elite queue, but it's unplayable below that.


Not having vote to kick. With the amount of people throwing games or leaving and then logging back into a match just to sit in base, it's time to have a way to vote bad teammates out of a match. I'd rather fight a 4v5 than just surrender a loss because someone is feeding the other team.


Vote kicking in a MOBA is very very risky, in games where team play is so critical and people can party up. It could lead to a lot of toxic action.


I agree it's a risky trade off but that's why I think the alpha would be where to try it. Not in Open Beta. The tough part would be a system that judges player action in real time during matches. It would be essentially like having a virtual referee and one that's able to spot intentional feeding, afk in fountain or elsewhere, and other offenses that ruin the integrity of the game.

I'm not sure how Hi-Rez did it in smite classic where they determined if a player did something worth reporting in the game at the end game score screen, but if there's nothing to disincentivize toxic behavior then we're just conceding that nothing can be done and we're going to have to accept people can ruin games without consequence.

At which point yeah, I'd just play with my group and be less incentivized to party up with new people.


My personal pet peeve in SMITE 2 is how not learning from the mistakes or issues in SMITE 1. Fatalis was an issue in that game to the point where it was removed. It currently is an issue in my eyes in this game. Its unfun to play against and we already learned that haste is not a cool mechanic. We removed it from everyones kits in smite 1 and we removed the item for how many years and now suddenly in SMITE 2 we have it back for everyone to buy.


I disagree. I think it's now the perfect trade off. Just power and attack speed, no more penetration so that was a good balancing change. You're sacrificing another pen/crit item for haste so you'll do less dmg per hit to be able to move without penalty which is countered by hard cc and slows. So yeah Fatalis is fine now.


I gotta disagree, its unfun to play against or dive. If you position correctly you can kite another who is trying to cc, or dive you. But I respect your input


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