How to play Bellona in Smite 2!
Bellona is a bruiser that can be terrifying to face if left unchecked. She scales well building basic attack focused.
Bellona's passive has quite a few effects to it. Firstly, she gains movement speed when hitting, being hit by basic attacks. This helps her stick on to enemies when being attacked and attacking. Depending on which ability you use, you will also receive another benefit from your passive. I'll explain in each ability what that bonus is.
Bellona's 1 is a short dash forward that deals damage in a cone and slows. Upon striking, she gets a "block" stack that makes her absorb all damage from a basic attack and reflect a portion of the damage to enemies around her. After using Bellona's 1, she will switch to a sword & shield. This makes her passive now give a stack of "block" on every 3rd hit of a basic attack. The sword & shield stance is perfect for dealing with enemies who do a lot of damage through basic attacks such as Anhur or Jing Wei. A very useful tool for dealing with carries.
Bellona's 2 is a spin into a slam that deals damage, and increases said damage if hitting enemy gods with the spin. This is Bellona's burst damage she otherwise lacks in her kit. It is also her main way of clearing her minion wave. After using Bellona's 2, she switches to a hammer that can hit multiples enemies at once (great for dealing with waves as well) and gives her strength each time she hits someone with a basic attack. The main use of the hammer is to clear waves, as the other abilities have more preferable passives against gods.
Bellona's 3 is a line ability that disarms (unable to use basic attacks) enemies and deals damage. After using Bellona's 3, she switches to "Scourge", which gives her attack speed stacks and heals on each basic attack hit. This ability is great for fighting any god in general due to stacking attack speed and passive heal. Also great for objectives to stay alive longer and deal more damage.
Bellona's 4 is a leap that plants a flag on the ground. If landing on an enemy with the flag, they get stunned. This flag will create an area that empowers you and allies with strength, intelligence, physical protection and magical protection. Bellona's ultimate is a great engage tool as well as an escape tool. The stun can be valuable for securing a kill that may be too far otherwise. The leap portion of this ability also makes it a valuable escape if you get stuck in a bad situation. Since it is a leap, it can also avoid incoming abilities, including ultimate's like Ra's or Poseidon's.
Bellona can either be played in the Solo Lane or as a Support. Here is what I would build in the Solo Lane.
Death's Toll: This starter works extremely well on Bellona due to her 3rd ability specifically. It makes for great sustain and keeps Bellona in the fight for an extended amount of time.
Depending on what you're going against, you will either get Berserker's Shield for the powerful passive, or Shogun's Ofuda if you need immediate resist to magical damage.
Golden Blade: This item gives Health, attack speed and a powerful passive to do more damage and help with clearing waves.
Pharoah's Cruse: Grants attack speed as well as a helpful active that slows down enemy movement speed and attack speed. Mixed protections as well to help with anyone who faces Bellona.
Berserker's Shield/Shogun's Ofuda: This is dependent on what you grabbed first, here you will buy the other item.
Qin's Blade: This item makes Bellona much more threatening now that your auto's are very fast and do additional damage based off enemy health.
Stampede: Helps the Bellona and the team to stay on top of targets.
Here is what I would build as a Support.
Note: I recommend using Bellona's aspect in the support role. It makes her have very good healing and help her allies counter basic attackers.
War flag: Grants movement speed and attack speed upon minion kill assist. Helps Bellona and the Carry to keep pressure in lane.
Pharoah's Curse: Great item to build early due to the active effect. Makes it nearly impossible for the enemy Carry and Support to fight you and your Carry
Shogun's Ofuda: Helps the Carry and other basic attackers a lot, including Bellona herself
Eros' Bow: This item combined with Bellona's 3 allows her to rack up them healing numbers and patch an ally up in a near instant as long as you have some target to basic attack.
Berserker's Shield: A generally useful item to have on bellona, great for staying alive while attacking.
Talisman of Purification: Depending on the enemy comp you may need to build this earlier to counter big CC's such as Fenrir ult.
Stampede: As with Solo Lane, helps the Bellona and the team to stay on top of targets.