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Bellona Goddess of war

Bellona is one of the most variable characters thanks to her different changes and buffs that she gains thanks to her diverse abilities, being the goddess of war she uses different weapons in her favor gaining different advantages that can be combined and make Bellona a real nightmare in 1 vs 1 combats or in team fights.

can be used as Sololane


Passive (Master of war): When Bellona hits or is hit by a basic attack she gains stacks of movement speed and depending on what weapon you are using you will gain the following stacks :

  • If you are using the back and shield, you will gain stacks of physical and magical protection

  • If you are using the whip or scourge, you will gain stacks of attack speed

  • If you are using the hammer, you will gain stacks of strength

  • It is worth noting that you can combine the stacks you win by quickly switching between abilities.

  1. First ability (Shield bash): Bellona dashes forward with the shield dealing physical damage and slowing enemies hit, she also gains block stacks for nothing hit which reflects the damage received or a portion of the blocked damage to enemies around her.

  2. Second ability (Bludgeon): Bellona uses her hammer to spin around dealing area damage and then jump and deliver a straight line punch that deals physical damage, the final slam of the hammer increases its damage for each god hit in the previous spin attack.

  3. Third ability (Scourge): Lash out with your Scourge doing Physical Damage and silencing or disarming enemy gods making them unable to use their basic attacks, also when using The basic attacks of this ability will heal Bellona a little.

  4. Fourth ability (Eagle's Rally): Bellona jumps and plants a flag on the ground creating an area dealing physical damage and slowing enemies within the area, in addition to the created area will give you and your allies within the area an increase in Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection and Magical Protection. You are immune to CC while jumping and placing the flag on the ground


Bellona has several builds since she can be used in several ways but I will give you a good build to start using the goddess and optional items that you can add.

Optional items

How to play?

Bellona has a diverse variety of abilities that can be combined to make combos that can do great damage to enemies, I will give you some tips to start playing:

  • Remember that you can have all the passive stacks at the same time as long as you quickly switch between abilities in a fight which gives you a certain advantage over the enemy.

  • The third ability or the Scourge is a great tool to start a fight by silencing or disarming enemies, as well as being a great way to prevent carries from dealing damage or to escape from a death

  • The fourth ability is a great way to start a fight but can also be used to help an ally win a fight, to do a surprise attack thanks to the jump or to escape using the jump over some wall


How to play Bellona in SMITE 2!

Bellona has been The face of the company since her release, she is a strong warrior with a unique kit and gameplay, you can also play her as a warrior in solo-lane or as a jungle.

Bellona's passive and abilities:

Starting with Bellona's passive (Master of War): gain stacking movement speed when you are hit or are hit by basic attacks, and another effect depends on the weapon you used to hit a basic attack.

Bellona's abilities:

  1. Shield Bash: dashing forward dealing physical damage and slowing enemies, you also get a 1 Block Stack for each enemy god you hit. this ability Changes to Sword and Shield basic attacks.

  2. Bludgeon: change to Hammer basic attacks, in this ability, Bellona spins dealing physical damage around her then slams the hammer dealing Physical Damage to enemies in an area.

  3. Scourge: change to Scourge basic attacks, dealing physical damage and disarming enemies.

  4. Eagle's Rally: leap forward dealing physical damage and stuns enemies, while leaping you are cc immune, after the leap you will leave an area with a flag in the middle of it you and your teammates gain Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection.

This build for Bellona solo is a mix between damage and defense good for early pressure and late-game team fights

This build for Bellona Jungle is a pure power build you can 1 vs 1 any enemy and just delete him so fast.

Tips for Bellona

  1. Start the game by leveling your 2 (Bludgeon) because it's an AOE damage ability so you can clear fast, then at level 2 level up your 1 (Shield Bash) then your 3 and ultimate

  2. On team fights, if you are facing a god dealing damage with his basic attack start the fight by disarming him using your 3 (Scourge) and dash on him with your one to get that basic attack block from it.

  3. Your ultimate is either for starting fights with your team or you can use it for escape duo to the cc immune the ultimate gives you.

  4. For team fights you have to focus on enemy damage dealers get them out of the fight and give your team the space to kill them.


Bellona Guide

Bellona is a versatile warrior who excels in both offense and defense , she is known as the hunter counter she is a nightmare to hunters.

Passive: Master of War

- Gain stacking Movement Speed when you hit or are hit by basic attacks. Gain additional effects depending on the basic attack weapon used.

- Key Tip: Use your your first ability to build block stacks early in fights to mitigate damage from enemy hunters she is so powerful against hunters just because of this passive, focus on staying in combat to keep your passive stacked.

1️⃣ Shield Bash

- Bellona dashes forward with her shield, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies .

- This ability also gives her a block stack frrom her passive.

- Pro Tip:

- Use this on enemy hunters and dont change to your other abilities, just keep attacking them with basic attacks to gain block stacks.

2️⃣ Bludgeon

- Bellona swings her hammer dealing physical damage in a circle around her then Slams to deal increased Damage to enemies infront of her.

- Great for:

- Clearing minion waves quickly by dealing aoe damage with her basic attacks.

- Key Tip:

- Be careful when channeling this ability, as it leaves you an easy target to get hit with crowd control.

3️⃣ Scourge

- Bellona disarms enemies with her scourge, preventing them from using basic attacks for a short duration. She also heals herself based on the number of enemies hit.

- Counters hunters and other basic attack focused gods.

- Provides sustain in lane.

4️⃣ Eagle’s Rally (Ultimate)

- Bellona leaps into the air and slams her banner into the ground, dealing damage and creating an area that buffs allies with increased Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection she is also CC immune during the leap.

- Use this in team fights to buff your allies and debuff enemies. It’s especially effective when diving into the enemy backline or defending objectives.

Build :

you can replace phoenix feather for shoguns kosari if you want more attackspeed

🛡️ Playstyle Summary

Early Game-Mid game:

- Use Bludgeon to clear waves quickly and pressure the enemy laner.

- Use scourge when fighting the enemy god to deal damage and heal yourself .

Late Game:

- Focus on diving the enemy backline with the ultimate and Shield Bash to gain block stacks.


Bellona Guide – SMITE 2

Bellona is a versatile warrior who thrives in the solo lane, excelling in sustain, pressure, and teamfight presence. With her adaptable stances and auto-attack-focused kit, she can dominate trades and control fights with ease.

Abilities Overview

  • Passive – Master of War
    Bellona gains protections and movement speed whenever she hits enemies with basic attacks, reinforcing her strength in extended fights.

  • 1st Ability – Shield Bash
    A strong engage tool that deals damage and slows enemies. If it hits, Bellona’s basic attacks become cleaving for a short duration, making it great for wave clear.

  • 2nd Ability – Bludgeon
    A powerful AoE attack that swings her weapon in a circle and deals extra damage if she hits enemies. If it connects with multiple enemies, she gains bonus damage for the follow-up slam. Perfect for wave clear and burst damage in fights.

  • 3rd Ability – Scourge
    Bellona swings her scourge, hitting all enemies in front of her. If she hits enemy gods, she disarms them, preventing them from using basic attacks for a few seconds. This is key against hunters and auto-attack-based warriors.

  • Ultimate – Eagle’s Rally
    Bellona leaps to a target location, planting her banner for a stun and providing protections to allies in the area. This is great for engaging, escaping, or turning a fight in your favor.

How to Play Bellona

Early Game (Laney Phase)

  • Use Bludgeon (2) for fast wave clear and poke the enemy laner.

  • Engage with Shield Bash (1) to get cleave attacks for wave clear and poke.

  • Scourge (3) is key against basic attack-reliant enemies—use it wisely.

  • Focus on controlling totems and invading enemy jungle camps when possible.

Mid Game (Rotations & Pressure)

  • Look for fights! Bellona excels in mid-game skirmishes.

  • Use Eagle’s Rally (Ult) to engage or counter-initiate in team fights.

  • Zone enemy carries with Scourge and Bludgeon.

  • Help your jungler secure objectives like Gold Fury and Pyromancer.

Late Game (Team Fights & Objective Control)

  • Peel for your carries or dive the enemy backline depending on your team’s needs.

  • Use Eagle’s Rally defensively or offensively to control team fights.

  • Stick to enemy hunters or mages and disarm them with Scourge.

  • Play around Fire Giant fights—your sustain and CC make you a huge asset.

Recommended Build

Starting Items

  • Warrior’s Axe → Great sustain and damage for trades.

  • Health Potion & Multi Potion

Core Items

  • Gladiator’s Shield → Strong sustain and cooldown reduction.

  • Shogun’s Kusari → Great against magical damage and buffs your team’s attack speed.

  • The Sledge → Bonus protections and health for survivability.

Late Game Items

  • Oni Hunter’s Garb → Anti-magic protections and survivability in fights.

  • Mantle of Discord → Provides CC immunity and strong defensive stats.

  • Spectral Armor (vs Crit Hunters) or Midgardian Mail (vs Attack Speed carries).

Tips & Tricks

  • Use Scourge (3) against hunters and assassins to shut down their damage output.

  • Cancel Bludgeon (2) early to guarantee burst damage if you think the enemy will interrupt you.

  • Use Shield Bash (1) to chase or escape—the movement speed slow is key.

  • Look for teleport rotations to help your team secure objectives.


Bellona is a powerful solo lane warrior who thrives in extended fights and team engagements. If you master her stance switching, sustain, and crowd control, you’ll dominate your lane and become a nightmare for enemy carries.

Now go forth and wage war on the battlefield of the gods! 💪🔥


How to play Bellona in Smite 2!

Bellona is a bruiser that can be terrifying to face if left unchecked. She scales well building basic attack focused.

Bellona's passive has quite a few effects to it. Firstly, she gains movement speed when hitting, being hit by basic attacks. This helps her stick on to enemies when being attacked and attacking. Depending on which ability you use, you will also receive another benefit from your passive. I'll explain in each ability what that bonus is.

Bellona's 1 is a short dash forward that deals damage in a cone and slows. Upon striking, she gets a "block" stack that makes her absorb all damage from a basic attack and reflect a portion of the damage to enemies around her. After using Bellona's 1, she will switch to a sword & shield. This makes her passive now give a stack of "block" on every 3rd hit of a basic attack. The sword & shield stance is perfect for dealing with enemies who do a lot of damage through basic attacks such as Anhur or Jing Wei. A very useful tool for dealing with carries.

Bellona's 2 is a spin into a slam that deals damage, and increases said damage if hitting enemy gods with the spin. This is Bellona's burst damage she otherwise lacks in her kit. It is also her main way of clearing her minion wave. After using Bellona's 2, she switches to a hammer that can hit multiples enemies at once (great for dealing with waves as well) and gives her strength each time she hits someone with a basic attack. The main use of the hammer is to clear waves, as the other abilities have more preferable passives against gods.

Bellona's 3 is a line ability that disarms (unable to use basic attacks) enemies and deals damage. After using Bellona's 3, she switches to "Scourge", which gives her attack speed stacks and heals on each basic attack hit. This ability is great for fighting any god in general due to stacking attack speed and passive heal. Also great for objectives to stay alive longer and deal more damage.

Bellona's 4 is a leap that plants a flag on the ground. If landing on an enemy with the flag, they get stunned. This flag will create an area that empowers you and allies with strength, intelligence, physical protection and magical protection. Bellona's ultimate is a great engage tool as well as an escape tool. The stun can be valuable for securing a kill that may be too far otherwise. The leap portion of this ability also makes it a valuable escape if you get stuck in a bad situation. Since it is a leap, it can also avoid incoming abilities, including ultimate's like Ra's or Poseidon's.

Bellona can either be played in the Solo Lane or as a Support. Here is what I would build in the Solo Lane.

Death's Toll: This starter works extremely well on Bellona due to her 3rd ability specifically. It makes for great sustain and keeps Bellona in the fight for an extended amount of time.

Depending on what you're going against, you will either get Berserker's Shield for the powerful passive, or Shogun's Ofuda if you need immediate resist to magical damage.

Golden Blade: This item gives Health, attack speed and a powerful passive to do more damage and help with clearing waves.

Pharoah's Cruse: Grants attack speed as well as a helpful active that slows down enemy movement speed and attack speed. Mixed protections as well to help with anyone who faces Bellona.

Berserker's Shield/Shogun's Ofuda: This is dependent on what you grabbed first, here you will buy the other item.

Qin's Blade: This item makes Bellona much more threatening now that your auto's are very fast and do additional damage based off enemy health.

Stampede: Helps the Bellona and the team to stay on top of targets.

Here is what I would build as a Support.

Note: I recommend using Bellona's aspect in the support role. It makes her have very good healing and help her allies counter basic attackers.

War flag: Grants movement speed and attack speed upon minion kill assist. Helps Bellona and the Carry to keep pressure in lane.

Pharoah's Curse: Great item to build early due to the active effect. Makes it nearly impossible for the enemy Carry and Support to fight you and your Carry

Shogun's Ofuda: Helps the Carry and other basic attackers a lot, including Bellona herself

Eros' Bow: This item combined with Bellona's 3 allows her to rack up them healing numbers and patch an ally up in a near instant as long as you have some target to basic attack.

Berserker's Shield: A generally useful item to have on bellona, great for staying alive while attacking.

Talisman of Purification: Depending on the enemy comp you may need to build this earlier to counter big CC's such as Fenrir ult.

Stampede: As with Solo Lane, helps the Bellona and the team to stay on top of targets.

Daxonn's avatar

SMITE 2 BELLONA GUIDE | How to play - Where to play - What to build


Bellona is a powerful Roman goddess of war, recommended for players who enjoy mastering different weapons to defeat enemies and diving headfirst into battles.


Bellona has a range of passive and active abilities. Once mastered, these will help you dominate your opponents.

  • Master of Arms (Passive)
    Each hit increases her physical protections and movement speed, making her tougher and more agile.

  • Shield Bash
    A shield attack that deals area damage and grants her additional physical protections.

  • Bludgeon
    She strikes with a hammer, dealing heavy damage in an arc. She can spin the hammer to amplify area damage.

  • Scourge
    A whip attack that disarms enemies, preventing them from attacking for a short duration.

  • Eagle's Rally (Ultimate)
    Bellona plants a Roman flag, stunning enemies within the area and boosting her allies' attack power.

How to Make the Most of Bellona

To use Bellona effectively, keep the following tips in mind:

Adapt Your Combat Style

  • Use Bludgeon to handle groups of enemies.

  • Rely on Scourge to neutralize foes dependent on basic attacks.

  • Shield Bash is perfect for gaining extra protections during combat.

Resource Management

Bellona heavily relies on her abilities; monitor her mana to avoid running out of resources at critical moments.

Strategic Positioning

As a frontline warrior, she can initiate fights or target the enemy backline, depending on the situation.


Like every character in Smite 2, Bellona has her strengths:

  • Versatile Combat Style: Perfect against various enemies thanks to her ability to switch weapons.

  • High Survivability: Passive protections and defensive abilities allow her to sustain prolonged fights.

  • Field Control: Stuns and disarms create opportunities for her team.

  • Strong Early Game: She exerts significant lane pressure and can secure early advantages.


Despite her strengths, Bellona also has weaknesses:

  • Ability Reliance: Missing abilities greatly reduces her impact.

  • Mana Management: Overusing abilities can leave her vulnerable.

  • Crowd Control Vulnerability: She is susceptible to immobilizing effects.

  • Weak Against Burst Damage: Struggles against mages or assassins with high burst damage.

Bellona is ideal for players who enjoy a dynamic, aggressive playstyle. Her ability to adapt to different situations makes her an excellent choice for both beginners and veterans. With a perfect balance of damage, utility, and resilience, she excels at holding the frontline and leading her team to victory.


Bellona, the Goddess of War

Bellona, the Goddess of War, is as a versatile and durable warrior, excelling in crowd control, sustain, and adaptability. Her abilities allow her to switch between offensive and defensive stances, making her a dominant force in both laning and team fights.


Passive – Master of War
Bellona gains increased protections and movement speed with each successful basic attack, stacking up to five times. This enhances her survivability and mobility during extended engagements.

1st Ability – Shield Bash
Bellona dashes forward with her shield, dealing damage and slowing enemies. Each enemy god hit grants a block stack, absorbing an incoming basic attack. After using this ability, Bellona basic attacks switch to sword and shield, with a unique attack progression.

2nd Ability – Bludgeon
Bellona swings her hammer in a wide arc, dealing damage to all enemies hit. If an enemy god is struck, she follows up with an overhead slam for additional area damage. Her basic attacks shift to a hammer stance, allowing her to deal area damage with each swing.

3rd Ability – Scourge
Bellona lashes out with a scourge in a line, dealing damage and disarming enemies, preventing them from using basic attacks. In this stance, her basic attacks gain extended range, and every third attack heals her.

Ultimate – Eagle's Rally
Bellona plants a Roman flag at a target location, dealing damage and stunning enemies upon landing. Allies in the area gain increased protections and physical power. This ability is a powerful team fight tool for initiation and zone control.

Ability Leveling Order

Max Bludgeon first for its high area damage and wave-clear potential. Level Scourge next for sustain and disarm utility. Upgrade Shield Bash last, as its primary utility comes from its dash and block stacks. Always upgrade Eagle's Rally whenever available to maximize its impact in team fights.



Versatility: Bellona stances allow her to adapt to any combat situation, whether it is dealing damage, peeling, or sustaining in fights.

Crowd Control: Her abilities provide disarm, slows, and stuns, offering excellent control over engagements.

Sustain: Scourge and her passive provide healing and durability in prolonged fights.


Skill-Dependent: Missing abilities can significantly reduce her effectiveness.

Vulnerable to Crowd Control: Heavy CC can interrupt her combos and limit her stance utility.

Mana Management: Early-game mana costs can restrict her aggression if not managed properly.


Adapt to the Fight: Use your abilities to switch stances based on the situation sword and shield for defense, hammer for area damage, and scourge for sustain and disarming enemies.

Position Smartly: Use Shield Bash to engage or escape and Scourge to control basic attack heavy opponents.

Ultimate Timing: Save Eagle Rally for critical moments to either initiate fights or save allies by providing buffs and CC.

Stay in the Fight: Maintain your passive stacks to maximize protections and mobility in extended engagements.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Bellona is the Roman war goddess, symbolized by her helmet and weapons like swords or spears. Linked to Mars, she represents battle's chaos and ferocity. Her followers, the Bellonarii, practiced self-harm in worship.

Passive - Master of War: Gains protections and speed from combat, enhancing durability and mobility.

Shield Bash: Dashes, slows enemies, gains block stacks for damage reflection.

Bludgeon: Hammer slam for area damage, great for clearing waves or fights.

3 - Scourge: Whip attack disarms, extends range, heals on every third hit.

Ultimate - Eagle's Rally: Jumps to plant flag, stuns foes, buffs allies with protections and power.


Use Bludgeon for clear, Scourge for sustain/control, Shield Bash for trades or escape. Start with ultimate, then Bludgeon for damage, control with Scourge. Choose between damage or tank based on enemy team; counter auto-attack gods.

Sulla's Favor: Her lore ties her to Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a historical figure who became Rome's first life-long dictator under her favor.

Her ability to switch between sword, hammer, and scourge reflects her versatility, rarely highlighted in other games.

"Eagle's Rally" serves both offense and defense, creating a strategic zone for allies in battles.

Her backstory includes the Bellonarii priests' self-harm rituals, showcasing war's brutality.

Her complex kit makes her a challenge to balance, with small changes significantly impacting her effectiveness.


Bellona is one of my favorite characters, she is a true warrior with a kit focused on dealing damage and resisting hits at the same time. She is equipped with a sword and shield, so she is the ideal one to select if you prefer a type of melee combat. In battle and at close range she is powerful, if you want to throw yourself into the fray she is ideal.

You do not have the ability to heal and protect from the team, but you can certainly protect yourself thanks to the shield provided. It must be said that indirectly you protect the team if you manage to cause destruction on the field. One of her abilities, in addition to dealing damage, is precisely being able to move quickly and this allows you to hit enemies with speed and brutality.

The Bludgeon ability is one of the best for damage, and perhaps it is the one to maximize first of all because it is useful both in the initial and more advanced stages.

As for crafting items, Bellona has the ability to have items that improve her resistance, which is useful for melee combat. Her skills must be exploited and in a team she is certainly the one who is on the front line and gives the rest of the team the opportunity to organize themselves strategically.


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