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TheMortonMan's avatar

Joust, for the most part, is a smaller scale version of the traditional Conquest mode. The teams are smaller (going from 5v5, like most other game modes, down to 3v3), the map is smaller (to a singular lane, much like assault but shorter), but the action is still all there. The main goal of the game is to slay the enemy's titan, which is protected by a phoenix placed right in front of the titan room, and a tower that's just a little bit farther out.

What Conquest players get stuck on, from my experience of talking with the community, is what Gods to choose. Even though there's a meta that relatively circulates around all game modes (ex. some Gods have stronger damage numbers, or better scaling than others), the way Joust is played changes things just a little bit. There's a number of different team comps that work well in Joust, wether it be the two tank comp, the tradiotional Mage/ADC/Tank, or something else, there's many paths to success, and it's all up to the players to choose. This is something I covered in a recent video on my YouTube channel, which I'll link down below.

Another big difference between Conquest and Joust is objective play. Conquest has LOTS of objectives to go after around the map (ex. Pyromancer, Gold Fury, Fire Giant, Totem) and then a whole lot of farm surrounding that, meaning that there's ALWAYS something to be doing and going after, farming patterns to be followed and objectives that need to be prioritized over other decisions. Joust is a bit different, however. Your primary objective for Joust (aside from killing that pesky enemy titan) is the Lost Knight, which grants a temporary buff to the team that lands the final blow, as well as applying a debuff to the enemy teams' next structure. The tower and phoenix will be disabled, and WILL NOT attack for a short amount of time, meaning that the team that killed the Lost Knight will have an easy oppertunity to destroy a structure, but they'll need to move quick before the timer runs out.

A good secondary goal for Joust is camp control. This isn't talked about too much with Conquest, considering there's so many camps all around the map. But in Joust, there's only 4 camps on the map. Aside from minion waves and killing enemy Gods, this is the only way you're going to gain experience. Maintaining control over the neutral camps (the red camp by the teleporter and the purple camp close to the Lost Knight) will guarantee an experience advantage over your enemy, making your odds of winning fights that much better. This style of play was especially relevant during K-Money's K-O, a Joust tournament that took place on March 15th, where former Founder's Series Finalists Sap7 and Karmic took home the cash prize.

Here's the link to the YouTube video that I put out that talks about Joust team comps, and if you made it this far into the read, thanks much for your time!!

mypets's avatar

Joust is a fast-paced 3v3 game mode where the team fights together with the main objective of fighting the enemy titan. The map has only one route, with a single line of minions, surrounded by jungle, where each team defends its tower, phoenix and Titan.

It's a fast-paced, chaotic mode that's great for passing the time and having fun when you're with a small group of friends. It's up to you to build your team here, but I think the ideal (for those addicted to winning) is 1 tank to take the damage, a mage or ADC to destroy structures and enemies, and a support/assassin to complement them.

Throughout the map, you can pick up some buffs, with Purple providing life steal and attribute stacking; Blue offering cooldown reduction and mana regeneration; and Red, which is very important for game control, giving a damage effect over time.

In this mode there's also the Lost Knight, a boss who appears in the middle of the map and whoever manages to defeat him gets an absurd advantage. The team that manages to defeat the Lost Knight gains a penetration and health regeneration buff and also disables the most advanced structure the opponent has, be it a tower or a phoenix. It is essential for the team to pursue this to gain an advantage, it must be one of the team's main priorities. In addition, mastering the jungle and securing buffs is also very important, as these are the two main points for those in search of victory. The red buff also gives you a very important advantage.

I often even prefer these faster game modes, they're dynamic and fun, so for those who also enjoy them, I highly recommend them.


Joust is a 3v3, single-lane map with a small jungle in the left and right of the lane

joust is a mode with more team fight focused because it is a 1 lane with 3 vs 3 players all the time, fighting as a team. Most team comps consist of a tank and 2 damage dealers, one physical and one magical to balance out your damage output. But you can play what you are comfortable with, and your team.

The main goal is to win 3v3 fights, take enemy tower and the phoenix, and kill the titan this is the main goal, but between these things you have jungle camps and puff,s you can farm with your team for extra gold and xp. The Lost Knight boss helps with this as it disables the front-most enemy structure for a while after you take it in addition to other effects like health regen and penetration. It's a very important objective that you should take if you can, and stop the enemy taking it if you can.

This mode is great for people queuing with just 2 other friends as they won't have to deal with random teammates who might not coordinate with them as well as you'd like and the games will be much shorter than a typical Conquest match. Around 15-20 minutes compared to Conquest's 25-40.

JHenckes's avatar

Joust mode is a 3v3 experience focused on fast and frantic gameplay, where the entire match is concentrated on a single track. This makes the gameplay more challenging, as you need to make quick decisions and communicate well with your team. This already makes Joust different from the large Conquest map. The match starts by giving bonus gold at the beginning of the match and players benefit from a faster gold loading rate. This makes the game extremely busy from the first second of play

The map is a single lane stretching between the two bases, with a small jungle area with a few monsters. Each team has its own blue buff near its base, which provides recharging and mana regeneration, while a red buff is in the center of the map and often becomes a meeting point for the first team fights. In addition, there is a purple buff hidden in the jungle that grants bonuses with some buffs

One thing I really like about the mode and that sets it apart is the presence of the Lost Knight, an objective in the jungle that can change the outcome of the match. When defeated, the Lost Knight grants the entire team a 20% penetration bonus (it may not seem like much, but it makes all the difference), as well as life regeneration, and temporarily disables the enemy's nearest defensive structure (the bonuses are extremely appealing). Needless to say, this objective is hotly contested, no matter how the match is designed

Despite the smaller size of the team, having a balanced formation is crucial - what I usually see happening is teams made up of one support or tanker and two DPS to allow for resistance in fights while guaranteeing very high damage. In addition, choosing gods who have abilities that put a lot of pressure from the start also makes all the difference.

I'm a casual player, so for me the Joust mode is a refreshing alternative to the longer Conquest matches. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience fast, chaotic and fun team fights hahaha. Whether you're experimenting with unconventional team compositions or simply looking for a more casual mode, the mode is fun to play with friends.

yan57436's avatar

Joust mode is what I call crazy haha, you'll team up with 2 other players to play a 3 x 3 with the main aim of being fast, bringing you together in a single lane (I always like to bring elements of other mobas into my guides, as I know that other players, like me, have a base in it), somewhat reminiscent of lol's aram. Here, your objective will be to destroy the enemy titan, along with the other structures and the phoenix.

Now that you have a brief idea of what the mode is all about, let me show you the map:

The map will have three main buffs: Blue, Purple and Red Buff, as well as the Lost Knight, who deactivates structures when defeated, making it easier to advance objectives.

Now that you know what the map is about and what the mode is about, let's talk about the gods. Unlike duel mode, where I strongly recommended an evolution of gameplay, here I see a side geared towards madness and chaos, for those who like to venture out with their comps and see if it works haha. Here, in general, you'll see 1 tank, 1 support and 1 damage dealer, but remember that there are no rules here, just madness haha.

Seriously, I like to see it as a mode for fun, but obviously compositions can and should be tested here, since we have a good simulator of fights that take place mainly in the jungle. It's up to you how you play, I hope you have fun!


What is Joust?

Joust is a 3 vs 3 game mode located on a map with a single line, 1 tower on each side, 1 phoenix and 1 titan, it also has a jungle with a total of 4 Buffs which are 2 blue ones located near On each side of the teams, a central red Buff next to the line, a purple Buff next to the "Knight" or the fire giant of this game mode.

In this game mode each team will have to find a balance between the 3 players, being mainly a Tank or Support, A magician or intelligence damage, A Carry or assassin or failing that a character that deals physical damage. With a combination of 3 gods, players will have to overcome the other team using the jungle, their skills and team fights to win.


  • A tip I can give to new players is the fact that since there are 3 players, they can look for combinations of skills that together can create an effective synergy for the fights.

  • Take advantage of the jungle at all times since it provides a great advantage to the team that dominates it due to the experience, money and Buff that they grant, as well as the "Knight" which when defeated buffs the team and disables the enemy team's closest defensive structure, for example the tower or the phoenix or even the Titan

  • Since these are single-line games and team fights that are somewhat recurrent, it is necessary to look for a quick advantage to be able to put the other team in a duel and thus manage to dominate parts of the map and win the game.


Joust is a fast, aggressive and challenging game mode for players by subjecting them to constant fights and in a short time at the same time speed to win, however I recommend trying builds or god combos that are not normally done since they can surprise and generate victory at the end of the game

Inpunktion's avatar

What is Joust? Should I play it?

Joust is a fairly straight forward game mode designed to give you a taste of what to expect when jumping into conquest or to go back to and enjoy as a generally more casual and quick mode. If you don't have the time or patience to play though a full game of Conquest, don't want the level of chaos that Arena brings to the table, and don't like the randomness factor that Assault gives then you should certainly give Joust a try. It's especially a good time if you have two friends to play with.

How to Joust

The game start has each team starting at a buff camp before going to wave, there are a few ways to do this. If you have the more aggressive team comp or early pressure you may want to start at red buff and take the teleporter to then quickly take the purple camp, then head to the wave and finally grab your blue buff after clearing. You could also start at blue buff, quickly clear the wave, and then head to contest red and/or purple buff. The last way that I have seen people playing is to have 2 people clear a buff and the wave while the last player goes to solo clear whatever buff that isn't being contested or to try and steal the buff away from the opposing team.

The key to success in this mode is to snowball your teams farm using the 4 buff camps around the map and of course each and every minion wave, this means your team will gain exp and gold faster then the enemy team. It's also important to fight frequently (ideally as a team) to maintain pressure and control over the map. Of course team composition is important just like it is in any mode. Generally a team wants a strong frontline character with lots of CC, and two backline characters to demolish whoever that frontline is targeting, of course there are plenty of different compositions to try and I'd argue it's still up in the air to what is the "best" team comp for Joust.

A tip to guarantee your win

Outside of farming more efficiently and winning fights there is one objective on the map that is incredibly important in Joust, that objective is called The Lost Knight, this powerful jungle monster is located in front of the purple buff and can completely turn the tide of the game. Defeating this knight will grant your entire team a 20% penetration buff, health regen, and will disable/weaken the frontmost structure on the opposing teams side. If you find you have more pressure then the opposing team but they are sitting comfortably under tower, phoenix, or even the titan then get your team to take down this lost knight and you will find the enemy has nowhere left to hide.



Joust is a gamemode fought between 2 teams of 3 on each side. The map is a single lane with the mode having an emphasis on team skirmishes, with a little taste of map macro play.

Much like Conquest, the aim of the game is to defeat the enemy Titan. In your way, stands 1 tower and 1 phoenix that you must destroy first.

To start the game, you will receive 1250 gold, and receive increase gold spooling (7 gold per second) as opposed to Conquest gold spooling (3 gold per second).

On the map, there are 4 buffs that exist:

Blue buff - There are 2 Blue buffs that will spawn on the map, one on each side (Order and Chaos). Blue provides CD and mana regen.

Red buff - This is the most important "neutral" buff on the map. To start the game, most teams will fight over control of the minion wave and in turn the red buff. Generally, the team that clears the wave first will gain pressure of red buff. First wave pressure is very important as it has a clear snowball effect on the next few minutes of the match. Red buff provides a damage over time (DOT) effect on any damage applied by the wearer of the buff.

Purple buff - This is the less important "neutral" buff on the map, it spawns in the "jungle" and is generally cleared first by the team that gets red buff pressure. Purple buff provides a stacking STR/INT buff with lifesteal.

Phantom Knight - This is the new Bull Demon King or Fire Giant equivalent in Joust, defeating it will provide a 20% penetration buff and also disable the foremost structure present on the enemies side. This jungle boss is essential for success in Joust, ensuring it is warded later in the game is always a good idea as losing this buff can be game losing.

Common Team Compositions:

1 mage + 1 guardian/warrior + 1 hunter

1 hunter + 1 guardian + 1 warrior/assassin

1 mage + 1 warrior + 1 assassin

Generally, these are the most common team compositions you will find in Joust. In 3v3 you have less teammates and must cover more weaknesses with less god slots. In turn, this results in certain compositions being much stronger than others. There are many variations of compositions you can employ, and this acts as more of a general guide. The main things you need to cover within your composition are as follows:

Wave clear, Single target damage, AOE damage, Frontline and Engage.

If your composition covers most of these things, you should find decent success.



Players: 3 per team, 3 V 3

Joust is a fast scaling game mode comprised of a reduced jungle and a single lane. Teams must work together to destroy the other team's structures (tower and phoenix) in order to break open the enemy base and destroy the titan. While this objective seems similar to conquest the difference is in getting there.

First, gold spooling is different from conquest and a lot faster. Here in joust, players earn 7 gold per second aside from the 1250 everyone starts with.

Second, The Lost Knight, the new BDK, appears at 3 minutes and spawns with 4050 health. Defeating him provides health regen and penetration while disabling the enemy's front most structure. However, if both are destroyed the Lost Knight does not affect the enemy titan.

Finally, with only 4 buffs on the map and 1 wave for farm, gold and exp splitting is key to earning advantage and taking early fights for separation. The team that fights together wins together and often times that means learning how to comprise a team to fight as a unit and fulfill specific roles.

Sample Compositions for Joust:

2 Tanks + 1 Mage

Pros: Having 2 front lines to deal chip damage and mitigate damage with a burst mage behind allows for short controlled moments to win the team fights and secure buffs quickly.

Cons: Without shred, it objectives may take a while to fall. Getting lost knight will be a priority to help siege. However, without consistent dps from an ADC this could provide the enemy team with a chance to steal if not dealt with first.

1 ADC + 1 Tank + 1 Assassin/Warrior

Pros: The ADC tank combo provides consistent shred damage for destroying structures and burning down enemy tanks. With an adc, Lost knight is an easier take. Wild card could be an Assassin for extra damage and burst in fights, Warrior for tankiness + damage and dive.

Cons: While flexible depending on the enemy composition, would need to be aware of their draft. In Casuals you wont see their draft until game start, but it would be wise to remember what items and capabilities the team lacks. Ex: against two frontline opponents, the comp would either need extra prots or more bruiser builds... or go extra damage to compensate for the lack of prots and defense.

Of course these aren't the only options. But in the end, teamwork and coordination will win the day in this mode. Good Luck Smiters.


Team Composition
The most important thing is to have both physical and magic damage. You will need at least one character that can tank damage (warrior or guardian).
Your team will need to farm the minions in the lane, so it is good to have a character with a strong ranged ability to push (mage, assassin, or ADC).
This game mode allows for many good team compositions. If you can combine your abilities with your allies' abilities, it is a big plus.

Your team will start in the lane. You can either farm the first wave of minions and then take the buffs or engage in an early team fight near the red buff (either attacking or defending it). This will depend on your team or the enemy team's strategy.
The objective of this game mode is to destroy the enemy's Titan while defending your own Titan.

Buffs and Map
There are 3 buffs on the map: red (damage), blue (mana), and purple (attack speed). Each team has one mana buff located closer to their base, which makes it slightly harder for enemies to steal.
There is also a Lost Knight Boss. Killing this boss provides significant advantages for your team and disables the enemy's outermost structure (tower or phoenix).

Final Considerations
This is a fun and casual mode that can improve your skills and introduce you to some conquest mechanics.



A 3v3, single-lane map with a small surrounding Jungle area.

This mode is more teamfight focused than Conquest and all 3 players will generally stick together at almost all times, fighting as a unit. Most team comps consist of a tank and 2 damage dealers, one physical and one magical to balance out your damage output. But more compositions can be viable such as double tank which can be very strong in Joust.

The main goal is to win 3v3 fights, take the extra Jungle buffs on the map, get ahead and push down the enemy tower, phoenix and eventually the titan. The Lost Knight boss helps with this as it disables the front-most enemy structure for a while after you take it in addition to other effects like health regen and penetration. It's a very important objective that you should take if you can and stop the enemy taking it if you can.

This mode is great for people queuing with just 2 other friends as they won't have to deal with random team mates who might not coordinate with them as well as you'd like and the games will be much shorter than a typical Conquest match. Around 15-20 minutes compared to Conquest's 25-40.


I will try to make a brief explanation of how Joust works in smite.

Joust is a 3v3 fast paced game mode which focuses on a single lane surrounded by jungle, in this game mode, each team has a blue buff in their area of ​​the map, there is also a red buff and a purple buff in the middle area of ​​the map and a large objective called "Lost Knight" that, when defeated, deactivates the tower or the phoenix for a period of time. of the enemy. The objective of this game mode is to pressure the rival team in the lane in order to obtain the neutral buffs to gain an advantage in experience and gold to be able to destroy the enemy's structures just like in conquest.

A normal team composition in this game mode is made up of a tank/support god, a god that does good magic damage and an ADC, although there are many different types of compositions that work very well and are quite fun. Despite being a faster game mode and with fewer players compared to conquest, it still has many different types of strategies and each game can be very different.

A tip for this game mode is to build a composition with gods that are good in the early game to be able to put pressure on the rival team quickly and be able to get all the gold and experience possible by being aggressive, getting all the jungle on the map, and when it is difficult to destroy the enemy's structures, take advantage of that pressure to defeat the Lost Knight and be able to finish the game more easily.


Joust in SMITE 2 is a fast paced alternative to the Conquest and Arena modes. With a small map and smaller teams. It is a mode that rewards strategy and quick thinking, in my opinion.

How Joust Works:

Joust is a 3 vs 3 mode. A balanced team typically includes a tanky frontline, a damage dealer, and a utility focused support or hybrid. But there are no specific comps, so play whatever you like most.

The map features a single lane with towers, a phoenix, and a titan on each side, as well as a jungle area with camps and buffs. There is a portal too which takes directly to the Lost Knight.

Like in other modes, the ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy titan. To get there, you will need to push through the lane, destroy their tower and phoenix, and outmaneuver your opponents in skirmishes.

Some Tips:

Without proper vision or backup, pushing too far into enemy territory can lead to ambushes. Dont overextend too much.

Dont skip jungle buffs, they give a significant edge in fights.

Dont ignore the Lost Knight. With the buff we can control the game.

Finally, try to have fun, this game mode is good for testing gods and gaining a little experience before playing Conquest.


Joust is a 3v3 game mode. You only have 1 lane in which minions go down. Both teams have a blue and purple buff on their side of the map. However, there is a red buff in the middle of the map that is a pseudo objective for the teams to fight over. Another objective on the map is the Lost Knight. Its a bit out of the way of the rest of the map but there is a portal behind red buff which takes you directly to it. Upon slaying the Lost Knight you stun the enemy structures. Making it so they are disabled for a time. Your team also gets a buff from it, something akin to the Fire Giant from Conquest.

Its a relatively simple mode. However, there is a surprising amount of depth to compositions and which gods may be better here than in conquest. Tanks feel better in the early game in this mode because of how the farming in this mode works. Its funneled into 3 people meaning those base damage stats are going to matter more. So you are going to want at least 1 of those on your team when you play joust.

Other than that have fun, its a for fun mode and currently doesn't have a ranked version.

kamiel's avatar

I'll be quickly explaining how joust works. It's basically a 3 Vs 3 game mode based around one lane. Your team generally just want to prioritize to have like two tankier gods and one damage dealer this has been kind of the meta in ranked for a while on smite 1 aswell. So you basically want to be running like a guardian type of god and warrior kind of god together paired with a mage or a hunter, thats the kind of stuff you want to be looking for comp wise. on the map you have a blue buff purple buff and a red buff, as the game starts you want to be playing to go to the wave first, or go to The Buffs first. Generally the buffs are a bit tanky so try starting with one player with bumbas to clear this faster this is not per se necessary but could really help your clear early game. If u choose to go for red just try to to have a brawl around the red because it's really strong early game it's like the best buff to get for your team to win early fights. So yeah generally try to have a good comp to force red buff early and then just clear wave together and go to your blue afterwards. Just try to to clear waves play fights slow try to look for picks and optimize your farm. Obviously its really strong if you have some poke in your comp as well it's all about your 3V3 comp and how it favors your matchup or the enemies matchup this generally decides how the game goes and obviously the skill of the players as well so yeah that's kind of how Joust works it's a 3 v 3 map, you have your Titans, you have your phoenixes, you have your Towers, you should play to also gets the Lost Knight like this character is really OP and can stun the tower for quite some time so if you wiped the enemy team or kill two players you can just pull that objective and you basically can get a tower for free and gets really strong buff for yourself

GoJapan's avatar

Definitely interesting mode, because it is placed between the conquest and the arena, it is a way to say. This mode offers the player a better strategy to be implemented, even if the game pace is definitely faster.

It is played at 3 vs 3, each team is called to defend the titan. It is a frenetic mode, even if smaller than conquest, being precisely designed for six players. The gameplay is rather intense and full of action, teamwork is very important for victory.

The teams must be composed by choosing the roles with extreme accuracy, so that everything is well balanced. The goal is to distruct the enemy structures, including the Phoenix Tower and defeat the Titan. Being a more compact game mode, the map is reduced in size, in this way it is icnounts to frequent clashes.

Obviously all this translates into faster games than the conquest, so the sessions are short. The mode puts emphasis on small -scale fighting. Joust is perfect for those who love rapid games and teamwork, those who want to try their hand at the clashes without shocks without shots.

As mentioned, the mode is quick, with a reduced map and a minor number of players, precisely for its structure, I think it is one of the best modes, both for the new players who want to approach Site 2, and for veterans who want to pass of time differently.


Joust 3v3: A Fast-Paced, Teamfight-Heavy Game Mode

Joust is a 3v3 game mode set on a single-lane map with a small Jungle area surrounding it. Unlike Conquest, which involves complex strategy, lane management, and rotations, Joust is centered around frequent skirmishes. Since each team has only three players, sticking together and coordinating abilities are essential to gaining an advantage.

Most team compositions include one tank and two damage dealers one physical and one magical to ensure a well-balanced offense. However, other setups, such as double tank comps, can be highly effective by providing extra sustain and crowd control. Success in Joust depends on team synergy and smart decision-making.

The main objective is to win engagements, secure Jungle buffs for added power, and build a lead to push through enemy defenses—including their tower, phoenix, and titan. One of the most important objectives on the map is the Lost Knight, a neutral boss that, when defeated, disables the enemy’s front-most structure and grants buffs like health regeneration and damage penetration, making it a high-priority target.

Joust is ideal for small groups of friends, as it eliminates the randomness of solo queue teammates. Plus, matches are quicker, lasting 15-20 minutes instead of Conquest’s 25-40 minutes, making it a great choice for those seeking fast, intense battles.

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Hi Ford James sorry to hear that

I uesd google transllate to write this servy and try to correct the grammr mistaks using chat gpt because my english is not very good.

Can I repost a new servy using my words or not?


joust is a 3 vs 3 smite 2 game mode with 1 lane and a small jungle around the lane

the game start with 1500 each player spending them on buying items.

the main goal in this mode is to kill enemy titan to win,

but in joust team fight and team combos are very important becasue the game goes so fast any god kill or objective can effect the match.

there is some good team combos for joust

1 tank 1 mage and 1 hunter , it tane 1 assassi with tank build and 1 mage is the most common combo in joust.

some tips for joust match depend on 10 years of my experience in smite 1 so far

1. make sure to farm with your team to make sure all players get xp and gold to build items to get stronger and with the game.

2. get as much as monster camps as you can even your enemy monster camp ( blue puff) this way make you ahead of your enemy team.

3. in joust there is a big monster ( like the fire giant in conquest map)

but this gives you a special effect which is freez the first objective from attack tower or phoenix, this gives you a great advantage over enemy team.

4. team combos and team work are very important to win the game if any one on the team decide to play alone wi the game is very hard.

for smite community joust is a very fun game mode even its very fast the game last for 15 min but its all about team fights you can make a good clips in joust game and having a lot of fun


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