The top three aspects right now for me would be Ra’s, Mordred’s, and Thanatos’.
Ra: Gives Ra’s 3 the ability to attach to either Ra himself or Allies, rather than just being a field you place on the ground. It also gives Ra ult a heal stat, healing himself on use and healing allies he hits with the ult beam, and it also enables free-aim during the firing of this ult, letting you move where your ult will hit during the entire cast time of it (where regularly you press 4, and are locked in place right after pressing). All that is given, in return Ra’s 3 and 4 lose Intelligence scaling, only dealing base damage. All this is so strong because of how much sustain it lets Ra bring. Attaching the 3 to allies makes sure they get the full heal from it, while not having to stay in a set area which has always been the weakest part of Ra’s 3. Gives it a more active playstyle rather then backing out and then setting up on Ra’s 3 which how you’d traditionally want to use it. The ultimate heal also gives you crazy healing burst, when maxed gives 800 health that can get increased with Rod of Assclaps to around 960. When going tons of cooldown in combo with this lets you be a spell slinging healer boi to the max, it’s actually cracked.
Mordred: Mordred’s aspect is a bit simpler, giving his shoulder charge dash passive a reset everytime he hits an enemy god with an ability. In return, the dash deals reduced damage and no longer knocks up. This aspect while simple is so strong for both the movement utility and damage capability. When getting resets off of all of Mordred’s abilities correctly, it more then makes for the reduced damage part of the aspect letting the dash deal nice damage while also potentially juking/dodging abilities Achilles style. Makes Mordred particularly strong in lane as not many other gods can stand up to all the damage the dash brings when weaved inbetween each ability
Thanatos’: Thanatos aspects focusing on changing his passive primarily, changing it to now give permanent max health on kills rather than a flat heal. Instead, Thanatos now heals after hitting 3 based on a % of his max HP, and while can only apply once per target hit, has no target max (you could get 20 procs of the heal off of 20 different targets, minions included). This aspect doesn’t really change how Thanatos plays much regarding the passive, as you’d always want to be last hitting minions or gods for the heal, now it’s just for more HP. Something to keep in mind that is probably the biggest shift from this is that god executes/kills often gave big heal bursts that you’ll have to get use to not getting. Thing is, good players build anti-heal against a regular Than, leading to that heal often maybe only getting 1 non-anti god kill heal, and then being anti-healed as fck while trying to run through the rest of the enemy. Either way, the max HP gain in my opinion is stronger. While it is slow scaling, with only 2 HP off of creeps and 25HP for god kills, it still ramps. And giving Thans 3 a heal helps balance his solo sustain to still be adequate even after them nerfing it. Them giving his 3 this heal makes this aspect feel the most like there isn’t really a tradeoff to it, unlike the other 2 where there is clear damage reduction.
So there it is. My opinion. lol