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mypets's avatar

As a good lover of souslikes, as soon as I saw the game I thought “We've got a new Sekiro, or a new Nioh”, but I was terribly wrong! We see a stop motion idea that simply enchanted me from the very first moment. The art direction simply broke new ground in an already saturated and beaten-up “ultra-realism” market. Stop-motion goes beyond the concept of originality and perhaps becomes the forerunner of a movement that I very much hope will succeed.

The feeling of combat is incredible! The attacks are fluid and extremely precise, requiring a good command of the game's execution, especially with the analog sticks used to attack! It's unlike anything I've ever experienced. As not everything can be perfect, it's a rather short demo, but it still hooked me and I'm sure I'll play it as soon as it's released for gameplay. I think it's going to be a challenging title, but I'm really looking forward to its success!

yan57436's avatar

When I saw Urban Myth Dissolution Center I was simply enchanted, its look and presentation cannot go unnoticed. We live in a time when graphics are all people look for, but they end up not wanting to get involved with the story, but when I came across UMDC, I simply noticed the tags “visual novel” “adventure” and “pixelated graphics”, can you associate visual novel with pixelated graphics? SO!

When I entered, I immediately had my big scare, we are dealing with a TERROR game, mainly aimed at the horror genre. As someone who doesn't like anything in the genre, I considered simply closing the game and starting another journey, but every aspect of the game is simply enchanting. A pixelated display softens the possible horror, making it extremely accessible (even for the fearful like me haha).

The narrative deals with the life of Azami Fukurai, a young woman with the gift of clairvoyance who ends up involved in a drama involving social criticism and supernatural investigations. Social criticism and investigations coexist, mainly due to the fact that social media is one of the investigative tools, as well as highlighting cases of toxicity on social media, such as the one observed in the protagonist's friend, I won't give away spoilers haha. I simply played for 2 hours as soon as I had access to the demo, and I hope to be able to play the full game soon.


I'm pretty boring when it comes to games, but games like The Survivalists and Stardew Valley really enchant me, I spend hours and hours playing them. That's why the game that kept me playing the demo for a long time was TinkerLands!

The game has a bit of everything I like: it has a good terrain for exploration and allows for various interactions with objects, monsters and NPCs...

In addition, the construction system is very pleasant, it's not that complex, but it still allows you to create a lot of things, from battle equipment to various base construction options, I spend hours having fun with this part!

Now for the BEST part! The game has co-op mode (I play with my boyfriend hehe) and it's much better, we help each other build the base, he helps me in the boss battles and the exploration is much more fun (and a bit safer too)

The battles are nothing to write home about, but they're well done, an added bonus to the game, where the main objective is to survive and create things!

Anyway, I highly recommend it, the game is light, fun and has its own charm, whether because of its colorful artwork, its inspiration from incredible games or even the way it is well polished and has a very well-done online co-op connection!

JHenckes's avatar

Stardew Valley ❤️. This looks like a really good game, I'm going to try it out!

JHenckes's avatar

I've only tested 2 Steam Next Fest games... but 1 delighted me too much! MANDRAGORA

Mandragora is a 2.5D souls-like and metroidvania action RPG set in an extremely dark universe (which I love hahaha).

The game is extremely challenging, it reminds me a lot of Blasphemous, because of the dystopian and extremely dark and depressing universe!

One of the things I liked most about the game was its complexity and difficulty: the game is extremely punishing and has a giant talent tree and different gameplay styles, the demo looks amazing!

I don't even need to talk about the graphics... Even in the 2.5D style, the game is very beautiful, with very well-done particles and reflections, and the game's scenery is beautiful, even in a dark environment!

Finally, a detail that is often overlooked but was essential in keeping me hooked: the NPCs. The ones that appeared in the demo are very well done, with in-depth stories and are very involved in the story, providing a very good immersion!

On the negative side, I've only had a few bugs and a slight screen crash, which I think is totally plausible for a game that hasn't even been released yet, I'm looking forward to the final version!

Rating: 9.5


I don't really like this style of game, but it looks really nice

Sturmer's avatar

Commandos: Origins

When I saw this challenge, I thought picking the demo was going to be the hardest part. Turns out, it was quite simple. As soon as I opened the list, there it was - "Commandos: Origins" - sitting and waiting for me.

I installed the game and started playing the demo mission, and it turns out I had already played it, together with the team who created the game. You can find the details in the interview I took while we were playing. Sadly, the demo is quite short, about 15 minutes, but it’s just 10% of the whole mission I played earlier, and there are 14 missions like this.

Anyway, this game has a very special place in my heart as it was one of the titles I played originally in my teens. "Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines" was released in 1998, and Claymore Game Studios did a fantastic job of bringing the long-forgotten brand back to life. But don’t get confused – this is a completely new game, not a remake or an HD version.

For those who have never heard of it, "Commandos" is a stealth-oriented real-time tactics video game, played from a third-person isometric view. The storylines include original photos and real accounts of recon missions that happened during WWII. Sure, they’ve been adjusted and adapted, but they aren’t completely fictional. I really enjoyed the mission briefings and cutscenes (not in the demo, but they are part of the main storyline).

Heritage Carried Over and Preserved

As you start the game, you instantly recognise the original, if you’ve played it before – you get all the vibes. But now it’s wrapped in modern graphics with many details and game mechanics that we could only dream of 25 years ago. The UI is also adapted for modern gamers. It’s no longer embedded like it used to be, but I can't say it takes away from the immersive gameplay. It simply provides all the necessary tactical information to help you make decisions fast.

The Graphics

The visuals are really decent – the animations, the environments, your characters, and the special effects are all done well. As Thilo Gebhardt, the Art Director at Claymore Game Studios, explained, they consulted historic experts to capture all the small details of the equipment, clothes, and vehicles of the WWII period.

F5 and what could go wrong here?!

Sound Design

The sound features dramatic orchestral soundtracks to convey the war theme. Sound effects play a key role and can serve as important sources of information for the player – you can clearly hear the difference when a patrol moves from a grassy trail to a paved road. Sound is also part of the gameplay, as it affects how enemies raise the alarm or get distracted, so I think it’s quite polished.

Game Design

Unlike the original game, this one features difficulty settings to cater to modern gamers. The difficulty affects enemies' health and alertness levels. The "save at any moment" feature is also a very welcome addition. It allows you to save at key moments and try different approaches – a great tool for experimentation. And there’s no need for save-scumming since the game doesn’t offer random rolls like "Baldur’s Gate". You are the mastermind and can plan everything ahead, or fail and try a different approach. :)

Another great feature is how mission objectives adapt based on your actions. Sure, there are major goals you need to achieve, but the path to get there is quite flexible.

And of course, the game retains the original "Commandos" specialisations and distinct toolsets. I love how the game, at times, forces you to play with all of them instead of just soloing with a single character or playstyle.

Final Words

With a wide variety of missions, challenging character abilities, and a deep respect for the series' heritage, Claymore Game Studios have created a game that both honours and revitalises the Commandos franchise.

As someone who has spent countless hours playing the originals, I can confidently say that this game has fully preserved the spirit of "Commandos". From the first glimpses of gameplay, I had no doubts – this is the same "Commandos" I played in my youth, but with improved modern graphics and meticulously crafted details, from environments to character models. I can’t wait for the release – scheduled for 2024.

Retro Stu's avatar

When it comes to Next Fest I'm very much a kid in a sweet shop.

I grew up in an age where if I wanted to decide what I was going to play, it wasn't via a demo disc or a trailer video, it was by going to Toys "R" Us and looking at the 2 or possibly 3 tiny screenshots of a game on the back of a Sega Master System box OR going purely on the cover art. Those days are long gone with some devs giving us demos that showcase hours of content - for free. You can't ask for much more than that.

With the excitement of Next Fest there comes an inevitability of lower quality demos being rushed out just to make the deadline that come with an inherent amount of issues, owing mostly to poor or no optimisation.

However, there are many gems to be found. I downloaded 115 or so, I've worked my way through 50-60 of them, some good, some terrible, some just downright weird. Here's my top picks.

The Edge of Allegoria

If you yearn for the turn based Game Boy Pokemon games of yor then this could be for you. Loaded with cursing, silly humour, turn based battles and is very self admittedly - not for kids.

Graphically it's straight out of the DMG Game Boy years - think Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. Script wise - maybe not. Maybe if Pokemon games were written by Robot Chicken or something, sure. Plenty of colourful characters, quips and scenarios - including where the wife of an NPC tries to seduce you...

I can't say anymore other than this is a very refreshing take on a retro build and it's well worth your time.


From the makers of Dead Cells - which, that in itself was enough for me to get my attention. I adore Dead Cells and whilst this may not be a Dead Cells 2 - it's very evidently got it's roots in it.

A 1-3 player roguelike fills a hole that a lot of roguelike players have been calling out for - co-op. More and more are cropping up particularly with Wizards of Legend 2 and Rotwood, but here is a game that borrows from Dead Cells but looks and plays a bit more like Bastion and the boss fights like those from Death's Door. It's very colourful, some of the music is akin to Risk of Rain 2 in places and whilst the level designs may feel a bit unnecessarily sprawling, the game itself does move at a good pace with a multitude of weapons, buffs and upgrades at your disposal - combine that with playing with up to two friends and you've got yourself a very tantalising roguelike on your hands.

Mother's Sword

One thing that Next Fest probably gives us more of than anything are metroidvanias. It's understandable when it's a tried and tested game formula that just works - if done well.

For all the polished looking metroidvanias out there it's good to see a more stripped back art style that still manages to deliver in terms of a challenge.

Mother's Sword looks and feels a bit like a more stripped back Blasphemous - with the artstyle maybe more akin to things like Hyper Light Drifter. Don't let the simple pixel art fool you though - because what they've done in combat and enemy design is brilliant. The attacks feel weighty, you really have to learn how to parry, but that's made all the harder when every enemy type has different attack patterns/speeds. There's no cookie cutter applied to same attack patterns to different sprites, you're met with enemies with buster swords who whilst slow pack a punch, nimble rogues who make it near impossible to parry both their attacks as they hit you with the ol' one two.

Is this going to be one that gets talked about among the likes of Blasphemous, Hollow Knight et al? I doubt it - but that doesn't mean it's not potentially a very good game. The demo had me wanting more, it's challenging but rewarding in a way that Blasphemous and souls likes are. For once it feels like a metroidvania dev on Next Fest went for substance over style and kudos to them!


It's probably telling that when you've had a game on your wishlist for 2 years but haven't even played a demo of it yet that there's the chance to be disappointed. This demo did not disappoint.

Playing this it was like I had opened a new Mega Drive game and put it in the console for the first time as you're hit with a full on nostalgia kick to the face. It's obnoxious in every way, it's bright, it's flashy and it's loud. The game screens move around at pace like you're playing a Sonic the Hedgehog game on 2.5x speed at times. Maybe that's my eyes getting older and not keeping up the pace but damn, if this game didn't just take the template of 90s MTV/Nickelodeon platformer and knock it out the park.

We don't need remasters of old games to bring back nostalgia if people can make new games like this that give us the same feeling of playing this type of game 30 years ago.


I could do a bunch more to this list but I've got some plans to do extra demo coverage in the very near future. All I will say is, take a chance. Don't let the default filtering of Next Fest fool you into thinking those on the first page are the best just because they deem them most popular - dig a little deeper, try them, what's the worst that could happen? You play for 5 minutes and uninstall it - it happens! The flip side is you might just find your next favourite game...

Dydo's avatar



This game launches you to a simulation of the movie maker startup CEO career. It’s a classical window-based-tycoon, where all actions take place in pop-up windows requiring your decisions. Initially, you can choose to start in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 2010s (although the demo is limited to the 90s) and select either Hollywood or Chinawood. As is typical for this genre, you begin in a small room with just a computer and basic startup equipment, ready to release your first small movie in theaters.

You’ll manage the production process from start to finish, selecting the theme, genre, director, actors, and setting a budget for each production and post-production phase. You also oversee distribution, compete against rivals, handle finances, and align with audience preferences to make your company successful.

I enjoy this type of game, although I generally prefer more action-based games where I can watch my decisions unfold.


I found this one to be quite interesting. It’s an innovative way to think about videogames, making them more of a background experience rather than the primary focus. Your character is a companion while you go about other activities, existing in a small window without requiring constant attention.

Even so, you still need to build a house, furnish it, pick a job, and work on your skills to get promoted. The game develops at a slow pace, and every action takes its time. The audio effects are well-designed, letting you know when something needs attention without rushing you so you can choose when to act.

Your character doesn’t suffer if you’re not engaged - he simply goes on living. Occasionally, you can interact with him, but it’s perfectly fine if you don’t. This is perhaps the most “grindless” game I’ve ever encountered; if you do nothing, your character will still be there, living his own life. 


Being the one I like the most, this game immerses you in the early days of brewing knowledge and beer production. In the Middle Ages, beer served as both a nutritional staple and a safer option than water, and monks were among the first to brew it. You are placed in a monastery where you manage the brewing process, from crafting the recipe to ensuring quality.

The game has a visually appealing aesthetic, with beautifully detailed graphics that bring the characters and setting to life.The soundtrack is also an interesting point of the game, as it takes us back to the Middle Ages without going overboard. As for gameplay, it’s a simulator like the others on this list, but it offers a solid learning curve and is very catchy. You just go on and on crafting recipes, brewing, and selling your beer in nearby villages, building your reputation and improving and popularizing your brews. The game promises exciting new mechanics, so it’s one I’ll be following closely from now on.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

For the few games that I’ve played I get so disappointed, there are games that the basic design and gameplay doesn't even make sense and most of the time lacks some soul. but in the middle of all this there is a lot of gold and I choose 3 great games that are worth a look! 

I have been following the development of this Wondering cat, especially on the Developers social media. It has me intriguing because of the cute humor that it has and you can notice it while playing the demo. It has simple controls and objectives I wish I could have more things to do and go but in the few minutes that I played the demo I enjoy the clam gameplay and soundtrack and I thing when finishing it will be a really cozy and enjoyable game, reminding even a recent title, Little Kitty, Big City 

I’m a big fan of space games so I searched a lot, there were some interesting, some really bad. But one that called my attention was Beyond Astra but I’ve never been a fan of strategy games but I liked very much of the Beyond.frontiers, it is almost a love letter for the genre, good mechanics, simple to understand and very nostalgic, remembering a lot of the Freelancer. It is basically a space trading and mining game, something that space games lovers adore and a decent combat!

But what called almost my full attention was the Luma Island. The game looks like it makes it right in almost every aspect. The game is fun, cute, easy to get, so much to explore and discover, engaging story and characters and is beyond beautiful. Everything fits perfectly, every single rock and particle. I will definitely be buying this game when it gets released!

JHenckes's avatar

This is a wonderful game, great review!


I didn't know it, it made me want to buy it!


The demo I'm here to talk about is Delta Force, a perfect game for fans of the first-person tactical game series. With a proposal to bring tactical and realistic combat, a new version promises to capture the essence of special operations in a renewed graphical environment and updated mechanics. I had the opportunity to test the demo and i will share my opinions here.

Upon starting the game, I was greeted with a well-organized interface, maintaining a simple layout that helps not to overwhelm the player. The ambiance is immersive, with a tense soundtrack and ambient sound that conveys the feeling of being on an elite mission. Right away, the game is visually impressive, showing attention to detail in the scenery and weapon animations.

As far as gameplay goes, the Delta Force demo keeps the focus on tactical combat. Each mission requires attention to strategy and positioning, with the player needing to make quick decisions to survive. Combat is well executed, with weapons that have a good weight and a satisfactory response to fire. There's a wide variety of weapons and gadgets, and each seems designed for a specific play style, encouraging different approaches.

Delta Force graphics are stunning. The game adopts a more realistic and detailed visual style, with large, well-crafted landscapes. The lighting and particle effects are convincing and add an extra level of immersion. The hud is clean and intuitive, with no excessive information on the screen, which helps maintain a sense of realism during combat.

In my opinion, the difficulty is challenging, especially for new players who are unfamiliar with Delta Force tactical style. The learning curve is a bit high, and the demo doesn't offer many tutorials, so you have to learn in practice mode. This may turn off some casual gamers, but it should please fans of tactical and strategic combat games. Accessibility could be improved with more control and sensitivity configuration options.

For me, the negative points of the game are the rigidity of the characters movements and the lack of an initial tutorial, which may frustrate some players.

For those who are fans of tactical games and looking for an FPS with a focus on realism and strategy, Delta Force Demo is a great recommendation. It captures the spirit of special operations well, with challenging difficulty and an immersive visual experience. If you prefer fast-paced action games, this might not be the title for you, but if the idea of ​​tactical planning and intense first-person combat appeals to you, it's worth downloading the demo and checking it out or wait until the 5th for the full version.

LeoMo's avatar

-Strinova is an anime version of the game that mixes Valorant with CS in third person. This game is being developed for PC, Android and IOS. In this Strinova, as well as Valorant and Overwatch, players will have access to a set of characters each with their own unique abilities and weapons and all heroes can also change to a 2D form like a sheet of paper allowing them to dodge bullets and crawl through narrow passages.


-The game The Precinct is a 3D detective action game set in 1983 where gangs dominate the cities and your father is buried. And there you have to protect the city, distribute the truth and participate in exciting car chases through destructible environments, this game seems to have a GTA vibe with this overhead camera that is not exactly the same camera as GTA 2 or GTA 3, but it looks like it.

-Sandy is a vast open world PvP and PvE game where you explore the fallen planet of Sofi, where you must build gigantic machines to conquer a hostile environment full of mystical anomalies, monuments, and other players. In this demo, the main gameplay is developed around building machines and using them to explore the planet and fight other players. This demo also offers just a glimpse of what Sand will become, which according to the developers, the full game will be much more expansive. However, for this test, the goal is to ensure that the player versus player component works well before the developers continue to develop existing mechanics and also add new ones such as NPCs, interactive points of interest, new shares, and other things.

-The game Permafrost, a survival RPG game that will be released soon by Top Lits Production. During the week, players can play the Prelude to the events that occur in Permafrost, in which players learn to survive in the ice, being necessary to scavenge resources, hunt rare animals, and create essential tools. In this demo you will be able to experience all the main gameplay elements of the game including survival, hunting, crafting, building and exploration, you can survive as a lone wolf or join groups in the cooperative Multiplayer mode for up to four simultaneous players. It is a very promising game.

-Mohrta is a slow-paced FPS game with advanced exploration where you delve into unique and bizarre dimensions, fight against twisted creatures and defeat divine bosses. You have to face these boss areas in any order you choose and build and upgrade your Arsenal to suit the style of the game and discover a hidden truth behind the events of the game's story. It has a different art direction.

The ones I found most interesting were Permafrost and The Precinct, they are fun and very beautiful games, besides the idea of ​​the objective of the game being cool! :)

Block9's avatar

Delta Force – This tactical military extraction shooter has garnered a massive following, quickly landing on millions of wishlists. With intense, strategic co-op gameplay and sharp visuals, it's become a go-to for fans of the genre. The demo already hints at large-scale tactical battles and immersive team-based operations.

Supervive – If you're into chaotic, colorful action games, Supervive should be on your radar. With its comic book-inspired art style and over-the-top hero shooter mechanics, the game lets you play as quirky characters, like a fox wielding a flamethrower. It’s fast-paced and light-hearted, perfect for fans of team-based mayhem.

Popucom – This co-op game blends elements from Astro Bot and Splatoon, offering an upbeat arcade experience that’s easy to pick up and play. The bright, whimsical visuals make it stand out, and the focus on teamwork gives it a fun, casual vibe—ideal for playing with friends.

Permafrost – For those who love survival games, Permafrost offers a chilling challenge. Set in a desolate, frozen future, you and your team must navigate harsh weather and deadly environments. The game's atmospheric tension and cooperative mechanics make it one of the more unique survival experiences this Fest.

Luma Island – If relaxing farming simulators are more your style, Luma Island is the perfect escape. Think of it as a 3D version of Stardew Valley, with lush environments to explore, crops to grow, and secrets to uncover. The demo feels like a fresh take on the genre with its vibrant art and serene gameplay.

Rich's avatar

Hey Block, many thanks for this useful overview. I just wanted to ask how you wrote this submission, as this, along with a couple of your other recent submissions, shares a few similarities with the structure and format of generative AI. Are you perhaps using an AI translator?

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I was lucky enough to get to try out one of the entries for Steam Next fest at WASD Live 2024 early in the year under a creator pass.

30 birds, by RAM RAM games, Business Goose Studios and published by ARTE France, was one of the stand out games for me due to its unique art style, fun music choices and geometric map choices which really set it apart from the average 2d experience. I got immersed in to its gameplay so much, that I only stopped playing due to the fact that we had reached the end of the day and security were starting to get people to leave, I could have stayed there for hours!

Sadly, WASD Live may not be returning in the new year but I’ll be gutted if that’s the case, as it allows such an amazing platform for devs to showcase their indie games and drum up excitement, just like Steam Next Fest.

The House of Tesla, by Blue Brain Games, was also at this event and I was really wanting to try it, although we were never able to due to how long the queue always was for that game, which says a lot in itself about how good it must be 🙌 I’m still on a mission to get to try out this game because it’s so incredibly detailed and beautifully made, reminding me of the gameplay of later levels of It takes two and I already know it’s one that would be hard to put down once you’ve started.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Becrowned Next Fest Demo has all the trappings survival horror fans look for

Becrowned is an upcoming survival horror title heavily inspired by the Silent Hill series. The Next Fest featured demo keeps its overall plot close to the vest, but on the surface, you play a man who is exploring a decrepit mental health facility in which your father was institutionalized. However, the environment shifts unnaturally and there appears to be a malevolent force guiding you on your terrible tour of the premises.

In addition to clear Silent Hill inspirations in the inventory as well as even having a mechanic with radio static/locations to tune into ethereal messages, the pace is slow, tense, and surreal, adopting the type of progression logic Silent Hill is known for. For instance, in the demo you come across a door locked from the other side, then later find a projector which shows footage of the door opening. Upon backtracking, the door is now unlocked. A classic case of “nonsense which makes perfect sense” conventions you find in these psychological horror games.

These aren’t your lot when it comes to puzzles, however. You have your classic “find a key, to find a scalpel, to cut open a corpse, to acquire a lighter, to light a cigarette” item hunts (yes, an actual sequence in the demo). But, you also have the more interesting and engaging puzzles.

One such puzzle from the demo has you finding a book and a poem. Elsewhere there is a bookshelf with similarly bound tomes, all of which are well known works in horror, and the poem is your clue as to which order to place them on the shelf. The numbers on the books, once placed in order, provide you with the code to use later.

Combat is appropriately clunky as this is a throwback title and us survival horror fans love a “bad” combat system. This combined with limited resources balances the crucial feeling of underprepared, but never helpless.

There were a few camera issues as it is a dynamic/fixed system in keeping with vintage 90’s survival horror titles. I had a moment where a door was completely hidden behind a window frame, the window being the view I had on my character. Luckily, there are icons which pop up showing you whether you can interact with something and/or have an item to use with the object, so I eventually noticed it was a door and not just the desk I had already interacted with.

I played 20 horror, survival, and survival horror games showcased in Next Fest and this is the only one where I lost track of time while playing. It has the same love, attention, and clear homage to the 90’s classics that the recent indie title Hollow Body had. If you like neo-classical survival horror, give the Becrowned demo a try.

Retro Stu's avatar

I have, currently, 109 demos downloaded. I won't be streaming them all but I'm doing my best to try as many as possible. I'll report back soon!

Boomer's avatar

109 demos!? That's either commendable or concerning but I can't decide 😆

Just remember to eat, sleep, and stay hydrated!

Retro Stu's avatar

I ended up trying somewhere in the region of 50-60!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I flagged about a dozen to try lol. Being focused on horror made it a little easier to narrow down though haha


Steam Next Fest brought a variety of demos that have captured attention across genres. Here are some standout titles:

1. Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector – This is a follow-up to the beloved cyberpunk game Citizen Sleeper, taking players on a journey through space as a Sleeper trying to evade corporate and criminal powers. It blends TTRPG-inspired decision-making with a unique narrative, appealing to fans of story-driven and role-playing games.

2. Is This Game Trying to Kill Me? – An innovative blend of horror and puzzle elements, this game has players navigating a spooky cabin while solving challenges in a dual-reality format. It brings a mix of suspense and unique puzzles, offering a captivating experience for fans of games like Inscryption.

3. Windblown – Created by the team behind Dead Cells, this roguelike stands out with its 3D action and frenetic combat. Players control a punk-style character in a world of floating platforms, tackling enemies and dodging attacks with precision. It’s great for roguelike and hack-and-slash enthusiasts.

4. The Axis Unseen – A hunting game with a twist of horror and heavy metal vibes, The Axis Unseen allows players to track cryptids in a dark, mystical landscape. This game is designed with detailed attention to atmosphere and is ideal for those who enjoy immersive hunting or horror games.

5. Void Sols – This minimalist soulslike game puts players in control of a shape-based character that must fight through challenging levels, with a focus on dodging and counterattacking. The unique aesthetic and high difficulty make it perfect for those looking for a fresh take on the soulslike genre.

6. Delta Force – A tactical FPS with a classic feel, this game returns with updated mechanics and team-based chaos. Offering various modes, it caters to FPS fans who enjoy strategic warfare and intense multiplayer action.

These demos showcase the diversity of indie games, from storytelling and horror to action-packed roguelikes. Steam Next Fest has something for everyone, making it an exciting event for players to explore upcoming releases.

Ford James's avatar

Hi KPA1, bounty submissions made using generative AI without major human input or in a low-effort way are banned on Just About. Our platform exists to reward authentic human knowledge and the effort taken to produce it; as outlined in our AI content policy and community code of conduct, using AI in this way is considered anti-social conduct. Please refrain from this behaviour in future. Failing to do so will result in us restricting your access to the platform.

Slamscape's avatar

VOIN is a first person fast paced hack and slash with rpg elements with a retro graphics art style. It features many different weapon types from slow broadswords to very fast dual daggers. Each weapon type has a main skill and random modifiers, giving this game looter slasher vibes. You also have a dodge to avoid enemy attacks as well as a dash for moving around the map.

The demo itself is pretty barebones with only 2 maps but the combat already feels to be in a fun place. I was enjoying exploring the 2nd map and fighting random groups of enemies. This game has a lot of potential and one worth keeping an eye on.

Rich's avatar

Thanks everyone for a ton of super useful submissions to this bounty! Just want to acknowledge that many of you went above and beyond the effort requirements for the $5 reward tier - more, unfortunately, than we anticipated when earmarking prizes at that tier. We'll bear this in mind for the future 🙏


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