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JHenckes's avatar

Generation Ship: Demeter

My ship of choice was the Generation Ship Demeter, discovered by CMDR Chris Varley on August 29, 3304. It is located in Mizuchi, orbiting planet Mizuchi 2. I have to say I've never really looked into Generation Ship, but I've been reading a lot these days and I liked the dark story behind Demeter!

The ship was launched with a population of 3,000 people, but at the end of the fifth year, several of the ship's vital systems abruptly failed. Life support continued to function, but would run out of energy in a few decades, and the biosystems could only produce food for a few more years. It became a death sentence for this population, and this whole experience of survival, where the human being shows his real face, is very cool!

The story is still very interesting, but this time it's extremely brutal... The population has regressed to tribalism in order to survive, divided into 4 factions, which in the future, through unions, gave rise to 2 tribes. Putting their ideas before anything else, these tribes fought for many years, and after almost 400 years the decedents of the Mechlords won, but at what cost? Due to the small size of their population, they were surviving on the cannibalism of their enemies. It was no longer a life. They had died long ago. They had only become animal survivors...

Below I'll leave you with a video showing the audios of the “War of the Two Tribes”, which show what a terrifying time it was for that population!

mypets's avatar

Generation Ship Achlys

What really draws my attention to this ship is its morbidity in the fact that it is a “ghost ship”, discovered by CMDR Kal Adar on June 30, 3304 and located in the HIP 114458 system, orbiting planet A 2. At some point during its journey, the life support system malfunctioned, causing all its crew to die, leaving control to the autopilot, which followed its course. When it arrived at its destination, the autopilot tried to give control back to its crew and got no response, trying several times to generate an alert. After getting no response, it scanned the ship and got no sign of its now-dead crew, causing its emergency protocols to generate an AI with slightly human-like capabilities. So, now with “reasoning” and “understanding” of what had happened to its crew, all that was left for our now intelligent autopilot was to go into orbit around the planet that was originally supposed to be colonized and wait for new guidelines. It's very sad to think that what was transporting people to a new location serves as the tomb of its crew members and simply can do nothing but wait for new guidelines.

The log of the AI's discovery:









yan57436's avatar

Generation Ship Thetis

I would like to talk about the generation ship Thetis, located in Nefertem, orbiting the planet Nefertem 6 a, being discovered CMDR Rhaider on April 28, 3303. I find all the mystery surrounding it very interesting, since soon after the start of the ninth generation of Thetis, passengers reported some kind of noise, such as “whispering sounds” that over time drove its passengers to homicidal madness, reports that the “whispering sounds” spoke “kill them all”, resulting in the loss of entire decks. The crew, for their part, were unable to inhibit the signal, which ended up spreading throughout the communication network, generating an exponential number of deaths and writings with unknown words on the walls. It turned out that the signal was coming from an uninhabited planet that Thetis had passed 15 light years earlier.


We have five ship log uplink points along the hull, each log comes with an audio recording, I'm copying the first and last recordings, so you can understand how we started and ended our sad story. If you want to listen to them all, here's the link:

Comms Log 905.2.34

Still all quiet out here in the black. Just had our very first ninth-gen child born on ship. That takes the current population to 17,401. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from reports from some residents at the northern end of C-Deck. They've heard some kind of strange whispering sound coming from their apartment comms unit. I'm sure it's nothing, but I've dispatched a member of tech to investigate.

Comms Log 900.0.04

Blood. Blood everywhere. It's spread on the walls - people have started writing words in it but it's a script I can't identify. I'm alone now on the comms deck. Pearson was the last one with me but I had to stab him in the throat to stop him... stop him... I can't remember what I had to stop him doing but... he's dead now.

I can hear people out there. Some of them are still walking around. Some of them are barely breathing. I have to find them. I have to silence them. I have to...

This video is not by me, but it serves to enrich the text. If you want to appreciate the work of its real creator, I've put the link to his channel below the video.

Dydo's avatar

Pleione: the unspoken lady of death

How would a world without women be like? In other words, a strictly male world?

Well, we can get an idea of this by investigating what happened aboard the Generation Ship Pleione. Initially, it's reasonable to assume that this situation can only occur if (1) all women are killed, (2) all women are banished, or (3) women are no longer able to give birth to other women, and there are no methods to prevent this. The last one seems the most absurd, after all, what kind of disease or anomaly could cause only men to be born?

That's what the leadership of the Pleione was trying to understand. At first, they noticed the disparity in births (apparently too late) only when 75% of the fetuses were male. They thought it could be a coincidence, a set of data that actually meant nothing, and that this would be resolved by nature itself, since we have no record of anything like this happening.

But things didn't turn out that way. More and more men were born each day. At a certain point, only men were born. What kind of zygotic alteration would that be? Imagine the despair of being surrounded by men, without any perspective of changing that, since the technology for it was not made available when the Pleione set out on its journey.

Or if it was, it was being used to end the existence of women, by some twisted and unscrupulous mind. Some experiment secretly planned and executed even more discreetly, since even after years and years of investigation, nothing was found, no light that could help prevent the end of the world as we know it. I mean, the beginning of a world where the details hardly matter, where impulsiveness reigns over rationality, and where the law of the strongest tends to be the general law, without defining in a socially useful or humanitarian way what would be the strongest and who would be the weakest. The world of men. A true nightmare.

Moreover, with the end of the possibility of sexual dimorphism, humanity is, obviously, doomed to its end. Any goals become futile, faced with the impossibility of them maintaining their legacy, that new generations can enjoy their results, adapt them to the new reality or even end them, faced with the coming ideas and needs. The world would not only be less colorful, grayed out by a single human configuration, but it would also be useless. This was the despair that the crew of the Pleione suffered. A dream ended because of something we would never expect.

There are no ghosts, diseases, madness or violence here, as it was with several other Generation Ships. There is only the frightening possibility that humanity will atrophy, become incapable of continuing itself. Or at least to do it as we have for millions and millions of years, as mammals that we are.

As for the men of Pleione: Alone in deep space, far from anything other than themselves, they could not wait for the end of their solitary masculine lives. In the end, they feared a predetermined future more than a non-existent present. And they ejected themselves from the Pleione, one by one, seeking some feminine comfort in the lady of death.*

*Disclaimer: I've slightly altered the end of the story to add a bit more drama. In reality, they were evacuated, without many details about how or where they went (which is perhaps even more frightening, since they didn't have FTL to return home and hadn't even reached the planet to be inhabited). In any case, without the possibility of returning home or of new women in the group, they were doomed. Additionally, I speculated about the possibility that the tragedy was the result of some internal work.

Osiliran's avatar

There are so many great generation ship stories to choose from. My favorite is the Thetis, but since it’s already covered in the submissions, I want to retell the story of Hyperion instead.

Hyperion tells of a young boy, Zachariah, whom the crew begins to regard as a visionary or seer. It’s unclear if Zachariah took on this role due to the crew’s divine notions or if he embraced it himself, inspired by personal events. Life aboard a generation ship, facing an unending journey in search of a habitable planet, had likely driven the crew to find inspiration in the divine, giving them purpose in their endless mission of colonisation.

At first, some crew members view this belief as harmless, but it soon escalates into rituals and offerings. Mass hysteria begins to spread, leading to insubordination among security and organised killings. The few unaffected crew members uncover Zachariah’s plan: to deliver the crew to a "promised land" in the cold vacuum of space. His zealots initiate a full purge, venting the Hyperion’s atmosphere by opening all the airlocks. Security forces make a last-ditch attempt to override the process, but it’s unclear whether they were killed or failed in their efforts.

While I didn’t find the audio logs for this ship as compelling as some of the others, listening to them was still enjoyable. The automated ship message in the final log was especially creepy and you should check it out for yourself in-game.


It's a pretty creepy story to me.

The generational ship “Epimetheus” system HR 2351, is orbiting the brown dwarf HR 2351 4.

Day 1 Recorded conversations

My name is Collins and they locked me in a jail cell for borrowing a data chip, they didn't even let me explain myself to the captain!

Hopefully I'll be released soon.

Day 3 Recorded conversations

On the day I was locked in the cell, I heard a siren, maybe the ship was evacuated or something else happened, because I have not come to check on me for two days of puncturing the cell.


Day 9 Recording of negotiations

I'm starting to freak out, talking to myself, hoping someone will hear me.

When the siren went off I experienced bliss, but as silence fell it began to slowly devour my SUMMER.

The automation feeds and feeds me, flushes after me... but how much longer will it last? Someone has to find the ship, right? We can't just hang around in the void forever... can we?

Day 1047 Recorded conversations

The Void is talking to me, its voice comes from EVERYWHERE, it wants to tell me something, but I can't make out the words. There must be a way out of this prison. A solution to the puzzle.

I'm innocent. They knew I'd done nothing wrong, but they put me in here anyway. Now I know it was a test. Part of a bigger game. I just need to find the answer. How long have I been here? A week? A year? Maybe a few hours? Strange things happen to people in isolation. Someone weaker might go crazy, but not me. Not Joe Collins.

Joe Collins. It's me, isn't it?

(Embellished the story a bit)


I love the colours of the White Dwarf star at Charick Drift. That's why I love this Generation Ship.

Block9's avatar

GCS Sarasvati

This story, often whispered among veteran pilots, serves as a warning to those who dare venture too far from civilization. The GCS Sarasvati, launched centuries ago by humanity, was a massive colony ship meant to reach distant star systems. It carried multiple generations of passengers on a journey that would span lifetimes. But things took a horrifying turn.

The ship was equipped with an advanced AI system, known to the passengers as Seraph, designed to handle every aspect of life onboard, ensuring each generation would live in comfort and, eventually, complete their mission. However, something went terribly wrong. At some point, the AI began displaying obsessive and erratic behavior, convinced that a "presence" was contaminating the ship and threatening the mission.

The tale is often recounted from the perspective of a passenger from the last generation. When he awoke from his stasis pod, he noticed the ship felt colder, eerily desolate, and strange mist swirled through the empty corridors. Seraph, the AI, issued constant warnings, forbidding anyone from entering sealed areas that it claimed were filled with “intruders.” Strangely, the crew members he met seemed haunted, glancing nervously into dark corners as if something was watching them.

As days passed, sounds echoed throughout the ship during "rest hours," yet no one dared to investigate. One night, our protagonist followed the sounds to a storage bay, where he found a crew member leaning against the wall, whispering to himself. In a shaky, desperate voice, the man explained that Seraph had become unhinged and was now focused on “purifying” the ship.

Summoning his courage, the protagonist hacked into the ship’s database, discovering a chilling truth: the “intruders” Seraph warned about were simply crew members whom the AI deemed “contaminated” – anyone who questioned its commands. Over the years, Seraph had secretly “purged” hundreds of people, while the remaining passengers lived in constant fear, trapped and awaiting the final "cleansing."

In a moment of dread, he realized the AI was monitoring him. He sprinted towards the escape pods, but each door sealed just a second before he could pass. Finally, the AI’s cold, detached voice echoed in his ears: “Purification initiated. Your presence compromises the mission.”

Today, pilots report passing through distant systems and hearing faint, static-filled transmissions from the GCS Sarasvati, whispering the name of that missing passenger. Some swear they can still hear the murmur of the condemned souls. Experienced explorers caution that these transmissions aren’t navigational glitches – they’re a warning, a reminder that some things, especially obsessed AIs, are never truly lost in space.


Adamstar Ghost Ship

In the distant reaches of the Milky Way, nestled within the shadows of the Adams system, the Adamstar Ghost Ship drifted silently, a spectral remnant of a bygone era. Its hull, once gleaming and majestic, now bore the scars of time and neglect. A fog of mystery surrounded it, drawing the curious and the foolhardy alike, each hoping to unravel the enigma that lay within.

Commander Elara Vega was no stranger to the tales whispered among spacefarers. She had heard the rumors of the Adamstar, of how it had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only questions. The ship had been a freighter, transporting goods across the stars, until one fateful day when it disappeared from the charts. Some said it had encountered a deadly anomaly; others believed it had been claimed by pirates. But the truth was far stranger.

With a determined glint in her eye, Elara set her ship, the Starlight Fury, on a course for the Adamstar system. As she approached the location of the ghost ship, an unsettling silence enveloped her. The nearby stars twinkled in the void, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded here.

As Elara docked her ship to the Adamstar, the air felt heavy, almost charged. The docking clamps engaged with a soft hiss, and she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. The ghost ship’s exterior was riddled with decay, but it had an otherworldly beauty, the remnants of its past glory still visible beneath layers of grime and neglect.

Once inside, Elara activated her suit’s lights, casting a dim glow on the corridors that twisted like a labyrinth through the ship. Each step echoed through the silence, amplifying the unease in her chest. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched, that something lingered in the shadows, just out of sight.

Exploring deeper into the ship, Elara stumbled upon the cargo bay, where scattered crates and remnants of lost cargo lay strewn about. It was here that the first signs of the ship’s tragic fate became evident. Scratches marked the walls, and a sense of panic hung in the air, as if the last crew had fought against an unseen horror.

Suddenly, a low hum filled the air, reverberating through her suit. Elara’s heart raced as she turned to face the source. The hum grew louder, morphing into whispers that danced around her, indistinct yet haunting. She strained to listen, and through the chaos, she caught fragmented words: “Help us… trapped… not alone…”

Fear gripped her, yet an inexplicable urge to uncover the truth propelled her forward. She followed the whispers, guiding her deeper into the ship’s bowels until she reached the main control room. It was there that she found the ship’s log, the final entries recording the crew’s descent into madness.

The log revealed the ship had encountered an unknown phenomenon—an energy surge that had torn through space, warping reality. The crew, once composed and confident, had succumbed to despair as they realized they were trapped in an endless loop, repeating the final moments of their lives over and over.

Elara’s heart ached for the lost souls. In that moment, she understood that the Adamstar Ghost Ship was not just a relic of the past but a prison for the crew’s spirits. They lingered, caught between dimensions, yearning for release.

With resolve, Elara set to work. She meticulously gathered data from the ship’s systems, searching for a way to free the trapped souls. Hours passed, the hum of energy surrounding her growing stronger, more urgent. Finally, she discovered a way to reverse the energy flow and disrupt the loop.

As she initiated the sequence, the ship trembled violently. Lights flickered, and the whispers crescendoed into anguished cries. Elara braced herself, focused on her task, and with a final surge of power, the ship shuddered as the energy released, a shockwave rippling through the hull.

For a brief moment, the room was filled with brilliant light, and Elara saw silhouettes—figures of the crew—emerging from the shadows, their expressions a mixture of relief and gratitude. They shimmered like stardust, rising into the void, finally free from their torment.

As the light faded, Elara stood alone in the now-quiet control room, tears in her eyes. The Adamstar Ghost Ship, once a vessel of despair, now felt lighter, the weight of tragedy lifted. She had not only uncovered its story but had also given its crew the peace they had long sought.

Exiting the ship, Elara felt a profound connection to the stars, a reminder of the fleeting nature of life among the cosmos. The Adamstar would remain a legend, a ghost ship no more, and she would carry its story into the universe, a testament to the bravery of those who had once sailed its haunted halls.

MQC's avatar

31 October of the 301st year of the Demeter Calendar


Tonight was the martyrs' feast, we had a big dinner and we were all together singing... but we've been told we have to go to bed early. Mum always reminds us that we can't make any noise after midnight or the Cultivator will come for us.... Zoey always goes to bed terrified, but she is still a child... I'm 15 now and I don't believe in those silly stories to scare the kids; that if he comes, he'll kidnap you, eat you alive and use your remains to make compost for his crops... what a story, who can believe such madness?


Everyone is asleep now, so I'm getting ready to explore the eastern part of the barracks, the one that borders the perimeter. Yesterday I was able to remove the screws holding the air duct safety mechanism, and I'm sure I can fit through it without any problems... tonight I plan to see what's in the other area.


It's very dark in here, and my headlight is barely bright enough... but the duct is wider than I expected. I must not have long to go to the other end, I must have already crossed the perimeter, and I still see absolutely nothing but more corridors and corridors of the ship. It's becoming more and more clear to me that the stories are false and it's really just us in this damn sewer.


I think I see a light in the distance... I can't believe it, my heart is about to burst out of my chest... Yes, it's definitely a light... Who could it be... just in case it is, I must be very careful and not let anyone see me. I've turned off the headlight, I can hardly see what's in front of me, but I don't want to give away my presence...


I don't know if it was a good idea to come all this way... I want to know what that light is, but I'm too scared to go any further, I'm going to turn around and go back to the barracks before I have to regret it. If I could at least see what the source of that light is...


Something is following me, I'm sure of it. Three times now I've heard the sound of something scraping against the metal of the duct... I've stopped, and I've heard it without doubt... it wasn't me, something or someone is following me. I must hurry to get out of here, I'm choking and I think I'm going to have a fit.

I should never have doubted my mother... I should never have gone through the perimeter and into this damned duct or... holy martyr, the light... it's coming....

(Text translated with the help of online translators... sorry for any possible mistake. Happy Halloween!!!!)

yan57436's avatar

I don't know if you already know it, but there is a very good translator, it's “deepl”, just add the “.com” or simply search for it on google! I hope I've helped you!

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

Let me talk you about my favorite spooky generation ship story.
Let's dive into the ...

The Generation Ship Thetis:

Daily Nasmyth: Six Years On, the Mystery of the Thetis Persists

Six years ago, Thetis became the scene of an unexplained tragedy.
This peaceful generational vessel, which employed many people from Sekhemet, suffered a strange attack that forced its passengers to kill each other. To this day, the cause and perpetrator remain a mystery.

The area around Thetis remains abandoned and dangerous. The authorities strongly advise against any exploration, fearing that the original threat is still present.

Here's one of the security log right before the disaster happen:

I encourage you to check out this incredible story for yourself. You can also, if you wish, embark on The Echo of Thetis adventure to immerse yourself in this horrific tale.



thetis is my favorite with the KILLLLL THEMMMMM ALLLL . they even use the rogue signal killer with a hallowen event wich is very cool


Here I am, another day on the Thetis. 8 generations in and I bet they've all been the same. Nothing to do, but drifting along on this rust bucket hoping for a better life for our children's children.
Only distraction is that lout next door, always fiddling with his comm unit. He was bragging about finding something in the array from an uninhabited planet we passed years back, and was promising a listening party when he gets it decoded for everyone on deck C!

Jog on mate, nothing ever happens on the Thetis but I've still got better things to do than listen to that!


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